Honestly the retcon about the cube letting him lift it was stupid

Honestly the retcon about the cube letting him lift it was stupid.

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Him having such true belief in what he was doing letting him left it was fine, even though it was autistic Hydra stuff. Mjolnir Worthiness seems to be more based in self worth and belief in your cause than anything.

The hammer confuses me
Does it give you the power of Thor or does it give Thor power?

Everything about Secret Empire was stupid.

Everything involving the cube was stupid. But Kobik was cute.

If gives you the power of Thor, but Thor also has his own power.

This is accurate

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So the whole lightning this is Thor's power not the hammer?

Is this a meta commentary on modern politics?

Did he ever cum on Tony's face whilst he was in the coma pod?

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Would Superior Tony side with HydraCap? It's a shame we never saw those two interact.


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no think of it like you steal one of the other Iron Man armors and you know enough to pilot it.

Boom you have the power of Iron Man. But Stark will still show up and wreck your shit in his own armor.

Basically these days Thor has the power himself. Mjolnir has Asgardian magic fuckery where if you're as confident as Thor should be you get his base power.

Long enough to keikaku him, at least. I'm sure they'll turn up in the future as an evil villain team.

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Well, all the weather-related stuff was retconned recently with Jane Foster Thor, as being a sentient storm contained within Mjolnir. It's all fucky.

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Did they do anything with Alt-Right Cap post-Secret Empire?

Ok cool.
Now on to Thor's sons. Are they like DC black lightning daughters when get's thunder the other get's lighting. Also are they canon to Marvel?

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Selene killed him

He's not dead. She melted his face and he's obviously being made into the new Red Skull. No doubt they'll probably put Red Skull's brain imprint in him.

He's sitting prison waiting until a writer wants to use him again. All the prison guards are Hydra, so he can leave whenever.
I don't think they're ever going to use him again since he's technically the real Steve Rodgers and I doubt they want to acknowledge that


Nothing more loveable than an evil power couple.

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He hasn't had his kids yet, though obviously will have them at some point since anytime "Old Thor" shows up from the future, he's accompanied by his 3 grandchildren.

It turns other people into another version of a Thor.

In the 60s it used to just turn them into actual Thor. When they started adding more Thor powered characters in the 80s it just game them his powers and a copy of his costume.

Never really got into the ultimate expression of overpowered badass, stronger than everyone else Cap was just Cap with the power of one of his teammates.

What color are they?

Most likely yeah, but only because HydraCap would give him free reign to imposse all the most extreme and disgusting capitalist schemes ever seen in history. Something like privatizing all water in America and start selling it overpriced, while at the same time selling an incredibly cheap subscription to an app that gives you powers and beauty for a limited time, but also leaves you incredibly thirsty

Is this an edit?

When do you think we are?


Cap doing anything is usually bullshit. Funny how people sperg about batgod but cap gets a pass, then when you bring it up

>h-h-h-He’s a patriot

If you don't like America, you can just get out.

I was trying to think how the Maker would work into this as a sort of “evil heroes” thing, but he would probably fuck off to space for some reason.

It honestly doesn't make any sense, too many inconsistency. Sometimes it is just a magic hammer when Captain America wields it, and other times it will transform you into a Thor like when Jane Foster/Eric Masterson wields it. The former makes significantly more sense since Mjolnir is no longer hosting Thor's body inside it. The latter where it transform you into an Asgardian with superhuman physique attributes is just stupid. Mjolnir should had just stayed as a magic hammer with vast amount of force manipulation.

One is a ginger

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No, it's because he's a Good Boy.


It Amps Thors powers.

And gives a copy of Thors powers to others if they lift it.

Didn't give Captain America the Thor's powers nor a Thor form when Steve lifted it.

Mangi has shown up in older comics time travelling, He's a little shit and has all the powers of thor.

You know you just proved me right with that response right? Cap pulls as much bullshit as anyone and its excused cause he’s pure

I was just making a lighthearted joke referencing South Park. Not everyone is out to get you.

It's not a retcon when it's part of the same story you moron, it's a reveal.