How does it feel to be trolled, meme, jiffed, and dare I say, pwned?

How does it feel to be trolled, meme, jiffed, and dare I say, pwned?

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That isn't the actual line is it?

What the fuck is jiffed

I'm honestly speechless anyone would actually try to pass of pwned as any kind of nerd talk in 2019.

Fuck everything

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Every day, I'm reminded that this show costs millions and the day where it doesn't make back the money it takes to pay the voice actors is rapidly approaching.

I assumed it was to show how out of touch with the rest of the kids Lisa is

>this is what the simpsons has become

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It's been over a decade since "pwn" has even been a cringey mainstream attempt to garner nerd cred, I refuse to believe any 8 year old has even heard the word.

The Simpson kids haven't behaved like children in like nearly 20 years.

Dont forget that bart is literally a scientologist

bart should have dabbed on her and walk away


Whatever humiliation he's suffered was likely spread around in animated gif form on the intrawebs.

fighting cringe with cringe

Isn't jiffing what the furry community call it when they fap to furry porn?

I have always wondered how you pronounce "pwned"


How the fuck did I do that? I'm not even a phone poster.

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>Implying they wouldn't take a pay cut from several millions to a few hundred grand a pop with no consequnce
>Implying the mouse wouldn't find new actors willing to do their bits for pennies

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Bart still acts like a ten year old.
Lisa hasn't acted any younger than 30 for the past ten years.

Which is why her picking on him seems all that more petty.

Yeah but Lisa is a girl.

They'll fucking quit before that. If you listen to interviews, they wanted to quit long ago, but why would you turn down a job where you get twelve million to come in and say "eheh, donut"

I think replacing the voice actors would put the show past Zombie Simpsons straight into "Night of the living dead simpsons" or "Simpsons in name only" where it shares literally no link to the original show other than the name.

Unironically a terrifying thought

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Formerly written well

You have no idea what kinds of negative thoughts are flowing through my head right now.
When will this show get shot in the back of the head already? I'm still amazed this is profitable

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How does it feel to be sneeded, feeded, seeded, and dare I say, chucked?


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I actually dry-heaved


You had one job....

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Man I've seen some shit in my life, both online and in the real world, but its rare to feel this kind of... revulsion I'm feeling now. The end of the show can't come swiftly enough.

If you survived the first video here's another round :^)

This happens when rules 1 & 2 are not respected.

Alternatively, she meant "sassy" gif’d.

"Jiffed" baffled and offended me more than it should than everything else in that sentence. I don't know why.

Stepped through it and no panty shot when she gets flipped over.

It would be worth more dead to Disney than alive is what I've heard.

So relevant to our modern times, fellow kidsters!

Understand that the Simpsons is literally establishment propaganda at this point and you will understand why it is as out of touch and unfunny as it is and why it costs millions to produce each bullshit episode.

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forgot to post link desu
Groening shilled this nonsense so hard, and dare I say it jiffed trolled memed and pwned himself.

Good Lord the children that might find this shit funny weren't even born when the scary maze shit was popular

>Affecting the show in any way
Sure buddy

Sounds like something a 35/45 year old out-of-touch jewish Californian writer would write just to get another Fox paycheck.

Yea Forums has a habit of thinking a show's creator personally writes/produces/directs every frame of animation.

I just wanna place Lisa'a teeth on those steps then stomp on the back of her head

Just like my dad.

I hate sjws.........................but i hate their enablers more......................................

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like scoob, move outta the way, I need to destroy this trash.

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feels like step two chugging alone nicely faggot.

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I fucking hated Lisa in this episode.

Every time I hear the word "pwned" come from anything on TV I feel the same kind of disgust I feel when I see 12 year old kids smoking trying desperately to look cool to highschoolers who are also massive faggots.

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well he sold it out to propagandists then.

It's pronounced "owned" except in the context of the pwnie awards in which case either is ok.

>Lisa posted video of Bart taken without his consent
>she eveb had malicious intent because she was mad Bart was still against female NuI&S
>literally cyberbullied him but is painted as the good guy at the end

In one sentence, The Simpsons has sunk to a new unforgivable low. That's saying something.

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When did Lisa become British?

What is going on with the Simpson why is Lisa always the main plot point she’s a boring whiny unfunny Character that cry’s when she doesn’t get her way and now Bart is a feminist

Kill me Pete

How do you know those words?!

You got this off twitter, i just saw this earlier

Remember when Lisa broke Barts arm and rendered him unable to play the drums and HE had to apologise to HER?

I'd take an SJW over someone who posts like this is gaia.


Now that's not a name I've heard of in years.

modern simpsons is 4-5 years late as usual I see

I expected the worst, and yet, I am still disgusted

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This is like 15 years late

Four or five? Pwned is about 15 years too late. But I think the main thing is that Lisa is out of touch and just said a bunch of internet shit.

It's like I'm really in 2006

why god is this show still allowed to exist, please put us out of misery

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How long before bart does the floss in an episode

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I pray disney takes this series outback with a shotgun

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Jesus Raimi

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I would have accepted a floss, because it's what kids actually do now

>implying the mouse will kill Zombie Simpsons off

as if the mousejews will ever let their money-milking slave die

Yeardley Smith doesn’t care anymore and her Lisa voice is basically her regular voice now

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Step over sneedfags your place as the go-to Simpsons shitpost has just been usurped

Lisa is always right because she has the politics that we do. That's literally all you have to know about it.
I'm shocked Yea Forums isn't praising her at every opportunity, as she seems to align with the politics of the feminist types who post here

Yeah I can get behind that.

Whoever posted that SJWs can never be villains and are always heroes is either delusional, or doesn't realise that supervillains are sometimes those who try to be a superhero but are malicious about it.

Probably because no one says that or has ever said that. That's like something someone on Yea Forums would come up with as an alternate way of saying 'Butthurt', like 'Bootybothered'.

That entire thread is honestly quite a trip. Apparently there exists a hierarchy of oppression and it's okay to 'punch upward'.
I posted for maybe an hour in it last night, came back and re-read it this morning, and I'm still unsure if it was elaborate trolling or not.

probably a couch gag in 2028

why does life just keep getting worse

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I keep screaming but God doesn't answer

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What an unenthusiastic performance

>How do you know those words?
>Read about them in Parade magazine.


How does it feel to be trolled, meme, jiffed, and dare I say, porned?
talking to you rule34


it''s just owned. You don't pronounce the P. the P replaces the O.

How old are you? Back in the day, it was understand to be pronounced "p'owned" (or, if you're my autistic friend, literally "pwnd" which sounds like "pooned". He later settled on "pee-owned" which was still incorrect).

This is literally why I'm not worried about Disney, they literally CANNOT make Zombie!Simpsons any worse than it already is

I remember shitloads of people pronouncing it "powned" back when it was a thing. Especially 13 year olds on Xbox live.

Old enough to remember the days before the P was added.

Xbox can't meme.

Guys, I think I hate nuSimpsons

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Right, after the p was added it was playfully pronounced "p'owned".

I wonder if Oney has seen this yet

put me in the screencap man

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I hurt myself today

Well people still know what that is, so we're safe for at least 5 years

Not even the cringiest scene in that ep


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>Bart, stop mansplaining!

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>Turns out to be complete bullshit
>Is literally political propaganda
>Doesn't even have the courtesy to be funny
>Doesn't even have the courtesy to do a good Trump impression
>Draws his hands to be tiny but keeps fucking it up when he moves
>Puerto Rico
It cost you 0 dollars to not animate this, so why'd you do it?

You're giving the writer too much credit

we need another crusade

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Remember when Homer texted a meme of himself?

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Well Bart, how does it feel to be Sneed, feed, seed, and formerly, Chuck's?

This goes beyond just being inept and even the worst hacks wouldn't sink this low. I'm honestly baffled how The Simpsons can be this bad

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If it were on Gumball and not said by Lisa you'd be less mad.

Was that ever a fucking thing? I've been around awhile and I've never heard anyone use the term gif"d and that mean anything outside of the format

no it was not ever a thing

This can't hurt me because my expectations couldn't be lower and i feel nothing however

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Gumball is a different kind of comedy and I haven't watched that either in years,

And I still like Lisa, or about as much as I can like a character from nuSimpsons

And her existence doesn't make me angry like some the seething retards here.

But even with all that in mind, this is spectacularly bad and tone deaf and comes off as fucking Family Circus-tier in terms of out of touch pandering.

Oy I die

Why doesn’t Bart simply rape Lisa

Because she's piss

how they can be literals years behind any trend?

cause it takes almost a year to make an episode

The joke of that scene is that Lisa doesn't understand internet lingo humor.

You can understand a joke, but that doesn't mean I'll find it funny

Yeah but Lisa was born after pwned's entire lifetime. She shouldn't know the word at all.

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Memed and Trolled is fine but pwned? Just no

I don't get this one. Is it saying that clowns are actually angry and homicidal and not just memeing to have fun? That ironic jokes mask real genocidal urges and the clickbait is right?

>Memed and trolled is fine

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Holy crap that’s so funny! I better make a LOLCat with that quote and upload it to MySpace.

>Bart still acts like a ten year old
Not really. Bart acts like a teenager and even a snarky slacker on his 20's sometimes.

Something else compels the clown

He acts like a fucking sociopath. How long till he straight up shoots Skinner with a gun and calls it a prank

Why is an orthodox cathedral invading the White House

It's supposed to be the Kremlin.

Worth breaking this one out for

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What's the problem here? I still use pwned occasionally

Lisa is saying it.

Can someone please turn this into a webm so I can grief other people epic style with it

This episode was aired two days ago and this joke is already more dated than anything from the show's first nine seasons. Do the elderly hacks and bored interns who write for this show realize how uninspired and forgettable all of their work is? Like, do they look at scenes like this, think "this one is a real winner," and pat themselves on the back? I can't fathom how any self-respecting human being who's not suffering from dementia could think this is a good joke. Actually, it's not a joke, it's just a cheap pop culture reference like what we've seen on Family Guy and Robot Chick a million times ad nauseum. I hate referential humor so much.

Those trips are entirely appropriate and well-deserved for that image's disdain.

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hey dipshit, as it turns out, there are more instances of people whinging about Yea Forumsmbler than there is actual evidence of there being some kind of insidious tumblr x Yea Forums cross-promotion.

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Do not use Internet stuff in real life.

>Not even the cringiest scene in that ep

Good lord there's worse?

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Imagine being proud of writing this. This show isn't even dead anymore, nor a zombie, it has transcended the concept of life and death at this point. This show is just nothing. I can't believe how much money FOX shells out each year only to produce this.

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who cares? it's zombie simpsons.

Void is what you're looking for.

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Spic here. We apologize for helping to keep this show alive.

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Thanks friendo

youtube of this?

Here's a video on Twitter.

Imagine a world...

Property of Disney.

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I wonder how they feel that Steamed hams had more staying power than anything past season 12?

Teeny Weenie, put me in the Screenie~

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Wait so you’re telling me none of you fuckers say pwned anymore? Am I the only one?

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That's not as bad as the other, because everything that was done there could've conceivably happened.
However, noone has ever used giffed/jiffed as an insult.

>Lights rolled paper
>Smokes pencil shavings
Yeah... my mom tried to block my internet on IE. Little did she know I had Firefox.exe on my 64MB thumb drive so I can still watch Pure Pwnage. Everybody runs faster with a knife Nam Sayin'?

Not even death can't spare this fucking show at this point.

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I miss "pwned." That word was relevant to my interests.

>door is locked
>he still opens the door

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simpsons used to be timeless now it just feels dated

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People were expecting the feminist rhetoric of the episode to offend Yea Forums, but it's really THIS part that riled people up.

And understandably so.

Wasn't that a couch gag?