This scene won't be in the movie, at least not how it is being presented in the previews.
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Hard call. The the toys have them in this outfit.
They'll wear the outfits, but they won't all calmly march into the unknown in the sun-drenched, empty Avengers HQ.
Wow a thing that happens with all trailers is going to happen to this one too, good catch OP
Why not? If anything there is edit blur to imply they are more hiding people that are in this shot.
...wait a second, aren't those basically Future Foundation outfits? Is this how we get the FF into the MCU, now? As a sort of side-branch of the Avengers?
That's the time travel suits where they go back in time to prevent Thanks from getting all infinity stones.
>Thanks, The Glad Titan
Calling it now: Ant Man will crawl into Thanos' asshole and grow to defeat him.
Anyone else feel like the hype is strangely muted for this film? I'm not saying it won't make a billion because it will but it really feels like the MCU may have peaked and it's unfortunately at the same time that they're likely losing their biggest names. Are Brie Larson and Tom Holland supposed to be the new RDJ and Chris Evans cause I'm not seeing it?
That’s a pretty safe guess user.
Keep in mind, we've seen nothing besides the first 30 minutes of the film.
seems like they gave the big marketing blitz to captain marvel instead.
frankly i'm ready for this to wrap up. i can't believe how much i used to look forward to these things coming out.
Thanks for sharing this reddit/instagram meme with us
Does Instagram even fucking have memes I thought it was just a photo sharing site for wannabe models?
Literally half of 4chans shit meme comes from there.
Or at least Yea Forums memes get shared there instantly.
Internet Historian just made a video about instagram and the war the idiots on the meme subreddit tried to have with people meme reposting on there. I had no idea what serious business meme creation was to some people.
I'm going to make a different call. That the trailers are showing the first hour of the film, and not the 15-20 minutes they claim. I mean, how can they tackle Tony in space, Ronin in Japan, assembling everyone, explaining the plan, and then this march in the first half hour? I bet you the first hour is just going to be slow buildup.
All while thanos is farming in jump cuts.
Imagine 30 uninterrupted minutes of Thanos casually tilling a field from one end to another. Always in frame. He walks up to the camera, picks up a glass of water from under frame, drinks it, sets it down, walks back and another 15 minutes of tilling.
If you ignore the clickbait articles, most of them actually say that Feige was asked if they'd show much more past the first 15-20 minutes, and he basically says "that's somewhat accurate," that ideally they can generate as much excitement from the promotional stuff without revealing too much, and that he thinks Disney's marketing could pull it off. Basically stuff from the first 20 minutes is the goal, but was never hard confirmed, and we could very well be getting glimpses from as far into the 2nd act.
i'd watch it
This. Go back and watch a lot of trailers and you'll notice tons of scenes not even in the fucking movie. Trailers have become huge lies. They actually film scenes just for the trailers now. Selling you on something they didn't actually make, letting you hype it up to something else in your mind.
These Endgame trailers don't show shit either, they're hiding a good chunk of this shitshow and showing you scenes that didn't even make the final cut.
Tom Holland is the reason I don't watch the MCU anymore and I'm not alone. Banking on him is going get them 90s bankrupted again.
It really is, normies love posting Anal Explorer Ant-Man! So funny! Lets all say it at once and over and over like good normies!
I think this is a good thing. I prefer trailers lying to me over trailers that give the whole movie away.
For instagram at least, you can monetize your account and do lots of sponsored content. Plus shill your donation account of choice. Biggest ones are the instagram models also doing escorting with Arabs.
What would we ever do without normies repeating the same lame joke over and over to each other like they just made it up?
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? I'd rather have fake/deliberately misleading scenes than the whole movie spoiled.
So basically, the movie equivalent of those goofy covers from the Silver Age.
They also got Paul Rudd to talk about it
Scarlett won't be naked either
Really? I was under the impression MCU fans loved him and ate up his movie. I'm not a fan of Homecoming or his portrayal of Peter either, but why is Holland specifically a bad investment?
Its been leaked.
They all die.
Replaced with new cosmic avengers.
Far from home trailer has misdirects intentionally put in.
Kind of yeah, it's funny because comics still do this. It's a cover of bad guy fighting good guy... Bad guy doesn't even show up until the last panel.
I'm sick of the lies man...
> I'm not a fan of Homecoming or his portrayal of Peter either, but why is Holland specifically a bad investment?
You answered your own question. He's only popular among dumbfucks who never read comics or don't get Spider-man. He had them make "FAR AWAY FROM SPIDERMANS CENTRAL LOCATION OF NEW YORK" simply because he lives in London and didn't want to leave HIS home. It's shit like that, a spoiled brat actor turning the character into whatever the fuck is convenient for him.
Macquire didn't do that, he read a shitton of comics and watched all the cartoons to prepare for the role, lived in NYC for a little bit. Garfield did it a little bit, but he moved to NYC and learned a Brooklyn accent and stuff. Fucking Holland will not budge a goddamn inch to act as Peter, he's trying to make Peter be more like him because he's that much of a lazy, hack.
This is type of stuff that kills franchises. You won't see Holland past this movie because they're gonna do something so stupid it's gonna turn off audiences permanently. He only got the job through shady nepotism.
You could just..not watch trailers if that's your main concern
I just hope that none of the time travel/alternate universe theories everyone is spewing aren't actually happening