*brutally murders the characters with an axe in a 30-minute skit*
*guitar riff, fade to black*
Hey guys, Doug here with the charity shout-out for this week.
Other urls found in this thread:
How is NC going after Channel Awesome fucking imploded
>*camera shakes around with red filter*
>*cartoon steam effects are heard*
>*protects sex offender*
>*angry MS Paint drawings*
>pulls out prop handgun
>shoddly edits bullet hole onto still frame
>adheres to the loud = funny philosophy of shitty youtube comedy
>boring ass skits that do nothing but eat up time
>overplays jokes or outright explains them
It's a shame because he does have some sense of comedic timing and delivery, but 9/10 he completely fucks it up and ruins the whole punchline.
I live for that one time in his Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog video where he couldn't make sense of the joke where Sonic tricks a robot by saying "I'm over there!", and then spent a full minute explaining that it wasn't funny because it made no sense.
It was funny because it made no sense, you dense shithead.
>Squint with teeth out
>Call it a new character or an impression
i wonder if someone could take all his footage and make a Director's Cut of only the good parts.
>Literally no friends growing up (giant red flags about being a sociopath)
>Locked in his room all his childhood making cringy flicks jumping up an down in front of the camera, not wanting to go outside because "he just wanted to work in his art"
>Tim Burton fanboy as a teen
>Can't shut up about Heath Ledger's Joker and Rick & Morty as a adult
>Studied film, major in communications, the liberal arts degree of liberal arts degrees
>Never learned technical stuff about effects and cinematography
>Never learned how to animated, despise wanting to make animations
>Almost ends up as janitor for the rest of his life
>Thinks that meta humor and references are the groundbreaking apex of entertainment.
>Brother is even more fucked than he is, but at least he has a social life
Yea Forums incarnate.
Really had to crank down the volume for that. Jesus christ.
and yet he is the original grabage.
>Makes all the characters that he plays have girlfriends/love interests
You can really tell what's up with that
And look at him now. Sounds like life was an adventure for him.
ngl i kek'd
But he's married?
>Prefers Satam over AoStH
>Makes all the characters that he plays have girlfriends/love interests
That was just an act, he explains in his "real thoughts" video that he was just meming,
Someone explain Herculade
He’s doing great, considering how people came to CA for him and no one else.
I think people stopped caring once "#changethechannel" wasn't the thing to care about anymore and it's back to business as usual.
That video came out way after his review, of course he'd then turn it around to him memeing after being lambasted.
In recent episodes that Hyper Fangirl character has a huge crush on the NC, stalks him and romantically pursues him. Then she dumps him for that edgy leather jacket-wearing character (Devil Boner I think) which happens to also be played by Doug. Then for some fuckin reason he gave the Bum character his own bum gf/comedic sidekick, played by one of those other actresses he keeps in his basement. Why? Who cares about shipping and relationships in a review show? It's all so pointless. Also I think his character are the only ones that have relationships so that's that...
Also I think he plays a creepy dad character who's married to a trashy mom character also played by the short bitch.
To a human thumb
What's wrong with his brother?
Is this what the inside of an autistic person's brain looks like?
Nah. It's more like pic related.
No, that would be the Yea Forums catalog. But this is close
He wears a fedora
His video of him quitting work is sad.
Especially when half the people probably didn't know who he was.
It's like the dream you Have when you're 13 just saying fuck you and quitting school
would you trade your life for his? Also link to the vid?
I'm married with a kid and a stable job and I have 4 walls, a roof and food for my kid. So nah, I'm happy with my easy life.
Don't have the video at hand and phone posting, but basically he puts a stereo in the canteen during break walks out like some WWF star and then shouts I quit and walks off.
At least hes not wageslaving anymore
>Having to spend more than 40 hours writing, scripting, filming etc a week to make shit videos to pay the bills.
Yeah, sounds about as tedious as my job lad (line cook).
Then again, he could just not at still make bank. Look at spoony. He gets Mony because people forget to cancel their patreon subs.
Imagine seeing this at the end of the tunnel as you die
This is what he is parodying, for the unaware
The point in which I actually liked Doug walker remains one of the darkest in recent memory.
God, I hated being a teenager
I think most of us here know that feel.
I refuse to post my old deviantart account. I have like 30,000 pageviews thanks to a godawful naruhina fanfiction, and that will open the gates to all the other horrifically stupid things I used to do and be into
I was unironically a LICD, CAD, and NC fan.
I've been enjoying X-Men month. He showed X-2 for the boring, overrated mediocrity it is.
I remember this show. I wish cartoons were still good.
get your own life you fucking loser
He lives in Chicago, what did you expect.
Nice fanfic pulled off your ass
I've seen it.
What's that supposed to mean?
see it's not a fanfic. He actually did that.
he also didn't yell "I QUIT" he wrote it on his chest and bared it while blaring his stereo, then danced down the hall while security tried to stop him.
Wasnt talking about NC
How is babby formed?
>The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
Jesus fucking Christ, you should become the next Nostalgic Critic
It’s even sadder to think for me since my NC phase was one before I discovered Internet forums and only had like three friends at school and discussed him with zero of them. It’s really bizarre since I came to absorb the same feelings on my own for growing contempt for Doug without actually taking to another living soul about him until well years after I stopped watching his videos.
Literally nothing has changed. The internet pretended to be outraged for a few weeks but not a thing actually happened after that
Also; as said many times before to various people, your vendetta against [youtube reviewer] really isn't Yea Forums topic material
I had 3 friends in high school, and two of them were also LICD, CAD, and NC fans.
my high school circle of friends was hilariously incestuous. I had two female friends and we dated each other on and off. One of them was my high school sweetheart and now is a 'homoromantic asexual' tumblrina, while the other was basically a IRL Tomoko from watamote. She was nasty.
>Also; as said many times before to various people, your vendetta against [youtube reviewer] really isn't Yea Forums topic material
It’s baffling to me how this thread is still up when all the rebeltaxi/pan pizza threads get deleted usually within 30 min, even though he’s far more Yea Forums related then Doug is.
I mean, you could have done a lot worse
>I had two female friends and we dated each other on and off.
Was the sex good?
>One of them was my high school sweetheart and now is a 'homoromantic asexual' tumblrina, while the other was basically a IRL Tomoko from watamote. She was nasty.
Oh...I’m so sorry
if it makes you feel better, my bitch ex who never put out is trying to get hormones to become a dude the last time I heard
That would be maybe ten seconds long, at a generous estimate.
You're not supposed to take it seriously. It's entertainment, not actual criticism.
What happened?? How did it implode?
>was the sex good?
not at all, and I ended up completely inadvertently being the bull in a cucking the day after the cuckee cheated on her girlfriend with me.
I felt, and still do feel like shit about it.
my first time, the girl woke up the day after, had a stomach ache, thought she was pregnant, and the day after her mom was on my front lawn screaming how I raped her and she was going to the cops.
>it’s supposed to be bad on purpose
That still makes it bad, subverting expectations doesn’t automatically make something exempt from criticism like rian Johnson wants you to think
I actually like that cringelord
It didn't
They just pulled back the curtain on how much of a fuckshow things are behind the curtains (which anyone who cared to do the slightest bit of research, or even just fucking saw a thread on Yea Forums about them) and got all the other youtubers jumping on the hate bandwagon to "expose" him and his yokels
And then it was promptly forgotten about except for handfuls of speds with a hateboner for Doug, and things continued as normal
>not at all, and I ended up completely inadvertently being the bull in a cucking the day after the cuckee cheated on her girlfriend with me.
>I felt, and still do feel like shit about it.
>my first time, the girl woke up the day after, had a stomach ache, thought she was pregnant, and the day after her mom was on my front lawn screaming how I raped her and she was going to the cops.
God, women are such unrepentant douche bags
>bunch of former TGWTG release a document of grievances, ranging from 'we didn't get enough attention in anniversary shows' to 'we didn't get enough attention on the website', to actually serious accusations like 'NC fired me when I took sick leave' and 'channel awesome buried evidence of sexual harassment from one of the owners' and 'they buried the rape accusations levelled at jewario'
In the aftermath, literally every single member of the site aside from cinemasnob and larry bundy quit.
the two were dating at the time. One night, I go to Girl A's house. hanging out leads to heavy petting and more. Next day, I go to girl B's house after she broke up with Girl A at school, and she reveals she broke up with Girl A because she wanted to get back together with me.
I swear, it’s like girls love for this sortve of drama because they’re are so petty they want to live in some shorty soap opera.
>In the aftermath, literally every single member of the site aside from cinemasnob and larry bundy quit.
There were still people there?
>Nostalgia Virgin
>The Angry Video Game Chad
e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
Jesus Christ police fag, I haven’t seen you in months
you haven't been looking very hard then
Wow he turned his life around good for him
I remember losing any sort of respect for NC years ago after I found out there's whole business behind it and its not just one guy doing it as his hobby.
Like, why does the editing look so amteurish, why is the script always painfully unfunny why do his videos alway look like someone smeared vaseline over the camera lens?
Unless it's some flavor of the week shit or bitching about some literal who's opinions about said flavor of the week, a thread on Yea Forums doesn't need to be related to actually discussing comics or cartoons.
>Having no friends makes you a sociopath.
It's true though. If you don't have any friends it's because people sense how dangerous you are. Only bad people are lonely.
If you don't make friends in school on your first day you're probably full of micro aggressions.
Yeah it it just seems weird to me how pan threads always get deleted more, even when that’s much more on topic then say this thread is. Pans a faggot so any amount of ass tearing he gets is a good thing.
People like you deserve to get gunned down in school shootings
user people don't like you because they look into your eyes and you flinch away like an animal
>micro aggressions
only fagots with no friends use that word
Says the person who thinks people who aren’t popular are evil and is a scared bitch to anyone outside of his yuppie social circle
Hit too close to home?
let me guess, virgin?
No, it’s clear that your a fucking faggot for the horseshit spewing from your diseased mouth
Lots of future school shooters here
Just be yourselves bros, you'll make friends if you just stop being so creepy
I can’t wait to see your head bashed in on the evening news when you try to gloat about being a beacon of perfection to the wrong crack head on the street
spoken like a true incel
>threatening violence as your first response to any criticism
See? This is why you don't fit in.
He got everything wrong
You have nothing to offer but prepackaged banalities.This is not how life works
No, I’m saying you are going to end up bleeding at the side of the street if all you do in life is bask in your own self image like the narcissistic whiney fuck you come across here
user you're the one who's hurting
You're the one who needs to improve
Deflecting that stuff at me won't make your life any better
>everyone needs to follow my rigid rules of continuity or else they are the problem
Yep, surely the signs of a healthy and sociable individual. In no way do you sound like the type of faggot who nitpicks people at TGI Friday’s on the correct way to set up their utensils when having their order of bottomless fries
user I'm part of the majority here
You're the one who isn't fitting in
>you deserve to die violently for implying I'm a sociopath on the internet
Gee user, you might want to rethink that one.
No, your the type of person who need everyone to be perfect to an autistic degree or you’ll throw a tantrum. Your father didn’t hit you hard enough and when you go on your next spree of gloating about yourself I hope the next Good Samaritan picks up the nearest blunt object and finally gives you what your father neglected to all those years ago.
>stop being so creepy
that's like saying stop being black
>aren’t popular
Having a friend or two and being popular are two different things, however.
I think the people who were shocked about all the reveals just left, but it was mostly people who were in their late twenties or thirties. His main audience, teens, didn't care about the drama.
Overgrown bully
I agree.
Doug, you are 36 years old. Why do you watch modern cartoons meant for literal children? They're not even well made. You can't even use nostalgia as an excuse.
>Unironically the people who hates #BurritoBucket episode
>implying it wasn’t kino
Die in a fire.
Woah, my nigga you need to take a chill pill.
Is Doug Walker even relevant anymore since everyone abandoned Channel Awesome since the reveal about JewWario grooming underage teens?
He's a grown-ass man...
Literally nothing happened.
>still left a mark on culture after all that
I mean, I don’t watch the guy but at least we’re all talking about him.
when I watched that the first time, I laughed both at the film and at his reaction.
Something ain't right about this picture...
>You know who
The fallout was never about ruining him, basically people just found out how shit things were and everyone relevant left/stopped watching. I really do wonder if he will have another collab with another youtuber any tie soon
Nostalgia critic creepypasta
Why is there a black guy hiding behind him?
That's Malcolm after he's escaped from his box
>Prefers Satam over AoStH
This was the first and only nostalgia critic review I've seen all the way through. Even back then I knew how fucking wrong he was and how hard he was missing the point of AoStH.
>"Grrr, a silly cartoon for kids!? KIDS?! How DARE THEY!? Look at all this silly/annoying/absurd/incongruous stuff happening in this loony animation intended for children!"
About 5 seconds of watching him and it's pretty apparent he suffers from some kind of brain problem. I mean, fuck, I was probably an autistic little rage-basket with stupid opinions at some point in my life, too, but the difference is that I was smart enough to not record it and put it on the internet.
>those Batman animated DVD collections
Is it weird to get nostalgia from a DVD box? Like, fuck, that collection is 15 years old now, it came out just after I got my driver's license and I remember going to buy it; I remember all of my friends bought it, too, and for years, whenever I hung out with any of them, there on the shelves were those DVD box sets, staring back at me for the better part of a decade until we all got rid of our DVD collections and just started streaming/pirating.
>we all got rid of our DVD collections
For what fucking reason
Wonder how much money he makes from the charity shout outs.
You missed the very next words where I literally explained why
>just started streaming/pirating
Melvin, Melvin! Brother of the Joker!
Melvin, Melvin! Brother of the Joker!
Melvin, Melvin! Brother of the Joker!
...I’m cool.
Keep crying shit taste waifufag
Is it really a parody tho? To me it looks like he’s just straight ripping it off and is just claiming parody so no one yells at him for plagiarism
I live for his review of Last Action Hero where he entirely misses the entire point of the movie
>There's Mewtwo Strike Back. Is that the First movie?
Doug was never good
Because of the accidental genius of Michaud.
His incompetence caused them to put JewWario as a sexual predator, which had the knock on effect of showing the change the channel people were actually full of shit when they claimed to be poor innocent victims, since it turned out they knew full well what he was like and had been covering for him.
It all fell apart after that, and most of Doug’s fans didn’t really care.
If I thought for a second Michaud did it deliberately, I’d Hail him as one of the sneakiest bastards in the business.
I didn't even realize it. Those fuckers who came back after YEARS AND YEARS, just to reap some pity from people... They all knew, didn't they?
Like the chick who missed one Skype meeting and got fired. She certainly knew, having been so high up the website's chain of command. And she did nothing until it benefited HER.
>Almost ends up as janitor for the rest of his life
Haha yeah what a terrible fate,can you imagine haha.
that chick was obscurus lupa, she's the one that didn't let spoonys tweet go. It wasn't just missing that one skype call that got her fired. They were unhappy with her for a while. They thought she was a trouble maker and they were right.
pretty much this.
if any of those clowns had the talent to become something more than being a copy of a copy of AVGN they wouldn't have needed channel awesome in the first place and/or would've left in exodus much sooner.
It turned out when the logs released that she didn’t just miss a call by twenty minutes, she got a call, responded and kept them on hold for nearly an hour.
As to the general movement they tried, I think it would have worked a lot better had they stayed professional and not milked the pity points. If they’d done that, Michaud’s accidental bomb wouldn’t have hit nearly as hard
More like the Nauseating Critic am I right fellas
How does this moron have still have fans? He's goddamn worse than pewdiepie.
>it's back to business as usual
New NC episodes used to hit one million views in about a week or so, current episodes can barely go beyond 500k to 600k views even months after being released.
He basically got his foot in the door when it was all starting.
It’s a bit of a nonkey’s paw, since the fact he’s too untalented to do anything else means he’s stuck doing it until his channel goes the way boogie’s is
>Half the views
>Double the dislikes
Yeah, even the like to dislike ratio is pretty appalling by comparison (although not as bad as the #ChangeTheChannel period admittedly)
Even James came to realize his "DIARRHEA DOODOO SHIT" jokes got old and tired, and he took a more mellowed tone to his AVGN videos. NC on the other hand seems to have doubled down on the worst aspects about his reviews like the shitty irrelevant skits, being loud and obnoxious, etc.
James' main advantage was that he grasped early on that he couldn't and shouldn't rely solely on the Nerd, so he trialed plenty of content and saw what stuck.
Doug did the same thing four years on end, canceled it without even a pilot for his new show he was spending thousands on, had it bomb and had to go back to what he always did.
He's playing a character...
>subverting expectations
That's not what that means
Doug did have other shows early on though, he had the homeless guy "reviewing" new movies and the creepy guy who answers weird questions
He dropped pretty much all of them around the two year mark, though. I think it was around the time he decided to start ramping the length of his reviews up
Thanks a lot asswipe. Now all your follower repeats your bullshit like it's biblical truth.
One of his oldest videos. And still with the fucking toy pistol.
>mfw spoony almost killed a bunch of people in a car accident
Actually they both changed. Followed them both since 2008 and NC up until the huge fiasco in 2017... or 2016? When I lost all respect for him.
The difference is, James Rolfe (AVGN) pretty much did all his videos save for maybe a few friend cameo things here and there. He kept it down to simple reviews and commentary things and kept a low profile with low-drama. Save for that "Not seeing the New Ghostbusters" that drew alot of ire from the crazy SJWs of twitter..
Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) made ALOT more mistakes. He tried to create an empire alternative to Youtube, managing a bunch of creators. He also employed two people to take care of it, one which ended up being a sex-addict weirdo (Mike Ellis) and the other a certified douchebag that didn't know how to run shit and got him to sign over all exclusive rights to the Nostalgia Critic (BAD FUCKIN MOVE) Mike Michaud. Naturally with that many people drama ensued and it was poorly taken care of.
People were not paid or respected for their time maintaining the site. There was a weird rule-system and Doug was at the top, abusing power/woefully ignorant of shit. Like, hey you can't review the same movie or talk shit about the Nostalgia Critic or offer any critique that goes against the grain. Plus the whole, possible pedos of the unnamed dude and Jewario wanting a harem of tweens/rape fetish (which probably lead to his suicide).
He also didn't know shit about film-making and basically made 4 shitty long films that didnt pay,feed,water or compensate workers in any way possible for his vanity project. Anyways, it accumulated over years then exploded in a horrible mess all over the internet.
The kicker was how Doug reacted, which was pretty much nothing. No apologies, no trying to fix things - just shut up and keep his head low as his boss (Michaud) commanded. There was a half-ass "We're sorry you felt that way" response and that was about it.
So he also tried to kill off Nostalgia Critic (but also every other creator's characters on the site without their permission) to enter some new "renaissance" for the site. This new show with "new" actors failed horribly and he had to go back to making new NC videos.
Videos with Rob also started showing more true colors, how close-minded,absent-minded and otherwise brow-beaten Doug was. What a horrible douche Rob was (not only to his brother but to their fans) when they were idly reviewing series reactions.. ect.
Doug was just absolutely clueless, he couldn't even edit videos properly. He sort of fail into the internet fame things and had alot of people pulling his strings to make the show happen. He failed horribly as a leader and advocate for his workers and then tried to cover it up.
He comes off as narcissistic but sort of caught up in his own head, he certainly doesn't seem as assholey as his brother Rob or outwardly nasty - but Im sure that's just to save face for the camera. It's a shame, I respected his work and even loved alot of the earlier stuff when I was younger.
TL;DR AVGN is just a better content creator and person all around.
Why the fuck am I not surprised? A year ago, normies were acting Doug was basically worse than Hitler and Stalin combined. Then it stopped being popular to shit on him and now nothing has changed for the channel. Just another proof that normies are superficial dumbasses and that media drama is meaningless
>Doug and co go to Austria
>This Vienna language
>dude gay uniforms lmao
>thinks a cereal brand with a bee is Cheerios but the European version
1.It's normalfag if you're gonna say "normies" then take it to reddit where it belongs.
2.Normalfags outside of maybe like two Japanese guys never gave a fuck about Douge.
3.Nothing's wrong with me
What happened was that #changethechannel revealed Justin was accused of some serious stuff.... which got covered up not just by the Channel Awesome management, but also key people in the #changethechannel movement. This is probably why people just suddenly went quiet about it.
Oh yeah, I bet it's also "ponyfags" and not "bronies" right? You're autistic if you think anyone cares at this point.
>2.Normalfags outside of maybe like two Japanese guys never gave a fuck about Douge.
The majority of people doing #changethechannel videos were normalfags.
Can you please fuck off reddit? Before I pull out my dick and fuck you up the ass making you squeal like the twink faggot you are? Hmmm? Hmmmmmmm? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
>which got covered up not just by the Channel Awesome management, but also key people in the #changethechannel movement.
Wait, what? So it was basically revealed some of the people complaining about the way they were treated by CA also took part in covering up Justin's shit? Kek
That's precisely what happened.
I find it especially funny that It wasn't even the last time Marzgurl started a self righteous moral crusade, only to be fucked in the ass by it due to not thinking it through for a second.
no, it is you who shall become my nasty cock slut
I remember her reading a comment during a livestream asking about evidence in some metoo bullshit accusation, and she said ''How dare you ask something like that.''
Was it Marzgurl that started it? I thought it was Lupa and Holly.
When it was revealed, Michaud released the logs about him getting fired over it, but not the name. What the CTC crew didn't anticipate was that people would cross reference the date, spot the obvious candidate and go digging. After that, they found that certain people would have had to have known and keep quiet about it for years, despite being supposed progressives.
What made it a work of accidental brilliance was that the rest of the "rebuttal" was the most passive aggressive sorry you were offended bullshit, which elicited an even greater pity party and more moral grandstanding, and made them look like massive hypocrites when the bomb dropped.
The difference I think is that for James, AVGN is an act. If you see his other videos, you know that he isn't the AVGN. In contrast, the line between Doug himself and the Nostalgia Critic is very blurred at best.
meant for
IIRC, it was Holly and Lupa who got the ball rolling, but Marzgurl was the face of it.
The thing is, she didn't know. She was livid at the fact that Channel Awesome (and I assume the people part of #changethechannel) knew about it, but didn't tell her about it, and just let her do her video tribute to JewWario.
Doug has his "Actual Thoughts on" videos
I'll try to hunt down the caps, but what made it especially funny was that there was no way she couldn't have known.
This guy is maximum cringe and that's just because his character is trash. On some rare occasions when he can be seen sharing some opinions just as himself it actually turns out he has a point and isn't annoying. He should just drop the acting because he is awful at it and it's not like he is doing anything worthwhile with the format of his reviews. I don't know why but to me his henchman black guy and the chick always look like they suffer from severe depression and they smile and do unfunny things in front of the camera for the paycheck.
Bottom line, if he dropped the NC and just did the reviews as himself it would be ten times better.
He does but somehow his NC kind of bleeds through in a lot of stuff he does. Sometimes he can do it casual-like, though.
The problem I think is he tried to get rid of the NC. But it went very badly for a lot of people, so he's stuck with it.
NC wasn't really funny to begin with.
>fellow line Yea Forumsok
I feel your pain. I fucking hate this so much.
How you feel about it is irrelevant. Doug built up a fanbase that only wants NC from him, so he can't retire the character and he can't distance himself from the TGWTG/Channel Awesome baggage because he doesn't even own the rights to the character. He's completely screwed in this regard.
>How you feel about it is irrelevant.
I don't understand why does it matter? I just shared my opinion.
>Doug built up a fanbase that only wants NC from him, so he can't retire the character and he can't distance himself from the TGWTG/Channel Awesome baggage because he doesn't even own the rights to the character. He's completely screwed in this regard.
That's also debatable. I don't really keep an eye on the matter but aren't NC's views at all time low right now? It would be a perfect time to start something new.
Normies and normalfags are two different things. "Normie" is a normal person, people who use it are implying there's something wrong with that.
"Normalfags" are not normal, they're gay for normal. They believe there's something wrong with people (secretly including themselves) who aren't normal in every way possible, and push normalcy as an objective good.
Normalfags and the kind of frogposters who say "normies" are both fucked up regarding what's normal, but they lean in opposite directions.
It's easy to see why /r9k/ shamelessly forced normie over normalfag.
They're the biggest fucking normalfags on Yea Forums.
That means whatever new project he started would get even worse views, dummy. There's no reason for anyone to give him the benefit of the doubt.
>That means whatever new project he started would get even worse views, dummy.
shocker. He should advertise any new project a little, let people get used to it and build his audience gradually but what do I know.
>I don't understand why does it matter? I just shared my opinion.
Which is irrelevant to the point that and brought up which is:
user 1: He should get rid of the NC.
user 2: He tried that but it didn't work out.
Where does "NC was never funny" even fit into this conversation?
He should have done what James or Rooster Teeth did; trial a few new shows, gauge reactions and then phase in or out as necessary
Yeah, but Demo Reel killed any goodwill. Any non-NC shows will be seen with extreme doubt or resentment. He doesn't even do the homeless guy videos anymore, literally his only "fictional character" show is the Nostalgia Critic right now.
>hates X2 because it had too many characters
>likes Last Stand because it's bigger than the other movies and has so many characters
That and Pop Quiz Hotshot seemed to be a disaster.
At least PQH gave us this
>movement porn
Anyone know what the fuck this guy means when he complains about that? He tried to explain it in one video and it just comes off as "I hate it when there is movement in a film".
It's very subjective, but essentially, it's when he feels a movie is trying too hard to entertain you as if you were an ADHD child by cramming a ton of shit into a frame without anything of substance going on.
>it actually turns out he has a point and isn't annoying
Really? I've seen him in some videos with other people where he's just being himself and he's one of the most obnoxious guys ever. His character isn't that far off from the real him.
What substance is he expecting? He seems to make the criticism on slapstick sequences in films that are meant for children.
Oh man this post really struck a nerve with some people
I imagine when the first episode of "Thundercats Roar" comes out, any review NC does would just consist of this. No context. No insight. Not even clips from the episode. Just 20 minutes of non-stop autistic screeching.
>prefers Satam over AoStH
He’s not necessarily wrong though, both are just ok at what they were trying to do and eventually comes down to personal preference
The real kicker is that he thinks Shrek is bad but thought The Wild was good
>token black
>token girl
>the charity shout-out for this week
Does anyone actually watch these
What went wrong in Doug's life?
>Prefers Satam over AoStH
I do, too. But I was, like, 11 at the time and didn't care for the wackiness of AoStH which felt like was everywhere back then (though I can appreciate it a lot more now).
It's not THAT controversial of an opinion is it?
He was born.
Getting YouTube famous.
If he'd stayed with his dead end job, it's possible he'd never have deluded himself into thinking he was more than he was, never have got the money he had, never pissed it away and never forced himself into something he hates to desperately stop the flow from haemorrhaging
Can he type a script in its actual proper format, or at least something close? I know next to nothing about making movies and even I can write something formatted close to a script.
If it's a script for an NC episode, then it doesn't necessarily need to be formatted like a professional script. That said, it could really use SOME formatting, like maybe goddamn paragraphs?
I hate everyone who comes up with hashtags
>>Literally no friends growing up (giant red flags about being a sociopath)
oh eat shit
>Who cares about shipping and relationships in a review show?
This stems from all his skits being unneeded in the first place. Do the fucking review, stop doing these character bits and shit. I stopped watching him ages ago when it started happening more.
Don't reply to old bait.
>Brother is even more fucked than he is, but at least he has a social life
>he has a social life
There is a skype rp fanfiction of the horse show that me and some guy I met on fim fiction made. It is without a doubt the most horrible cringiest thing I have ever done. I nuked my Skype when discord started picking up and pray it is lost to time.
Explains a lot about this board's userbase.
god I hate e-celeb threads
fuck off, OP
Because Hercules takes place after the events of Channel Awesome: Final Wars, where the Greek Gods return at the end and reboot to Ancient Times fused with modern times.
Not even a small tribute, she made a tribute movie to one of Jewario's characters, also the reason people thought he committed suicide TL;DR: People thought he ran out of funds for his indiegogo backed film and couldn't live with the guilt, and has constantly done tributes to the guy and no one had idea of telling her what he really was. Jesus christ, no one could tell her about it after? really? Like let shit simmer down, contact her and say "hey I heard you want to work on the movie but you need to know something".
>picks up the nearest blunt object and finally gives you what your father neglected to all those years ago.
A treehouse?
Why would you go into a thread you hate?
Boo, I wanted wholesome when he came back home
He got married, didn't he?
When I was a kid watching the Sonic cartoons when they first aired I remember not just disliking but being outright disgusted and offended by Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog - I was giddy with excitement to see SONIC ON THE TELEVISION!!!!!!!!!!!! and then when it started they gave me this... babyish rubberised nonsense? By contrast I loved SatAM. It had action! Excitement! Rock music! To seven year-old me it was the height of awesomeness and what I wanted out of the Hedgehog With Attitude.
In that sense, the Nostalgia Critic is pretty accurately representing my nostalgia.
I don't understand.
>*protects sex offender*
lol wut?
How can you fucking complain about a FREE SHOW.
Nobody is forcing you to watch it.
>30 seconds of review footage followed by 45 minutes of john nigga and thotgirl skits
lol, that note
>remember it so i don't have to.
Why do you hate this show?
is somebody forcing you to watch it?
does it take time away from your friends?
is it preventing your friends tastes from developing?
are your kids hooked on it or something?
Speaking of terrible cringy fanfiction, does anyone remember the Hookerverse, an edgy fanfic series where the TGWTG crew were written as hookers and strippers? It’s “amazing”. Here’s a small sample of the timeline
>January 2nd, 2013: Ellis and Michaud install a pole-dancing pole for even more business.
>January 25th, 2013: Benzaie leaves for good.
>February 4th, 2013: Film Brain gets into massive trouble.
>March 23rd, 2013: Ask That Guy fucks around with Nerd and Critic.
>April 12th, 2013: Penny tries suicide and Critic takes her to the hospital.
>August 5th, 2013: The Other Guy meets Critic.
>August 24th, 2013: Ask That Guy drops the bomb that The Other Guy was the older brother who left them.
>December 24th, 2014: Critic dies from an accidental drug overdose.
>our food doesn't suck it's your fault for eating it
>our building isn't filthy and falling apart it's your fault for visting it
>our website isn't full of spyware and trojan ads it's your fault for connecting to it
>our cars aren't dangerous unsafe and shitty it's your fault for driving it
>Hookerverse, an edgy fanfic series where the TGWTG crew were written as hookers and strippers
Thats some weapons grade autism there, friend.
I hate this guy so much
>>December 24th, 2014: Critic dies from an accidental drug overdose.
>Clue #6: "Oh no! Paul's been slain in a bloody car crash!"
But has Doug reached Spoony levels of rock bottom yet?
TGWTG fans used to be really nuts. I remember there was this one weirdo who kept making guro pics of every female reviewer who join the site and emailing them said pics.
They dragged AVGN into that shit?
Doug actually makes SOMETHING, even if it's trash.
I can't believe Spoony got away with scamming his fans for so long. I hope losing all goodwill was worth a few thousand dollars.
>If you don't like it just never criticize it. Things should only ever be reviewed positively.
I just wish he would come out and say he's done. I was honestly amazed he could afford a car on his shitty salary.
That's not what he's saying. He's saying why are you wasting energy on hating something? Say "it sucks, I don't like it" and move on. The guy upthread is obsessive over a show he doesn't like, and that shit's not healthy.
His total view count has taken a dive and now he's desperate to stay relevant so he's reviewing movies from only a few years ago now except with retarded skits instead of making fun of movie scenes.
The Nerd doesn't deserve this
>Even James came to realize his "DIARRHEA DOODOO SHIT" jokes got old and tired, and he took a more mellowed tone to his AVGN videos
Yeah the best AVGN episodes aren't the super early ones but the ones made around 2007-2011 where his videos start becoming half documentary half let's plays
He is the Gallant to NC's Goofus.
It was great to see more video game magazines
>that screw attack callback
must have struck a nerve huh
>Bald at like 16
Did you somehow miss all the shitposting last year when it turned out that one of his "Channel Awesome" guys was openly making forceful sexual advances on the women, while the guy he left in charge of managing the corporate side of things was massively abusing his power in pretty much every way someone at this level can?
There was a huge stink about it, 'Change the Channel" or something like that
It happened pretty quick. The heat from the event lasted about a month or 2 only with the most die hard haters talking about it in July. Where has the year gone?
Call me a faggot, but I have more sympathy for Spoony.
You might not remember it, but when the Spoony thing was going on in Twitter, they were throwing him under the bus at the drop of a hat like no tomorrow, only to then later start acting apologetic about it, and since then I can't remember anyone saying literally anything bad about him besides that he's always been awkward as fuck and a massive stresspot when he was with them.
Given the context of all the shit that was going down with that circus of fucktards, it seems pretty clear they wanted a black sheep to vent all their frustration on, and the literally mentally handicapped guy who was on all sorts of medication was the best target they could find.
It doesn't excuse him being a lazy fuck still, but to put Doug who's been getting his dick sucked on everyone else's behalf and apparently shouldered literally none of the responsibility passing it off to some other stooge in the background; to put him on a pedestal above Spoony on no other ground that he's still peddling his garbage is dishonest.
>they were throwing him under the bus at the drop of a hat like no tomorrow
Whoa, that's three idioms in one clause, I'm gonna have to penalize your team by two points and give you a five minute timeout.
>He's playing a character...
No. He really has shit opinions on movies. He loves phantom menace. Quit sticking up for this shithead, autist.
I should stop trying to write posts longer than one sentence at this hour.
You got me, coach.
Looks like the baby has a hairy belly lol
Move over old man, its time for best boi.
That rendition of his wife is waaaaay too friendly.
>says the guy who looks exactly like the reviewer but is wearing a cloak and some sort of mask
is Linkara patient zero for that particular brand of cancer?
Seems like it, although AVGN had some characters force him to play their games. Granted those were from his early reviews
Isn't it ripping off Mystery Science Theater 3000? I haven't watched it in years but wasn't the deal with that show that they had to riff movies to defeat a galactic threat?
Oh goddamn it I did that too. A small group of us RPed a civil war between Celestia and Luna. I'm glad skype doesn't save anything
Why the fuck are all the people who come into frame so jittery?
larry is there for the lulz, wants to be the final person left on the site. i don't think brad cares, i never watched him on TGWTG anyway, i just watch his stuff on YT.
i think everyone that isn't Doug fled the site and just won't come back. most aren't doing as well as they were viewer wise, but that hasn't stopped them from putting out content.
its strange seeing them at cons after the fact, like a weird stigma over them about what happened. same shit with the last movie that never came out, i would have KILLED to get a script to that shitheap.
>I'm glad skype doesn't save anything
LOL you think microsoft isn't jerking off to your mlp fanfic and selling it to the chinks?
I'd cry
No, the premise was that the evil scientists forced them to watch bad movies, with the one that was so bad it'd break their spirits being needed for total world domination. But ultimately it was filler and fluff so they could air the old movie at all.
It really only got "worse" when they switched from Comedy Channel to Sci Fi, as Sci Fi had a mandate about having more "ongoing" plots in its shows. The MST3k crew were dumbfounded because they were quite literally a puppet show and told to step up the plots.
What retarded logic.
>tfw I sent videos of my sticking things up my ass to my tranny skype gf years ago
>bill gates is probably jerking off to those videos as we speak
>uses autist as an insult
>is an autist himself
Really gets the noggin joggin'.
They were going to make a fourth one? I guess that's why the fourth anniversary thing was just a bunch of short films and then they dropped the tradition entirely.
I probably sent a shit ton of nudes to a catfish over skype.
Those were dark days, but now we all survived them
No they were going to make a 5th one, shortly before all the shit went down as a 10th aniversary thing. In fact a couple people started leaving even before change the channel simply because they got snubbed from an aniversary special again.
yeah, before the whole jew wario shit dropped, they sent out scripts
I'll give him that one thing because he kept getting constant takedowns for awhile for ANY video footage from the films, which is why he started filling them with constant skits. A couple ones were just trailer stills, and one of those still got taken down.
based Brandonposter
>i don't think brad cares, i never watched him on TGWTG anyway, i just watch his stuff on YT.
Brad is geniune pals with the Walkers since they live in the same area, and decided to go down with them if need be due to their friendship.
He may be cringy, but at least he’s consistent.
Can’t say the same for Spoony.
I feel bad for James.
He is a genuinely nice guy in person that just wants to talk about movies while playing old NES games in his man cave, but that mother fucker Mike and his screenwave overlords won't give him a break.
I especially love when they make him do sponsored videos. Mike is always into it, but then you look at James and he's just zonked the fuck out staring into space and give short one or two word answers to all of Mike's questions, clearly wishing he was playing NES with his kids or watching an old Hammer horror film instead
at least he has the review thing, with fat guy(?) who had to leave for some reason (?).
at least its movies and he likes movies.
>Prefers Amazing Spiderman to the Sam Rami films
I hate that red letter media ripoff they have with the rental store.
That first cutaway to him recoiling is legitimately funny. If it cut off mid scream it'd be perfect.
Exactly, there's nothing logical about doing that. They should just hide the thread if it bothers them so much.
You're acting autistic as if you dont understand why someone would want to tell someone else they dislike what they're doing. Or that going into a thread is a rigorous process thats not worth the time just to say "aw jeez this again?"
>thats not worth the time just to say "aw jeez this again?"
It's not though. Why would you even feel the need to do that? It's not like it'll change anything.
You really are autistic if you dont understand what the feeling of cathartic is. You and I don't have to agree with what they're saying but saying you dont understand is just autistic, the real term not the basic insult term.
I think i love his shit because it feels like a poor retard trying to make videos with his normal friends. Its endearing.
>stayed professional
That's what gets me about CA and its creators in general. People think that they are this business on the outside but to most of the people within, it was just some gathering of creators who happened to know each other or be friends that just wanted to put their channels and videos on one site and maybe make some money out of it.
Thats why the productions behind the anniversaries were such shitshows. On the one hand you have Doug who is trying to make the site legit business by hiring people like Michaud to head it and then you have the rest of the autists who thought because its all ran by people who were their friends, they could act however they wanted like retards.
And I'm not even trying to defend Doug and Michaud because as far as experience at running things like this goes, they fucking sucked and dropped the ball hard but at least they tried to be professional by telling the other faggots that their behaviors were inappropriate and could hurt the name of the business.
>his normal friends
If you mean the black guy who I know nothing about, maybe, but the woman who I think goes by Nostalgia Chick is a fucking retard too. She's just as insufferable as Doug is after his skits started becoming a thing, except she doesnt need skits to be annoying.
So? I didn't get rid of my DVD collection even when i started torrenting.
Protip - if you think a film review and criticism consists of going through the plot of the movie, you're a bad reviewer and a bad film critic.
This, and I actually had a collection as a kid, even for stuff I wasnt a big fan of. Anything from the scooby laff a lympics to an old three stooges cartoon DVD with bubblegum in it I found in a thrift store in new condition (i tried the gum, sorta. i sucked on it and could taste something but it was hard as shit and snapped in two, i tossed it out in the parking lot). I also have stuff I actually like but have since found in better quality online, like Spongebob's remastered first season. I have an entire bookshelf of DVDs and cartoon movies. I even bought a Star Trek collection, never seen the movies but after buying the collection I watched the first film somewhat and found it too slow paced (I was a kid). I wasnt rich by any means but christmas money and birthday money were wasted on a lot of shit. I didn't have TV for one period so that helped but I never touched 70% of my collection.
tl;dr even if you need more space at least sell the shit online, i hope thats what that user did instead of trashing it all
Better than offhanded "plots" to make your review show seem like some random TV comedy with you fighting floating ghosts imposed over the video from mspaint.
I still can't believe he tried to kill off the NC in a movie that involved the whole site as a vanity project for himself. Everyone was probably worried about losing their income as he was fucking around his his retarded plan. Dude has always struck me as incredibly self absorbed.
>kill off the NC
>bank on Demo Reel instead
People keep bringing up the Sonic the Hedgehog review and there's a reason for that. It's the only episode you need to watch to understand Doug's stance on cartoons.
I hate to throw out the term "pseudo intellectual" but Doug comes off as one. A cartoon only has merit if it either has deeper meanings or it was made for a dual audience, aka, reference humor for bored adults. Anything else is kiddie shit that's a disgrace to the medium. Same type of person who acts like the Hasbro 80s cartoons were the worst things ever despite them being cultural icons for kids.
The way he jacks off over the Xmen cartoon and Animaniacs really just comes off as another insecure adult trying desperately to justify the medium
>defending Doug Walker
>calls someone else an autist
Nostalgia Critic is cringe and a lame, but he isn't an abject failure. He makes money off of a creative venture. He's moderately successful.
>Almost ends up as janitor for the rest of his life
Janitor's actually a pretty good paying job.
>Studied film, major in communications, the liberal arts degree of liberal arts degrees
This is strange, though, because he comes off as a pretty shit communicator. I feel like his writing and speaking style would come off as mediocre in introductory English or Communications classes.
Since the "mods" are AWOL, I have no choice but to utilize scorched earth self moderation tactics in order to purge this shitty thread from here for the greater good. You're both welcome and encouraged to roll as many times as you desire, just remember to sage, or else your roll is null and void.
Nobody cares nerd.
Roll 1
Please let me have Mulan
Roll 2
Fuck, I'm never going to get rid of Frollo.
Rollin, hopin for Ariel.
I got Aurora? Yeah, I guess she'll do.
>Asian girl has the biggest tits
Roll 3
Most of these threads are just to point and laugh at Doug and his former cohorts. What's wrong with that?
Roll 4
Not comics or cartoons. Go to Kiwi Fags if you want to laugh at retards on the internet with other retards.
They're advertising him and they're off topic, and therefore cancer.
Roll 5
Speaking of shitty youtubers, I hear Blob went back to Escapist recently. Were they just desperate to get someone other that Yahtzee on their site?
Roll 6
roollin roollin roollin.
Roll 7
Roll 8
Roll 9
Roll 10
Roll 11
Roll 12
Roll 13
Roll 14
Okay apparently people care, nerd. Sorry.
>no Maid Marian
Roll 15
Roll 16
Roll 17
Roll 18
Roll 19
Roll 20
Roll 21
Roll 22
Brad was the holdout. This led to obsessed fans bothering him and his relatives at home, with Brad blaming Lupa and showing up on someone else's show to mock her for being petty.
Lupa responded by calling it a betrayal from a friend and deleting a crossover she and Brad did.
>This led to obsessed fans bothering him and his relatives at home
>he's not making an effort to fuck those 10/10 MILFs
What a virgin.
rolling but are jasmine's tits really that big? I feel like the breasts in this pic aren't accurate and it's kind of pissing me off
rolling for
You know the most disappointing thing about Shad? He seems to have completely given up on drawing actual hardcore porn of actual existing characters these days instead of his cringy OC trap comics.
Mulan ain't that fucking stacked.
>Same type of person who acts like the Hasbro 80s cartoons were the worst things ever despite them being cultural icons for kids.
They are not cultural icons for kids, Fortnite is. They are only cultural icons to nostalgic boomers
>>Can't shut up about Heath Ledger's Joker and Rick & Morty as a adult
He hasn't even made a single (1) video about TDK or Rick & Morty, you sound like you're grasping at straws
>>Literally no friends growing up (giant red flags about being a sociopath)
Sociopaths are usually popular. You'd know that if you actually knew what the term meant.
I don't, whenever someone looks at me I always get into stare contests with people until they have to look away. They still don't like me
>it's for children so it has to be retarded
>no thick ginger bush
I'm utterly disappointed
AoStH is a cartoon for toddlers, a cartoon for kids aged 7-11, that's the primary difference between them.
Let's go Kida
eh good enough
Call me strange, but I prefer my women unbound and ungagged. Except Merida, she'll go for your throat if you cut her loose.
The sad thing is, it might actually be good if James had better people to play off of. You can tell after five minutes he's the only one having any fun with it.
RLM works because you can tell everyone involved, despite acting (and being) like a bunch of middle aged alcoholics and miserable fucks, have actually been friends for decades and like what they're doing. You don't get that from the amorphous blob monsters Ryan has saddled James with.
She's not the Nostalgia Chick.
Neither are his friends btw, they're both paid actors.
The problem is that there’s people out there that quote his criticism.
>all those people who think Mario and Luigi are father and son in the movie thanks to his review
Wait.... So the mods deleted the Princess Roll post.... But boy this thread entirely....because?
Shit I knew Yea Forums had the worst mods but I'd at least expect them to have done their jobs entirely and prune this thread since, you know, and isn't discussing anything cartoon/comic related.
This is why the jannies are a joke.
Mods are site-wide, boards don't have specific ones. They just care about some boards more than others.
What's happening with Boogie?
He's reviewed a lot of cartoons so technically it counts
Welcome to your average moderated site, selective bias
Fuck mods and fuck jannies
>Literally nothing has changed
Everybody ditched the site except Doug, Brad Jones and Guru Larry.
>He hasn't even made a single (1) video about TDK
He made 5 you fucking tard, check his old channel
Raol or something like the We're Back review
Kinda doubting the latter, produce the sauce if you will, please.
So then why do rebel taxi threads get deleted?
That was a parody of Raoul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and he only did it that one time.
Long time, no see.
To be fair, these days you can’t say anything without having someone on the internet taking it that seriously.
There’s people doing that with memes. MEMES.
I turned on my PC and the nostalgia critic looked oddly realistic and bled at me!
I'm alright with this as long as Brad is a pimp
Let's be honest Shadbase's fans must be 10x worse. Thankfully they never go into sunlight.
Hey Doug, your show still sucks and no one but those with autism would pay for your shit now
>every spoony stream
Yea Forums mods only delete Homestuck threads, sorry pal
Correction: he's made BATMAN videos
Not TDK videos
Also, IIRC one of his favorite movies is Tim Burton's Batman, not Dark Knight.
The downside or upside is that it looks like you probably have to be part of the group to view that overdosing Critic story.
The crossovers on her channel are gone.
>Demo Reel, fails so hard he cancels it after a few episodes.
>Reboot NC, but since you already have actors for DR lined-up just insert them into pointless parody skits for NC reviews.
Our jew, he got to make the pointless sketch show after alll.
Cause ironically the people whining about the site turned out to have been hiding and mourning a rapist through their little changethechannel movement.
He cant for the life of him know when to end a joke. If something's funny for five seconds, he'll turn it into a 5min skit and reoccurring joke he brings up for years
Why exactly did people like Linkara and BBB think it was acceptable to do in depth edgey narratives in their videos? Linkaras film is literally unwatchable
What did Jewwario actually do? I heard some people say he was grooming a kid but then other people said she was 18, so I'm confused. Also, is it why he killed himself?
Oh shit, yea, I saw her video. She was devastated.
Who else thought the groomer was probably Benzaie before everyone realized it was JW? I think I discriminated against him for being a French pervert.
>Warcraft ripped off the Avengers movie
Holy fuck I wanted to strangle him.
Both were literally rip offs of other channels. "Ask That Guy" was such a blatant rehash of "Ask Ninja" Im surprised he didnt get into trouble.
That was one of the worst aspects of the TGWTG site, it was built off in jokes and copying each others shit. Everyone used "of course" meme, everyone had a "bum" character, everyone did a "I am a man" joke. Its a wonder they took off at all with the amount of derivative garbage it was stuffed with.
It's for tumblr. because they are out of touch
She was a legitimately retarded 17 year old and Jewwario told her to wait til she was 18. Then they fugged and a feminist convinced her it was rape.
I like how the head women had to suddenly explain why they had tribute posts and videos where they were in tears for him despite knowing what he did.
Their fans ate up "It wasnt our place to say" excuse ofc
Lindsey and Obscurus " How dare you make a rape joke on twitter even though Im covering for a real rapist" Lupa too
He 100% did it on purpose, dude "forget" to censor the beginning "Ju" of Justins name
If I had to guess, they might have been told that he was let go due to "bad behavior" or "sexual misconduct", something relatively minor when you put it next to "molestation and/or rape of a minor". Something where you can say "They never told us the full story, and because we never got the full story we assumed it was less of a problem than it actually was."
They were always a joke though
>The Jokers making me play bad Batman games!
>Im gonna shove the games up his ass as revenge
With Linkara is all straight faced drama
I'll admit I laughed when Spoony thought doug was reviewing Highlander 2 and tried to stop him, then ran away after finding out the truth.
>Mario was like a father to me
Coincidentally, Spoony's review of Highlander 2 is my favorite video of his.
>proceeds to freak out about surnames for 6 minutes
That still sounds amazingly shitty on Lupa's part.
The fact that the likes of Lindsey, JO, Lupa and Marzgurl now roll with the guilty until proven innocent crowd, I really don't see that as an excuse.
I didn't really keep up to date with the nostagila critic during the #changethechannel and didn't realize his videos were actually declining in views, I was just basing my statement on the fact he was still putting out normal videos with no apparent delay between them.
While I kinda lost interest in the AVGN I really enjoy his videos where he talks about monster movies and Godzilla. Jame's seems to understand that his videos will probably only appeal to certain people and so he plays to those crowds while Doug seems to take the corporate mindset of widest possible audience and just flings shit at the wall hoping it will stick.
It's the same thing for every #controversy, it's a trend. It's impossible for any movement these days to see any real action as all that happens is people argue on twitter about it for a month or two until #kerfuffle comes along and the cycle repeats. Nobody wants to actually do anything, they just want to be part of a something, no matter how meaningless they really are to it.
>when plebs don't remember THE BEST MEME EVER
The basic issue the controversy had was that by their own admission Doug was at worst an enabler, and Doug has always been the face of the brand.
The average viewer barely knows who Mike is.
I love it when people say "let's make this an internet meme"
>Doug puts random gags in his reviews
>his autistic fanbase goes fucking nuts for them and turns them into running jokes
>Doug literally says he's coining a meme, pretty much lowkey urging his fanbase to make it a thing
>nobody gives a shit and Doug remains the only person to ever use the term he himself made up
Holy fucking kek
>Holy fucking kek
Only good things that came out of SatAM where the YouTube Poops and Mean Bean Machine
What the fuck? I mean, I know you're referencing Melvin, but man, what kind of crack are you smoking?
>also the reason people thought he committed suicide TL;DR: People thought he ran out of funds for his indiegogo backed film and couldn't live with the guilt,
I thought it was the secretly depressed and no one noticed route when it first broke.
>no one had idea of telling her what he really was
I also have a rundown either. What was the full story of his death (and apparently twisted life)?
Those are both from AoStH...
Nah, it was an argument over bathroom refurbishment, if you'll believe it.
His wife wanted a new door, but he was dead against it.
Fuck i need sleep
People thought it was LordKat, at first.
Larry’s only there ironically, too. He just wants to see how long he can stay.
You're not proving him wrong. That's for sure.
>that one and only time Linkara was actually based
I remember hearing it was going to be a horror parody with a killer clown. So all of Doug's It and Stephen King jokes recycled.
Lupa always came off as a vindictive bitch. Always bringing things up months after the fact and sending her fans after people.
If that claim about her purposely putting Michaud on hold is true, then she's just awful.
LordKat definitely has issues...
>Loses shit when told to tone down rape jokes
>Becomes a Kiwi poster
Man, you can't start a meme by forcing it like that.
He autistically hates the cup because he doesn't get that the joke is modern shit in ancient greece
I thought his rant on Treasure Planet's aesthetics was way more autistic to be desu
Like, James and Mike Mondays has some potential. James is a total dinosaur when it comes to anything past the early days of the Wii, so putting him on some modern games could be fun (like when he played Goat Simulator or Abobo's Big Adventure).
But other times it just feels like Mike plopping him in front of whatever's trending to get them clicks. James is so passionate about what he does, you really need people who are gonna match that energy or else it'll all fall flat. Monster Madness is brilliant because it's just him talking about shit he really cares about, rather than trying to pick up everyone else's slack.
Any time he complains about just not getting the joke is a treasure
Cause Pan is actually good.
We don't discuss quality things on Yea Forums, only trash.
I honestly feel the only outright bad videos from that series were the sponsored Resident Evil 2 ones. I'm surprised they haven't played War of the Monsters yet desu.
>disliking the aesthetic of Treasure Planet
Holy fuck HOW
He thought the Victorian elements and the sci-fi stuff clashed too much.
I can kind of respect that, even if I think Doug and Rob do not deserve that kind of loyalty
Just when I thought Doug's taste couldn't get any more baffling, this.
Like, he's not a complete idiot. A few of his more serious videos aren't half bad. But FUCK how does stuff so obvious go over his head like this?
The Nostalgia Critic is my favorite guest character t b h
According to the description, since NC and all the rest are hookers, AVGN has a rivalry with Irate Gamer. And then there's a chapter where AVGN sleeps with NC, or something.
>implying Hookerverse is as bad as it gets
Just wait until you hear about how he thought "Last Action Hero" was supposed to be a straight action movie and not an action comedy.
>Had a "catgirl club", it was a bunch of young girls that were his fans and he supposedly manipulated
>Had a contact on his phone that said "slave" right next to his wife
>One instance of a girl getting drunk, being taken to her room, and waking up to Justin naked next to her.
>Allegedly there are more victims
>Few people know about this
>TGWTG announces they are parting ways, people think Justin is just going to another site
>Year later
>Speculation says that it was due to him running out of funds for his indiegogo film
>EVERYONE on CA does a tribute video
>He is reminded as a decent person mostly
>Some wore the "jewwario" hat for a long time
>Document talks about how management knew about an abuser and never did anything
>CA responds by claiming they took actions against said abuser
>Chatlog reveals date that was close to Justin's departure from the site
>A "J" can "seen" on the portion that censors the name
>People put two and two together and realize that it was Justin
>Turns out, it wasn't only key members of the staff IT WAS ALSO SOME PRODUCERS
>Shitstorm ensues.
You'd have to be retarded to even think this would stay buried. But then again, this is CA we are talking about.
Boy these posts are really gyrating my electrons
Given Spoony's comments in his "To Boldly Flee" commentary track, which he recorded only a few months after his ousting from CA, the general atmosphere of the website and its creators was in flux, in that they had a number of new creators who were far less popular than the older established crowd, and as a result there was a sort of communication breakdown both between management and the old crew but between the old crew and the new crew as well.
Or something like that. The gist is that JewWario would have been in the old crew, and likely the word about his actions would have been kept hush-hush as much as possible among management and never leak out to the old crew; the new crew would likely have never even been made aware of any of it if possible.
>man who makes money drawing gore porn of real life kids to satisfy himself and his pedophile fanbase after being dishonorably discharged from the military for it tries to mock a man who creates content you can actually watch in public without being put on an FBI watchlist
Okay, Shad. Aight.
He gained a fanbase who only wanted one specific thing and so long as they got that they were totally content to the point where they never even criticized the guy enough to make him wanna improve the quality of his work beyond buying some more expensive equipment.
Taking five seconds to make a post isn't much energy m8y.
He actually didn't. That movie's cult fanbase is full of nostalgiadrunk retards who use that defense for anyone who shits on it when in reality we're all aware it was meant to be a comedy it just so happens to fucking suck at it.
>Never learned technical stuff about effects and cinematography
Oh come off it, RLM.
didnt this fucking nigger die?
A new episode literally came out yesterday
Found her tvtropes page too, she still obsessively edits CA pages.
What else should I expect from a girl who claims she's a "bipolar bisexual"?
Look who wrote the top Urban Dictionary post
>it's literally his only addition to the site
What a man, what a legend.
This. Outside of a couple moments, Last Action Hero just isn't funny.
im 𝕒 motherfucking trex
>Zuul motherfucker
>Frying the coke
>Big lipped alligator moment
>Boomer will live
Christ. If force one meme makes you a faggot what does forcing FOUR make Doug?
>Nostalgia Critic
>never got criticism
It's kind of funny when you think about it
>I was just trolling you guys!
Eat shit
If you really want to be such a stickler for the rules and think the mods are shit, then become a janitor.
Then YOU become a jannie then retard and stop backseat modding like it's gonna do anything.
I did kind of feel pain when the camera showed how James uses a keyboard when Arrow keys are locked in as movement option. I know you're fighting 30+ years of "left hand moves character", James, but still...
Especially painful since the site flat out shows you how to do Joy 2 Key
>Stops making actual videos in favor of shilling crappy tech products
>Gives up in favor of a puppet show for kids
>Comes back
>Revival is super boring and people don't watch
>Gives up again for the puppet show
>Comes crawling back to his Facebook asking fans if should do it again.
Imagine being so dense that you don't know how to adjust to changes in YouTube.
>something dumbs happens in the movie
>jumps to critic sitting there starring with his mouth agape, speechless
>some other dumb thing happens
>critic screams "FUCK! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK FUCK FUCKKKK!"
I will never understand Yea Forums seething hatred of ecelebs to the point of digging up dirt on their personal lives or outright making shit up to make them look bad.
If you don't like someone, don't watch them or talk about them.
thank you for your service
>even tvtropes thought this shit was forced
>that time Douge tried to make "e-sults"
I dont think i've ever cringed harder at anything.
How far can you go Yea Forums?
Don't forget the ghost hunting show.
It's obviously an action comedy, but I'm pretty sure NC went through his whole review assuming it was straight action, trying to figure out why there was a cartoon character.
At the very least, I don't think he ever came out and explained himself, like that time when the writers of "The Legend of Korra" had to explain that holding hands amounted to lesbian sex.
Well now you're just plain wrong.
He does the skits in revenge for people not liking Demo Reel, why do you think he has done Skit Only reviews as well?
>I dont think i've ever cringed harder at anything.
I saw someone honestly use one on a forum I went to once.
It's a cinemasins situation where they claim its a satirical bit but their regular opinions still match up with the show opinions
We like getting angry. Why don't you tell NC to stop reviewing bad movies if he hates them so much?
Twice, and he actually tries to make genuine ghost hunting his career.
I stopped believing Cinema Sins was satire after that video where he had a meltdown over the live-action Pooh movie.
>a meltdown over the live-action Pooh movie
wait what
Being a French pervert is precisely why Benzaie is in the clear. You don't expect worse from a guy like him since he's already pretty open about sex. I mean, he had a segment called GameFap, for crying out loud. I liked it for what it was: shitty humor on sexy content
Yeah he went on this huge rant after the movie was announced. Sadly it seems he deleted the video but you can see pieces of it around 5:15 into this video:
It's a miracle this thread lasts so long, might as well torch the gas puddle
>Spoony's court date for going San Andreas is coming closer, my hateboner is rigid AF and I hope there's someone recording the trial. protip don't tell him how to drive
>Love how Brad is a saint lol hail to the deep voiced mofo
>Thanks for the revelation about Doug's tism with Herculade anons, hilarity keeps flowing into his spergatory
>Spoony's court date
The fuck did I miss now?
He ran a red light.
The extended skits has less to do with revenge and more to do with:
-the fact he signed up Malcolm and Rachel for a long contract on Demo Reel
-Blip no longer existing
-Youtube taking down videos with a lot of copyrighted footage in them
Disney Crossy Roads
Running a red light, causing head-on collision. There's aftermath footage of it but only a peek at the damage and Spoony ocassionally talking to the cop. Best part is he's lying to the cop about the light and it's caught on the vid.
>secretly depressed and no one noticed route when it first broke.
The secretly depressed thing is a sob story, in reality he was bipolar and an alcoholic.
Not him, but I have a perfect macro for that!
I'm not talking about 30 second bits, I'm talking about full videos
It's a far cry from the attitude they had during Suburban Knights. That film's whole production lay on a knife-edge for most of it, yet in the making of and commentary, they had this air of brothers in arms through it all, and it didn't really seem like a "put on the face for PR" facade.
What's the difference between a meme and a running joke?
>What's the difference between a meme and a running joke?
Other people pick up a meme and begin repeating it independently of its source.
Then the only one that doesn't count as a meme under your definition is, ironically, the frying the coke thing since TGWTG autismos used to repeat the other bits all the time.
Benzaie is just a bad as JW. He keeps tons of pics and vids on any CA fangirls he knows or has talked into sending them. He also got fired from CA for lying about staying in US longer than he said he was and using company money to do it. He's the Jimmy Saville of CA.
I'm not the guy you were replying to before, but I don't think it counts as a meme until it gets out into the wild. If only his fans were saying it, it moves from a running gag to a reference. If it starts popping up elsewhere, "independent of its source" as I said above, then it's become a meme.
I honestly think it would be funny if he invited that Goof guy to be on his show.
>What's the difference between a meme and a running joke?
A running joke is treated as a single joke, placed within a certain context and never generally meant to be applied elsewhere.
A meme is treated as malleable, able to be fitted within a number of different contexts and within any scenario or situation.
Memes are generally improvised and made memes through a group of people spreading the meme around on their own volition. A forced meme is a meme that is created and more-or-less pushed upon others in the hopes that it will catch on with the same viral spread as other "true" memes.
Oh fuck.
Wait, seriously?
This is amazing.
>Fan Disservice: While the first fic's description of Critic's outfit of make-up, thigh-high boots, corset and mini-skirt (along with the tie, hat and jacket) was Eating the Eye Candy, later fics give the impression that he's supposed to look seriously trashy.
>Not just the Critic's clothes. It's kinda hard to enjoy the pretty boys and girls when you learn that they often go without food for a long time due to lack of money.
>Before Linkara and Spoony have anonymous sex, much detail is given to the diseased, dirty surroundings before we get to any good stuff.
I'm sad RLM will never have another reason to just grill him.
good for him
where exactly Doug failed while James didn't? I used to appreciate them both equally but now I have nothing but disregard for Doug
As mentioned in the thread, James can "turn off" being the AVGN and do other videos like Monster Madness and all that, and they'd stand well on their own. With Doug the line between him and his characters is blurred, and sometimes when he does other things aside from being NC it doesn't work as well.
I'd say the biggest issue between the two is that Doug is totally content with filming stuff exactly how he did eleven fucking years ago with the only changes being some newer equipment and cramming demo reel material into his reviews thinking his fans wouldn't notice. James on the other hand is constantly trying to improve his material and while you may like or dislike his newer reviews over his older ones you can at least see he's been trying to refine or change how he does things over the years.
I was a fookin' legend at deviantart. Haven't used it in forever but just checked and my page is at 151k pageview. My gimmick wasn't fanfiction, but spoopy photoshops.
When you look at other Cinemassacre videos, you realize that AVGN is a character. When you look at other Doug videos, you realize NC isn't a character.
shad's fanbase has two sides, one is the people that only follow him because of the >shadman meme, and the other are legit degenerates like pic related
James comes across as a more multi-faceted person since videogames aren't really his passion, so he can talk about other stuff like movies or books and still keep you entertained. Doug's entire output is movie/TV shit, most of it with a nostalgic slant since a lot of it is part of some franchise.
Also, like others said you can watch James' other videos and enjoy them as they are, with Doug every video feels like a Nostalgia Critic video since the humor and tone are the same, even when unscripted.
>I was unironically a LICD, CAD, and NC fan.
Did you write a crossover between them?
>For him
If we're being honest with ourselves she lucked out more from finally leaving him than he did.
I still get mad every time I think about his reaction to the brainfart scene (pic related) in Sharkboy and Lavagirl
this is what he finds disgusting, folks
I think the stupidest thing he ever said was when he said Peter Jackson should have hired real midgets to be the hobbits in LoTR