does Yea Forums like Stargirl?

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I want the character to fall into irrelevancy so his sister is dead as an idea, too.


Careful, you'll summon him

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A crook as a weapon is cool and unique


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It's time

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Yeah, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. was a fun book

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do people find this arousing? it's just very bizarre

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Yea shes generally pretty fun

Protecting Stargirl from lewds is a big unwritten rule in Yea Forums.
Her and Mary Marvel.

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I hate her design and her weapon doesn't look like it fits with her image, everything about this character annoys me.

Why are cape comics characters always try-hardy like that?
>cartoon version has a well rounded fun personality
>comic character is edgy and talks about fucking as if it was the writer's self-insert

After watching the Patriot Act when it came out Her, Shining Knight, and the Vigilante are my top 3.

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It's an edit

I really liked that design of hers in particular.

Im looking forward to the show

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S-sauce? eechipanda makes his shit hard to find

Wow. I'm so happy I know what you're talking about. That being said if Stargirl becomes irrelevant then who's going to be my obscure underaged DC waifu? Huh? Didn't think of that did you?


Thank you, Geoff Johns.

This is the edited version, right?

Christ man, this maybe isn't the edgiest thing I have read here but goddamn man, that's just cruel

I never thought I would say this but I'm getting a boner.

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