aka how to get a nerd boyfriend
aka scott pilgrim for girls
let's go
aka how to get a nerd boyfriend
aka scott pilgrim for girls
let's go
This better not be "Jonesy" again
dunno who that is
A shitty comic made by a hack. It was also called "The Female Scott Pilgrim"
Ah fuck no, I thought this was just a shitty webcomic.
just looked that up and holy christ
dont expect this to be as bad as that
>Fired during the introduction
Well this is a great start
right into the action
this bad boy is ~200 pages
also it was kickstarted
Why does it have the same art style as meme pilgrim?
Is this comic good, or is this an elaborate ruse by OP
By God OP, This is a blue board!
you're an adult you can make up your own mind
i think its a fun little book myself
you're right, i really outta spoiler those
i thought the comic was okayish but yeah turns to shit tho towards the end where the author just gave up
nice and i forgot the page
yeah the ending kinda felt like the author was trying to tie up loose ends and weren't 100% sure what to do
Penny pulling off her best Espurr impression
This has charm and knows itself, I already like it more than most "female scott pilgrims". Thanks for dumping OP
no worries
Those better not be her grandma's saucy novels!
So wait, Penny shits in the woods?
granny had game
>So wait, Penny shits in the woods?
you know i never really thought about that until you said it. she has everything in there but a toilet...
I have nightmares about this exact situation, jesus christ
Now I'm fully invested
because i know Yea Forums is a christian board
i sure hope you arent living in a storage space user
What kinda kid reads the newspaper
And doesn't poop
60 pages and still no male adult character
who am I supposed to self insert as ???
>not self inserting as the girl
ask and ye shall receive
fine, I'm self inserting as the kid
Like you should have done since the beginning!
The only thing I can sort of appreciate is the snappiness of the dialogue. Otherwise it's meh
I don't get it, where is she trying to enter into ?
The captcha starts to get more difficult the more posts you make. If you make like 10 posts in half an hour you have to solve like 5 "Select the traffic light" puzzles in a row
>and knows itself
Quit being retarded god damn
im givin her all she's got captain
>Yea Forums likes this
it figures, i never understood how you can love shit like this unless its with your dick
I like it so far
is it canadian ?
She's going to ruin walters life isn't she
Walter is secretly into this
golly, a real date? with a REAL girl? all for a measly gym shower? what a chad.
sorry i forgot to type an actual reply
i dont believe so, all i know about the authors is that they both apparently live in brooklyn
I think I'll start applying to be a gym clerk
It gets harder and harder to NOT imagine David with the voice of Number 5 fro Umbrella Academy
Go fuck yourself!
I was actually interested!
This was meant for
there's ~130 pages left user dont worry
Something for the next D&D campaign.
There better no be a "Lady and the Tramp" spaghetti moment!
El vampiro does
oh my
I gave up once it turned into this weird action movie type story
Pretty cute. She should walk around in her underwear more often.
I retract my dumb statement, I'm liking this more by the minute.
>The Great Gaspy
Wasn't The Great Gatsby a WW2 book
>Farewell to Dongs
Oh my.
Fuck, I want a cute Erikson in my life
Forgive me Master, but I must let loose just this once.
truly middle schoolers are the strongest opponents
Dragon-fucking is god-tier
>undoes a button
jeezums fucking crikes
im not complaining
I was joking about the D&D campaign.
My foreshadowing senses kicked in.
Wait I don't understand this. Did his parents adopt 4 kids in Bermuda, did his mom have quadruplets, or did they spend 3 years in Bermuda doing nothing but procreating and drinking?
the other kids are colin's friends, the fact they had another kid 14 years after their first one is the drunk part.
This is better than Scott Pilgrim
and just in case my post foes unnoticed:
glad you're enjoying it
I don't get it, why did they drop the conversation
the mom came to the salon with her significant other, who was not walter's dad. then walter's dad nabbed her.
they met at a couples massage
his dad was the masseur
she wasnt together with his dad before the massage
so he's the product of cuckholdry
not necessarily
oh boy this is getting the incel juices flowing
>her perfect dream self doesn't have the neck tattoo
Well she did admit that it was a stupid idea in hindsight.
a YMCA/gym basically.
Usually showers in these places for when you're done exercising.
yeah, kinda sad that she has this constant blemish/insecurity on her neck, it clearly bothers her.
Oh I thought that he was remarking that they were very small because of the drinking done while the mom was pregnant.
it's good to see that not all tumblr-calarts art is sjw
>tfw no gf
in the other hand penny is a slut.
shit if that were the case there might actually be something to talk about
What a fucking Chad!
or is Penny being a Veronica?
No, he's the product of cheating
nah she seems nice enough. she's just horny.
i was in this exact situation once..
I've been kicking myself for years for not attempting anything back them.
cant change the past
only the future
love this page
>tfw you gave your friend a cursed artifact
Yeah this is definitely not Scott Pilgrim. This is more like a wacky webcomic romance adventures kinda deal. Scott Pill had wack, but it was a lot more grounded than this outside of the vidya references.
alright boys
pick one
why is he such a chad
Cecilia looks lovely. I want to hug her
Cuz the author is clearly thirsty for meek nerdy secret-chads.
...a barbarian with Str 12, Dex 7, Con 8, and... what? Did she go with Cha 18?
>La Gato Noir
"La Gata"
FTFY (technically)
...I don't get it. They're dating, doesn't that make them boyfriend and girlfriend? I can't see the issue.
I'm a fucking retard! I didn't read the following page!
curse my passion for smug superiority
Oh, now I see the issue
I don't
Why do I relate to the nerdy meek loser!
I'm not even in touch with my friends
>why does it have the same art style as popular thing with which it may share prospective readers?
She thinks they're still in a friend status because she's the one who prompts all the romantic stuff. She probably feels like its one-sided. At least that's what I THINK it is.
That was a nice laugh.
fucking australiafags. anyone who first picks that shit deserves to be ganged up on, pussy-ass turtles
And yet it’s not as good as Octopus Pie.
I like the idea that a 20 something year old woman is beating up a group of 11 year olds.
if a bunch of kids can steal a grandfather clock, they deserve it
Yea, even if the characters in Octopus Pie are all terrible and unlikable, at least they're...characters. This is just nothing.
I regret looking that up. It's like someone had a bet on how many terrible tumblr/dA art cliches they could stuff in a comic and still get published.
It bugs me that the kid is drawn like a miniature adult
It doesn't help that he looks exactly like number 5 from the umbrella academy.
You made me curious. Goddamn, the art is awful
>7 evil exes
>lot more grounded
How do you hit someone with your car without having gotten into the car. Without a panel depicting the inbetween, it just seems like he walked into the car himself.
Alright, somebody tell me what the FUCK is going on before another thing explodes!
the comic just went from really boring to really stupid
>including your heart?
Damn, that kid got bants.
Like I said. Outside of the arcade references. The people in here don't really talk like normal people.
There was also the whole "Scott is a shitty-ass person, whose shittiness alienates everyone and sabotages his life; and he desperately needs to confront his problems and grow up."
Saving this to annoy /tg/ with
>First Result on google is Fornite Character
>Outside of the main plot
try typing 'jonesy comic', smart guy
ok now I see the weird action twist people were talking about
Default skin Jonesy is my favorite comic character.
Plus the love interest is way too obvious of a nerdy fantasy bf, and is overall 2 dimensional.
Also I guess the main conflict is that the mc has really bad luck, and wants her man to pursue her?
you clearly don't know what you're saying
either this or bait
Who gives a shit?
that's a nice callback
I don't think it has the same artist
>same art style
>same artist
Did her Mommy instincts kick in, or was she secretly a shotafag?
she accidentally punched her friend (the kid) and feels bad
Alright, I'm confused. Is there much left?
>implying it wasn't both
How can you be a fag if you're female and like shotas
>tfw no armwrestling champion gf
20 pages left
although im having a problem with page 180 (something about malicious code)
give me a moment
>Not knowing about -fag
It's basically a suffix to a trait
There's artfags who draw and there's shotafags like her.
>20 pages
How the fuck are there still 20 pages of this shit?!
I always forget that fag means gay and stuff. I've used it so much, its lost its original meaning.
No problem man
dunno what was up with page 180-182 but we're back
I forgot all about this really isn't even all that bad its like a 7/10
...what the fuck was that?
Wait? You mean to tell me that Penny bikes this far to work?
She should be doing Taekwondo with those legs!
I forgot how long this comic was, even back when I was following Johnny Wander.
It's exactly as I remember it - a mixed bag. Has some interesting moments, has some boring moments. At times it feels like it should be goofier, other times it feels it should be more grounded. It's like this uncanny spot on the weird-realistic scale.
All in all, it's kind of okay I guess.
This is the nerd's fault.
user the word 'fag' has became a prefix at this point like 'chan' or 'kun' using fag at the end of a verb or adjective means that person is either a fan of that thing or really likes pushing or shilling that thing. For example;
>Nintendo-/-Fag =Nintendofag
Somebody who really likes Nintendo.
>Sony-/-Fag =Sonyfag
Somebody who likes Sony
It's a prefix that can be easily applied or used.
Well never motherfucking mind!
It's surprising how little art there is of Penny
That only works on Yea Forums where there are no girls.
Curse that Kirby monstrosity.
> On Yea Forums
> Doesn't realize Yea Forums has a female majority
honestly i've never seen this comic brought up at all on here so its not surprising
Feminine dicks don't count user
You know, I've heard people constantly say this. It's obviously a joke most of the time, but you don't really believe that. Right?
and thats about it for story pages, everything after this is credits/thanking kick starter backers/doodles
thanks for sticking around
It's never really fully established that she has a huge passion for erotic material. She did own eroticas, but I just assumed she kept those because they were passed down to her. Why the fuck else would anyone keep an alarm clock?
still gonna post them though
have to ensure that you all get the complete experience
when do they fuck
>Why the fuck else would anyone keep an alarm clock
because she doesnt have a phone to use as an alarm clock i think
This was a rollercoaster. This could have been a slice of life story about a woman having to deal with her job, her social life, and her love life.
It wouldn't have been very special, but at least it wouldn't end in the biggest tonal shift I've ever seen.
Well I thought programming socks were a joke too until people started unironically posting selfies wearing them on /g/
I meant Grandfather clock.
Sorry :/
yeah then you're right im pretty sure she keeps most of the stuff because they were passed down to her
but maybe her grandma ignited her passion for "romance"
and that's it
>that neck kiss
Oh right, this is my favorite panel in this entire comic. Thanks for dumping and reminding me of that user.
Thank you so much OP. I never would've read this on my own.
She did take her sweet ass time to ignite those embers then.
Pretty good read. Nothing amazing of course, but the dialogue was engaging and even the weird conclusion wasn’t too bad. Not perfect but I’m glad you storytimed it before I have to work my shitty job
Now someone draw the muscle girl topless.
glad you enjoyed it
i read it a couple days ago and thought it was fun, decided that i might as well do a storytime on here since i've never seen it discussed before
good luck out there user
thanks op, it was fun. doubt I would have ever read this on my own.
Cheers OP, that was decent
>penny sees the kids and immediately buttons up.
>scott pilgrim for girls
That's a really good comparison actually
She's like 14
jonesy was actually good though
Since I wasted my Mordecai pic, I want you to felate this shotgun
>Yea Forums actually isnt shitting on this and there's even a jonesy fag in here (possibly ironic)
When did this board go from shitting on garbage to thinking its quirky obnoxious bullshit was wonderful? I can't believe this was fucking kickstarted.
It’s called a suffix you absolute ignoramus.
>breasts are only 4 sexual
since dan dashly the comic met lukewarm reviews here. It's not really so bad, it aint good either through
This board got taken over by normalfags
newfags like me
>When did this board go from shitting on garbage to thinking its quirky obnoxious bullshit was wonderful?
something something homestuck
This was only good because Penny is a qt.
waifufags are blind cancer
Since people started shitposting the worst comics ever made and made most people realize that there is a difference between decent and actual shit.
This is not decent.
Thanks for the storytime OP.
It wasn't that bad, it wasn't great either, but it really wasn't something I would have paid to read, or even read without the comments of Yea Forums here to make it more palatable, that's the magic of reading things here, even the worst works have some enjoyment to be had when read with a bunch of anons.
I wouldn't have given it so much as a chance otherwise.
I give it a 6/10, it isn't great, but it isn't storytime of pain material either, it's pretty much okay.
>complaining about storytimes on Yea Forums
for shame.
>Liking Jonesy unironically
>>complaining about storytimes on Yea Forums
That's loosely summing up the post t were the main point has been lost. At least in the cases you're referring to people know something is bad, here people keep saying its actually good and enjoyable, and those reactions are what I was talking about, not storytiming in general
all of this is fucking stupid
did you just click on random posts
It is. Nothing about it was below enjoyable and sometimes people just want to enjoy a dumb simple cute comic.
What is this art style called? It's that one tumblr uses that isn't pic related. I've always hated it more.
Ugh. Pigeonholing
Just call it bad you fucking brainlet!
Your taste is fucking absurd.
>sometimes people just want to enjoy a
That isn't the point.
Jonesy is from 2017, i don't know why people are going on about it
>Just call it bad you fucking brainlet!
That doesn't work on Yea Forums or you're just called a shitposter to be disregarded.
Because threads are still being made that bring it to others attention.
does it even have a name
Because it's terrible and it's terribleness made Jonesy ascend to meme status.
I feel like you could give it a loose term like "pseudo anime webcomic style". Not that exactly but something on that track.
What is the point? You trying to prove you're an old fag and hate Tumblr shit?
It's a big board.
If you post anything here there's always going to be someone baiting, trolling, or downright being contrarian and saying they like it.
This happens even in storytimes of pain, I don't see why this one would be different.
Okay. What makes it so horrible?
No you fucking retard, when people ask why something is ugly case in point a better name would help. Everyone likes to act like they dont know what the tumblr buzzword means anyway.
I enjoyed it. Not to a "holy shit this is amazing" extent but more to a "I was bored and I'm no longer" way. It was okay, that fighting bit was retarded and some other bits got boring but otherwise it seemed okay.
It made me more bored somehow.
yeah, that's what I mean, he's getting upset at an inevitabilty of the image board format.
Even if everyone likes it, somebody's gonna shit on it.
Even if everyone hates it, somebody's gonna like it.
It doesn't suppress your opinion in any way, so no one has any obligation to go with the majority.
>Doesn't end with Penny getting fucked senseless
I don't understand why everyone on this board misses the point to posts in higher capacity than most others.
three-line pupils must mean pretty serious business
this is really awful crap
I want to lewd the lucky penny
I was enjoying the comic until it got to the whole boy army thing.
It just felt so unnecessary.
Who decided this wasnt an obnoxious cover idea?
So THIS is where it's from. Huh, so weird seeing it in context.
What a fucking betamale series.
Johnny Wander's version of Death makes a cameo.
it was okay until it went 0-60 in two seconds.
If it wasn't rushed I'd read it again.
Lots of homeless folks(and lawyers) use gym memberships for showering
This comic reads like the author started writing the story from the mindset of writing a webcomic or a story that was going to take a lot more than 200 pages to tell, before realizing near the end that they had wrap it up soon. The beginning and middle would have been okay in the context of a longer more gradual story. Definitely not the worst thing I've waisted my afternoon doing locked up in my room. Thanks for the read OP.
>Yea Forums has a female majority
Then why the fuck I don't have a qt Yea Forums gf yet?
Well that was bland, I thought the whole fight scene was a dream sequence because it was so stupid.
we are all some kind of fag
>aka how to get a nerd boyfriend
What, approach and say hello?
The comic was pretty good tho but it felt a little superficial for me, author got lazy at some point.
Im probably not following the thread, so only comment.
Thanks OP for the comic
Well, there's your issue, bud. Were all a 4 at best. Either that or were just as boring as you are.
That fucking bean mouth, I swear to God.
That was a nice read
Too bad about the ending though
This comic kinda took a jump into the stupid tank and never managed to climb back out of it.
I hope we're all in agreement that Gunhilda's best girl.
I'm going to say this, Scott Pilgrim did handle this better even with just one graphic novel. One thing that Scott did was that things felt more magical right off the bat with Ramona being in Scott's dream. SO when it did go full VS EVIL BOYFRIENDS it felt right at home.
This felt like a slice of life story about people and I think the kid being evil could have been used to tell a story about understanding situations then being a supervillain. Nothing in the story is out of the ordinary till that point.
Near the end of Lucky Penny, Yoko was having severe wrist pain.
I want to say I hate this comic, but that is too strong of an emotion to feel from such a utterly bland waste of time.
Well that explains it.
I hope she's alright now.
boohoo god damn
How come there's zero content off Penny and Bossy Boy, there? It boggles the mind.
>reads like the author started writing the story from the mindset of writing a webcomic
That's how it was initially released, was posted over three years at johnnywander.com
>three years
Thanks, user. Always enjoy storytimes with Yea Forums.
a full year passed between and going up, they posted other stuff in that stretch
Imagine waiting over a year for this fucking shit and following it for three.
Neck kisses are god's gift
>most "female scott pilgrims"
Like what?
Women ask for too much.
I fucking hate this kind of writing coupled with the mannerisms/poses.
Yeah, seriously. Take a break and stretch your wrists every hour while drawing and you won't get stupid injuries.
i want katherine to tease me
Maybe back in 2010 before tumblr blew up and took all the roasties with it
tumblr is kill now, they banned porn
That just means they use 2 sites. This board has always been better for discussion by design. I've specifically seen this said in SU threads, that they'd like to have the same functionality as a Yea Forums thread there.
Tranny Anime
Something about this specific era of comics just feels so self indulgent. Not even in the fun "weirdo takes you for a ride" way, just the "author doesn't even think about where they're going and just jerk the audience around" way. Its like there was just one really big class of exceptionally boring cartoonists that got really influential at that time.
Requesting a Penny-less version of this, please. The kid's reaction is too goold not to use.
How would touching a girl feel like? I get really nervous just thinking about it.
>this one scene of a slice-of-life one-shot appears way more exciting than the entire run of Hi-Fi Fight Club/Heavy Vinyl
>all those fucking cal-arts faces
Fuck you, OP. I hope you get ass cancer and die painfully.
alright so where's the porn?
>ass of gold and a heart that won't quit
best i could be bothered to do
I really liked this (until the fucking action scene, I honestly skipped most of that). Thanks for sharing, user
There's more than one "female Scott Pilgrim" ?
Yes. And they're all terrible.
Saved! Bless you, user.
We interrupt this indie mehness to bring you Artemis Fowl.
Aw man. Were the books even good?
I only read the 1st book and I thought it was pretty good.
Hopefully the movie isn't a steaming pile of rhino droppings.
Yoko is a fucking retard.
I have yet to read them with my cultured adult mind but I like to think yes.
Name five (5) examples please
Fuck off waifufag
Is that legal, living in a rented storage shed? Cause that sounds like a pretty viable poorfag setup.
Women always ruin men life...is their kind of job
Not only is it viable, it genuinely looks comfy
I dont get it user...they fuck or what?, why the weird moment?
It's illegal and you will probably get caught and kicked out
I ´m fucking hate pandas
this looks way better to me: proportinal characters, ink washes, and better paneling. the only similarity is the mouths
Why he undoes the button?, is a canadian thing?
aka who the fuck thought this ending was good, please just go back to drawing/writing slice of life you two i dont want this or the dead dude story
I love this page so much. Best girl best henchman/bodyguard/assassin
thanks for the dump, m8
>im a genius
It's illegal but not for women.
Is it prohibited by zoning laws, or is it just policy by the storage folks?
Why women always fuck it everything?
You residing in a storage unit could mean the facility is violating zoning laws, depending on your locale. It's almost definitely a breach of contract, though.
Never fuck with australians in Yea Forums son...except if you are a Emu...
>Not owning a gun
>Dorky dude at his job suddenly has a qt girl walk up to him and start randomly flirting, asks him on a date, and she not only tolerates all his dorky hobbies like playing tabletops with kids but even likes them
>Also he has an entire harem of cute girls who absorbed him into their group of friends in high school for no reason
Christ, even my ">tfw no gf" daydreams aren't that sad, if the authors weren't a married couple this whole thing would be kinda depressing to read.
does penny and david eventually fuck in this?
Honestly Penny ending up going after shota dick would make more sense than whatever the fuck we ended up getting.
that's is screw this comic
Cute enough for a quick read. I feel like a lot of it was rushed though. The actual stuff with Penny and Walter was okay but the fighting stuff didn't make sense, the stuff with Helen's brother didn't make sense. Idk.
Was okay. Thanks for sharing OP
legit kek
I like a girl who can dent metal with her bare fists.
this art style would be ideal for light kinky TG/transformation porn
>Gunhilda will never use you as a barbell
Why live?
I ship it desu
>11 yro reading the art of war
what a huge nerd
I am liking this
I would have been a little weirded out too, first by the ramen, then by eating out of the same bowl.
I can’t help but imagine how much shit flinging this would generate on Yea Forums if the bf was black. Don’t change anything else about him, either. He’s still big D&D nerd with glasses, but he’s black.
A white girl hellbent I’m getting her some BBC? It would be a shitstorm for days! We’d probably change the name to “BLACKED.com: A Love Story”!
I don't buy that any nerd hasn't considered the aspects of dragons fucking like crazy go nuts.
smoking is bad for you
Well this was kinda boring
>black swede
it would generate a shitstorm allright
I kind of liked it, but lets be real. No women would ever act like this.
she only smokes lucky strikes
here (You) go
No wonder why no one loves her.
I laughed.
aw man i love it when a tomboy dates a nerd, i knew of this comic for years now but i didn't think it would have my favorite pairing, thanks op for putting that info front and center, i'm so invested now
>How many quarters in a twenty
>a hundred
based yoto
thanks to your comment I also received same curse
Look up videos on YouTube. 100% doable, but like other anons said, you will get kicked out if the owner catches you.
>three years
>for this
Not gonna lie, I first knew about the comic from this piece of fanart, and I thought (after checking a few pages back from the then-current update - which was - didn't read from the beginning):
1. THEY were the main characters
2. "Lucky Penny" was some sort of drama/thriller
3. "Penny" was supposed to refer to some sort of in-story codename...
just got done reading, best comic ever
>Finish reading the comic
>Go to TV Tropes to read the YMMV
>They put Penny under 'Unintentionally unsympathetic"
>They put David under "Unintentionally sympathetic"
I fucking hate those autist, why do i keep going back
This comic is kind of a mess, but I enjoyed it anyway.
Thanks user, I like it