Rooster Teeth Thread

>RIP Barb

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Why are we pressing F?

Because F you

What happened?

God dammit Barb!

Those were my friggin' cheeseburgers, barb!

about fucking time


good riddance

Probably something with Vic or Barb is dead to OP. Either way, OP is a faggot for not going into detail.

vic did nothing wrong

Yikes, what happened to the times fellas?

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Jesus christ what happened now

you utter faggots

It went to some friends having a good time to a corporation.

is funhaus worth watching

Hey, Camp Camp’s alright. For a Hallmark movie series disguised as le ebin cynical webtoon it puts in some decent effort

>is funhaus worth watching
where to start

Their older stuff is, and I'd say the cutoff is around 2016ish but I'm not being that precise. Their older videos are great, back when it was pretty much the same as their previous channel Inside Gaming (rip, their inside gaming content was so much better. I'd give money just to get their Chaser series back, some of the funniest shit they ever put out. Art through adversary I suppose). Now, they've kind of gone the same way as AH. Their shows are soulless and over edited, kind of like Nostalgia Critic with unfunny jokes and skits that go on way too long. The new members aren't funny in the slightest and have no chemistry, especially in comparison to the original trio of James, Adam, and Bruce. Adam has become a shell of himself, being a whiny uninteresting unfunny loser who can't crack an edgy joke without apologizing under his breath (seriously, try to find any video where he doesn't quietly mutter virtue signals to himself). Lawrence has become a bit of a dick, acting more as a contrarian than anything else. He loves sucking up to large corporations, especially when discussing controversies on their god awful podcast. It always boils down to "ughh, gamers are upset at this anti-consumer practices or something. Let me tell you why you should let these companies fuck you in the ass". It's the same shtick.

They've just become lame. I just miss the old Inside Gaming crew. Have I just gotten old, do zoomers actually like this type of content?

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Apparently she was part of a live podcast today? I'm not going to be bothered to listen to it. That and some short she directed launched a few days ago.
Does she still claim to be a lesbian even though she's dating a male staffer?

Pretty sure she only did that to hawk Rwby merch.

If the cunt in the OP is Monica Rial then she's more than likely going to bay serious fines and/or serve jail time for violating her contract with KamehaCon and for possibly interfering with Vic's.

She's not the only one, the whole thing's falling apart. But, Barb isn't Monica, so take your bitterness somewhere else.

>They hire these kind of people

Just seems like a normal day at the bar to me. A lot of rambling about topics on a first-year college level of understanding.

It was.

I only watched rwby and camp camp. Is any other show worth watching?

cry more incel
your cuck got kicked

get with the program or go home


There's alot of women like this, especially university bars.
You learn to ignore them.
As for Mica, if her dad wasn't Levar Burton she most likely wouldn't be given so much platform, let alone a job.

100%, I’ve been watching since the Inside Gaming days and it’s still the only channel I’ve watched that’s kept its level of quality

>Camp Camp’s alright
you can stop lying

you can almost see the fat-girl tears in your text
what's the matter? vic didn't sign your precious yaoi?

>tfw you're still bitter about s2 of x-ray and vav

seriously, it was actually kind of good until everything was thrown away because of a fucking overused meme

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I still like modern RVB.

I feel the same way.
Back in the Inside Gaming days, getting back from school to watch their videos was the best part of my days for a long time.
However, for a long time now, I just cant get into it anymore, I cant bring myself to unsubscribe out of respect for the good ol´ days.
Maybe its because I changed, not them, since I cant really point out what and when things went wrong.

Also, every now and then, they do make videos with the potential of becoming the new "Chaser" series, but they seem to be more interested (admittedly) in views, so they quickly drop the series with out finishing it.

Rooster Teeth should have never grown beyond a handful of college friends making dumb Halo videos in their spare time.

You could say basically the same thing about every similar group going. Becoming a full blown business is always a mistake.

Which has been absorbing every other internet content creator.

From what the word going round was SBFP was on the list. Then they scattered to the winds instead of becoming part of the empire.

She and a horde of others. Marzgurl getting caught in this would be some sadly delayed justice.

or you can not be a sanctimonious jackass.

>As for Mica, if her dad wasn't Levar Burton

just don't watch the podcast so you don't have to hear their terrible actual opinions

Nah. Heck its why why even separated SBFP is still at it. Well for one because they are still enjoying what they do.

Far too many others have lost their spark and are just going through the motions. They've taken all the fun out of video games for themselves for some reason.

She was friends with Gavin long before being hired

SBF breakup was building since Liam ran from the cleansing flame that is Patrick Boivin

>implying Vic’s lawyers aren’t going to spit roast and humiliate funimation

Even mega64?

Is there any alternative to the .m3u8 links? There's no mega for the live action stuff.

>The Creatures are dead
>Cow Chop on its way out

to be fair when you almost successfully cripple your talent that might be when it's time to pack it in

>fun channel with two guys who were vaguely friends
>mutual friend and original wanted partner joins
>channel is fun, even if LP methods retarded
>fourth guy joins, only mutual friend of 2 out of 3
>4th is whiny contrarian who doesn't gel with one of the originals
>Leaves and starts perpetually dead channel and celebrating SBFP's death does nothing for his viewership
>Matt stops putting any effort at all into channel despite being "boss"
>Channel and podcast barely take a dent w/o Matt's involvement
>Pat and Woolie can for now exist fine on current content
>Fuckboy Matt needs Patreon
>Liam is still poor and has a dead channel

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Did Ray leave at the right time

Yeah hes living his best life

he could have stayed a little longer and been fine. as soon as they started getting it in their heads that they needed shows like Haunter or Weird Place, they were doomed.

Who are all of these people and what are their relation to comics and or cartoons?
Im not trying to moderate here, just genuinely curious on what this crap is and why its here. I got maybe half way through the thread and picked up almost zero context. Are they youtube personalities? Do they talk about cartoons or comics? Did anyone die?
Fucking ebonics are easier to understand then whatever internet retard speak has taken over. Yes, I’m fucking old.

Man, I miss The Creatures, even after James and Alex left I still watched some of the videos Dan and Jordan put out. Cowchop was something that I loved for awhile but eventually I just lost interest. Out of everyone the only person I like to watch nowadays is James.

I mean, that's just Geoff, really.

Geoff isn't even the manager of Achievement Hunter anymore, is he? I thought Trevor was in charge now.

geoff is still a founder and leader in the company overall and he sits in on a lot of the creative meetings where shows get pitched by other people in the company or he brings them up himself. AH may seem like it's own secluded thing, but it's extremely tied into how RT does business with everything else.

They took her...

They also hire these kind of people

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>Look it up
>It's real

God fucking damn it, Geordi.

Wife material

Why do you go in threads you don't know anything about just to say you don't know anything about it?
That's pretty dumb desu senpai

Trying too hard. Minus five points.
Trying way, way too hard. Plus ten points.

Randomly allocating points.
Fucking fifty DKP minus.

I read through all the bullshit posts in this thread and nobody has actually explained what the hell is going on.

watch the Funhaus series called Demo Disk it is their best series
Some fan gave them a case full of old demo disks stretching back years,
they play the demos (or try too) and google porn related to the game when the disk doesn't work.

Was this from the same one she started crying?

Nothing is going on. Rooster Teeth is just a 24 hour drama factory, hosted by manchildren that are all "lol, so random" characters.

it's the Yea Forums way

What happened?
Did Barb eat her?