Taneisha, nobody completes anybody, that's not a real thing...

>Taneisha, nobody completes anybody, that's not a real thing. If you're lucky enough to find someone you can halfway tolerate, sink your nails in and don't let go, no matter what.
>"So, what, I should just settle?"
>Yes, thank you, exactly. Settle. Because otherwise you're just gonna get older, and harder, and more alone.

Is this the "love is just a chemical reaction Morty" of Bojack?

Attached: bojack.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

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I want to facefuck Mr. Peanutbutter

>Is this the "love is just a chemical reaction Morty" of Bojack?

Yes, in the sense that it's a bitter, cynical asshole pushing their jaded worldview.

I want to buttfuck Mr. Peanutbutter

Have all the Emmy's

I don't think so. Bojack is right in this case, he just said it harshly. There's no "perfect" spouse or partner out there that "completes" you, people will have their faults and shortcomings and if you keep rejecting people looking for that perfect someone then chances are you're going to grow old and alone.

Yes, however the difference is in the Rick and Morty context Rick said that so Morty would give up on bitches and focus on becoming his bitch, while Bojack is telling someone to settle with someone out of fear of loneliness.

Bojack is hot

you could also improve yourself, keep looking for someone you like and genuinely enjoy being around who treats you well and then treat them well.

only people who think theyre worthless and unloveable go to "find someone who will tolerate you while you're still pretty!!!"

thats as beta as it gets, and it just assumes that misery in a relationship is the norm or guaranteed

That's the point. Bojack has a very negative view on relationships and life in general


The difference between Bojack and rick is that while both are major assholes, Rick is treated like some sort of deity that Is always right and is applauded and olved by everyone no matter how awful are the things that he does.
Bojack is also a miserable asshole but he gets what he deserves every time for it, nobody applauds him, he is hardly right, and his character is flawed as fuck, he is a broken characters that suffers from his mistakes, he is miserable, lonely and his life despite all the luxury it is surrounded with is never embellished.
So yeah, those characters and their cartoons are like sun and moon

You can also improve while settling.

This seems to be a point of contention for others who believe that people have standards so high they wind up alone. If it wasn't said on Bojack, many would think it's based. There's that stereotype of women thinking they're too good for any man until they wind up old and lonely. It's a case of "my cynicism is better than yours" in a childish game where people are trying to sound smarter than one another by being contrarian.

>sad horse show has been on since 2014
>still no end in sight

Well I just discovered it so I really don't want it to end

Rick has genius and adventures, it’s only reason anyone tolerated him, Bojack’s just an actor, mediocre in practically everything,

bojack better than pick rick autistic poopoo

>someone you like and genuinely enjoy being around who treats you well and then treat them well
That's exactly the point Bojack is trying to get across. He just phrases it as "someone you can halfway tolerate" because that's how he talks. If you're looking for anything more than "someone you find attractive and like being around", you're setting yourself up for either disappointment or impossible standards.

Is this show good?


Underrated post.


No. Major difference here.
Rick just tells Morty to shut the fuck up and love isn't a real concept. #YOLO do what you want because life sucks and you're all a random assembly of atoms anyways, life's got no meaning.

Meanwhile Bojack is more like "There's no such thing as the special true love out there. There's people that will tolerate you. When you can find that person, LATCH ON, because if you miss it, it gets harder and harder to grab someone"

Their both older, cynical assholes. The difference is that Rick is a fedora-tipping faggot that frequents Reddit while Bojack is an overweight, overly depressed old manchild.

>Is this the "love is just a chemical reaction Morty" of Bojack?
Not really. It's just applying the logic of "perfect is the enemy of good enough" to love, not diminishing the value of love outright.

>#YOLO do what you want because life sucks and you're all a random assembly of atoms anyways, life's got no meaning.

I always hated this faggotery

It's the baseline of nihilism and postmodernism. It's not bad, but by itself it's mostly self destructive. Growing beyond it while recognizing it is how most people grow.

>Growing beyond it while recognizing it is how most people grow.

Most people don't realize that nihilism isn't a philosophy, it's just the state of a world without a God. Making a philosophy around nihilism is like making a philosophy around the Earth being round, it's pointless. With that said, because there is no God, no greater purpose to existence, those with sapience have to create their purpose. And yes, recognizing that is a sign of maturity, but it's a hard one to come by.

Attached: 500x_the_more_you_know.jpg (500x330, 68K)

Has anyone ever actually refuted the fact that love is just brainchemicals?

Seems to me like everyone who tries is a butthurt faggot

Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the very chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals.
Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

Relationships are one of the main things humans like to delude themselves about

Yes, we do. That doesn’t make it wrong.

No, it's more realistic because as a person you actually change over time no matter what so you have to settle with someone who changes with you or else it just becomes a grand ol fuck fart fest of you rejecting good and decent people because they don't go for your way of life or thinking.

>With that said, because there is no God, no greater purpose to existence, those with sapience have to create their purpose.
Rick and Morty touch on that though. The "we're all going to die, come watch TV with us" is a solution as is Rick's controlling his own destiny. Nihilism is, like the round Earth, the ultimate foundation.

I was gonna post this.

Doesn’t make it right either

How many people actually care that the Earth is round?

Only because most people think that misery = not perfection. People that have relationship goals other than "functional", are basically victims of FOMO, with standards that have nothing to do with functional relationship between two grown ups.

So you argue for the for the literal absence of all knowledge, and meaninglessness of human understanding,just so you can keep your waifu.

Everyone because we live on it and eventually wonder about the nature of our existence and what the planet actually is. Just because it's common knowledge doesn't make it less important.

What waifu?

whoever you love.
The idea that love being just a chemical reaction triggers people enough to argue that "if thats so then you cant trust your brain" is a huge jump just to protect how you feel about something.

Its basically a claim to absolute ignorance just so people can avoid bring bothered by the observable nature of emotions, and keep the ones they have the same.

How does it lose meaning by being a chemical reaction, nothing changed, just what you call it

>Enter thread since I love Bojack
>See comments about fucking the dog

I forgot that he existed and now you brought him back in my life again.
God dammit you all to hell

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if it's just a chemical reaction, then it's just another thing you can manipulate and control with the right set of pills, and nobody likes the implications of that

Here's a good video analysis of the two characters: youtube.com/watch?v=PsotfzGpby8

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I'm still confused how people would choose to watch 10 minute youtube commentary instead of both shows which are free and readily available

I did, but the video is really good at explaining the differences between the two and the different strands of Nihilism Rick and Bojack have.

So if love is a chemical reaction, what feelings aren’t ?

You are right, there is nothing wrong in accepting nihilism as a concept and fundament in life, as long as you are aware there is no phylosophycal depht in it and that are other perspectives that can make you achieve happiness and enlightment, as long as you dont engulf yourself in edgy “realism”.
Transcend nihilism is the best way to keep a good life while still not being (much of) an idiot.

All feelings are chemical reactions. You're nothing but a bunch of atoms, my dude.

So are we still fucking the dog or?..

Sure, why not.

And? What’s the problem with that

Means emotions aren't actual things and that true love isn't real.

No it doesn’t, it scientifically proves emotions are real, they’re just not in the way we thought they’d Be

Yeah each season is better than the last
You'll find Aaron Paul's character annoying though

Every feeling is just chemicals
If I punch you in the fucking face you getting angry is chemicals
Doesn't make it any less real

Rick is Harmon's self insert
Bojack is audiences' self insert, which creators did not intended, so they try to push Bojack as far as they could, according to the artbook. Yes, Bojack fucked a girl and killed Sarah Lynn because creators hated reddit "OMG le sad horse is so me xd" fanbase.

He's half right. People shape each other. You're not going to find someone who is like an opposite puzzle piece. What you'll find is someone who can grow with you into a mutually supportive unit.

This is not to say you have to settle. Just to say that if you chase the perfect person to complete you, you'll never put the time and effort into growing with another person until you become what completes the other.

Attached: Metaphor for love.jpg (866x1300, 378K)

Yes, he'll drop the nhilism by the end of the series and then die shortly after.

Yes it does

The problem is people building up their chemical impulses into more than what they are. Then wondering why they feel shitty.

When your show is about a bunch of miserable dysfunctional adults chances are people will identify with the protagonist, I don't see how they didn't foresee this happening.

they are functioning competent professoinal workers. how could they know /feels/?

>killed Sarah Lynn
>he happened to be in the area around her when she died of a drug overdose

if you can't feel the guilt and responsibility for the consequence, why do you watch the show? what is the conflict?

I enjoy the humor.

Don’t worry user, I don’t want to fuck Mr. Peanutbutter. I want to fuck officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface.