If they wanted Carol to have an older Kree woman to be her mentor that was Captain Marvel...

If they wanted Carol to have an older Kree woman to be her mentor that was Captain Marvel. Why didn’t they use Phyla-Vell instead of gender bending and aging up Mar-Vell.

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alternative universe

Because Carol's never even met Phyla except in EMH?

Cause then they couldn't use Phyla-Vell later, and more importantly it wouldn't make sense to call herself Captain Marvel. She would call herself Captain Phylavell.

Because then they'd have to kill a lesbian to fuel Carol

The absolute extent some people will go to nitpick on movies. I just wonder how long our Yea Forums pal here spent looking up the history of Captain Marvel.

There is no goddamn way a Yea Forums fag would know of Phyla.

>wanting to erase the possibility of Phyla x Carol
throw yourself in the trash OP.

Attached: lesbians in space.jpg (960x768, 357K)

They could have used any other starfleet official .

Attached: 379573.jpg (600x600, 30K)

Roy Thomas:

>"Actually, the one thing I really hated in the film was turning the Skrulls into a peace-loving race, with the Kree as the heavies. As far as I’m concerned as the principal conceptualizer of the Kree/Skrull War (and I suspect Stan Lee and Jack Kirby would’ve agreed with me), the Skrulls and the Kree are each as bad as each other, as they say. Having the Skrulls all mushy and family-friendly at the end left a bad taste in my mouth… but I loved ’em for most of the movie, when they were doing shape-shifting stuff that looked (and as far as I’m concerned, were) downright evil."

>"The reviews are, I think, basically right: It’s not one of the better Marvel movies, not as good an origin as the recent Black Panther (or, dare I say it, the Warner/DC Wonder Woman movie), "

>putting words in stan and jack's mouths

That's a no from me chief

Can't waste Phyla-Vell on a Captain Marvel movie when they can save her for a future solo Captain Marvel movie starring Phyla-Vell as Captain Marvel. Will also announce and claim that Phyla-Vell will be the first lesbian superhero film.

Paramount has the rights for Phyla-vell.

He knew them.

They should have just used Helen Cobb who was originally intended to have that role and then saved Mar-Vell for another movie.

They didn't even meet there, I think Carol has only met Genis.

Judging by how Stan and Jack made the Skrulls and Kree I am pretty sure they wouldn't see the Skrulls as the good guys.

Still doesn't mean that they have the ultimate authority or the best interpretation of the characters. Kirby wasn't even into making Magneto a holocaust survivor or sympathetic character, especially since Kirby and Stan did pic related.

Attached: week-6-13.png (620x610, 870K)

Kirby hated him and derided him for riding Stan Lee's dick. Thomas fairly representing what Kirby thought isn't going to happen seeing the acrimony between these guys.

C'mon, man, you know the answer. Its a girl power movie. So the answer to any question is going to be "because fuck men".

That's nice but if you actually read comics you'd know that Stan and Jack's Skrulls and Kree were indeed equally villainous. That has fuck-all to do with how Kirby personally felt about Thomas. Thomas isn't putting words in anyone's mouth, he's not saying that they would agree with his assessment of the movie. He's merely saying he SUSPECTS that Stan and Jack would agree with his portrayal of the Skrulls and Kree in the comics as equally villainous, which directly followed up on the comics written by Stan and Jack.

Because Mar-Vell in his comic book form was never going to be used in the MCU, but they still wanted the friendship/mentorship that he and Carol had. Turning Mar-Vell into Dr. Lawson was pretty much as good as it could get. And while I typically prefer the movies to be as faithful to the comics as possible, I felt it was a good decision.

Phyla is pig vomit

They just wanted to get rid of a (white) male Mar-Vell I guess and made it the bad tutor.
They could've used a blueskinned one like in Avengers EMH.
OR maybe they didnt think it was important.

Because originally Mar-Vell wasn't a woman and was a male character but Ana Boden decided to merge him with a female character in the movie just to save time and they did it.

Also they might have plans for Phyla, Genis, or even Teddy. God knows Carol needs that supporting cast and she's inheriting Ma-Vell's stuff.

>In the comics, Mar-Vell was more than just Carol's mentor. He was a major cosmic hero and had a long legacy through his children. We see some of that heroism here. Will we see the legacy of Mar-Vell lived through more than just Carol?
>Kevin Feige: Will we see it lived through more? Yeah. I mean, I think one of the things that's fun to us about the timeline of this film and the potential of future stories with these characters is there's a great past, not just of Mar-Vell, but of the entire Skrull/Kree conflict and also this gap of history between when Carol Danvers flew off with Talos at the end, spoiler, and when she arrives with the Avengers.

>friendship/mentorship that he and Carol had
Mar-Vell never really mentored Carol an Feige already admitted that originally Mar-Vell was male and they were already doing casting for a male Mar-Vell (even had Brad Pitt in mind) but Anne Boden decided to merge the Supreme Intelligence with Mar-Vell


Also Helen Cob was in the draft as well and it's obvious that they made Mar-Vell into a nicer Helen and just repackaged her as Wendy Lawson
You are pig vomit.

thats not how subversion works

Hmm so Captain Marvel 2 might be set in the past? I'm OK with it.

>GotG comes out
>Yea Forumsfag reads the DnA run
>maybe some more Marvel Cosmic in the next 5 years if he likes it
>Posts this.

I haven't seen Captain Marvel, and I think the "controversy" around it is childishly sexist, to the extent that I suspect many of the critics still might think cooties are real, but Phyla-Vell isn't exact an unreachable artefact of comic canon just cause she's your obscure waifu.

Well yeah, Kirby Magneto was a dick- a supremacist counterpoint to the X-Men. He was a good villain with limited reason to feel bad for him