Is Snyder right?
Is it just virgins who hate Snyder's dark and mature films?
When do you think WB will release the Snyder cut?
Is Snyder right?
Is it just virgins who hate Snyder's dark and mature films?
When do you think WB will release the Snyder cut?
I mean, of course Batman kills people. When you've worked out so hard that calling your arms "guns" is barely an exaggeration, the NRA safety guidelines apply: you don't throw a punch at anyone unless you're prepared for them to die.
The important thing is he doesn't do so in a cowardly, instantaneous way like a bullet. he gives them a chance to fight or flee. Case in point, he generally doesn't walk up behind people and snap their necks or KO them unseen, unless they're armed with fucking machineguns and he has little choice.
The point of Batman is he wants people to be afraid of him, but has to stay within limits so the police tolerate his existence. It could have been any limit, really, Gordon just wants to know he's got self-control. and a symbolic act against his parents' murder works as well as any.
Stealing Marvel’s marketing strategy.
Snyder should perhaps realise that there are different levels of realism, and that everything isn't Watchmen.
He is but we already know that. Now all that's left is marvel onions and shame.
I'm waiting for Snyder to wake up and accept that he made a bad movie.
>wtf why isn't batman quipping every 2 minutes I hate dc now
With that logic, Kazuma Kiryu & Goro Majima kills everybody in random street fights.
Maybe there's a middle ground, user.
Who you quoting user?
>Is Snyder right?
He misunderstands the point of Watchmen, and rather then accept people's crit on his work, he doubles down in his own belief that superheros can't do their job without killing indiscriminately.
All these years later and people are still defending this fucking hack and his bad movies. Incredible. The Stockholm Syndrome is real.
is it true that there is no synder cut to release?
Snyder should've just done a movie on Grifter or some street hero that kills people. Yeah it's realistic for Batman to kill guys, but the audience doesn't want it.
Why is joker still alive then?
I will accept that if Mr Synder accepts that you can't make a movie about two people coming to blows over ideology when their competing ideologies are 'objectivism' and 'slighty watered down objectivism'.
>mfw watching those snydercon clips and hearing how genuinely retarded he is
it was beautiful
Who gives a fuck what about your corporate brand loyalty tweet wars?
Snyder would be ideal for The Punisher
Maybe Daredevil , with the Catholicism imagery.
>Is Snyder right?
He's free to have his own vision of the character.
He's also free to get his ass fired and replaced with Whedon because despite managing to make money, literally no one was looking forward to the next DC movie when he was at the helm.
While he didn't lose money, when you make a Batman & Superman movie that is outgrossed by Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, you're not really making money.
so much struggle and wasted energy instead of going to his script and do a Find/Replace and change Batman to Wingman. Problem solved.
Jim Gordon would not cooperate with a murderer. He's only willing to bend the rules to help Batman because he doesn't cross that line.
>Moving the goalposts
Batman might have killed a few people through brain trauma or life-threatening injuries. How do you arrest a superhero for multiple manslaughters?
Literally yes
Movie Batmen have killed plenty but it was never in this grim fashion. Even drowning Two-Face was just him not giving up his coin when a box of em was thrown up to fuck his toss.
He can sperg out and bitch about his immature fans all he wants. At the end of the day, the movie failed because of him, not the audience.
I mean, I respect the man's conviction. He's completely wrong of course, and really doesn't understand ANY of the greater themes behind any of the characters hes been given, but uh... I respect him for sticking too his retarded beliefs.. Sorta.
I guess.
the rule of "batman doesn't kill" is placed so he doesn't just kill off all of his villains
i mean what a fucking idiot
If Snyder wanted a murderous Batman, why didn't he just use Azrael?
Did anyone complain about Tim Burton's Batman planting a bomb outside his batmobile, obliterating several thugs?
I am pretty sure Batman probably unintentionally killed someone when he knocks a criminal out and they crack their head during the fall.
this review by waid has been in my head ever since MoS. Batman killing is fine, Superman killing is fine - so long as you EARN it.
>As Superman’s having his final one-on-one battle with Zod, show me that he’s going out of his way to save people from getting caught in the middle. SHOW ME that trying to simultaneously protect humans and beat Zod is achingly, achingly costing Superman the fight. Build to that moment of the hard choice…show me, without doubt, that Superman has no other out and do a better job of convincing me that it’s a hard decision to make, and maybe I’ll give it to you. But even if I do? It’s not a victory. Not this sad, soul-darkening, utterly sans-catharsis “triumph” that doesn’t even feel like a win so much as a stop-loss. Two and a half hours, and I never once got the sense that Superman really achieved or earned anything.
To all the fucking retards that don't read the comics. Look at this shit. And stop fucking relying on the Dark Knight and BTAS as your source for "no kill rule" because it's bullshit.
>golden age
a bloo bloo bloo
back to tumblr with you
And stop pretending you're a "real comic book nerd" when all you read is wikipedia and cracked
You can't just go around knocking people out and breaking their bones.
>when their competing ideologies are 'objectivism' and 'slighty watered down objectivism'
I definitely think that BvS had bad execution, and the BvS fight actually makes no sense (it requires Superman to be overly aggressive with how he talks to Batman pre-fight at the beginning, in a way that isn't logical), but how were their ideologies "objectivist"? Maybe Batman, but Superman doesn't really come off as "objectivist", rather more like lost.
That doesn't necessarily suggest he killed that guy.
Yeah, let's base Batman in a handful of comics from the Golden Age instead of the 70 years of comics that followed and shaped the character into what's known by the general audiences nowadays. I guess he should've made Superman leap instead of fly as well, right?
Snyder is a good action and cool visuals director, but a bad storyteller. Also Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice turned 3 last week!
Yes, you underage fuck.
>Is it just virgins who hate Snyder's dark and mature films?
More the other way around: only emo teen virgins like his movies and it's the grown-ups who think they're 'meh'. He's just a fucking edgelord and caters to that type.
It's been 30 years.
The fact that Joker was still alive in Suicide Squad is proof of how stupid it is
is this accurate?
He is right, the concept of Batman is immature.
Add in Billy decapitating homeless people with a shovel and it's spot-fucking-on. Maybe some hamfisted religious imagery, too.
Zack is right.
It's 2019. Middle Grounds are more of an 80s thing.
Holy shit I hate posts like this that act like they know what they're talking about.
Lmfao snyder is based Yea Forums BTFO i love zack
Zack Snyder is dumb but he's pretty hot as far as nerd directors go
look at those arms
Real life people who dress up in costumes and try to stop crimes don't kill people.
>Batman is too soft!
>Snyder makes his films
>Batman shouldn’t be killing people!
Make up your minds you draft cunts
Profoundly so. I love it.
Facts are facts bitch. Don't cry when they are point out to you.
>Batman is too soft!
Said nobody of drinking age between the Nolan and Snyder bats.
>Is it just virgins who hate Snyder's dark and mature films?
That's not even why his adaptations suck dick. They look worse than Marvel films and the writing is really, really fucking bad at times.
needs to add symbolism
Batman’s hatred of guns is older than Alfred and Gordon and goes back to Batman 1 with the first appearance of Robin.
Even in the pre-Batman 1 stories (a span of about a year) he commented that he hated to take a life unless absolutely necessary.
Zack the hack should shit up. It takes an incredible amount of skill to poison the DC brand so that Carol Danvers makes more money than the JLA.
>Zack finally directs his The Bible movie
>Its filled with greek symbolism
He's killed people in every live action movie he's ever had, including the Adam West film.
He's killed in the comics. Miller and Starlin being two notable examples who have written stories in which he kills. Kane and Finger also wrote the character to kill.
Batman kills.
Literally in Batman #1 you have Batman talk to Robin about how guns are for cowards.
This is like complaining that Superman flies.
Burton Batman was able to get away with it because he had charisma and personality and his kills weren’t as overtly bloodthirsty as Snyder. It was a bomb or dropping someone from a high place, not mowing them down, and tonally that’s a lot more palettable.
the level of cope
What if Batman just gets tired f all the violence, rape and crime and goes to shoot a mosque
>That scene in BvS when Batman starts shooting like a trillion bullets at a car until it was reduced to a small chunk of metal
Laughed my ass off, he is literally insane.
This shithead again
congrats you understood the movie
I wasn't talking about Batman.
I'll give you that. Snyder is a mad man. there aren't enough like him
That’s not an argument.
This. Compare that to how Burton Batman killed people.
Zack Snyder is functionally illiterate. It's the only explanation I can come up with for how he can make adaptations that are so insanely visually faithful to a particular work, but miss every point going at the same time. He likes the pictures but doesn't understand the words, and just muddles his way through.
And shit the time he tried to mow someone down it was a sequence where he took the balloons Joker was massacring the gothamites with, flew up made the bat symbol, then came down and ended with a Joke gun as he blew up the floats.
And 5 minutes later he threw 90's gang ninja off the bell tower.
I think he needs to get some proper psychiatric help over the loss of his daughter and stop taking out his anger on people who know the characters better than he does.
If Batman could kill when why was he such a moralfags about Superman destroying buildings and shit? I don't think Zack and Chris thought that one through. Shame since BvS had so much potential.
>But you’re living in a f**king dream world.
Zack Snyder does know that superheroes aren't real, right?
I seriously don't think he does. He has no problem with flight and other fantastical elements but someone who doesn't kill? That's too far kid.
Batman should be allowed to kill people, you can completely have that type of characterization for Batman.
Having the Joker alive while Batman has no qualms about killing people is another fucking matter entirely though.
>Now Snyder is against virgins
I can accept that *a* Batman from *a* universe is a killer. An alternate dimension, a single tragic universe where heroes that should be larger than life fail to delusion of grandeur, paranoia and so on and on. I can dig a deconstructionist VERSION of Batman and Superman. Do your worst, its a fun ALTERNATE version. Nice ELSEWORLD. Fine WHAT IF.
But that's not what Batman has been about in decades.
However, there's something extremely 90ty about how Snyder takes "edgy" for "good".
Why do these shitty edgy directors act the same when it comes to fans criticizing their movies? I swear, it's like the NPC meme all over again
>"They just hate our film because they are incels"
>"They just hate women"
>"They just hate diversity"
>"They just don't understand my new creative vision"
Glad Warner Brothers stopped smelling their own farts and fucking fired Snyder's ass as soon as they had the chance.
Wonder of Zack thinks of Shazam since it's the only DCEU movie he wasn't involved with
no kill rule is fucking retarded
obviously yes
It's pathetic at this point. Snyder should wake up and realize he got fired in the middle of production of a blockbuster movie. That's really fucking hard to do. He's lucky he wasn't blacklisted. Seriously, he fucked up so bad that what should be surefire hits like BVS and JL flopped. Fuck WB for enabling him and not firing after BVS
It's ok now user. At least Aquaman and Shazam seem to be getting away from that.
You forgot the Wizard Shazam being a God allegory and Billy being a Jesus allegory.
But Daredevil tries not to kill
>tries not to kill
It's like he can't believe that heroes can just be genuinely good in nature themselves.
If he ever did a Moses or David movie I'd consider watching it.
But the Jesus references in his DC stuff are so surface level that I can't even tell his views on religion based on those.
If Gordon deputized Batman, nobody would need to worry about a no-kill rule.
He'll just make Moses into Jesus through symbolism.
Does Zack Snyder really not understand the concept of fiction?
When you've already taken the leap that a guy would dress up in a costume and beat the shit out of criminals, I think it's okay to say he also doesn't kill them. Real world rules don't have to apply.
>examples of subtle symbolism
>Jesus is practically getting butt fucked by Superman's nose
Christianity itself has sort of been doing that for centuries
I genuinely don't know if Snyder has read any comics except babby's first graphic novels. This wouldn't necessarily be a problem (Burton never liked Batman before The Killing Joke iirc) but so much of his* schtick is stuff that was already done to death in comics decades ago and he's trying to do metacommentary on a genre he seems to have a very limited understanding of
*his screenwriters might be more at fault desu but Idk
People have been defending this hack fraud for 3 years. Look I loved Sucker Punch but even I think this jackass is pretending to be pretentious. Take out the color grading, the lens flares, and the dynamic angles and all you got are confused people in a room awkwardly talking about philosophy like a bunch of 12 year olds
This baka desu senpai.
The 2010s are all about polarisation. If you don't like Snyder's edgy symbolism-ridden derpfest you must want fluffy-wuffy cutesiness and constant quipping.
>people didn't like my movies
>must be because I SHOWED THE REALITY and not all because they were shitty. THIS IS REALITY DEAL WITH IT.
This reads like neckbeard who just learned something new about his favorite comic.
I thought he dropped out cause his daughter 'an heroed' herself?
I want him to "wake the fuck up" and realize he's talking about a superhero written as not killing people, and realize his headcanon means jack shit and he nearly sank a movie franchise.
>he references alan moore, in how he knew how to write characters
>alan moore also wrote "the killing joke", in which he understands batman's character and DOESNT have him killing people, as well as "For the Man who has Everything" in which superman doesn't kill Mongul
also Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow where iirc he retired because he killed someone
Moore also wrote Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow where Superman breaks down and quits being Superman because he is forced to kill someone.
It’s just virgins who defend them as high art, is the ironic thing. No one who has sex would spend time making the kind of infographics that get posted here detailing the symbolism of BvS.
But I like BvS.
It's not the most airtight screenplay there is for a cape film but it does enough.
He killed Joker at the end arguably.
How can a man who is single handedly destroying an entire film universe franchise also be so confident in anything he says? Has he not seen the results of his labor? Has no one told him he’s bad at this yet?
No he didn’t, only you and Morrison believe that
You mean like you've been doing?
pretty sure even moore himself said 'no he didn't.'
I do not have a dogmatic view of how these characters should operate and didn't hate Batman in the films, although I disliked the films themselves because of Snyder's writing and directing.
I think for most mainstream viewers who were put off by his version of Batman, the issue is not that he kills, but that he kills with a disagreeable level of cruelty, callousness, and possibly sadism. Similarly, the problem with his Superman wasn't that he had to make difficult decisions, but that the difficulty seems to arise from his own clouded morality. This is all interesting character stuff by themselves, but people paid to see heroes, and these two are not what people want to root for.
There's a difference between saving the world, and saving humanity. Weirdos with powers can save the world, but heroes love humanity. This came across clearly in Wonder Woman, and that's why she was so warmly received. She was saving humanity. Superman and Batman were just weirdos fighting an alien.
I do admire Snyder's artistic integrity, assuming that's what it is and not just childish defensiveness. But is a movie with a $200 million budget the best venue for artistic integrity? I would say no, and given that his next movie is a return to low budget zombie flicks, he understands it too.
Moore hates Morrison so much he would retcon his own work just as a gotcha against him.
>when you make a Batman & Superman movie that is outgrossed by Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, you're not really making money.
Aquaman, mugga.
When you have the two most iconic capes in all of capeshit and TalksToFishMan pushes your shit in ... you dun fucked up. Bigly.
>Is it just virgins who h̶a̶t̶e̶ love/defend Snyder's d̶a̶r̶k̶ edgy/tryhard and IMmature films?
Isn't this obvious?
If your only justification for changing the entire basis of a well established character is "Fuck you i do what i want" then you are a turbofaggot who shouldn't make movies
>The point of Batman is he wants people to be afraid of him,
>Batman only doesn't kill so the police don't go after him
Please, never post ever again
I genuinely think he is retarded
Just listen to how slurred his speech is and how many pauses he has
"Only virgins don't think Batman kills" says man who makes movies for children.
>Out of Context
>Golden Age
Thats like saying that Superman can only jump really high instead of flying
>mature films
Only teenagers think violent and mature are the same things. I like violence in my movies but I don't pretend they're mature because of it.
This man made Sucker Punch unironically.
He doesn't get to call me immature.
This. You can't have a Batman that kills and a Suicide Squad movie in the same continuity. Cake, have, eat etc
>but Superman doesn't really come off as "objectivist", rather more like lost
If you consider in MoS all the Jesus metaphors, the Joe El bullshit about leading mankind, the scene at the end where he destroys the satellite because he's not going to deal with any oversight whatsoever, Snyder turned Superman into a fascist galt mutant
Snyder should be given projects where he can let his inner edgelord shine. I wouldn't mind him directing an Injustice movie, for example.
But he clearly doesn't get the mainstream audience or why people like Superman/Batman in the first place. (It's because they looked up to them as kids).
At this point, he needs to shut his manlet trap because he's only digging the hole he made deeper.
What would be realistic is a rich guy dressed as a bat getting shot in a street.
He's a shit director but he's right in the sense that the no kill rule has become silly at this point.
It's not silly in that's it's the only way it makes sense that most of Batman's rogues gallery is still alive. If Batman has no problem wipping out the chain guns to kill a bunch of guys who are just delivering an illegal piece of equipment then I honestly have no clue how the joker is still alive.
>Is it just virgins who hate Snyder's dark and mature films?
Between this and Goyer's comments years ago about people who wanted a live action Martian Manhunter, what is the deal with these guys conflating giving a shit about certain things as being evidence that they haven't had sex? It wasn't true in my case when Goyer said it, and remains the case now that Snyder has. What I find funny is how a manlet who granted creative authority to whomever could do more push ups, years later still can't get over the fact that people didn't like his movies. If he was an actual Chad instead of just pretending to be, wouldn't he be too busy sleeping with his wife, raising his kids, or making new movies instead of being so hung up on the past?
>Is Snyder right?
Never forget.
He was taken off the film and replaced with Whedon before that, he only announced he'd be leaving some months after her death.
I'd be okay with bullshit violent Hero movies if they weren't fucking pg-13 and I can't see shit.
Moore doesn't care about Morrison, Morrison tries to fuel the "feud" to gain notoriety.
Batman's rouges shouldn't be alive is the point I'm making.
Exactly if this Batman doesn’t hold back and kills anyone then why the hell is his rouge gallery like killer Croc, Harley Quinn, and the joker who killed his sidekick are still alive.
Sex=Maturity. Thus, if people have sex, they can understand how mature their stories are
[Their logic]
Why couldn't have Snyder made Punisher or Lobo and been done with it?
Christ, no. I'd take War Zone 2 before I put Punisher in his grubby fingers.
Which is unfortunate, because how many teenagers go full edge lord during their adolescence as a means to convince themselves or those around them that they are more mature than they are?
Equating sexual experience with being mature is just juvenile.
And now you understand the mindset of Snyder. He is one of those edgy teens who somehow got in a director's chair
>Unfunny Emo Lobo with a tacticool outfit straight up from Destiny or something and some over-the-top weaponry and postal dude's personality from Postal 3.
Have him adapt tails gets trolled, trash like Ready Player One gets adapted.
This immature idiot could really benefit from shutting up already...
I'll never understand why people want realism out of an inherently unrealistic, fantastical take on the world.
Having the idea of people in costumes run around and singlehandedly save the world is in itself, a fucking absurd concept even if they did kill
Why is it so much harder to swallow that not only can they do, they take the moral high ground to do it?
Snyder needs to accept that he caused his daughters suicide by being an edge lord faggot first
They have no fucking sense of fantasy or adventure and want everything to be like a grimdark social satire netflix/hbo show of the month, that's why.
Because it's not REAL enough
The franchise got better from it... after placing Snyder at the kids' table to just watch.
That sounds horrendous, Snyder wouldn’t be able to grapple with the concept of an everyman dealing with personal vices. Everything must be grand, even if that is entirely antithetical to the themes of book he skimmed through.
And believe it or not the best example of this is his GaHoole movie.
Punisher is the kind of on the nose edgelord power fantasy that would be perfect for him
so is he still stuck in the 90s where every hero was dark, brooding, edgy, killed people, and wore trenchcoats over their costumes?
He thought comics were stupid until he read Watchmen and TDKR, what do you think.
The no-kill rule is a safe guard, but also makes the GCPD/Gordon more eager cooperate with Batman, or at least look the other way. It's pretty simple.
I want him to wake up and realize all his movies are shit. Even the decent ones.
It's a restriction that forces writers to be more creative and delve into why he as a character isn't for it.
The problem with is the whole Joker situation, but even that's fine because at least it lends credence to the idea that Batman is just as fucking crazy as the people he fights.
He just channels that insanity into community service..
>At the end of the day, the movie failed because of him, not the audience.
for some reason we live in an era where every director alive believes the exact opposite, and will go on to talk shit about moviegoers for causing their films to fail. It's fucking unreal.
What the fuck is with modern directors losing their minds and attacking regular people when their films do not work out?
They have to go on tv or on social media and start complaining about
>The incels ruined it!
>The misogynists ruined it!
>The nazis ruined it!
>They cannot stand the diversity!
They are going to have to suck it up and realize they made a shitty movie that people don't like. Not because it happened to have a black guy in it or a woman as the lead, but the movie overall sucked and people don't like it.
It's weird how this happens so much. TV, comics, video games. If something doesn't work, the creators and even sometimes staff and news outlets will shit on the consumers.
This is why I like anime
How did they get around this with BvS? It does not star a woman, it's not very diverse at all, and not too preachy with the left wing politics either, yet fans hated it. How do they reconcile all the evil misogynist nazi incels hating that?
Snyder is definitely a niche director, the hate he gets is unwarranted.
I've never known another director who has been mocked the way Snyder was about his dead mother, daughter that committed suicide and his dyslexia.
Truly says something about the fanbase.
No, he's a randroid dudebro
if you want a killer go read The Punisher or
Damn, look at those arms, Snyder is fucking hot and handsome, too bad his movies sucks
>Is Snyder right?
lol any of these things remotely true?
>Yeah it's realistic for Batman to kill guys, but the audience doesn't want it.
Then why does he kill in every movie?
Burning a dude to death is pretty brutal
I'm just glad the "SNYDER'S SUPERMAN IS JUST STARTING OUT, HE'LL BECOME CLASSIC SUPERMAN EVENTUALLY" garbage is finally laid to rest. We never got classic Superman because Snyder thinks superheroes are bullshit.
The Joker was his sidekick
Warner is pretty fucked up to choose this guy to make Watchmen cuz he doesn't understand the point of Watchmen.
Somehow he believes that Watchmen is the forerunner for edgier superheroes and edgy is more realistic.
A fuckin man-child
>a niche director
>Has directed blockbuster budget film after blockbuster
If Snyder is a niche director than Nolan is a art school film student
>Watchman was good
>Therefore every superhero story should be like Watchman from now on
What other mistakes from the comic industry's past does Snyder think were good ideas? Would this have been his next Superman movie?
What did Yea Forums think of his short film?
>inb4 2deep4u
>Having read TDKR
Yeah no i don't believe that. At best he watched a 5 minute summary on youtube by a zoomer who begins all of his videos with "Hey whats up you guys its me x and TODAY we're gonna look at Comic X. Remember to smash that like button and comment on this video for my Amazon gift card giveaway."
Because Hollywood is weirdly bloodthirsty when it comes to antagonists.
Honestly nah. That's giving him too much credit.
You know that one guy who used to spam like Yea Forums and /aco/, I think, with poorly-drawn stories of Darkseid mindraping superheroines into being his evil sex slaves, and there's tons of death and gore? It's clear this is what the dude thinks is normal sexual expression, it's what gets him off.
Snyder's like that. He's one of those people who genuinely never left middle school mentally, who still thinks XTREME EDGE is what makes a work adult, what makes it grown-up. He thinks having hope and optimism and good people doing good things is laughable and childish. Which is why he was great, in Hollywood's eyes, for Watchmen, and why the movie sucked despite being essentially a panel-by-panel recreation - he missed Moore's point that he was MOCKING THESE ARCHETYPES. He didn't say, "yes, superheroes should have erectile dysfunction or deal with sexual assault or be psychotic woman-hating murderers", it was a deconstruction. It was literally 'let's take all the tropes and turn them on their head'. Which is good and Watchmen was great and there's space for that, but if you're doing a cinematic universe you don't want a deconstruction before you get the characters right to begin with. Give us the defining versions of the characters before you go grim Elseworlds.
Zack is genuinely like a really smart 14yo. He knows good movies often HAVE symbolism, religious imagery, moral themes, etc. and he can see how Superman sorta fits in them, but he doesn't have the emotional maturity to pull them off successfully, and he doesn't have the intellectual basis to go beyond the surface level (Jesus sacrificed himself for humanity, Superman does that too, Superman's basically Jesus is something that's really deep when you're 15 and really shallow when you're an educated adult). And his obsession with grim and gritty at the expense of everything else makes him a terrible fit for mainstream superheroes.
i bet his favorite part of Dark Knight was when he fought superman
gameplay isn't canon
That's what I said
There are versions of Bats who doesn't kill people and will actively save the life of villains if at all possible. I prefer that Batman.
They kinda killed Christ, user.
I believe he read TDKR. I do not believe he fully understood it.
Because the key thing he doesn't get is the reasons superhero comic books have survived for so long despite everything (including the CCA) is that they are fundamentally stories about hope.
About the idea that one man really can make a difference. That a radioactive spider will give you superpowers, not cancer. That losing your parents can motivate you to become the best version of yourself, not spiral into drunken depression and PTSD. That despite having all these powers, these people would choose to be selfless, not selfish.
Because he doesn't get that fundamental truth about comic books (and DC even more than Marvel, ironically), he can't ever make a genuinely good Superman movie, or a Justice League movie. You can't be obsessed with killing and shoot good films about heroes who refuse to.
You know where he'd kill, thought? Warhammer 40k. He would unironically produce W40K kino, because it's right up his alley - grimdark, overwrought religious symbolism, horrific villains with zero morality, heroes who would be villains in any other franchise... It's perfect for him.
The Christians?
The Pharisees
The Parakeets?
Romans do love their birds.
i wouldn't care if Batman kills or not, i just want it to be good.
Burton's Batman kills and he's a great character and depiction of a strange loner billionaire vigilante hero.