>dude i'm so glad bunch of faceless white men earned billions of dollars delivering saccharine movie that supposedly empowers women but actually does nothing but deliver empty messages followed by throwing them under the bus at the next better prospect of earning more money
Dude i'm so glad bunch of faceless white men earned billions of dollars delivering saccharine movie that supposedly...
Other urls found in this thread:
This movie was stinky
By 2030 we will be thinking as a species so enjoy crap while it is novel
where have I seen this picture? I know I have I just can't think of it.
I'm so happy that everything, FUCKING EVERYTHING has become an us versus them sort of thing. I'm also glad that people will support trash because its fueled on hate for the other guys, hate buying/supporting is sooooooooo cool guys.
No, haven't been there since the porn drought. Now where will I find the three minute video compilations of Lisa Ann facials, where I say?
>Incels in full damage control mode
What's the next movie that's gonna flop?
yeah i know that feel, but its really an online thing.
It's not an online thing. The concepts of research and critical thinking are in life support. Advertisement/propaganda techniques (they're the same shit) have vastly outstripped both the public's ability to think and their capacity to care enough to bother.
Stopping you there but
If jews are a race they are not white.
How bad(bad) does that captain suit smell
On an application, do you see Jewish next to Caucasian?
I like how you fuckers keep claiming it doesn’t empower women like you really give a shit. Cope harder, losers
Like they even know what normal women actually think of the movie
>get blown the fuck out in 1 thread and make another
How can incels even cope
Yea Forums always has the best butthurt. Be it shows you hatewatch, SJW stuff you see everywhere or your head canon being proved wrong, you never disappoint. Easily the most miserable board on Yea Forums, not even r9k can compete.
nah man what i mean is if you tell someone online that you, oh i dunno, don't like Capt. Marvel for example you get called an alt right incel or some shit. i guess because movie taste dictates your political leaning & if you'd bone or not. meanwhile if you tell that to your friend she'll be like "oh okay"or ask why if she's real curious. its like corporations wanna use outrage to fund shit and thats dumb, but it only works online because no reasonable person in real life will say your a sjw or a magafiend based on your opinions on a movie.
> pic unrelated.
Why people say captain marvel is feminist when a white male teached her how to fight
Because he could only win when she faught his way. Once she stopped listening to his mansplaining, she curb stomped him
its about a woman reaching her true potential by rejecting the lies and restrictions placed on her by the society that abused her
and this isn't detracted from by a shoehorned wlm romance nor rejecting her nature as a fighter to become something even more subservient
Welcome to Yea Forums. Just watch anime and your life will improve 100%.
Have sex
What even is empowering from this shit flick?
ew no
Why arechanners mad about this.You did it,your fucking manchildrens fights bled over the real world,everyone know act like a channer,the POTUS quotes memes,Putin embrace being memed as a badass.Internet became the real world, you just had to be careful about what you wished for, now deal with that monkey paw dilemma like a grown up or do like me and wait patiently for the pendulum to swing back so you can see all this shit being burned to the ground
Listen, I'm sorry your fat acceptance porn tumblr got shut down, I really am. But you can't stay here.
nigga what? you sound like a crazy right wing conspiracy theorist, people like trump because he said no fuck you.
I mean you can either
>stop getting entangled in massive corporate clusterfucks meant to take all of your money and have the stress slowly kill you.
>support smaller companies make actually good things regardless if they come from America or not (See all those good Japanese games while Bioware will be dead by 2020?)
Rupert Murdoch probably has the biggest stake in Disney right now, he owns the ebil faux news. Liberals are giving him money to prove the worth of some bad superhero movie. That is capitalism in action, why he and his family have billions of dollars.
Reminder that Carol is nothing without her powers apparently
Still mad you were wrong again/tv?
Captain Marvel was just a marketing fluke so the US Air Force can get free advertising
>dude I'm so fucking salty right now why didn't meme magic work and this movie made hundreds of millions of dollars and btfo of all the haters and right wingers whining about sjws this isn't what was suppose to happen we were supposed to make women and s o y c u c k s cry but now we're the ones being laugh at!!
imagine only thing mousejews had to do was shill the existence of vagina on a character to rile the dick-mutilated trannies, roasties, söy drinkers to watch the movie to "make the incels mad"
You gave them reason to brag by shitposting 24/7 about how the movie should've been a catastrophic failure
If you are excessively happy or unhappy about this you are equally meaningless and disgusting as a person. You have allowed capital to dictate your identity and manipulate you emotionally. You are defining yourself as a consumer that does not consume [x], and therefore better because you would rather consume [y], which degrades your identity to the state of a commodity to be mined for and by capital.
For the good of humanity, please report to the nearest cliff edge so that you can release your otherwise worthless biological components back into the sea as nutrients.
>Le goblin laugh gif
Expected nothing better from a Carolshill
The whole "lets review-bomb Disney/get our hands slapped by WB for fucking with their site" thing was pretty hilarious as well.
>people who don't spend their lives arguing for my chosen narrative about women in superhero movies on the internet are virgins
This must be the purest possible form of irony.
Your just jealous that you’ll never drink her PEE that is 50x better than GAMER GIRL PEE.
>Marvel only felt comfortable making a movie with a female lead when it was one wearing their company brand
WB owns Rotten Tomatoes.
It was certainly peculiar. Like, review bombing is nothing new, it's almost the norm these days in videogames and other company wars-friendly fields like capeshit, but usually the official reaction by the platforms being bombarded is simply to delete as many troll posts as they can. This CM accident instead was severe enough to push RT into completely retooling one of their users feedback systems, the only similar situation i can think of was Steam adding that extra "recent reviews" meter
Please advise
the funniest part was when they deleted a bunch of the reviews, and the score was still in the shitter
It's almost like they could only delete the obvious bots (both negative and positive) and couldn't delete all reviews on the base on being negative like shitposters say they did
Well at least we can agree the #AlitaChallenge was the most retarded shit to come out of this