Alright lads, what is the one cartoon, currently running or otherwise, that fills you up with violent rage and explain why
Alright lads, what is the one cartoon, currently running or otherwise...
All of them. This is Yea Forums
Yes, but which ones above the rest, and explain your reasoning for your specified hatred towards them
That one with the gay in it
I can't even get mad at this show anymore, It bores me to death, it bored my anger too
it just that bad
Duck tales. It just isn’t as good as everyone here sells it to be. And the voice acting is pretty trash. Even Don Cheadle is a mediocre Donald.
Anything pro fag or pro black
anything with a white male lead
The loud house
PPG 2016, they gave the middle finger to the OG girls (rumors) voices that could have made the reboot tolerable by 55%
Nothing. At this point anything I don't like can be avoided with ease. They take maybe 11 minutes out of my life at most before I watch something else (because cartoons with full runtimes are dead for some reason).
Only cartoon that has ever brought my blood to a boil red hot is Johnny Test. It's one thing to be an all-around awful cartoon, it's another to boot quality cartoons off the channel so you can have uncontested reign of the channel.
It was a scourge that made me lose faith in humanity and in cartoons ever recovering because of the simple fact it was allowed to happen. It consumed everything around it and replaced ALL my favorite cartoons with... noise. Nonstop, ear-splitting noise. Grating stock sound effects firing at the speed of a machine gun for entire episodes until they came to a close, only to be followed by 12 more episodes of that caliber in its place.
At least TTG has the decency to be occasionally amusing, at least it has enough respect for the audience to throw a few redpills at them every now and then. I've seen nothing like Johnny Test since, and frankly and Adventure Time were a godsend in comparison. Something that was a step in the right direction even if the paint was smeared. I got at least 3 good seasons out of them. Unfortunately it seems the only moments of brilliance in these shows were sanctioned by some higher power, since they lost their way pretty quickly.
I’m not at liberty to say.
But it’s from Disney Junior.
>Unfortunately it seems the only moments of brilliance in these shows were sanctioned by some higher power, since they lost their way pretty quickly.
A mixture between bad coordination and CN change of leadership. They were doing so well at the turn of the decade before for some reason decided to erase all their progress and growth to simply devolve into trying to capture a much younger target audience then CN is made for.
It's specifically that it's not running, should be running, and was drastically fucked by the network that infuriates me
Harvey Beaks deserved so much better. Greenblatt deserved so much better
I never cared for the show, but the whole ordeal was good in the sense that we got dirt from the inside from greenblatt on how fucked nick has been animation wise.
Unironically the original PPG. I liked the setting and antagonistic but I hated the protagonists. Cunts, the three of them. Mojo jojo did nothing wrong.
the show itself doesn't make me mad as much as the shitty fanbase who acts like it's the best show ever despite the fact all the potential it had was killed as soon as it became a townie show where Steven has the magical ability to turn every antagonist into a good guy with the help of sign alongs and tears.
Teen Titans Go I guess? It's too easy to explain why.
That or Thundercats Go-I mean Roar.
I'm still mad over samurai jack season 6
fuck Tartakovskij and fuck his low tier waifu
PPG 2016
Kramp Twins
>giving jack a bad end
I’m there with you friend
Nella the Princess Knight. It is pure SJWism for kids.
Isn’t that the same with every fanbase, they always think their show is the best despite evidence to the contrary
That new moomin series, why the fuck did they have to go and make shitty CGI version of it.
i still wanna fuckin kill tardy for that
Why is moomins such a big deal online? Is it a British thing?
MLP seasons 2-9 simply because nobody else is hating on them.
StarVs+Adventure Time too because they have a dedicated fanbase that loves sucking its cock and defending it.
So basically I hate things which are protected by shit eaters. I think it's the defense that gets me more determined to hate on it. It's the cartoons that aren't vulnerable, which aren't easy pickings. If you're gonna say something bad about it prepare to fight for it ... or at best prepare to get no replies.
PPG 2016. I've rarely ever seen a more soulless corporate cashgrab in my life.
Star vs is one I have felt an urge to hate more recently. It used to be so good but now fell into the same pitfalls which doomed adventure time except even worse.
Im from Finland, that series was close to my heart during my childhood along with the books and the comics.
While it doesnt really "ruin" anything its just sad to see something so loved made into what looks like a fan animation.
I get that, I’m not a europoor but the way you feel about this reboot is how I feel about Star Wars now.
Spacecats, although the rage has now faded to bitterness and dread.
Right now Star Vs., because I used to really like it
I gave up pretty early, what happend that caused the fan base to explode
Aside from the fanbase itself being rabid psychos sending death threats, cp and libel to each other or creators, the show itself imploded. Behind the scenes fuckery and impossible to meet schedules made the show a messy trainwreck. Character arcs were not just dropped they were bombed from orbit, relationships started within episodes of their eventual end. Clearly Samurai Jack was not enough gurren lagann ending tribute. A show about found family and teamwork made its cast a bunch of distant coworkers with a couple of genuine friends and the rest barely tolerating each other. Space Guts is revealed gay so they can kill his old bf and give him a post credits animal house post card marriage with a background character. The mechs already treated as barely secondary in the mech show became tertiary at best. The fat joke character got the most development while still being a fat joke. A hugely popular franchise revival became a laughing stock and bad memory.
>Clearly Samurai Jack was not enough gurren lagann ending tribute.
Fucking Christ, why the hell does everyone want to do an edgy bad end now? Fuck, I hate this trope so goddamn much. My life is already a bad end, why can’t I live out some moments of happiness through the media I consume, is that too much to ask? Whenever a show does this it almost feels like the anti life equation is being solved before my eyes.
You better not be shittalking Sophia the First.
He should have stayed in the future with Ashi and the friends he made to build a better world. At the very least, the Gods should have recreated Ashi for past Jack as thanks. Basically what I’m saying is undoing fucking EVERYTHING in the series and erasing guys like The Scotsman was a mistake
idk the writting and animation is so fucking bad in the reboot that i doubt the voices could help.
the duality of man
>*season 5
But yes it was awful
>fuck his low tier waifu
I'm so annoyed most people like that season and ignore all the contradicting BS and terrible writing and excuse it with muh cartoon violence, muh shipping, muh waifu and Genddy' muh vision.
>He should have stayed in the future with Ashi and the friends he made to build a better world. At the very least, the Gods should have recreated Ashi for past Jack as thanks. Basically what I’m saying is undoing fucking EVERYTHING in the series and erasing guys like The Scotsman was a mistake
Oh fuck off with your bullshit again, at least the fucking WITCH guy had the decency to shut up for a while every now and then
Fuck you, that guy is right. The ending was crap and jack shouldn’t have gotten the bad end he did.
I would've loved it if it flash-forwarded to the future and showed that all the other characters still existed, but in slightly different forms because the future was a peaceful place, and showing that the legend of Samurai Jack has continued to endure.
This isn't about any specific cartoon, but it pisses me off that the vast majority of popular cartoons are made by privileged LA whitoids. Diversity can be seen as a meme but I bet having people who actually had some struggle in their lives could give modern cartoon writing a little more dimension. I also don't like how white industry people seem to be making more brown characters by simply fill bucketing them a brown colour
Just my completely biased and unresearched two cents
Star VS used to be this for me, but recently I have stopped giving a fuck about it.
I allways hated it, from the very first season. I was sick of all the threads filled with delusional morons with shit taste sucking this shows dick.
And now everyone hates it. You’re 2 seasons too late.
Yeah, the ending felt like rushed crap (aside from the last scene on the cherry tree).
But regardless if you think that jack should have stayed and built a new world after killing aku (like they did in the comics and kinda teased in the guardian episode) or gone back to fulfill jack's whole life objective, this guy is so goddamn annoying.
EVERY FUCKING TIME someone mentions the words 'samurai jack' and 'ending' in the same sentence this faggot comes out with the same fucking 'BOO HOO JACK DELETED EVERYONE' post. Its like some retarded copypasta at this point.
>jack shouldn’t have gotten the bad end he did
The only 'bad' thing that happened to jack was ashi disappearing, he got all his friends, family and home back from absolute destruction from aku.
It should have ended either with that or with jack meeting the scotsman's ancestors
>This isn't about any specific cartoon, but it pisses me off that the vast majority of popular cartoons are made by privileged LA whitoids. Diversity can be seen as a meme but I bet having people who actually had some struggle in their lives could give modern cartoon writing a little more dimension. I also don't like how white industry people seem to be making more brown characters by simply fill bucketing them a brown colour
>Just my completely biased and unresearched two cents
It’s funny because I hate diversity and think it is largely a nonissue but I actually agree. Most of these SJWs are yuppie white girls from upper middle class background who only do this to be more popular with their slacktivism. Pretty sure most of the feminists hate black women as much as they hate men deep down.
TTG Songs make me want to hurt myself
>also don't like how white industry people seem to be making more brown characters by simply fill bucketing them a brown colour
This actually has been an issue in video games when it comes to diversity. People used to be using black characters as more than sterteotype enemy/banter sidekick and so they had more screentime. Graphics had progressed so hair was being rendered more realistically and black people started pointing out that you can't just slap white hair models onto black people and expect it to work. Shit's different, and people have started to compensate for that. Same with skin tone and lighting. Pale skin and dark skin require different lighting to look their best and it's an issue in video games where lighting is usually just the same for the entire game usually based on white reference materials.
inb4 "let people enjoy thigns"
I agree it is frustrating to see things you think are bad getting praise but thats this type of life i guess
I hate South Park. It’s a dumb lazy show relying on gross outs and dead baby jokes, and for thirty years retards have treated it like it’s thoughtful social commentary. It’s not, it’s utter shit.
I'll buy you a body pillow cover of your choice if you can go 24 hours without bitching about the sjw menace
Wouldn’t you froth in rage over how the character is sexualized on it is?
Yeah, motherfuckers, FIGHT ME
Cartoons are for children user.
I was going to reply with "Nothing, getting angry at cartoons is stupid," but you made me change my mind. The PPG reboot felt like an actual insult to everyone involved with the original. I feel so bad for Tartakovsky these days.
I've come to terms with hating TTG, but this shit right here...
Bojack Horseman.
>hurr everything sucks and everyone is an asshole, isn't that DEEP
Fuck off.
Reminded me of pic related
That would've been neat.
The whole season suffered from bad writing and was and incoherent with the previous seasons, e.g. Jack parents are younger than they should be, Aku spit makes one's pregnant instead of evil and powerful, etc.
Was a mistake
Hilda. I am a liberal gay and I'm for legal immigration and I think Trump is an idiot, but episode 1 was blatant topical anti trump propoganda that used a strawman argument about illegals. It just wasn't right to be in a kids show like that. It was so dishonest.
I'm sick and dying and in pain 24/7 I just wanted a comfy show about the joys of childhood and this trump stuff is beyond tiring. (Which is why I don't go to /pol/ so don't even start.)
Women just hate other women period
Yeah, I like trump but I hate all this injection of politics into everything now, especially cartoons. It’s just so depressing and only cements my hatred towards these people more when they continue to ruin more of the world where I can barely find happiness in anything anymore.
Like holy fuck I don’t want to talk about trump or Islam every five goddamn seconds
Ducktales 2017. The original already wasn't for me but the new one made promises it didn't keep and tries to rewrite ageless stories and characters that should be left as they were.
And for that reason, I hate it. I hate it with all my heart.
I had such a strong reaction of disgust for putting a 6 person polyamorous long term relationship on a kid's show that I just went from waning interest and dissapointment to anger and dropped the show.
Also I've come to realize how awful affluent white girls who think playing ukulele's makes them quirky are and I bet she tricked people into fucking her like Pearl fand she's into pedophilia and fusions as a fetish.
I just watch old anime and youtube now
I get social commentary can be a thing but no rich LA kid executes it in a non idealogical preachy way. And even when they do, I've seen and heard it all on the Internet so much. Not cartoons but Always Sunny's pilot episode made fun of both sides but it was so bad because it's so played .out.
>and I bet she tricked people into fucking her like Pearl
Stop, I can only get so erect
Tied between the Thundercats reboot and Teen Titans Go.
The Thundercats angers me for its wasted potential, it had such a great pilot and setup, then it’s all thrown out with new writers who proceed to shit on Lion-o as much as possible. I’ve never wished for an MC to just say fuck it and abandon his so called “friends” as much as I wanted him to do.
And as for TTG I hate it for the connection to the old series people liked. Like I can give it a pass for being for kids and some of its jokes were pretty funny, but I can’t help but see it as an insult to the previous show since it’s based on it, like if it was an original concept with different characters or something I wouldn’t mind.
You people are retarded. Fusions are just fusions. You're looking too far into ambiguously sexual dialogue that is only there for adult viewers to laugh at.
>I get social commentary can be a thing but no rich LA kid executes it in a non idealogical preachy way. And even when they do, I've seen and heard it all on the Internet so much.
Actual satire is dead because millennials are too stupid to have any nuance. They are also way too into politics so seeing everything turn into a soapbox really churns my stomach. I just want to watch cute cartoon characters being goofy, if I was making a cartoon I wouldn’t sour it by dropping red pills for the entire running time.
Why did I click jesus christ
All the Gems are aspects of Rebecca because she's a narrissistic ho so every that happens in SU says so much about her. Not all negative. Greg is when she realized she likes dick.
I want to fuck rebecca desu
Greg is a great guy so I like to think she’s a cute sex depressed jewess who’s just a classic hippie at heart
imagine her dressed as Anne frank
None because I'm not a manchild
None, I'm not a deep-end autist so I dont obsess over things I dont like and I just let them be.
I trusted Star vs. the Forces of Evil until Feb. 7th, 2017 and it's never failed to disappoint me since, even from a distance.
Ok, pieces of shit, it's time.
Very overrated, I accept the quality in S2's argument, but S1 & S3 are disgusting, same as the shitty OST "Eastern shit without modern sounds".
Spiritualism and energybending is pure shit.
Zuko & Sokka are the only good male characters. Katara & Toph are the only good female characters. I wish more character dev of Suki & On Li. Zhao & Lei (whatever that Ba Sing Se leader name is) are the only good villain characters. Azula is overrated, same as Aang. Friendship over Honor is a gay aspect. Katara's intervention in the final fight between siblings is the best example of how that is very pathetic.
You know all the shit.
Gay final (except for that epic suicide scene of Tarlok & Amon) from S1, the entire S2 ( except for Eska & Desna), S3 is my favorite IMO only for sharing anarquism as ideal (yeah, that's pretty gay), S4 is broken in the second half.
The entire Korra's team are wasted potencial. Lin is underrated, same as Tenzin. Pro Bending is shit. Put a fucking octagonal cage tournament, damn it. Tarlok is based, same as Varrik. Amon is good except for that plot twist near the finale. Unalaq is Dracula rip-off... so he's gay. Everybody in Zaheer's team is based. Kuvira, having that creepy foreshadowing in S3, is based in the first half of S4. Opal & Jinora are overrated. Leaving open a fucking spiritual portal forever is bad writing. The mecha shit is a fucking /m/ rip-off. Su Yin is bad writing too. The "character evolution" in Korra is non-existent. Asami's character arc is a fucking disgusting retcon in S2 onwards. Mako & Bolin are pathetic in S1 & S2, not reaching my likeness in S3 & S4.
You couldnt even do it for one post huh.
I didnt even read this, it's just so so sad that you wrote out this huge post in reply to yourself because nobody replied to your "FIGHT ME" post. Its publicly pathetic and borderline depressing. Nobody is taking the bait.
Johnny Test, I don't need to explain myself.
I feel the same way about those shitty Heidi, Wickie, Calimero and Maya 3D reboots, they're all so fucking boring and safe
Gravity Falls.
It's a perfectly average show hailed as this God's gift to animation with non-stop praise, people constantly comparing every show with a hint of mystery or adventure to it, and somehow made Alex Hirsch an A-list celebrity in his field hailed as a creative genius when it's really just "A pretty funny cartoon sometimes". And now Disney has been pushing all their future content to just be "the next Gravity Falls".
The only thing truly superb about the show is the background design. Those layouts are fucking gorgeous for a TV budget.
>That overanalysis
Tumblr may be dead, but you can still view the page, you know?
Steven Universe. I hate the way it looks, the storytelling is awful and the fanbase is worse. It literally could've had a 1 to 3 season run and gotten it's story through, but instead has been running for 5 seasons, with a considerably large amount of filler episodes from a show that a lot of the people I know online say is story based. Above all, I hate the show because it's fun to make faggots mad.
We fucking get it witchfag. Now fuck off.
Holy shit.
I'm the Yakuzafag, motherfucker loser.
Still whining, Avatarfag, you can't against elaborated & simple opinions.
>i'm the yakuzafag
>implying that's somehow better
>shit, contrarian opinions
It's not over analysis to say nobody replied and then you replied to yourself and that's sad. That's barebones surface level analysis.
>Above all, I hate the show because it's fun to make faggots mad
>He says this, just after using the 'muh fanbase' argument
The energy you newfags expend hating a pretty average show is frankly more hilarious from what I've seen. You spent DAYS harassing anons who watched SU (I was there) and spamming hate generals all over the catalog as well as on /pol/ and Yea Forums because it's 'fun to make faggots mad'
You were actually angry enough to risk a ban.
All you did was make the show more relevant than it ever needed to be and then got even more angry when that happened as well. I'm sorry but I frankly don't know what's sadder.
Not him but I love to hate on the show since I used to love it and still love it’s characters but feel upset and dissapinted at its direction and the state of things for SU.
>risk a ban
Oh noooooooooo, not a fucking ban. What will we ever do to get over such a tragedy?
Nigga c'mon. Have some self respect.
No, really I want to know what that was supposed to accomplish other than bolster the show and create some brony-tier wave of counterculture.
I love discussing it’s flaws, trash talk the crew, and exchange lewds of the gems honestly
>You were actually angry enough to risk a ban.
>He doesn't know how trivially easy it is to evade bans on Yea Forums
>Calls other people newfags
Any sóytoon with shitty animation, unoriginal character design, and uninteresting/unfunny writing pisses me off to some extent
So I'd say 90% of currently airing cartoons
Yeah, that's called being a fan.
Ban-evading is even more sad.
You can literally just flip airplane mode on and off on your phone and start posting again. It does not take effort.
>This desperate for a comeback
>On Yea Forums of all places where you can get banned for posting Lola Bunny
A legitimate underage. Good thing you don't know how to ban evade for when the mods find out.
That's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying it's kinda sad to expend the sheer effort regardless if you're banned or not. You must really like something deep down to associate with it that much, which is why it always amazed me that people do this with shows.
What y'all need to realize and come to terms with is the fact that svtfoe was NEVER 'good'. It's alright, I like it because starco moments are still cute but beyond that...
Beyond that there really isn't much in the show that you couldn't get out of any other Disney show. And I can testify that with admitting that I have a complete bias towards starco.
The show was always a little bit dumb, rough around the edges, anticlimactic, PROBLEMS WITH PACING, it had retarded dialogue, shit jokes, even shittier twists (am I really the only one who thought Marco's money and him being afraid of bathtubs was really really dumb? not because they weren't logical but because they were just so.... anticlimactic and ordinary), support characters who you KNOW won't come back, so you don't care for them at all...
I can fully admit that probably the only reason why svtfoe lasted 4 (four. heh) seasons is because of the relationship drama. And I guess that really IS what the whole show is about. I mean yes the magical plot and the Mewman Kingdom business and the monster politics are there, but honestly. It still feels like that part of the show is really just a sidestory.
Since they can't really write that part very strongly, and since focus has been gradually moving towards focusing on those elements, S3 had done somewhat poorly. This is the point where you'll argue that S3 was shit because of relationship drama. Fuck off. S2 had been literally NOTHING BUT relationship drama. ACTUALLY most of the series was relationship building and drama.
So yeah. I basically treat it like a C or D category horror movie. No it's not good. The cracks are showing. But you can still get a kick out of it if you want. And hey. Star and Marco are pretty cute together most of the time.
I fucking hate this show now because of its shipping drama overtaking the once enjoyable comedy I loved back in the day. I hope nefcy gets her buckteeth broken out by disgruntled fans
I fucking hate this depressing relationshit presence where everyone becomes awful and miserable. It’s just like giving cartoons contrarian bad ends for no good reason, what’s wrong with showing two characters in a relationship with them still on adventures and having fun with it instead of this will they won’t they bullshit. FUCK
Are you so fucking fat and lazy in life you can't even press a button on your fucking phone or unplug your modem for two seconds?
Does making my cock so angry it cries count? If so, then pic related...
Starbarians. When I was a wee lad/teen, I enjoyed watching dumb cartoons on newgrounds, and it's kinda neat finding out where the artists ended up working years later. Some left animation, some have done some pretty neat stuff. Old Harry Partridge is still working on the same garbage cartoon every five years, presumably because no respectable network will take his series.
Same with MLP FIM. Trolls getting trolled, and the cycle goes on and on.
Imagine her nine months pregnant and dressed as Anne Frank
>MLP seasons 2-9 simply because nobody else is hating on them.
Are you fucking high? You can't talk about MLP without people saying it went to shit after season 2, or that Twilight's ascension ruined the show, or that only the first season was worth something.
There is so much hate on the cartoon because of the apparent focus on Starlight Glimmer alone. And things have gotten so bad that the staff made an entire episode that shits on the irrational complainers.
Hell, just look at /mlp/, it's filled with nothing but jaded fucks.
This is just sad
You’re a bit sick
Can you fuck off or something? We had enough easily recognizable idiots without you.
Are you that guy ruining the Horrorverse thread?
So many people had a meltdown because of an art style, it was hilarious
There is literally nothing wrong with polyamory
What fetish is this exactly?
Yeah, and that art style represents the laziness and ineptitude of the current animation industry.
I'm too tired to be angry at this point, I'll complain about SU if the topic comes up and if I'm asked about my honest opinion, but I don't actively seek out the threads or the discussions anymore on any sort of cartoon nowadays, if I manage to somehow catch the link of a mega I'll download it but otherwise I can spend weeks or months without paying attention to any cartoon, it's become pointless to be angry, same with comics, I've gone from having a list of dozen comics on my pull list to have only a couple that I'll read if I see them storytimed in here.
Are you incapable or reading comprehension? I already know how changing your fucking IP works
Who the fuck actually cares? I’m not reading those essays.
If you dislike it do much, why did you give it all that free promotion?
user, if a couple paragraphs long is considered an essay in your book, consider you might legitimately have a legitimate learning disability.
Pedo or furry
>say nothing and let zoomers fuck over animationwithout ever speaking up
Yeah, not falling for that reverse psychology
You dont seem to really understand what he's saying.
>Knows how it works
>Still says dumb things like "YOU WOULD RISK A BAN?"
>Thinks IP changing is "effort"
Do you wheeze when you fucking breath because it's just so exhausting for you?
You're only hurting yourselves with all the calarts padory art, memes and talk. Thanks to all the outrage everyone heard about Thundercats Roar, instead of letting a probably shitty show with no hype fall into obscurity.
>passively never utter an opinion against the homogenization of cartoons
You’d like that wouldn’t you
>can only think in extremes
Literally 5-year-old-tier
Yeah you really do not get it huh. You're not righteously protesting, you're an active contributor to what you're complaining about. Remember when people shit on Captain Marvel before it came out, and now only positive reviews remain because the negative reviews were removed? The "righteous rebels" only increased the movies popularity. So do you see what he means by "should have just let a hype-less show die off" now? People only know about TCG because of people like you spreading it around.
DC Super Hero Totally NOT MLP Girls.
I hate Faust because she IS a one trick pony and I'm tired of this shitty show being spammed. We got like 5-6 threads about this shit every single day.
That's not what I meant by effort, now you're just being an illiterate faggot. Scroll up and read.
Captain marvel isn’t even popular, you are trying to silence dissenting opinions through your own underhanded tactics that are as translucent as glass. Go fuck yourselves.
Holy shit you're triggered. It's new and the activity is very tame compared to things like Korra, Samurai Jack, Steven Universe etc
>Stop telling me to ignore bait: the post
I'm telling you you're making it worse for yourself, and past events prove me to be correct. Continue to make your own life worse if you want to.
So? The show is posted NOT because it's good but because of the beta loser waifu faggot failures at life who think these ugly doodles are somehow hot. And then proceed to beg artists to make Off Model art of these stick figures so they can masturbate to it.
Rule of thumb, you see too much waifu posting the show is automatically SHIT. And DC Hero Girls is not the only show that's posted for these same reasons. So sick of shows only posted because MUH RETARDED DICK.
No, because if no one says anything then these things continue to get worse without any opposition, which of course is what you really want after all
Can't be true. Shows that have only waifu appeal only get dead threads on this board. This isn't Yea Forums.
Looking to past events shows you are objectively incorrect. Things have continued on without slowing despite all of your virulence against them. In fact, your supposed rebellion as accelerated their success. This is hard fact, it has happened literally every single time without fail. How can you possibly not get this? Importantly screaming into the wind online does not stop a show, it helps it. You will have to figure some other avtually effective method out, or accept that you're buring the world and complaining that its hot.
What he means is if a show he doesnt like has a female character then it's a waifu show. There is no other criteria.
anyone who defends that trash is a shipperfag, the show has nothing going for it
The line has been blurred between genuine retardation and blatant trolling that I can not identify which one this post is.
Criticism has stopped bad decisions before, and at this point it is irrefutable that your agenda to silence it. We shouldn’t simply bend over and say nothing as atrocity like this take place.
You have the worst reading comprehension of anyone I've ever encountered.
>Lol you can't ban evade?
>Literally zero effort involve
f l o u n d e r i n g
I don't care about cartoons enough to actually get mad, but Voltron Legendary Defender was pretty disappointing all around and I feel let down by it.
Oh I understand you, enough to recognize your style of argument as a false flag tactic to shut down critics
I literally told you you should do something about it, just that what you're currently doing objectively isnt working. You keep trying to insist I'm saying to roll over and do nothing, but I'm telling you to do something effective and stop making it worse. You know every single time you say that an actress isnt hot enough to interest you, a feminist reads it and says to themselves "look, men clearly only see us as sex objects, so we must be right and we should continue doing what we're doing". You are making it worse.
I don't care it's still not right to put it in a kids show
It's not. All you see is a giant centipede abomination from hell and she says she's made of 6 gems and is willing to find more.
>I disagree with a subjective opinion but I posted a Simpson's screenshot and insulted him so I am intellectually superior
How do you live this non selfaware. I bet you can't even talk to people outside your computer because you can't post Simpson's screenshots when you get upset at someone.
It made me imagine my grandma fucking six centipedes
Can you just drop it before I vomit on my boner again
>You know every single time you say that an actress isnt hot enough to interest you, a feminist reads it and says to themselves "look, men clearly only see us as sex objects, so we must be right and we should continue doing what we're doing". You are making it worse.
Movie stars are supposed to be attractive so it’s on them for being so uptight about something that trivial
Feminism is so bad they can go as far as thinking all men are born sexist, and all PIV sex is rape
Or more relevant girls liking being sex, or hell simply feminine as proof all men are sexist and conditioned women. It doesn't matter if people complain or not. At least the horny neckbeards LIKE women.
Explain what you mean then. If ban evading takes zero effort and you know this, then why insist on saying, "LOL YOU WOULD GO THROUGH THE EFFORT OF EVEN RISKING A BAN?", probably one of the faggiest things you could say on fucking Yea Forums.
Not important. All I'm saying is it's happening and blithely shutting your eyes to it just so you can stay your course is only going to make it worse.
I dont care, nobody cares. The point is that your attempt at a counter movement only makes them think they're right to start their movement. You need to do something else, or you'll keep making more feminists. Every feminist that saw people making fun of Bries flat ass had their convictions renewed and you'd be fuckign stupid to dent that. It doesnt matter if they're right or wrong, what matters is you're making them think they're more and more right every fucking day.
>stop countering them and just give up
Yeah no, fuck you
Both of those posts mention the effort you put into shitposting, not the effort you put into ban evading. Reading comprehension.
>The energy you newfags expend hating a pretty average show
Still not giving up on that totally incorrect reading I already pointed out was wrong huh. You just want to make sure if there's even one person ITT who thought you could read you'd prove them wrong.
I'm trying to uncover why someone would devote years to associating with a show and fandom they despise on principal, without being a fan themself.
Ban-evading isn't even part of my central point but you fixated on it really hard for some reason.
>do something else
You are seriously hopeless.
>Reading comprehension.
>You were actually angry enough to risk a ban.
So considering you think shitposting is, not only done by a single person, but ALSO requires effort, I can safely guess just lifting a finger is the most exercise you get for the day.
Because it's the stupidest part of your fucking post. The idea that shitposting takes effort or that getting banned is a risk makes people who think like this look like bigger losers than the people you hate that start anti-SU threads/
Imagine willfully admitting that you're hyper focusing on the smallest off-topic detail because it's the only battle you think you can win and still thinking you're right. This is the equivalent of thinking you win because someone else made a typo.
I dunno man, I just spent the last 3 hours trying to teach you reading comprehension.
Craig of the creek. Something about the style really wigs me out.
Imagine thinking you're better than shitposters while spending half the day arguing with someone on Yea Forums. And then you wonder how shitposters can exist. Yikes.
Ignoring sentences in your own post because you consider them unimportant (Why would you type it then?) is not reading comprehension, it's you being a retard.
>6 person polyamorous long term relationship
Explain. I dropped SU in season 2 and haven't kept up with what's going on. Are the Crystal Gems all lovers now?
You still dont understand the argument if you think the posting alone is the subject.
>Why do you think it's one person. Why do you think shitposting is effort. Where do you think you are?
I don't even think you know what point you were trying to make.
No, he's just being autistic. Theres some underground gems on Homeworld that all have "defects". Ones a conjoined twin for example. One is a giant Caterpillar thing who is a bug fusion. You never see it unfuse, never even learn what gems make it up. Also that user is sucked into the whole "fusion = sex" incorrect bullshit and is making himself mad about what that means when it isnt even true.
Why do you keep thinking I'm the other user
Hey protip if you have to go out of your way to make people sound more rediculous hy misquoting them, it's an admission that you dont think they sound rediculous enough in their own words. Its shows your hand as a baitposter.
Maybe because you refuse to say, "Not that user" on a website where everyone but namefags have the name "anonymous".
Fucking newfag.
You're right, I should've just quoted you since what you added what embarrassing enough:
>You spent DAYS harassing anons who watched SU (I was there) and spamming hate generals all over the catalog as well as on /pol/ and Yea Forums because it's 'fun to make faggots mad'
>You were actually angry enough to risk a ban.
Guarantee I've been here longer than you pal
Apparently not enough to know that everyone is anonymous.
That wasnt me, and you self admitted to being one of those people so I dont see why you're denying it now. And hey if describing your actions sounds rediculous to you, maybe stop doing those actions. This entire thread was specifically made to do the thing you say you dont do, and yet here you are in this thread. You will not win with this attempt at denial.
>He STILL thinks shitposting is done by one person
>While also chiming in a conversation with three and rarely clarifying who he is
Holy shit, it's like you hopped right out of Reddit and decided to start posting.
I said it was a six person LTR not sex and Rebecca Sugar confirmed it. The fusions were always metaphorical but sex is a part of the metaphor sometimes because sex is part of human relationships.
It must be frustrating to keep trying that same strawman and have it not work so many times in a row.
>I-it's not working you guys!
>He says while he keeps responding to me
I think I'm getting your goat pretty effectively, to be honest.
Wtf are you supposed to do then? Shut up meanwhile people are drinking the koolaid anyways?
Something else. I'm not here to solve your problems for you, but what you're doing is worse than doing nothing since you're actively creating more opponents.
>anything past 2010
>anything calarts
>anything tryharding in pandering to whoever
You said polyamorous, which implies sex. Fluorite could just as easily be to showcase a family dynamic. Either way, it doesnt really matter because I think she has about 7 lines in the entire show. It's not worth getting mad over background characters.
i dont because its dumb and pointless
take your own advice and shut the fuck up then because I'm a different guy than the guy who replied to you so you just created another opponent of your shitty argument.
>MLP seasons 2-9 simply because nobody else is hating on them.
Vogelfag, is that you?
I know you're a different guy, I never assumed you were the same. I did assume that you had the same agenda though, given how defensive you were at my critique on the tactics. Dont act like you werent always in this stance as if I just now radicalized you or something.
Steven Universe. How dare a cartoon promote love, acceptance, equality and redemption. Fuck this SJW propaganda. If you think that women, gays, lesbians, trannies, non-binaries, blacks, Latinos, or anyone who isn't a straight white guy is a person worthy of love and respect, you deserve to be gassed to death. Am I right guys, Drumpf 2020, Tucker Carlson is my hero, Vic Mignogna did nothing wrong!
You guys were so caught up in fighting that you forgot to bully this pedo furry
Rebecca Sugar literally says you are wrong.
Your stupidly isn't helping me not be mad it's just making me want to take the goal post you moved and fuck your mother with it.
Dont be so salty that people didnt take your bait.
You could shit in my hand and I wouldnt even give it back to you, that's how little of a shit I give about content that isnt in the show itself.
No you radicalized me. I just became alt right because of you and there's nothing you can do about it because it means you were right. I just subbed to all the alt right subreddits and now i'm going to own the libs
Unironically this is my opinion now.
It's in the show...Rebecca wrote it there and admitted to writing it there.What yhe fuck.
I remember when I used to hate this show with a fiery passion. Every time I saw it airing on Cartoon Network I would just let out a huge sigh and change to something else like Nickelodeon. Don't get me wrong, I still think this show is horseshit, but I'm sort of numb to it now.
It's not.
>saying it went to shit after season 2
IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE AFTER SEASON 1. God damnit this is the shit I'm talking about, people.
Season 2 is so ingrained as "the good season" that there's absolutely zero chance I could ever find or sway 99% to hate on it.
I read the article and I'm going to have to agree with him. She explicitly said they represented a poly-amorous group. I guess that'll be the next thing.
How long until a cartoon love-triangle ends with the characters having a three-way?
I sm filled with a burning animated sjow related rage, because I blew my disposible income this month on comics and a table top rpg and forgot to buy Clone Wars season 1-5.
Steven Universe. Because everyone ignores the problems regardless of woke points. Pearl hates humanity. Amethyst is a glutton. Garnet was literally the stereotypical tall/angry/black woman.
The relationships between the diamonds and the regular gems were obviously slavery based. Rebecca Sugar even made a racist character at one point by "mistake" and the fanbase is simply cancer.
>first time watching
>intro makes me believe this is some fast-paced, exciting show about exploring magical dimensions
>actual show is just more fucking slice of life bullshit
It's fanservice bulllshit that she said in an interview because she's fucking terrible at answering questions about things she hasn't planned out.
Show me the episode where 6 gems are shown to be romantic with each other onscreen. You can't, because it was a paper thin orgy reference.
But nothing you listed is a problem
>It literally could've had a 1 to 3 season run
Everything up to the latest episode HAS been 3 seasons, user. Seasons 1-5 were greenlit as three seasons before CN decided to split the two following seasons in half. And like the other user said, you can't complain about the fanbase while also distancing yourself from faggots.
I didn’t post a Simpsons screenshot
>Garnet was literally the stereotypical tall/angry/black woman
I have watched a total of 3 episodes of SU but holy shit how are you this wrong?
I don't understand how can someone get angry at cartoons.
So this is some JK Rowling, post-release retcon nonsense?
Horse show, simply because it steals artists that may as well be drawing my waifu instead. Go to any porn site, every main horse has more porn than entire franchises, and god damn the quality of it compared to, well, any other non horse show fanart. It really grinds my gears.
>He should have stayed in the future with Ashi and the friends he made to build a better world.
This. The entire season 5 was running off a theme of "you are not a slave to your destiny, you can let go of the past and duty and still be a good person" and then they go and fuck all that up. I even would have been okay with Jack sacrificing himself to defeat Aku, and season 6 and onward being more like 1-4 with Ashi as the protag wandering the world and defeating evils
we bare bears
it's just to unfunny and 2/3 of it's main characters are annoying, charlie was the best part of the show
They're huge in Asia.
Yet Ruby and Sapphire got married recently and are clearly in a romantic relationship.
Cartoons I hated or just found cringe as a lad:
>Anything Hanna-Barbera before the 90s
>Tom & Jerry
>Rocket Power
>Time Squad
Cartoons I've despised as an adult:
>Johnny Test
>Total Drama
>Teen Titans Go
>We Bare Bears
>All the "le epic so random" shows (Breadwinners, Annoying Orange, Problem Solvers, etc.)
SAO although that's technically not what one would call a "cartoon", but it's a huge steaming pile of dogshit, I got duped into watching it by mouthbreathing retards and forced myself through 13 episodes of that crap before dropping it out of sheer disgust.
Beyond that, nuPPG, for shitting all over the original show. They made a fucking purple power puff girl, that color's already taken you faggots, it belongs to Bunny.
Aww, you poor racist. Gonna cry? Honestly, you’re pathetic.
>Letting a mediocre cartioon influence your feelings
You mean Jewish
This, based quads boi he cute
Is it bad? I thought itwas just a generic show
I mentioned the season 1 worhippers too, and both groups are equally stupid
>Adventure Time because ... have a dedicated fanbase that loves sucking its cock and defending it.
Did I fall into a portal to 2012 or something?
shera makes me mad
because they refuse to add his bulge
the "She-Ra is a boy" meme was the worst recent Yea Forums meme
Further proving anyone who posts a reaction image with a woman in it is a fucking awful user.
Because the early seasons proved that the show could be more and now it's just a bloated mess of tacked on characters and lazy, played out storylines that the early episodes literally woulkd poke fun at.
This reboot was not only a spit in the face of the 1998 PPG, but a spit in the face of the fans and anyone who worked on the 1998 show to make it as memorable and great as it was - especially Tartakovsky and McCracken.
For now and forever, whenever people talk about the PPG, they have to mention they either meant the great 1998 original, or the shitty 2016 reboot.
>Cartoons I hated or just found cringe as a lad
>Tom and Jerry
You are complete shit person, with shit fucking taste. Kill yourself, so you wouldn't waste anymore valuable oxygen
Not him but slapstick was never entertaining
This was written by a woman
I'm still mad that he never explained the fucking "Yet I do not age"
like nigger, why even bring it up at that point?
Because it explained away why he didnt age when so much time passed you fucking idiot. He'd have aged 20 years from the time his wife was born till she reached the time she met him.
That’s the joke
Star Vs. AND Steven Universe. Overrated and boring BS trying too hard to be like every anime you can think of that I'd rather watch anything else over, honestly.
I'm hoping everyday The Owl House & Amphibia can rise above Star Vs.' BS - just about any other show Disney has made as of late besides it is more fun (I miss Wander, GF, Penn Zero, for example of fun stuff.).
Also, I'd like to think anything AT & RS did is better than Steven Universe - hell, I have more fun watching Unikitty! and whatever else (Clarence, for another example.). Fuck whatever negative shite Yea Forums says about any of these shows I actually like, too.
RWBY and Dragon Prince would like a word
nothing really triggers me that much. although it's sad seeing the simpsons still on the air
>complaining about the few good parts of the season
>the "She-Ra is a boy" meme was the worst recent Yea Forums meme
i like the show but i have to admit that made me laugh
I was never angry about it but I hate its humor, but it isn't exclusive to TTG, its the same kind of obnoxious bullshit I mute commercials for. That's the best way to describe it. It's just so fucking obnoxious to me, the acting, the dialogue, which sucks because some of their episode ideas seem interesting at face value but then they squander it by being real fucking shitty.
I don't get angry at the cartoon I get angry that a human person did whatever it is I'm annoyed with, its about those people's mindset rather than the cartoon.
I thought it was alright at the beginning but somewhere around Losing Ice it just started getting on my nerves because the writing dropped hard and they had a bunch of fighting bickering jealousy episodes around that time and one about a dude keeping a girl trapped on an island because he wanted to fuck her and I think they left him there in the end. I can't remember all of it, I just remember it being bad.
>not a manchild
>on Yea Forums
pick one
>the "She-Ra is a boy" meme was the worst recent Yea Forums meme
There's far worse but they're all bad. I've started using the board less ever since the zoomer boomer thing popped up (which isn't a Yea Forums meme but it did make its way here immediately and is an example of shit humor on the board)
give me the sauce
I havn't gotten angry over cartoons in 25 years
shit taste
>>Time Squad
i liked most of those older cartoons but... yeah. it was just sort of dull from what i saw.
>>Johnny Test
yeah that was pretty bad.
>>We Bare Bears
seemed boring.
>>All the "le epic so random" shows (Breadwinners, Annoying Orange, Problem Solvers, etc.)
definitely loud and obnoxious.
disagree on the rest.
>bitching on Yea Forums
either way, they took too long, and the hate is no longer relevant.
>Not him but I love to hate on the show since I used to love it and still love it’s characters but feel upset and dissapinted at its direction and the state of things for SU.
i came to like it for the characters. but it is honestly kind of a mess of a show
What was wrong with Hamtaro? I barley remember it. I think I had a VHS of it once and I remember playing the distance game on CNs website as a kid, really young.
DreamWorks Dragons. The trilogy was all about a faggot getting laid. The show was intolerable to watch. The Deep really pisses me off as I don't want to watch a cartoon that hammers the lesson of protecting the environment until it sticks. What's the point if the show doesn't have a nemesis to combat the heroes ideals in the way that Khan combat Captain Kirk? The reason why these stupid cartoons are still on the air is because BBC is held hostage.
It spread all the way to twitter and other normie outlets
>The trilogy was all about a faggot getting laid.
This is mostly why I felt like it was coordinated, it happened way too fast, like that guy from PPG 2016 dating blossom. It felt like it was forced from the beginning as a big deal.
It gets by on pure, unfiltered, lowest common denominator waifufaggotry. Generic art direction, bad animation, terrible voice acting, lame music, and amateur Deviantart-esque writing. I literally do not understand why anyone watches this. Especially the weebs that are it's primary demographic. We live in the year 2019, there are literally hundreds of actual anime shows out there with cute girls you can watch that are more accessible than they've literally ever been with new content literally coming out every week... and yet those mouthbreathers choose to watch the faux-anime cringe bullshit that is RWBY.
Fucking baffling.
At least other terrible shows out there like Steven Universe are providing something unique, even if it's unbearable I can understand how it appeals to it's core audience. RWBY offers NOTHING that isn't being done better in other shows.
It must be, I have seen him talk about Yea Forums's opinion of the show.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse due to the awful animation, terrible plot and awful song and dance number.
>not realizing jews did this
>not realizing it's to make you angry and do something violent so you can be arrested or potentially kick off civil war
>and one about a dude keeping a girl trapped on an island because he wanted to fuck her and I think they left him there in the end
God, I caught that on TV once. Remember when Cartoon Network said it's OK if a girl does it?
This, I also hate the precedent it started of inoffensive SOL shows for CN
It’s accurate as fuck so it’s good in my book
>liking dyke ra
Consider suicide
I hated Tom and jerry as a kid and still don’t get it. I love violence but it wasn’t funny or gory, the characters seemed annoying too. Something about their faces pissed me off
>around that time and one about a dude keeping a girl trapped on an island because he wanted to fuck her and I think they left him there in the end.
I fucking hated that episode, it just screamed “fuck men” the entire time.
Did you retards actually watch that episode? Sadie was the one who hid the warp pad and kept it from Lars and Steven so she could fuck lars.
Not just that, but Ashi is crap too and huge part of the bad writing of that awful season.
>with Ashi as the protag
>Want the shoehorned hoe waifu to replace Jack
Absolute shit taste
The dragon prince
I fucking love dragons and the concept art/reveal poster got me hype. Then that fucking 4fps ass trailer happened. Then people actually god damn defended it despite only minor improvments in the real show
It looks like ass, the writing fucking sucks, the plot sucks, the dragons are evil but handwaved as good which is just lazy, the elves are trash and "ooooh dark magic is bad" bs.
Its just so standard fantasy story 101 while also being a massive dissapointment that still somehow has a huge fandom and defence force around it.
The fandom in particular is pretty awful and laps anything up because the elves are all fan bait.
The only good part of that show is the original reveal poster. Past that everyhing has been a letdown and just confirms to me that avatar was lightning in a bottle for the writing staff as none of them have gone on to make anything halfway decent since.
>MLP seasons 2-9 simply because nobody else is hating on them
>9 seasons
How the fuck is that still going on after I lost interest in that somewhere in season 4?
That's what I said, you literal brainlet. And the other user is talking about We Bare Bears.
The point is that Sadie doesn't get reprimanded. When the secret is revealed, she's the one hitting Lars. Lars falls off a cliff and almost gets killed. Sadie ends up the hero and gets praised.
Equestria Girls
>Faust makes MLP creative and interesting and fun to watch again, nothing amazing, but a decently entertaining cartoon for what it was
>...and then Hasbro execs shit all over that in the name of corporate greed, taking it and turning it into a generic "teenage girls in high school" movie/cartoon series
>every single generic, cliched high school story under the sun
>school dance, battle of the bands, competing in sports events with other schools, summer camp, etc.
>characters all reduced to stereotypes of themselves
>everything is based around high school for some reason (goddess-empresses of the land reduced to high school principals)
>"magic" makes no sense whatsoever, happens only for plot convenience
>pop songs, pop songs, more pop songs, literally every song sounds like it's from a Disney tween idol album
>tons of stupid internet memes and pop culture references everywhere, can't go 30 seconds without making reference to some real life joke/meme
>character design is fucking awful, everyone looks like a barbie doll with gargantuan legs, tiny torso, stick arms and then giant melon heads
>and they're all Doug colors so they don't have to skirt around the issue of assigning real life races to the characters
>except for ponies who were red, those get turned white
>....and the brownies eat it right up despite how horrible it is, just because it has their "waifus" in it
It's so infuriating. Such a fucking garbage low-effort cash-grab movie/cartoon series piggybacking off of the fame of the cartoon that it's based on. If EQG was its own new franchise with new characters, nobody would have given two shits about it and it would have died after the 1st/2nd movie.
It's still going, yes, but season 9 is the last season (thank fuck)
You didn't miss much, the show's quality has just been steadily decreasing ever since S5. You also missed horribly cringy shit like the 100th episode which was just 22 minutes of fandom memes and pop culture references, and they also made an entire episode about "wahh wahh stop criticizing our show, it's for little girls, at least they appreciate it!" with everything in the episode being a metaphor for something the fandom does/did, and the main characters being metaphor for the show staff getting annoyed at criticism from the fandom.
Blame Latin America, they ridiculously love high school shit for some reason
>tfw second day of no-fap
Have sex
No because I'm not a child and don't give attention to stuff I don't like.
Came to post this. You have great judgement, user.
You guys like this thread then?
Imagine seething over a purposeful comical reboot. The later seasons of the original had lots of really fucked up shit that would fit right in with the reboot.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Polyshit isn’t the next big movement, right? Fuck no. That’s peak degeneracy.
>How long until a cartoon love-triangle ends with the characters having a three-way?
>draw a woman
>give her a dick
>call her a boy
You fags are all just futa lovers in denial
Nah, I don't feel like it.
thankfully almost all people hate the concept of it and legalizing poly marriage is next to impossible
Futa's gay bro
Why the hate?
I like how the show is not even subtle about Lars and Sadie fucking on the island
Sadie also implies her and Lars usually fucked after playing vidya when Steven took control of Lars' body for a day.
because while monogomous relationships have a 50 percent success rate, a poly relationship can barely even be called a relationship. it’s a clusterfuck of friends with benefits.
>amateur Deviantart-esque writing. I literally do not understand why anyone watches this.
Because it's Deviantart.
You've never wanted to see Deviantart animated user?
Jokes on you, I don't watch a lotta TV or cartoons at the moment.
So? If it works for some people, why shit on them? And that's the beauty of fiction: you can just write a poly relationship that works, despite it not being likely in real life. Same way we can have good female characters because they aren't like real women.
And it's stupid to call every relationship that doesn't last until one partner dies a failure.
i never said they couldnt do that, but i of course can also personally find them disgusting for doing so. it’s not really a relationship at that point and it’s too complicated beyond belief for most people to accept. just like how demisexuality/pansexuality/other over complicated bullshit has been shunned.
go enjoy it i guess, whatever floats your boat
Honestly this, i don’t care as long as people aren’t fucking obnoxious about it
Most people aren’t, but some people point to that vox video and act like it’s actually the normal thing to do and that monogamy is a ‘social construct’.
I wish people could just live and let live
>a poly relationship can barely even be called a relationship
It's still a relationship, because it involves (both mono and poly) a deeper connection, an amorous attachment to others. The word "relationship" never meant to express exclusively to monogamy.
>we can have good female characters because they aren't like real women.
do you need to see someone, user?
"Polyamory" is code for "I'm a huge greedy slut with no self-control and commitment issues and you have to facilitate my bullshit because you just aren't enough for me"
Fascinating post. Surely, that really shows you have got your own experiences and citations on polyamory.
>not wanting a harem
You should watch The Beast with a Billion Backs and unclench your butthole. Such rudimentary understanding of the concept has been parodied long ago.
this, most of my requesters don''t speak engalish