Wait, what? Europeans enslaved gypsies for 500 years? We stole them? Is Quicksilver full of shit here? Maybe the writer Saladin Ahmed confused it with the Ottomans performing devsirme on the Christian populace in the Balkans?
Wait, what? Europeans enslaved gypsies for 500 years? We stole them? Is Quicksilver full of shit here...
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Gypsies are the scum of the earth. Anyone defending a gypsy in anyway has never met one
The twins are always shit when they aren’t magnetos kids.
I can honestly say the only thing worse than a mutie is a fucking gypsy.
Marvel is so fucking trash nowadays Jesus Christ
Gypsies [called Vittori ( or travler) in romani] are a displaced people from the 'three kingdoms' of the Transylvania valley area and depending on the family might trace their lineage back to ottoman Christians, Balkan greek orthodox or even Vlad the fucking impaler. I'm not kidding.
Nailing down a real history is next to impossible because gypsies lie all the time and at this point they themselves have no idea where they came from. That being said, gypsies have been on the receiving end of some shitty behavior (no matter how deserved) and several European nations did attempt to press gang gypsies into public works in the early renaissance period before realizing even the whip couldn't force a gypsy to put in an honest days work. But that's nothing like the bullshit written here.
>Saladin Ahmed
Seems trustworthy.
>My father did anything he could to feed my sister and me. Some of it was illegal.
>The villagers called him a thief when he tried to feed his children
I don't think you're meant to take him as an accurate source of knowledge, OP
Look, you are evil ... just kill yourself white devil.
I thought Romani originally hailed from parts of India.
Gypsies are cockroaches in human form. No one wants anything to do with them and only an american ( or anyone who doesn't come into direct contact with them ) could possibly have a positive impression of them as a whole. I'm not joking when I say most of them ( at the least the ones in western Europe ) act like vermin and refuse to be a part of society, while enjoying every single benefit they can grab and steal. Being a teacher and having a gypsy kid in your class is always a nightmare because he'll a) steal indiscriminately b) will be at least 5 years older than the rest of the class and still refuse to learn and c) will constantly be a nuisance all call all his family and make a scene at the smallest indication of conflict.
Also the twins can't be gypsies because Wanda is actually good looking.
Clearly Wanda was one of the kids they kidnap and raise in their gypsy ways.
As created by Kirby & Lee, they were just White Europeans, they got retconned into being half-Gypsy almost 20 years later, by writers who probably had no idea what actual Gypsies looked like. Everyone continued to draw them as White people until Tumblr and Twitter got outraged about the MCU castings 'whitewashing' them, and now it varies from one book to another how pale or dark the colorist will choose to make them. It's all basically a mistake they can't back out of, or don't know how to back out of. Despite decades of being written as hating his childhood and being kind of ashamed of his background, Quicksilver is now a Roma Pride representation character.
The MCU was right to just make them Slavs.
...You do know they're just Poos who tried to pass off themselves as Egyptians, right? That's where Gypsy comes from. They told the Greeks that they were "Egyptioi", to receive better treatment, and it got botched as time went on. They were the lowest caste of Poos who left. And became Europe's niggers.
>American writer
>shitskin American writer
>muslim shitskin American writer
>is sympathetic to subhumans and twists facts to make them appear better
Gee user, I'm shocked!
Now, to be fair Romani isn't synonym with Gypsi.
So the Maximoff might well have been one of those not-gypsies romani families who got shat on because while not all romani are gypsy, all gyspy are romani(in continental europe, mind you). [this might actually tie-in with Doom's heritage: no way in hell his father could have been any kind of healer if he was any kind of gypsy, and Latveria and Transia are not very distant so they might be splinters of the same honest group. Unlikely but not impossible.]
Generally those families end up hiding their romani heritage, ashamed by their (very) distant relatives.
Nobody likes gypsies. Not even other gypsies.
This retard and any gypsy apologist needs to live in an eastern european country for a month. Fucking retards
>In October 2017 gained media attention for a Twitter post addressed to the cereal company Kellogg's: "why is literally the only brown corn pop on the whole cereal box the janitor? this is teaching kids racism." Kellogg's indicated they would change the artwork on future Corn Pops shipments.
Romani is just a fancy word for gypsy and the somewhat half decent gypos that unbelievably try to integrate into society refer to themselves as gypsies, not romani.
>Nobody likes gypsies. Not even other gypsies
Innacurate, gypsies hate every nation on the face of the earth except other gypsies. They have a pack mentality and if some gypo is causing a ruckus on the street, others will jump in even if they dont know eachother.
>Americans virtue signaling about how much they care about a culture they know nothing about
Gypsies are like the unholy union of a Jew (or Anglo) and an African, but have only the negative traits of each race.
Gypsies came from north western india through tunisia and up into the Balkans and across to the rest of Europe. I'm not saying they're not Indian, I'm saying they pass themselves off as eastern-european whenever possible.
Have you seen the cereal box? He wasn't wrong.
>I'm not saying they're not Indian, I'm saying they pass themselves off as eastern-european whenever possible.
Ah, sure thing then. I thought you were claiming they literally "wuz Euroz an sheeeeeiiiit". Also, fuck gypsies. There's a reason nobody gows on about "muh 6 gorillion gyppos".
Yes, romani were enslaved in Romania from the 14th to the 19th centuries. Yes, they were originally Indian, but they were part of a warrior caste that got rolled by the Ghaznavids in like the 10th c. and kept as spoils/slaves. So over centuries they moved out if Persia, then to Anatolia then over into Eastern Europe.
Incorrect information.
>My father did anything he could to feed my sister and me. Some of it was illegal. All of it was long, hard work.
>long, hard work
>only "some" of it was illegal
This was written by somebody who knows NOTHING of gypsies.
Nice argument.
Just because they were slaves doesn't mean they weren't shit. Romani folklore teaches that everything NOT romani is unclean and brings bad juju. So that gives them every justification to lie, cheat, steal, and remain insular and walled off from gadjo (non-romani) culture and society.
If Hitler had only focused on purging gypsies, he'd be considered history's greatest hero.
Also incorrect.
I think the designer was at my grocery store where I work, our floor cleaner was a black dude(the rest of us night crew is white) at the time of the controversy. We told him about the box he laughed his ass off about it, later he got fired for stealing!
I was in Italy three years ago. I was warn about gypsies, about how they can be so unbelievable they can be. I didn't really understand until I was on a Train in Rome. One of they sat right next to me stick his hand in my pocket like we're best of friends, that's when I started punching him. One trip to a police station later I got out free of charge and my trip to Rome ruin.
Convincing rebuttal.
Ghaznavids origin
On marimé
Son, not everyone some loser writes on the internet is accurate.
There's encampments in france, in a lot of central european nations they're not allowed to have jobs, kids aren't allowed in normal schools but get shafted into special eds etc. It's not wrong. A few make it bigger, like Inon Zur who's a composer for video games.
I mean they're technically shitty people but they aren't also allowed to be normal people, so that cart is stuck in the mud.
For instance, your posts.
Certainly not your posts.
>Trying to portray them in a sympathetic light
What is this blasphemy?
That's mostly likely where they came from but who can even say
They'll claim they're whatever
That's where they are from, hence why they're also looking so very varied in appearance; northern India had an influex of middle european people during the stone age, hence why someone with blonde hair/blue eyes/fair skin can still be 100% indian born and raised. Or a Traveler. We have genetic confirmation that they left Northern India 1500 years ago.
>Despite decades of being written as hating his childhood and being kind of ashamed of his background, Quicksilver is now a Roma Pride representation character.
This is the worst part. I dont mind if the twins are portrayed as having been raised as romani as children, and the tweaks that come along with greater mainstream recognition of roma history, but I dislike the new 'proud representative' angle. Actively maintaining a roma identity would be pretty antithetical to Avenger-ing, irl.
They were chased away from their gypsy caravan as young teenagers. If they failed to maintain use of the language and immersed themselves in the gadjo world (basically what's been their published history) they'd be effectively removed from roma society. Just like Amish who don't return from rumspringa.
Gypsies are the fucking worst, they leech and steal and are also insanely racist. Any media that depicts them in any positive light IS ALWAYS american. The only american thing that showed how trash they can be was Disney's hunchback of Notre dame, funnily enough
Romania and Bulgaria get assloads of EU money to integrate them into society, then get yelled at because nobody shows up. So they have several billions just laying about... because nobody shows up to the programs.
a ) would you trust the government if you were a romani?
b) money in billions is just numbers. you think EU subventions don't get shared between people before they reach their intended goals?
This actually changes a lot depending on the country and, therefore, the local gypsy families\nations involved.
In Italy, not-gypsy romani usually end up passing themselves as Romanians to distance themselves from their gypsie relatives
And gyspsie-on-gypsie violence is the #1 cause of death and harm among gypsies.
most likely.
sorry about that, mate.
dude, in Italy EVERYTHING has been done to try and improve their conditions.
When it works, they just hide to ever having been gypsies, and most of the time it just doesn't work.
>a ) would you trust the government if you were a romani?
sure, they regularly get lot of money from various social services
Not like they need them: most gypsie groups are involved in various kinds of illegal trafficking and money laundering.
on paper and look they are poor as fuck, but also have giant-ass cars because criminal organizations use them for various purposes.