Wrong Fan Art

Post fan art that turned out to be wrong

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These would have been much better possibilities.

Thanks for showing up, pathetic autist tripfag motherfucker.

Milf Diamond never

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This was more of a joke comic anyway. Jasper even admitted she never got to meet Rose in her introduction.

So many story possibilities with MG and none of them were taken advantage of. Apparently that episode is non-canon now for some unfathomable reason. I'm so glad we got unrelated townie episodes that have nothing to do with the gems instead.

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Pearl going out with a Rose look-alike wouldn't have presented that she was over Rose at all.

some of those are completely overdesigned and don't match the style at all. i like sandstone though

Attached: RQ and Jasper on the battlefield.png (680x732, 515K)

basically everything fun people drew of su never happened. because the show wasn't good.

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>I'm so glad we got unrelated townie episodes that have nothing to do with the gems instead.
To be fair, after the first episode or two of Pearl going on a completely normal human date with MG, people would complain about them just as much as the townie episodes.

this would have happened if they didn't get cancelled, and may still happen if they can figure out any way to force it into the movie.

That episode is canon you dumb cunt, Pearl based her new outfit from that night. Retard.

It didn’t get cancelled.

That was more of a fun character design challenge for the artist iirc. Hematite and Schorl best.

Looks way better than the show's character designs

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Attached: 5 dollars get outta here.png (1280x960, 1006K)

... Because Steven likes girls? Didn't we know that since at least episode seven?

>the dark stones have to all creepy and brooding
Sub par artist.

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I'm honestly kind of mad we didn't get some of these designs.
Seeing the Ruby and Sapphire designs is just hilarious, tho.

>Apparently that episode is non-canon now for some unfathomable reason

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>$5 a slice
That still makes me mad.

Do you get mad every time a store adds food coloring to something and bumps up the price?

post her fangs you know the ones

Some other anons were triggered by the $5 a slice thing long ago, and so was I when I thought about it.

Iolite looks like a Mazinger Z opponent

the fanart was always more interesting than the actual show so in this case the show was wrong

I mean that many exposed gears is just asking for trouble

christ that Agate was close

$5 for a damn slice? Come the fuck on.

Maybe it's a huge slice of pizza?

Attached: 26-inch-pizzas-slices.jpg (253x450, 22K)

>So many story possibilities with MG and none of them were taken advantage of
The possibility to turn every second of Pearl's already extremely abundant screentime into lesbian sap and ruin what little dignity her character has.

Lol as if

Places like they're at use tiny portions that taste awful and jack up the price because it's "artisanal" or "fair trade ingredients"

wow the art is actually good, character do not look like blobs, wish SU was like this

It's probably because the artist lives in California and has never been exposed to cheap pizza
(i went to california once and it was $60 for two fucking pizzas)

This is one of my favorites.

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>that stick sticking out of her shoulder
I haven't seen that image in actual years and I STILL shudder looking at that

delete this

Holy shit disney world would be fucking cheaper for fucks sake it's just a fucking slice it better be laced with LSD!

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>(i went to california once and it was $60 for two fucking pizzas)
Why hasn't god just sunken it like foretold?

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I remember this one fan art that was made before the concept of poofing was introduced. It showed what the gems looked like injured and they were bleeding out different colors and they looked like cut open gems. It was edgy but cool.

That's nothing. Me and my family went down to Cambria for 3 days and the night we got in, we didn't feel like going out some place and just wanted some pizza. There was no pizza place near us who's deliver except for some Italian place. We placed an order for two medium pizzas, a couple of sodas, and some breadsticks. Not only did they take 3 hours to deliver, they got the order wrong, so it took another hour and a half for them to come back. Instead of the delivery girl we had before the actual manager had come and apologized and cut the price of the sodas and breadsticks so they were free. And the price of the pizzas? $112. I wish I was joking, and the worst part is is that it didn't even taste all that great, but we were hungry and tired. The next morning my sister, whose idea it was to get delivery from that Italian place, took us out to breakfast as an apology.

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there was a lot with Jake and Lady's kids

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1.50 for one of those where I live

I can get one of those fo a dollar.

MG was a mistake and all its fans are trash.

well he set most of us on fire so it's a work in progress.

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i unironically love the aproeach they went with the kids in canon.

I like how she seemed to have guessed Aquamarine's personality, even if the desgin differs. Also Baryte is cute.

These would look cool in a videogame like Gris.

> armored sword fighter pearl
fuck that this wasn't an actual thing

Attached: ThumbsUpKid.gif (320x240, 1.05M)

I headcanon it as Kofi knowingly ripping off the gay tourists that showed up for this pride parade.
He's the only pizza place in town, he knows they'll pay for it.

There is cheap pizza in California, at least in SoCal, you just need to know where to look. There's also really, really cheap pizza but you will have to risk the possibility of getting diarrhea for that.

Also fricking Costco is $1.99 a slice everywhere

Imagine the profit you'ed get if the pizza was from Little Caesars?

no but it would provide a route to show that she's could be more than a fucking pearl, it would require more character development for MG and development of her and pearls relationship.

in anycase the bigger problem with SU is the lack of fucking power-level-control from the start.(Lapis's unlimited water-powers)

fusion was dumb, fusion between humans and gems was even dumber, relationships don't turn two people into a ""new combined individual" (unless it's extremely unhealthy).

Beach-City is a boring shithole, where the fuck was the US government and/or the League of Nations? so many interesting potential threads just cut off too soon

I wouldn't bother, reminds me of typical "red tribe" bitching about "blue tribe".

Holding a flag upside down is a sign of distress

>Apparently that episode is non-canon now for some unfathomable reason
Good, that episode was awful. Mystery Girl exists solely to retcon ANY bit of character development Pearl had by simply replacing Rose altogether.

>no but it would provide a route to show that she's could be more than a fucking pearl
How? By dating a girl solely because she looks like her old master? That doesn't prove anything except how irredeemably fucked she is.

The fuck are you talking about? I live in the Bay Area and I can easily get a large Pizza for 5 bucks.

It's canon to IDW and pre-5 show

It's a tourist trap summer beach town

It probably costs that much anyways

Lapis was fine as a terrifying reminder of how powerful gems could be and how fucked the CG were if homeworld ever came knocking again in earnest

but of course, you've seen how it actually went

Do you honestly expect the sort of person that draws >5 dollars a slice to know that shit?

I live in California and Little Caesar's hot-n-ready pizzas are my cheap and lazy jam - it's $5 for an entire pizza. It might be a low quality Pizza, but I can feed several people (or myself if I feel like eating like a slob).

>Apparently that episode is non-canon now

I don't even like SU anymore but I respect them for that. That episode was like bad wish fulfillment fanfiction

I like Sandstone, Amazonite, Schorl and Obsidian. Mostly Schorl is pretty good.

Well I drew this. Boy was I fucking wrong...

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my SU folder is chock full of this

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>How? By dating a girl solely because she looks like her old master?
at first yeah, but that's a segway into a deeper analysis where she realizes that she's nothing like rose, and is in fact better than rose because she asks more about what pearls opinions are (about X,Y,Z)

There's only one OC I will accept.

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This just sounds like it eats a fuckload of unnecessary screentime

ok, and maybe this one too

Attached: 1520309225286.png (1280x1280, 664K)

Warning: Autism ahead.

I actually had thought of my own idea for how an Obsidian might be awhile back. I didn't want to play on literal 'ow the edge' but remembered the first weapons of war were made from obsidian, and looking up their stone meaning, apparently obsidian is associated with wealth and industriousness. So combining those two I realized I basically made gem Senator Armstrong. including inventing a device to compensate for obsidian's inherent brittleness.

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So like limb enhancers or Aquamarine's wand? I'd buy that as something for more "natural" obsidians to be outfitted with

HA HA HA what the fuck?

So... what happened to OC threads anyway

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haha, okay!

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what gemstone is that supposed to be?

I would only accept this is lapis was some comedy to this one.

I mean, in fairness, probably doesn't hurt a gem as- well it probably hurts the same but it's not fatal for a gem.

on one hand, the idea of as mass production pearl line would be cool, but given pearls are often something the aristocracy enjoys, being individualized also makes sense.

as an additional note to this, not all of these have shown up, and some of these that have have only shown up as Fusions which we learned just tend to call themselves whatever and are not necessarily indicative of the actual gem lines.

I do love that design for pink diamond way more, and probably would have been the one they'd have gone with if Steven Universe had a better art style. (I enjoy the show but... yeah, the art direction could be better)

I was thinking probably like a full armor or something. So probably closer to limb enhancers.

Anyway though, as far as fan ideas I would have liked to have seen: I would have loved something more like this.

And Steven's own ideals and resolve tested in a way that would push him to act more like a traditional diamond as part of white diamond manipulating things.

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And that's it for the SFW Pearl fang images. I have the other gems too, but I'm going to bed.

Goodnight you fucking freaks.

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that's Pearl in a nutshell

O fug my dick

why are gem fangs so god damn hot


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Bixbite is CUTE.
Also that Aquamarine was pretty close.

Amazonite looks like she'd lead a villainous team including Iolite and Schorl.

it is canon its just pearlfags seething still after 3 years

H-has it been that long already

more like 2 1/2 years or so

brings back memories.
what went wrong etc, i miss getting hyped for SU.

it's terrible that I can actually hear Peridot's voice shouting "MAGNETIC FORCE! NATURE'S FORCE!" and "WELL MEME'D, STEVEN!"

It is a visual distinction of them being aliens that doesn't mess up conventional human signifiers of attractiveness. I'm guessing that you like monstergirls too.

And despite the thread theme, isn't this at least somewhat canonical? Model inconsistency aside, various gems have been depicted with pointy teeth. More like the vaguely cetacean teeth here than the vaguely carnivoran teeth in the others.

>$1.99 for a slice
You can like a Medium pizza at Domino's for like 6

>Also fricking Costco is $1.99 a slice everywhere
Meaning $16 for a whole pizza? I don't think there's any place where I live that has anything that expensive.

>Every fucking thing is somehow California's fault

Why are Americans even allowed to have internet access?

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I find pointers of almost every shape to beautiful. Too bad they're generally shackled to vore

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Nobody likes California

To be fair, Californias fault is pretty big, it pretty much cuts across the whole dang state.


Depends. Do you mean actual dragons and werewolves and inhuman aliens? Or those horrible "monster"girls that are just humans with cosplay elements glued on?

Hell yes to the first, God Damn I hate this shit in regards to the latter

I just want a Pearl to lovingly bite me

so something like this might be more up your alley?

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boi don't you tempt no fate


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That’s pretty good.

I mean like female goblins. Humanoid body plan and secondary sex traits, with differences in other areas that make them visually clearly not human.


I'd honestly rather fuck a full on feral-bodied but still intelligent dragon, but gobbos are good too

I don't have a goblin gem but here is a shortstack.

Attached: 1547795906578.png (1080x1905, 504K)

Attached: 4ba.jpg (1200x1339, 1.35M)

okay mexican

what did they do?

Would have unironically been better


If only

not sure what he means, but they're all a weird mishmash of lady's and jake's features
They also reach maturity very quickly thanks to lady's gens, and can hybridize with fucking anything thanks to jake's

Consequently, 1000 years in the future, their new hybrid race has more or less taken over Ooo

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A whole Costco pizza is around 11 bucks and it's 16 inches or something

Isn't this the same artist as those alternate timeline Adventure Time characters?

One of my personal faves

>Every fucking thing is somehow California's fault
but this is true.


but gems don't bleed. we've known that since season 1.

Attached: Eteled Siht!.png (1920x1080, 813K)

Gneiss, Opalite, and Schorl are pretty good.

Ugh dude, that’s salt.

there must be a Jasper Sundowner, out there right?

Attached: ceb.jpg (500x540, 45K)

there better be

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Let me guess, is she... salty?

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I wish it had been a backdoor pilot for a spinoff.