What is the worst episode of zombie Simpsons?
What is the worst episode of zombie Simpsons?
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What is going on with the Simpson why is Lisa always the main plot point she’s a boring whiny unfunny Character that cry’s when she doesn’t get her way and now Bart is a feminist the fuck
Is Yea Forums triggered over pol stuff again?
Why does everyone think the newest episode is the worst one? Is it just because it's the only recent episode most people here have watched? It didn't seem any worse than the average Zombie Simpsons episode to me.
because simpsons is touching the delicate political matter with typical zombie simpsons attitude
>feminism is pointless but you still should be feminist because
It's astounding how toothless they can be about so controversial a subject. It would almost be better if they gave the show to the Koch brothers and Ben Shapiro. At least the commentary could get people talking.
>The patriarchy
Why do Liberals act like Conservatives are the conspiracy theorists when the entire feminist ideology demands on the belief of a world wide male conspiracy theory against women?
Yes, we will always be 'triggered' by people trying to make our lives worse. Taking away our 'privilege' doesn't exactly sound like something beneficial to us does it? It sounds like something that will make our lives objectively worse. Well that's what the left wants to do. We will always oppose that.
>Taking away our 'privilege' doesn't exactly sound like something beneficial to us does it? It sounds like something that will make our lives objectively worse. Well that's what the left wants to do. We will always oppose that.
The only reason you think your life will be made worse by the removal of unfair “privilege” is because you’ve been fooled into thinking you’re at the top of the heirarchy. You have more to gain than you have to lose from a more fair and equal society.
So you're saying liberals are going after the Jews next?
>You have more to gain than you have to lose from a more fair and equal society.
If only you people were genuinely interested in or capable of creating such a thing.
Just leave people alone. That's all the fairness government is capable of.
Oh yes, because taking away boobs from videogames will surely make life for women better.
That's a yes then, lmao
>bart is supposed to be a bad boy, to the point he consorts with the devil on multiple occasions and Homer's assessor at the mental asylum can't believe he actually exists
>is now socially aware
jesus christ
Then why does the left constantly talk about white privilege and male privilege and heterosexism and cissexism and not use all these cool buzzwords that fly off the tongue at the drop of a hat to condemn CEOs, banks, and the media? I think you are being played like a fiddle by people who have got you focused on culture wars at the expense of everything else. If you actually focused on economics and shut up about this other shit people might listen to you.
Conspiracy is a term people in power love to undermine the masses.
There have been real conspiracies throughout history but governments latched onto the term to indicate a false or hysterical belief.
Now if you make those kinds of accusations it can be labelled a conspiracy theory which automatically puts it in the same basket as bigfoot, Area 51 aliens and lizardmen.
But if you WANT the conspiracy to stick you just call it "collusion" which means the same thing.
While the far-right fears Jews are controlling society and orchestrating everything, the far-left believes white men are controlling society and orchestrating everything.
The truth is everything is chaotic, everyone is acting in their own self-interests and any real conspiracies are happening behind the scenes and not on the front page of national newspapers or social media.
I haven't seen that episode but if it's about social justice wouldn't a better use of time be on stupid and malicious government and police force? And most of the kids in Springfield really stupid and unaware?
As far as I'm aware nothing's dethroned the lady gaga episode in terms of sheer shittiness so far
>and not use all these cool buzzwords that fly off the tongue at the drop of a hat to condemn CEOs, banks, and the media
Because then you accuse them of being communists?
So you don't criticize the actual elite as much because you feel like you would somehow get more flak for it than you do for going after easy targets like whites, males, straights, cises, etc.? Nice. And you wonder why the working class despises you.
Because while some feminists use "patriarchy" to explain why men objectively control society, conservatives use "the liberal media/academia/campuses/Europe/everything" to explain why reality doesn't align with their talking points
>Objectively control society
What does this fucking mean? How does the "patriarchy" in any way exist? How is it keeping women down?
There is literally no evidence that it exists. In otherwords, it's reality that doesn't align with liberals beliefs.
You mean how every time socialism fails it's somehow Capitalisms fault?
Also the reason men control society is because when are too lazy to do it themselves.
she's a product of capitalism tho
Imagine thinking a group of trolls and faggots have so much power, that they inadvertantly control your very existence and lifestyle.
Socialism is something that only sounds like a good idea to someone who has lived the nice comfy life Capitalism has provided them.
They do. See Europe.
I'm a working class white straight cis male, and I wouldn't call myself an easy target. It's just that there's been a concerted, sustained effort for over 50 years to cast any suggestion that laisse faire capitalism might not be the greatest idea as anti-American blasphemy that it's kind of hard to get a foothold. And most of those CEOs, bankers, and media execs happen to also be white cis males
And you don't find it suspicious that SJW shit atarted being prominent right around the peak of Occupy Wall St?
>Lives in richest place on earth
>C-Capitalism isn't good because the media told me my amazing life isn't good!
>How does the "patriarchy" in any way exist?
its a sheer matter of fact that the vast majority of financial and political power in the world is wielded by men. the patriarchy isn't the name of a conspiracy its the name of a phenomenon.
how it keeps women down is a complex issue since its how the actions of hundreds of millions of people effect billions of people, so I'll just rattle off a few key note
>most people in a position of power are driven by self-interest. so don't give a shit about bad things effecting women if there's no chance it could also effect themself
>it leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy where such men only listen to and attribute success to other men, typically ones who remind them of themselves, and men looking to gain more power can exploit that by taking credit for the theories and works of women, which reinforces the false belief that women never contribute anything of merit to society beyond being mothers and wives
>much of our understanding of both medicine and psychology is heavily biased towards how things effect men. there are dozens of ailments that only effect women, that effect significant numbers of women, that neither the cause nor cure for are properly understood beyond a vague 'its probably a hormone thing' handwaving
>personality traits that are considered desirable in men such as ambition, blunt honesty, persuasiveness, taking charge etc are considered undesirable in women
>when it comes sexual misconduct towards women the burden is typically placed on the woman to not 'provoke' such misconduct first and the man to not engage in misconduct second, if at all.
>the reflexive reaction towards a woman complaining about any kind of misconduct towards her by a man is to insist she must be mistaken and it couldn't have possible been how it happened, and while 'innocent until proven guilty' is all very respectable, thats meant to go both ways. the accuser should be considered innocent of fraud until proven otherwise.
Muh apex male.
I didn't say patriarchy exists, but men are overwhelmingly overrepresented in leadership positions. I'm not speculating on why that is, but if this simple, well-known fact triggers you, then you're just an idiot with a persecution complex.
>You mean how every time socialism fails it's somehow Capitalisms fault?
Well, capitalist countries (most just the US and the UK) have a well-documented history of working to undermine socialist states in various ways, for no real reason. Of course, some of these countries tried to fight back, but I guess capitalism has proven to produce better saboteurs, ironically.
>completely ignore the European model of socialism
>muh Venezuela
South America as a whole is pretty fucked by CIA espionage. You understand that liberals, as a whole, just want their taxes to contribute to universal healthcare and access to higher education, right? How that's socialism but Medicaid isn't is a riddle for the ages.
Socialism for me, not for thee.
it had always been around. it got more mainstream media attention around then because pretty much all mainstream media outlets are enterprises of people financially threatened by such movements who decided to artificially exacerbate this 'sjw vs alt-right' culture war as a way to frame it as 'you can side with these crazies, or those crazies, or you can do the smart thing, pick neither side, and not upset the status quo'
in other words push a narrative that if you're dissatisfied at all with the status quo you're a batshit extremist. which made it drastically easier for them to keep doing the things that prompted movements like occupy wallstreet in the first place.
and this isn't a new tactic. they've been doing things like this to keep the masses too caught up in infighting to enact significant change since the 50's.
and now we're at the point where "I think Amazon should pay more that 0$ in taxes and that tax money should be spent on social services like public schools and healthcare rather than military spending, raises for politicians, and further tax breaks for the rich' is equated to being a wackjob that thinks the USSR was the best thing ever
The fact this is real proves that whatever god does exist doesn’t deserve anything but contempt and hatred for letting the world go this far gone
There is no patriarchy
Metoo is a witch-hunt against men and most of not all of the allegations are all fiction drummed up by lying whores
Feminism is a cancer
Not really, since it's literally existed for decades in different permutations. Occupy was never a threat to the powers-that-be, though, let's not kid ourselves. None of those people knew what they were doing.
The US use to be the richest place on Earth. Now it's a deteriorating oligopoly with bad credit. Capitalism, generally speaking, is the best we can come up with right now, but laisse faire capitalism is as much a failure communism. The key is smart regulations and taxation of those who have money. The 1950s, the golden age of American capitalism, had a 90% tax rate on the top income bracket and huge welfare and social programs.
B-but what about Weinstein and Whedon and Louis CK and all the other Hollywood liberal feminists who got fucked by metoo? Can we still demonize them?
Oh yes, the education system that’s backfired for decades needs more money throwin at it to encourage it and its fuck ups. Fucking brilliant.
Vultures turning on their own kind. And louis CK was making a fucking joke so of course you humorless prudes would go after anyone who doesn’t fit into your narrow oppressive safe space mentality of humor.
There is no patriarchy but Metoo was legit.
People have used power and authority to get sexual forever.
Priests do it, teachers do it and you better believe big shot producers do it.
That's not a systematic acceptance of it, that's just independent pieces of shit being pieces of shit.
Metoo was a farce and used by vindictive man hating scum to vent out their misandrist rage. Anyone involved with promoting the witch-hunt should be permanently blacklisted and left rotting and destitute in mediocrity.
>okay humans, you can remain my eternal children and leave everything to me, or you can become like me and make your own decisions about not just yourself but the world around.
>we wanna be like God, gimme that frooty-tooty
No amount of the zombie simpsons attempting modern politics and refering to DLUMPF will ever be as painful as the suicidal Bart baseball episode
Ironically, one of the BEST Simpsons episode is Softball related.
>”hey you better love me with all your heart while your starving and miserable and constantly want to die, oh and if you touch yourself or commit suicide your burning forever”
Yeah, god a prick
>boys are portrayed as insufferable for not wanting the change
>Lisa loves the change before she's even seen it, despite being the intelligent level headed one
>Bart thinks the new show is funny even though it's actually trash (why didn't they make the female show good?)
>Bart lets himself get bossed around by the girls because they do what he already does better
>Bart never betrays the girls
>Lisa casually insults Bart constantly and he doesn't even react
>a literal manspreading joke
>history books are bikini magazines for some reason
>Kirk and Luann have sex and make out
>girls almost destroy history
>are barely stopped
>still portrayed as the good guys, Lisa rides off with them
>Bart, being rejected, still sprays a non-ironic slogan for their cause
>post-credits scene where Bart says women don't envy men and they all cry
>funniest thing in the entire episode is an argument between Homer and Bart on Boba Fett that comes out of nowhere
what a mess
This has become very visible in France, where both right and left "extremists" (workers) unite under the yellow vest, while both right and left "moderates" (bourgeois) unite behind Macron.
And the "moderate" side is showing each day more their true color, hatred of democracy.
Exactly as it was during the thermidor years.
how come Yea Forums was fine joking about Weinstein casting couching actresses until it was confirmed he actually does it?
Europe isn't socialist it still is a market economy what you're thinking off is welfare states which isn't socialism only stupid Americans think that
God didnt say that, humans just claimed God said that
Not him but how can you say it doesn't exist
Historically men have had power cause society needed women to be busy popping out kids and were kept away from anything that distracted from that
And today we see the fallout of the systemic marginalization of women who now arent openly margenalized but insttutionally so
who or what is Macron? if youll pardon my ignorance
ol Macaroon is the President of France.
What's the best way to describe him? Well...Everything liberals say that Trump is, but on the left wing side.
Because it doesn’t, not now anyways. Women aren’t nearly oppressed in America like you want to act like they are. You come up with made up scrutinizations just to make an excuse to play the victim for more attention and thinking if you scream hard enough you’ll get special privlegdes, because that’s what you want and not true equality which you’ve had for decades.
>see Great Britain
Fixed that for you
Bart was never a feminist. He just used this golden opportunity to get to vandalize and prank as much as he wanted to.
Are you really saying that the mob that destroyed a street, raided shops, burned down small family-owned shops and a building intoxicating a child are the good guys?
I'm not French and don't really follow or like Macron, but we should stop thinking that whoever goes against the "power" is a good guy.
The Lady Gaga episode, I've not seen this one nor a lot of the new stuff.
worst one I can think of is the treehouse of horror where sideshow bob finally kills bart
the entire thing is him defiling bart's corpse in these grotesque ways and it really takes away from the joke of a genius being defeated by a dumb kid
>most people in a position of power are driven by self-interest. so don't give a shit about bad things effecting women
They don't give a shit about bad thing affecting non powerful people. Men or women. What is even the point of this?
>much of our understanding of both medicine and psychology is heavily biased towards how things effect men.
That isn't how medicine works. This is flat Earth tier bullshit.
>personality traits that are considered desirable in men such as ambition, blunt honesty, persuasiveness, taking charge etc are considered undesirable in women
And personality traits considered desirable in women are considered undesirable in men. Women and men are different.
>when it comes sexual misconduct towards women the burden is typically placed on the woman
>the reflexive reaction towards a woman complaining about any kind of misconduct towards her by a man is to insist she must be mistaken
This isn't true at all. Only the extremely rich, popular and powerful can pull that shit. The average guy will always be wrong in this scenery.
>conservatives use "the liberal media/academia/campuses/Europe/everything" to explain why
but are they wrong? Do you live in Europe right now? Don't you feel that dictatorial slip that is somehow praised as a good thing in all media and social network at the moment?
What's really frustrating about The Simpsons is that they could easily can all the hacks writing it now and pack the writer's room with amazing writers but they just don't. Think how many comedy writers working today were inspired by The Simpsons and how iconic it was during the childhoods of the current generation of new talent. Nobody's going to say no to an offer to be on the team for a total revitalization of a huge show like this.
The Simpsons can continue to be unfunny. It is fine with me as I haven't watched the damn show since the early y2k. I grew out of it, and eventually, everyone else will as well. The show is running on an assembly line of continued uncapped overpaid VAs.
>I've not really paid any attention to this, let alone done actual research, but here's my opinion about a thing that has nothing to do with me
social justice has been around alot longer than that
It didn’t get bad until 2013. This site supported occupy wall street years ago. Part of the reason /new/ got made was because moot wanted an OWS containment board.
I'll admit I haven't done deep research, but at the same time you haven't given us a single proof that the yellow vests are only made of small time owners and workers that fight against a supposed far right that's in power right now.
Instead here's proof that the yellow vests caused mayhem and destruction and robbed shops. You may not like Macron, but do you really believe this violent people, which one of their leaders openly encouraged armed revolution, are the right answer?
And, as a European, yes, what's happening if France is totally my business.
So the french grew a pair for once, what's the problem?
Still no evidence of what you said before...
This. I've never seen so much crying since women.
I haven't said anything before, that was my first post in this thread
>but Metoo was legit.
lol no. Having a mob of nobodys suddenly pretending their job is only bad because they dislike a male coworker is fucking fanatical bullshit.
Then you're okay with violence, calling for an armed revolution and robbery on the streets?
a pedophile who got elected as President of France despite being about 35 and having 18 months of political life beforehand in his life. But he also works for the Rotshild bank, so you don't need to think further how he got there.
He's a pro Europe puppet that literally left the country the minute he got elected, so he doesn't have to live with those French he hates so much.
the word, maybe. the current politics behind it... not so much.
>proposing higher taxes on the rich
I think they are way ahead of you user...
My country has both private and public health care. Consistently people abuse the free emergency rooms for minor injuries and over load the beds in the hospital.
>I read the news that are paid by macron to order people what to think of the yellow jacket, and that rewrote all their demands to meet the president agenda
>I'm totally fine guys even though I also admit several time to be ignorant, but macorn knows better, he's jupiter and a pedophile after all.
>They don't give a shit about bad thing affecting non powerful people. Men or women. What is even the point of this?
they give a shit about things that effect powerful men other than themself, because it could effect them one day.
>That isn't how medicine works. This is flat Earth tier bullshit.
Fibromyalgia, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, Chronic Lyme Disease, Chronic UIT, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Graves' Disease, Endometriosis,
>And personality traits considered desirable in women are considered undesirable in men.
which is misandry and not something in your best interests to defend for numerous reasons but the main one being single dad's. >Women and men are different. in some ways, not others, and are far from figuring out just where most of them fall regards to nature vs nurture but considering modern research into the role the cerebral cortex plays in the development of all habits, nature is looking to be more the lesser factor
>This isn't true at all. Only the extremely rich, popular and powerful can
you're not completely wrong, but its a matter of relativity. Bob from middle management can get away with less than Gregroy the Vice-President of the company, but a 'mere' vice-president of a small corp can still get away with much more than a shift supervisor in a big company. Part of the conflict of interest is 'but if we can just keep the sexual misconduct allegations from going public, Greg has been doing his job really well and been making loadse money'
in a broader, more systemic way of things, consider the Forbes 500. How many of thee Forbes 500 do you, personally, trust to refuse to spend money, less than 1% of their yearly disposable income, to make sure their friends & business partners dont go to jail because of sexual misconduct? and most-all of those people are extremely rich & powerful too so can protect their own friends & business partners.
>I read the news that are paid by macron to order people what to think of the yellow jacket, and that rewrote all their demands to meet the president agenda
How and why the hell would the French prime Minister pay a Canadian newspaper to tell lies? Also I'm Italian and my media told more or less the same things. Is Macron really paying all the news outlets in Europe and around the world?
Because if he really is that rich and powerful, why doesn't he just buy out all the yellow jacket leaders instead of letting an image-damaging protest happen?
And one can be for or against a what the yellow jackets demand, it doesn't change the fact that they burned down a building, stole, hurt people and one of their leaders called for an armed uprising.
Are you saying you're totally fine with this methodology?
>I'm totally fine guys even though I also admit several time to be ignorant, but macorn knows better, he's jupiter and a pedophile after all.
Jupiter? And he married his high school teacher, he sounds more like a MILF-lover than a pedophile.
And I've admitted to not having done deep research but, considering I'm the only one so far that linked a newspaper and listened to the news I guess you're the one that didn't do any kind of actual research, even if superficial, and just believed what already fit your worldview.
It seemed suicidal, like someone high up is intentionally trying to tank it.
I could never choose. I don't watch a lot of post season 10 Simpsons, but whenever I feel brave enough to I always think whatever episode I watched last is the worst.
I wouldn't be surprised actually if that were true.
>Capitalism, generally speaking, is the best we can come up with right now
Capitalism is intended to promote consumer welfare by pitting businesses against each other to gain the favor of shrewd consumers. Instead lobbying and the control of information (or poor education) has swayed capitalism to favor businesses, who instead of doing what's best for consumers, do what's best to keep them alive regardless of performance, and do juuuust a little bit better than the competition.
The patriarchy, the white man, the man, it's just different views of the same thing. The control of resources and information, the crux of human life.
True capitalism has never been attempted
Lol that's not why /new/ came into existence
For me zombie Simpsons started with The Principal and the Pauper in S9 so I'm gonna go with that.
>they give a shit about things that effect powerful men
They give a shit about things that effect powerful PEOPLE. In my country corrupt deputy men defend corrupt deputy women and vice versa. They also betray each other if that benefit them. It's no about gender. It's about class and power.
>Fibromyalgia, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, etc
What are you even trying to say? Some of these aren't real science.
>but the main one being single dad's
Being single dad' isn't a feminine trait just like being single mother isn't a male trait.
>nature vs nurture
Nature wins more of the time.
>and most-all of those people are extremely rich & powerful too so can protect their own friends & business partners.
Again, it's not about gender. Do you think a rich woman wouldn't defense a close friend or relative?
>they give a shit about things that effect powerful men other than themself, because it could effect them one day.
Oh please, powerful sociopaths only care about things that affect themselves, gender doesn't come into it. Trying to sell it as a 'patriarchy' because most of these dudes are male and they look out for 'male' (because they themselves are male and they look after themselves! PATRIARCHY) is a fucking joke.
>Fibromyalgia, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, Chronic Lyme Disease, Chronic UIT, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Graves' Disease, Endometriosis
As for your last point are you saying that companies spending money on earners to bury sexual misconduct charges is a bigger issue than the bigger moral and shady issues that go on everyday behind the veneer of 'business'? Because companies have always done this. This is not a sign of patriarchy. This is just companies being assholes. Sexual misconduct is a minor problem in a cesspit of greed. If they want to cover someone, because they are supremely productive, some sort of genius, connected to god, gave the president a blowjob, then they'll find an excuse to. Look at all the people who are in positions of power who justify bonuses to themselves and their cronies even if the company itself is only breaking even, losing money or because they know shit is about to go down and they'll be damned if they go down like the rest of the working sheep. If anything sexual misconduct is the one area where middle management will crack down because they just can't be bothered to deal with the outrage machine that is tumblr.
It was either /n/ or /new/ moot made to contain wall street activism
What's the time frame of Zombie Simpsons?
Cus quite frankly the episode where Bart goes suicidal over beung bullied by the entire town over losing a softball game pretty much takes this.
>>much of our understanding of both medicine and psychology is heavily biased towards how things effect men. there are dozens of ailments that only effect women, that effect significant numbers of women, that neither the cause nor cure for are properly understood beyond a vague 'its probably a hormone thing' handwaving
you are batshit insane. Literally in a deeper fever dream than a muslim with a bomb on his belt.
>How and why the hell would the French prime Minister pay a Canadian newspaper to tell lies?
Because Macron is the model they all want to achiever, a dictator with a completely submitted media that criminalize protest in all form, and glorify the use of military force against the elderly to "show what's next for the wrongthinkers".
Lisa becomes a feminist coder and invents a self aware AI
Lisa discovers the first computer was made by a woman
Lisa complains she isn’t center of attention and convinces Homer to ruin Bart and Nelson’s chances of winning the LoL championship
Lisa Goes Gaga
Who's they? The other states?
Then why are Italian (my country) politicians totally against Macron and yet our news show that the yellow vests have been violent?
According to your logic they should let the news tell "the truth" that Yellow vests are pacifists to show how Macron is bad, and yet that's not happening.
And it's interesting to note that you didn't say you're against violence.
>use military force against the elderly
Any proof on that?
Also, it's been proven yellow vests set fire, among other things, to a newspaper stand that was a middle aged man only source of income.
Who's violent against innocent citizens again?
because your news can only get what the French official publish. your journalists are not allowed to interview the yellow vest, they will go in Paris and look at antifa break a few cars then believe the officials that tells you it was a yellow vest coup.
Medicaid recipients generally include people who neither want nor could avoid their problems; "universal healthcare" and """free""" education are only desired by lazy, thieving, communist faggots who expect others to give them stuff just because they exist.
This is what annoys me.
If you go on /pol/, you see them talk the same points as the far left they constantly call triggered and snowflakes, and the left mirrors that, and neither side sees that. Meanwhile, being a centrist is pointless because you will never get anything done. Shit's fucked, yo.
Ex-yugo here, fuck communism.
>are not allowed to interview
That's a lie, they do that all the time
Here's proof
And if the yellow jackets have violent members of antifa inside them it's their problem, not Macron's and they should fix it.
Also finally you admitted yellow vests aren't formed only by well-behaved small business owners, that's a nice start.
You don't want to be the centrist who's wishy washy.
You want to be the THIRD party. The party that sides with neither side and becomes a threat to both sides. THAT's what will change things up.
The Yellow Vests are a strange phenomenon because it has Neo Nazis AND anti fascist united under a common banner.
for someone who claim to be italian you sure love to copy paste macronist garbage.
Yeah, but for that to work, the third party can only be centrist, which IS wishy-washy. It is out of the question before the race even starts.
That's true, but I don't really see their leaders trying to purge the more violent parts from their organization.
And, considering how violently they behaved recently, I think they deserve all the criticism possible so far.
The movement may have started with good intentions, but the current incarnation is a really dangerous thing.
Only if you think the third party is binary and NOT actually doing what the other two parties REFUSE to do for the people.
Considering what has happened (ie the cops shot first, even hitting unarmed civillians and even KILLING ONE who was trying to avoid the whole thing) I can't say I'm that surprised. Also, the complete media blackout aside from the Twitter feed is concerning.
Everyone hates macron there though
>be italian
>be blessed with 2 versions of the simpsons
>the one with italian dub, the one with the original one
>19+ years of terrible episodes and seasons
Is there even a show that suffered a worse fate than The Simpsons?
Source on that? And I'm pretty sure nobody died.
And I don't really get what you mean with media blackout.
You cant escape it, pol shit infested all my escapism media. pol didnt infect the board, it just bleed into everything people care about because shits breaking down and the two most extreme sides want you to pick a side.
I cant turn on my tv or read a fucking comic without woke shit being poured down my throat. And I cant go online without someone trying to jam a redpill down my throat.
Dear god slapstick needs to make a comeback and fucking fast. Infect that with your crap opinions! I fucking dare you!
There’s major riots going on in France, a major European country, and aside from minor reports on it near the beginning, pretty much every media outlet world wide is just ignoring it, hell im pretty sure youtube started to remove videos of a while too. The second Marconi started to give into their demands it suddenly just disappeared from most media outlets.
Che ti devo dire, se sei incapace di riconoscere la verità non è colpa mia.
Moderation is dead, gotta be extreme in everything anymore or your a fence sitter who’s some how worse than everyone combined because you want to actually think on the subject instead of just emotionally jumping on it
Sure it will. It means that the weird sexless virgins women always hated have fewer avenues to escape their awful existences and will make bullying and abusing them more effective and satisfying.
>You may not like Macron, but do you really believe this violent people, which one of their leaders openly encouraged armed revolution, are the right answer?
sounds like Colonial U.S. and Normal France to me
What kind of riots you're talking about? Because if it's the yellow vests riots they speak about that, or if it's something minor that's just the nature of international news sadly. There's basically a war in Yemen right now but we don't hear about it because other topics are monopolizing the discussion worldwide.
Not saying that's fair, but sometimes one must look harder to find the news.
It's the largest genuinely working-class movement in Europe since Solidarity and the european left is either on the other side or busy jilling itself over muslims and trannies.
What if they have a marxist revolution without any Marxists?
It's not a conspiracy, it's a state of affairs. There's a difference;. A conspiracy is a secret. It's openly accepted that the female castle can't do certain things, like take off the shirt.
Basically it's sort of like how rich people control everything, a series of situations favor men, which gives them what can be called a patrichy.
Colonial U.S. was fighting not to be ruled by a government whose politicians never put foot on the soil they were ruling. This people are rioting against a democratically elected government that already caved into their demands.
Also, the colonies DID pay less taxes than British people, they fought to have more priviledges, not because they were in someway oppressed.
Yes that’s what I mean, though honestly here in the us nuclear war could be going on and with out absolutely insane our media has become it would still have 3 hours dedicated to orange man bad.
We need another flood
The fact that macaroni just caves is part of the issue, I’m pretty sure a lot of people don’t even see him as legitimate anymore, or even in the first place with the way the limp writes fag acted
Ok got it.
Then I'm sorry for how hard is to find news about this in the US but I assure you the media over here covers everything about the yellow vests.
Maybe try looking at international news agencies or specifically European ones, like ANSA. I'm sure you'll find more!
lmao everyone check out this fat balding ginger guy who jacks off in front of women
I agree his reputation is soiled, probably forever, but I don't think that's a problem.
Yellow vests protested to not have more taxes for the working class and to show they thought Macron to be a bad president, and that's exactly what they got.
I think the protests should stop now, they got what they wanted and they're clearly giving a platform to speak to some very dangerous and antidemocratic forces.
This. Don’t know if it can get any worse.
You say cis. You already lost faggot. The word is NORMAL. Stop using faggot words made to make them feel like they arent outcasts
I'm only bothered by that cartoon women's history poster because they picked they made the weirdest choices.
The issue is it was probably a “give an inch and take a mile” situation, he caved like an actual retard and now they have the good will of the people for getting him to do it and proof that he’s a spineless whomp who’s not fit to run the country. Irregardless of the rightness of either side, the French government fucked up hard enough that they’re looking less and less legitimate by the day.
>Historically men have had power cause society needed women to be busy popping out kids and were kept away from anything that distracted from that
No historically men have been the ones to do the disgusting, emotionally damaging and sometimes morally dirty work that nature requires and that women have refused to do so of course they have the power.
I wonder. Will it ever occur to them that this will bite them in the ass someday and create something FAR worse?
>they have the good will of the people
That's not really true, statistic show that the general population doesn't like YV anymore, and less and less people. Are attending the manifestations.
But I agree that the government doesn't look good right now, but to be fair Macron's popularity started to go downhill pretty soon. I think this situation is just the apex of a longer distrust of the government
Honestly I love this image because it makes people mad in a way that makes its existence really funny
What statistics? From the French media?
People are more made about Lisa using the word "giffed" though.
This. Feminist stuff triggers Yea Forums in a way that's pretty hilarous. Only power level bullshit comes close
>yellow vest
>its green
What the
You're colorblind
I've heard there is a w40k reference in this episode.
Someone pls post
>Callback to "I'm a wiener"
>It's for "How do you do, my fellow females?"
>"Don't put me on the App Store, put me on the internet where no one can get me."
Simpsons, the fuck is this shit? I thought you got better about computers.
I, for one, am for armed uprising when the government deserves it. Also, the government brutes, the cops, really fucked up the peaceful protesters among them. I can understand their rage and how it fuels collateral damage. A few broken eggs and what-not.
>what's best to keep them alive regardless of performance
To be fair, this is the consumer's fault.
>being this delusional
Just because not everyone has the same family background as you and needs help to maintain a basic lifestyle does not mean they are lazy.
What's the difference between Neo Nazis and Antifa?
>An 80-year-old woman has died after being hit by a tear gas canister at her window during Saturday's fuel protests in the French city of Marseille.
It was an accident.
Same can be mirrored for women, does that mean there is a matriarchy?
>Working class
>Says shit like cis
Way to out yourself faggot. Go back to California.
>As a European
Spotted the German EU cuck.
It is. But it's partly because of poor education.
The poorly educated make terrible decisions. They make stupid comments like "one person can't affect anything." They choose the lesser of evils for small short-term gains instead of focusing on long-term solutions.
A system that was intended for consumer benefit would have institutions that value educating consumers. Instead they take advantage of information disparities for profit, and systematically maintain those disparities.
Listen you inbred fuck.
Women cannot take off their shirts because Breasts are a secondary sexual marker for men. Men get sexually aroused by nice tits, and sexually aroused men do not think better than non sexually aroused men.
What you want is a weird absolutist kind of equality which works for nobody, instead of looking for practical solutions to equality.
I find it funny one of the biggest and easiest solutions to solve all the worlds inequality problems would be making economics as important a subject in school as Maths or English.
If everyone had even the most basic levels of economic sense the world would be a much better place. I mean look at all the marxists, THAT is what you get when people don't know basic economics.
My boner has never led me wrong, but my brain's done it numerous times
penis 1 - brain 0
I don't think it's education's fault at all.
If you raise your child to not be sensible in this regard, it is totally on you as a parent. I am from Serbia, education here is shit. Absolute horse-shit. Parents have more influence than the educational system. Fuck that excuse. It is on the individual level, not under an umbrella of bullshit that you're spewing.
It will never be for the benefit of the consumer. Look at any system ever made, throughout history. If you believe this schlock, I think your parents raised you incorrectly. The only loyalty you should have is to your family, and those you can call loved-ones. Fuck the rest, abuse the system, lie, cheat and steal. Let everyone else burn as long as you and those you care for are safe and happy. You know why? Because it is absolutely naive that anyone out there, a complete stranger, has any respect for you and is looking for your "consumer benefits".
You know that inward mentality is why Serbia is an absolute shithole right?
There is nothing wrong with extending your sphere of legtitimate care beyond basic caveman instincts, the trick is for people to be taught how to do it without turning into zealots for stupid causes.
I have bad news for you
Serbia is an absolute shithole because the media is owned by the government. Serbia is a shithole due to its über alles mentality. It's an absolute shithole because the only culture and historical relevancy we have to hang on to is the partizans of old.
The save yourself mentality is what saved a few generations of my family and what you are talking about is what got generations of my family purged. Fuck your bullshit.
To be fair to him, floresent yellow is not a super yellow colour on the nature of it's reflective nature.
Not that guy but Serbia seems to suffer from that "crabs in a bucket" problem; you're hung up on hoisting your own family while tearing down others and when that's the standard, no one goes anywhere.
Not that guy but men have breasts too and they're sexy. Women and men find dad bods, moons included sexy. They find Chris Hemsworth sexy and he's often shirtless in his movies.
Basically yeah, That's what most Balkan states suffer from and it doesn't help anyone in reality.
A man's arousal is strong than a womans. It's a simple biological fact.
That's more in politics. In my city two political parties are basically committing crimes against each other to get the points from the locals, who don't give a shit anymore and are just looking out for themselves. It's a weird thing but people here are disconnected from politics.
So, the opportunity to even work together under a banner is impossible. Especially, since there is no trust whatsoever. That's why we're working on this non-political tribal mentality. Friends and family look out for each other. Small cities like the one I am in it works perfectly. It doesn't work on a governmental level, but it is the best we can do it. It's our own "capitalism is the only working system".
You're making the case for burqas.
Maybe if you were an absolutionist that doesn't understand gradients like a Muslim or a marxist, yes.
Where is breast feeding on that gradient and why do women have to fight for the legal right to breast feed? Is that tied to some sort of societal standard that had women marching for rights to vote and own property?
In the "don't bring your kids to the office" gradient. This apply to both men and women.
But that isnt good capitalism
We would have Google and Amazon owning a third of our industries
I mean it's pretty green, about midway between the greens and yellows.
It "pops" more than a warm yellow, that's why it works for safety equipment.
There's a difference.
I was repeating what that other poster said, idiot
The patriarchy was accepted in a "man of the house" "a woman's place" and "it's a man's world" sort of way and the idea that male was so standard, "all men were created equal" mean all people (or, if you want to prove the patriarchy is more real, the standard that males (white males) are on a level of equality among each other that has them the only ones voting, ruling, and owning property). That's not to say it's a constant global conspiracy, just a recognition of traditional hierarchies.
That one and the Lady Gaga one.
Because their pathetic insecurity over how fragile they are, push them to believe that its a giant fucking conspiracy that by definition cannot exists.
That could be dangerous. Without an outlet to discharge their sexual drives and overall tetosterone, men become very violent.
Castrate all men then
>The patriarchy was accepted in a "man of the house" "a woman's place" and "it's a man's world" sort of way and the idea that male was so standard, "all men were created equal" mean all people (or, if you want to prove the patriarchy is more real, the standard that males (white males) are on a level of equality among each other that has them the only ones voting, ruling, and owning property). That's not to say it's a constant global conspiracy, just a recognition of traditional hierarchies.
What do you have against recognizing traditional hierarchies?
>its a sheer matter of fact that the vast majority of financial and political power in the world is wielded by Jews.
>European model of socialism
Bro, no such a thing.
>And most of those CEOs, bankers, and media execs happen to also be jews
Ok so help me out here.
>Bussy Riot is show doing pranks with people all over the city who hold a position of power
All right, just like Bart. No issue there.
>They really don't seem to care/give a shit about Itchy and Scratchy, their opinion on the show is simply not show
The only time they interact with the show is by showing a youtube video of the BRA burning Itchy and Scratchy toys. As in, the boys are destroying something as part of protest. Not even 10 minutes removed from the scene were Bussy Riot destroys a book to show their frustrations.
>Bussy Riot decides to destroy every single Itchy and Scratchy animation released as form of protest to the pushback of an all girl reboot
Both Bart and Lisa seem distressed by this and act 3 is all about the duo stopping Bussy Riot by turning the nail polish fumes that would be used to destroy said animation tapes into the BRA.
Who all suffer physical body harm.
They all blame Millhouse for it because uhm...They got them invested to be part of the BRA in the first place?
>In spite of being an antagonistic force that had to be stopped, Bussy Riot immediately gives up their plan of destroying the tapes as they are pursued by Wiggum, they do compliment Lisa for bringing bodily harm to a bunch of boys who had an opinion about something.
It ends with a fucking Moby song with the message "The Patriarchy is a Wiener" while Lisa decides to join Bussy Riot IN SPITE of directly opposing them not 5 minutes before.
What was the show trying to say? They clearly show that BRA and Bussy Riot both use the same methods to get what they want, with Bussy escalating things to a point the voice of reason protagonist has to stop them, yet they don't seem to have learn a lesson or change her ways by the end, the voice of reason just decides to join up with the same group she opposed.
That's true though, things like post partum depression we're just written off as "nerves" and went undiagnosed in women because male doctors lacked female perspective and largely didn't value it.
You keep using that word, laisse faire capitalism, while on the same breath talking about how currently shit sucks. Do a google search about what that word means.
Now watch a Doc called "Saving Capitalism", it condenses my fuck huge reply about how USA never had such a system.
>What was the show trying to say?
The spirit if Bussy Riot is more correct, but it needs more conscientious leadership.
>The spirit if Bussy Riot is more correct
While it seems to be a message they were going for, how were the Bussy Riot portrayed as more correct? Their motivations, you mean? Indeed they seem to have a bigger chip on their shoulder than the boys.
>but it needs more conscientious leadership.
Here I will have to disagree. Lisa joins up as a member and her joining up is a inter personal conflict about "Pushing my beliefs further beyond". Meaning she will become more like the Bussy Riot, and not the other way around right?
That none of them matters and you are a whiny idiot that lives under a roof in a warm home with hot food.
By definition alone the patriarchy cannot exist. Its a system idealized by logical contradictions.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Poor education.
Also I never said education as in schools, I meant education as in learning things, whether it be from a school, a for profit organization, or parents. Although the problem with parents is they can only teach what they know. And if they know jackshit (because of poor education) that's what they'll teach. Anyway, the idea is that an informed populace can make the right decisions, and cannot be fooled into following and supporting deeply flawed institutions.
If you say some stupid shit like only care about your family, you can be easily setup to fight every single one of your neighbors, leaving you with no resources and no allies to fight against the scientific, political, economic, and cultural giants that are stacked against you.
It's a conspiracy if it doesn't exist.
The fact that men get a series of advantages over women have nothing to do with sexism. It's just how human nature is. Women get a series of advantages too and nobody says anything.
The patriarchy is a conspiracy. Simple as that.
What do you mean? Recognizing the patriarchy is recognizing that the west was built heavily on Christian doctrine and Christian doctrine demands a woman makes no decisions and takes no leadership roles. Where's the contradiction?
You think that traditional hierarchies just go away and there's no long lasting cultural impact? You can live in a warm home with hot food under slavery, not sure why you're bringing that up.
>A system that was intended for consumer benefit would have institutions that value educating consumers
>for profit organization
Nice try.
Everyone's education is their own responsibility.
>fight every single one of your neighbors, leaving you with no resources and no allies to fight against the scientific, political, economic, and cultural giants that are stacked against you.
Who said anything about fighting? I said lie, cheat and steal. That's not fighting. That's just going through the steps of being a functional part of society.
Europe isn't socialist, they do not even describe themselves as socialist, they are capitalist with some social welfare policies.
>Who said anything about fighting
Anyone that stands to profit from not having the public scrutinize their every action.
Conspiracy exists, it's just the act of conspiring. Conspiracy THEORIES are known as ideas of plots that may or may not be true, but lack substantial evidence. You're saying that people literally don't conspire which is untrue.
You're misunderstanding what it means to conspire and what patriarchy is as it isn't a conspiracy to point out the historical fact that the west is heavily influenced by patriarchal Christian doctrine that sees men automatically as heads of the household.
You mean what the left is doing? With the destruction of free speech?
How are they doing that?
mayor marge was the last episode that I watched.
>They are using the corpse of an old episode
>Shit out of place politics
>Did you get it? WE ARE HIPPIE TOO
3 years later watch this one because of the title
>I&S gender bender
>here we go
>skkip some things
>Endeup in a huge fart
I'm not mad, or angry or even care anymore about Simpsons (12 season it's my limit), I'm just sad, this is even Zombie Simpsons anymore, it's just pathetic
Cultural impact based on religious doctrine which affect the ideal world of rights and duties, is different from the clear definition of systematic oppression based on gender on the 20 and 21 centuries. Its an argument made in the implicit and repugnant ideal of women not being humans that are not affected by morality or ethics of the current time, but rather something else outside the sphere of influence that said memes have brought into the minds of the cultures that rule each nation (while also dehumanizing men as amoral beings).
Your conspiracy is built on phallacies and pseudo philosophy that only works if you dehumanize women.
>You think that traditional hierarchies just go away and there's no long lasting cultural impact?
No, I believe they are irrelevant because it pisses you off.
Of course I don't believe in particularly stablished hierarchies that can be deconstructed, destroyed and reconstructed every 5 seconds by the very own people who later become the same thing they hated.
>basic lifestyle
Let me guess, life isn't worth living without swimming pools, premium TV, sports cars, caviar, and mansions?
>its a sheer matter of fact that the vast majority of financial and political power in the world is wielded by men.
This is very true but men have used a ton of that power for women's benefit...at least in the West. I won't speak for the Middle East, that's a REAL patriarchy right there.
>>most people in a position of power are driven by self-interest. so don't give a shit about bad things effecting women if there's no chance it could also effect themself
What women-specific problems are being ignored out here?
-Poverty and hunger are universal--women suffer it on average 1-5% more, not much difference.
-Incarceration and homelessness are solidly male problems, this is well-known.
-Men are far more likely to be the victims of a crime, except rape.
-Abortion is a purely female problem but it's been a hot-button issue for decades.
How are women suffering out here?
>>the reflexive reaction towards a woman complaining about any kind of misconduct towards her by a man is to insist she must be mistaken and it couldn't have possible been how it happened, and while 'innocent until proven guilty' is all very respectable, thats meant to go both ways. the accuser should be considered innocent of fraud until proven otherwise
This meme has got to end. If it were true, then how come so many men got lynched in the 1900s based on a white woman's testimony? How come modern DNA techniques are exonerating men who got falsely jailed for rape decades ago?
The left scrutinizes every action, and they profit from it.
I meant basic. My mom works with charities, carrying boxes of stuff out, drives people around. I seldom go out with her and help out. I saw how people live without any help. If you consider carton houses ontop of a muddy hill a spa, I doubt we are talking about the same thing.
How does that destroy free speech? Following that logic, scrutiny is free speech, you're against scrutiny, so you're also destroying free speech.
The fact that comedy is taken literally by the left, and scrutinizes comedians for every little joke. Scrutiny to the point of censorship and shaming someone for something they did not do. Look at fucking Dankula.
I do admit, as English is my third language, I might be misusing scrutiny.
Zombie ep?
Native speaker, I'd say you're using the word correctly.
>Thinking anyone in the USA lives in "carton houses on top of a muddy hill"
Literally no one lives like this unless by choice, poorfags get all sorts of luxury at the expense of people who actually contribute, like me.
Women barely got the right to vote and hold office in the 20th century so even when you want to break it down like that, there's a few generations adjusting to being welcomed into a man's world. That cultural standard of men as leaders and women as followers hasn't magically gone away almost 100 years after they gained that right. Addressing that cultural standard and the bias that comes with it doesn't contradict anything.
>Its an argument made in the implicit and repugnant ideal of women not being humans that are not affected by morality or ethics of the current time, but rather something else outside the sphere of influence that said memes have brought into the minds of the cultures that rule each nation (while also dehumanizing men as amoral beings).
How so?
>Your conspiracy is built on phallacies and pseudo philosophy that only works if you dehumanize women.
How? I'm not even saying it's a conspiracy. The west being Christian isn't a male conspiracy to oppress women.
Serbian, non-native speaker dude here, both posts you quoted are mine.
>every 5 seconds
That's not how this works though. It's true, there are waves of power and things change, but we also see what stays the same and how things like religious cultural values shape nations in common ways.
Despite things changing every five seconds, the statistical trends are slow and gradual for women getting on equal footing than men. I'm not saying we should force equality, just observing the speed of this change disproves the notiij that we're swinging back and forth between the west being Christian and male centric and the west being some sort of pagan goddess worshipping matriarchy where all power gets handed to women and men stay home doing dishes.
Dankula was shamed for what he did do though, but I think I know what you meant. They treated him as if he literally plotted to gas the jews when he was just doing a funny dog trick, which is also untrue because actually attempting to lead people into genocide comes with a harsher punishment over there.
In America, an 18 year old got a life sentence for plotting a school shooting but getting stopped along the way after killing a relative on his way. It wasn't treated as just a regular murder because his intent was much more.
But no, at least here, the ones who are overly protective of jews are the right.
As seen in The Yellow Wallpaper.
>threading your own post
Nigga, what are you doing.
I suppose, neonazi also sure, that jews objectively control society.
Groening has said he never wants anything to happen to Lisa
I don't understand why guys freak out over this stuff. Chalk it up to male fragility again I guess?
Shut the fuck up, mosque shooter
Metoo is definitely legit, people with power using it to get sexual favors sounds very believable.
>the alleged righty "working class" has been successfully turned into Israel-loving, jew-cocksuckers that believe every rich person earned their status
>even if they weren't, they think it's about jews jews and not about all porkies
loving every laugh
>Metoo is definitely legit
Its name accurately describes the attention whoring behind it. It's almost like a fucking joke.
The only false one I can recall was Aziz and he's safe. Why is it so hard to believe that there are creeps in Hollywood?
What the hell does that mean
As in he doesn't want anything BAD to happen to her, or be extraordinarily in the wrong like Bart or Homer. He loves Lisa a whole lot.
Then how will you procreate?
The lady gaga one
Vic Mignogna also counts but the ones pushing for his unpersoning aren't using the MeToo hashtag.
Wiener, I get it...It's not that funny.
>If it were true, then how come so many men got lynched in the 1900s based on a white woman's testimony?
Because they were black?
Why is it lefties are the ones sucking dick of every major tech corporation, then?
Face it, the dichotomy is pointless, they're both slaves to the corporate class. You just have different corporate masters that rule you.
> the reason men control society is because women are too lazy to do it themselves
That's completely false.
Patriarchy doesn´t exists.
Until it dies, you better fucking believe it, because someone at FOX saw that episode- and the season that spawned it- and thought it was good enough to make another. Remember when we thought we'd hit bottom at "Lisa goes Gaga"?
Who would hate themselves so much to watch this shitshow?
>Nobody's going to say no
Eh... they might. The damage to the Simpsons rep has been done, and done extensively.
Because something something colonialism.
Galatians 4:16
It does, it's just the structure of society outlined in the bible which has women not taking leadership roles and government structure that excluded women from owning property, holding office, and voting and how that came to be and what's left over in our current culture.
Rimanah IRL
YOu should go break his legs
>A 90% tax rate and huge welfare and social programs are indicative of capitalism and good
>Chronic Lyme Disease
That is the most inaccurate crock of shit I've read all day. Like literally everything you said is wrong and stupid.
I kind of disagree. Hollywood is a den of hendonism and I think the further up you get the more you'll be asked to snort line off a 14 year old boy that passes for a gwelve year old girl.
>its a sheer matter of fact that the vast majority of financial and political power in the world is wielded by men.
Most of the power in the world is wielded by women? Source?
Source? Was there a study that concluded that they're mostly if not all lying?
this right here. Peoples general idea of the basics are fucked up. You should have to work for the nice stuff in life.
Please go into the mosque first
>when you let your enemies dictate your lives, you win
nice bait friend.
There are threads for Sunday premieres of all of Fox's animated shows. I watch it sometimes but not often.
OP I havent seen this one but I have seen the recent one where Homer binge watches Stranger Things without Marge and its treated as him cheating on her (he doesnt even watch it with another girl so his mental breakdown over it makes no sense where this is said) and Marge makes him sleep on the couch and pretty much rejects him as a husband.
Even my grandpa who usually doesnt commentate said during Homer's breakdown that they were making it out to be more than it is and he left. I thought that was hilarious.
>which is also untrue because actually attempting to lead people into genocide comes with a harsher punishment over there
reading posts like this makes me realize why people think loli anime leads to rape
hear yourself for a second - why would a dog trick lead someone to genocide people
The one from this past Sunday, and the Lady Gaga one.
is that real? please tell me that's shopped
You're batshit retarded, its a well known fact that male dominate everything you seen in life, that doesn't make it a conspiracy at all.
They don't dominate women's basketball.
Reread the post. It's saying he wasn't treated like he was literally instructing people to gas Jews.
No one working class uses terms like cis to describe sexual preferences, get the fuck out.
>Lying about Macron and the Yellow Jackets
By pressuring politicians to pass laws making speech illegal and by controlling the media to make people think that free speech is a concept that doesn't exist.
Source? How do you make free speech illegal?
gulag for criticism
This one.
>its a sheer matter of fact that the vast majority of financial and political power in the world is wielded by men.
Men of completely different ideologies, religion and background. This patriarchy would apparently happily bomb the shit out of itself if it could get away with it. Thinking that these people all work together to keep the womens down is arrogant at best.
Men actively want to be above women.
>too deep inside the matrix to even know
Women's Liberation activists marched with Bolsheviks because they knew that women couldn't be liberated without men being liberated first. Do you see the continuing struggle for freedom that started with the French Revolution and continued until Lenin/Stalin completely fucked it up into a nightmarish pigfuck called the Holodomor?
About a million psychopaths own and run the world, about 50 million minions and henchmen enforce their rule, the rest of us either don't see it that way or go along with it because it's easier than any alternative. The real struggle to be free has been discredited every day of your life. Women are held down as an effect of all this, not because it's an aim.
The Existence of TERFs conclude that they desire to subjugate men underneath their feet..