But could Carol actually beat him without her powers?
But could Carol actually beat him without her powers?
As a regular human being? Absolutely not
He's better at hand to hand combat, which is why he was trying to bait her in to a fight, cause he knew he couldn't bear her in raw power so he tried to use her impulsive behavior against her.
Carol however was just like 'Nah, fuck you'
Carol's only advantage is her powers, without them she wouldn't even stand a chance against most humans.
He's stronger with more experience. No. Carol could not.
What I find fucking hilarious about this movie is that not only does Carol not struggle mastering her powers, she REFUSES to better herself, and instead proves she's fucking nothing without them
>"I have nothing to prove to you"
What dumb asshole thought that was empowering? It sure as hell wasn't a character arc. How many other heroes go through the exact same situation, and learn that powers don't make the man?
Cause she wasn't a dumbass, you retard. He fucking knows he's utterly screwed against her so tries a desperate gambit to bait her into fighting him without using her powers. Something that only a massive retard would ever fall for. He's beneath her at that point and she doesn't give him the satisfaction.
The fuck is wrong with you? Instant mastery bullshit aside, she's entirely in the right for wrecking him.
Hey I'm not condoning characters willfully nerfing themselves for the sake of "muh honor" or some shit, the point being is that Carol doesn't really improve at anything. She doesn't show fear nor doubt about her own power, she doesn't once think "am I nothing without them?". No, instead she's just apparently great from start to fucking finish. At least with the sparring match the film had ONE chance to have the character say to herself "yeah I can do shit". But no, it's thrown away for a cheap gag. I can respect a hero cutting through the bullshit to get the job done, but in this particular case it's bogged down by a protagonist with next to no character arc other than finding out shes human and that the Kree lied
Kree are Captain America physical level on average. No way in hell
He seemed to constantly slap her around with his magnet wrist thingies.
Improve at what? By the end of the movie she realized she was more powerful than she realized, and completely accepted that it was awesome. She didn't fight him in hand-to-hand cause she didn't need to, on top of it being a bad idea. You're complaining about cliches. Her powers are as much a part of her as anything, and getting into fistfights doesn't improve her character.
Every time she pushed herself too far while trying to prove something to someone else it ended up being pointless and she suffered for it like the go carts, like the obstacle course. She learned to stop being overly sensitive about what other people thought of her and not do stupid shit for no reason.
Isn't that kind of the point. Without her powers she's nothing. It's like sayin girls are weak and helpless if they don't have some god like mcguffin power to carry them.
It's not about the actual fist fight, you dense fuck. The problem is everything is nearly handed to fucking Carol, and she doesn't struggle or have any sort of challenge. CHARACTER GROWTH. That's what I'm asking for. What part of this don't you understand? The fistfight is just an example of this. The inhibitor comes off and OH WOW SHES SO GODDAMN INSPIRING blah blah blah and masters it in 5 seconds.
How is going through basic training doing stupid shit for no reason?
No and Carol doesn't need to prove anything by this point so she uses her advantages instead of playing to his.
While I agree somewhat that her development was iffy, her next showings will cement, for me at least, whether the writers are willing to give her better material and arcs to deal with or if they just wanna keep it bland and wooden.
As for her powers, the takeaway for me wasn't that she had a sudden power up but that she removed the obstacle that was crippling her and could finally move and fight at 100%. Like she says, she's been going around with her arms and a foot tied behind her back for 6 years(I'm paraphrasing) and realised there was no reason to limit herself in that way. It gets a pass from me just because of that, but again, I expect better material and a more engaging performance from here on out.
Jesus, people nitpick every little shit about this movie
She already prove herself with 900 million
Yeah but was there any evidence at all that she knew she could fly? The inhibitor prevented her from obtaining that level of her power so she should have had some sort of difficulty flying. Nearly every hero has that momentary period of adjustment. Iron Man, Superman, and soon Shazam all had to walk before they could run. It's just natural progression.
>Pointing out a protagonist doesn't struggle is now nitpicking
Holy fuck, user. Have some damn standards already. This turn your brain off mentality is retarded
This movie sucked.
I thought Jude Law would be cool in it but it sucked.
Here's a better question. According to the movie, what are her powers, exactly?
Roy Thomas:
>Actually, the one thing I really hated in the film was turning the Skrulls into a peace-loving race, with the Kree as the heavies. As far as I’m concerned as the principal conceptualizer of the Kree/Skrull War (and I suspect Stan Lee and Jack Kirby would’ve agreed with me), the Skrulls and the Kree are each as bad as each other, as they say. Having the Skrulls all mushy and family-friendly at the end left a bad taste in my mouth… but I loved ’em for most of the movie, when they were doing shape-shifting stuff that looked (and as far as I’m concerned, were) downright evil.
>The reviews are, I think, basically right: It’s not one of the better Marvel movies, not as good an origin as the recent Black Panther (or, dare I say it, the Warner/DC Wonder Woman movie),
That may tie into the whole 'most powerful Avenger' thing they've been advertising her as. If what she's demonstrated is, in fact her, baby steps into truly using her powers, without really getting into the mid or high ends of her potential, than yeah, I'll believe she's way up there in terms of power.
If, instead, they keep her at this relative level, or give her a tiny little boost to show how her powers have developed in 30 years, it'll be a cop out and reflect badly on this film.
user I don't think giving more power to Carol will solve anything.
Carol's powers are fine. the one I wish whose powers would evolve is Wanda tk & tp is cool and all, but I'm ready for some real magic
Fuck, I hadn't picked that up. That's good, user.
>How is going through basic training doing stupid shit for no reason?
She tried to speed run an obstacle course because she wanted to show up a jeering crowd when she knew she'd never serve in any combat role and the best she could do is volunteer to fly experimental aircraft.
It works if they show her later struggling to accomplish even more powerful feats(relative to her powerlevel). With her fighting a one-woman-anti-war campaign and being on a super powerful AI's shitlist, she's sure to have had ample opportunities to bust out the really crazy shit or truly push herself and subsequently falter, or even outright fail.
The rub is that we're getting a 25-30 year time skip and if they don't show flashbacks of her trying to get a handle on the full scope of her powers as well as the full scale of a galactic war, we'll be stuck with the bland puddle we have now.
There's promise here. They just can't skip out on the nitty gritty from here on out, nor try to pave away all obstacles and adversities in her path. That way only leads to bland blandness and Rey.
I enjoyed the Skrull twist. It's a nice analogy to how imperialist powers treat insurgent fighters in places they can't control. It's basically the cosmic version of US fomenting hate and terrorism in the middle-east and then bombing the shit out of innocent people.
I do wish they'd at least make a point that there are indeed some Skrulls that are plain hateful and warmongering, it'd make things less on the nose.
user you need to lay off the anime. It's not good for you, because this powerlevel crap is nonsense and not character development
>I enjoyed the Skrull twist. It's a nice analogy to how imperialist powers...
Your opinion is shit.
I did too but only in the context of "We've seen MCU space before and there are no Skrulls. We need an explanation for that if in other continuities they're a fucking galaxy wide empire."
She should've beaten the shit out of Yon-Rogg without her powers and still said "I have nothing to prove to you" at the end, it would've been badass
Fuck off you wanker. Thinking she, or even Thor, are on the same level as Widow or Steve is utter nonsense. They are absurdly powerful, and how she handles that power and what it can't help her achieve is fucking central to her characterisation, same as it was for Thor.
If she's been doing nothing but blowing up Kree ships for the last few decades with nothing to show for it but an ever more radicalised empire and a convenient propaganda symbol, then that's meaningful. If she blew up a few ships and got an unconditional surrender from the empire, immediate reforms and the election of a Skrull president into the brand new democratic government, all in a few days since the movie, then fuck that noise.
Nah, her taking his bait would have been against her growth in the movie
>Thinking she, or even Thor, are on the same level as Widow or Steve is utter nonsense
I never said nor even implied that, and I feel like I've touched a nerve with the anime comment. The "I need more power" is the dumbest excuse for character development that retards and children think adore. So take your pick. You think going binary helped comic Carol become any more interesting? Hell no. Read a book, user
I thought about those scene sin the way that you're saying but I think the original thought behind them was that "SHE NEVER GIVES UP" but seeing it in the way that you said would have been better.
Shame Carol doens't struggle anymore when she has her powers and the movie did a poor job at conveying any character growth or just plain making her likeable outside her relationship with Fury and the Rambeaus.
For some reason this reminds me. While that scene where the little girl recolors her uniform is cute and all, she still has that Star of Hala dead center on her chest. That'd be like if a US Soldier turned traitor, decided to repaint their uniform, but left a big "SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in the center of their chest or something.
>I do wish they'd at least make a point that there are indeed some Skrulls that are plain hateful and warmongering
They sorta did. Talos outright says that he and the Skrulls have done some fucked up shit in this war, same as the Kree. They even have a mind-fuck machine. They do infiltrate planets and organisations and they do forment strife and assassinate key officials. It just isn't the whole picture and the Kree aren't innocent in all this.
Mind you, the film does paint the Kree in a much harsher light, but later films can help in balancing it out somewhat or simply fuck it all up.
>but later films can help in balancing it out somewhat or simply fuck it all up.
Assuming they even show up at all later films will be "SKULLS DID NOTHING WRONG THEY ARE GOOD BOIS", screencap this post.
>I do wish they'd at least make a point that there are indeed some Skrulls that are plain hateful and warmongering, it'd make things less on the nose.
The first group of Skrulls posing as refugees were all armed and part of the ambush
It's the notion that her powers(and what she can accomplish with them) are somehow separate from her characterisation that's idiotic. Being powerful but having that power unable to help you solve problems you truly care about is fine(from a writing standpoint). Her character can evolve alongside an exploration of what she can do(same as Thor). But if they simply hand her everything, it'll suck.
You know what character arc Carol needs? Something that doesn't involve her fucking powers. Real character flaws, regrets, fears, etc
>without them she wouldn't even stand a chance against most humans
I want to see a depowered MCU Carol get fucked up by Pepper Potts. Or Jane Foster. Or old man Pym.
God what a shitty character. They telegraphed from the get-go that he was going to turn out to be a bad guy.
And then in the final showdown they totally have him sperg out like a fucking dumbass. It was bad writing.
Weakest character in the film, likely by design, but it was still bad.
Film on the whole was fine, but his entire character was basically phoned in.
So did Bumblebee pissing on humans.
Or Vin Diesel driving a car.
Might be able to make an argument that Fury and possibly that black woman and her daughter being dusted could count. But I'm sure that'll be reversed, most likely by Carol blasting Thanos. So that ends that. Why not just go the Superman route and have that black woman when she comes back is revealed to be in a hospital bed due to stroke, cardiac arrest, etc? I mean they already stole a lot of Hal's origin, why not take a bit from one of Kal's various origins?
Just stop posting
You mean specifically without just blasting him, than maybe. He had the clear edge in their earlier fight, but she was constantly distracted by her missing memory. Without that handicap, she could potentially turn the tables.
But she DOES have energy blasts, and can blow up battleships by herself. Humoring him with a fight would be like "fighting" a mouse.
If by "badass" you mean "painfully bad", sure. He obviously outlcassed her in hand-to-hand combat at the beginning of the movie. Her kicking his ass without powers at the end of the movie despite not actually improving in the slightest at hand-to-hand combat throughout the movie would've been the epitome of shitty "gurl power" wankery.
Her not playing into his ridiculous dare was better.
>By the end of the movie she realized she was more powerful than she realized
So she doesn't to improve because she' already great? DCEU Superman was more of a compelling character that this dumb cunt.
Does it matter? Him and his little group didn't seem any more threatening than your typical SWAT team.
It's really bullshit that he demanded she fight him normally in the beginning. Even her weaker energy blasts are an innate ability she now has, he just didn't want her to use it because then he'd lose.
I really wish they kept a scene where Yog talks to the Supreme Intelligence, because knowing that he sees himself would inform you a LOT about his character.
Not sure if bait or powerlevel faggotory
>Even her weaker energy blasts are an innate ability she now has
Yes, but the Intelligence wasn't selling that narrative, it was keeping up the fiction that the Kree had bestowed those abilities on her, and thus they were a "weapon".
>prove something to Yon-Rogg
>"I have nothing to prove to you"
I feel where you're coming from but to be fair the movie did try and show that she still wasn't in "control" by how she had some mishaps by getting tossed around by her own powers for a bit. The music kind of reflected that, but by the time the accusers showed up the movie deemed it was time to serious up. Score wise it would have been hilarious to see her still getting shit wrong in the middle of blasting kree ships apart.
Still, it would have been nice to see more of that when she first let loose.
Half of her kills against the Kree fighter craft were either being rammed by them or ramming them. She blasts a few but smacks into others. Then of course just plows through one of the cruisers when after she realizes she's shielded against being damaged by them. She's still pretty rookie right up until the end.
Leave it to some idiot on Yea Forums of all places to miss the fucking point of that quote.
Women dont have anything to prove to you just becasue you're a man.
>You have to be good at heeyah kung fu to be strong
Check out this turbo austismo.
I bet you also complain how your opponent doesn’t have “honor” when they slap your shit in streeet fighter and don’t want to rematch
Yeah but she shows no issue flying, at all
Read the chain of posts you moron
This is true. The shot of her literally just taking a ship to the EVERYTHING full stop lacked any finesse whatsoever.
What an amazing character. So great and she knows it. Girl power.