Yall ever just go ham on acid at the brink of nuclear war?

yall ever just go ham on acid at the brink of nuclear war?

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This is exactly how the Soviet Union collapsed, yes.

The householder's guide to survival didn't mention that!
How much do you figure I should keep around in my inner core or refuge?
Would lemon juice do? It is somewhat acidic I believe

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Legit fucking depressing. Imagine the anxiety and general misery of the people in the time of making that.

At the end it turned into the ending of neon genesis evangelion which was kinda nice.

Pretty sure most of those guys did as soon as they retired.

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Nuclear war cartoons?


Post-nuclear-war cartoons?

>salutes a vagina

What a beta

>that ending
Why the fuck are russians like this

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It ain't just them, mang. Must be a northern peoples thing.

Man, I can't get enough of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic media, especially stuff involving nuclear weapons. I don't enjoy it exactly, but something about the despair and desolation appeals to me. I need more of it, but I feel like I've already exhausted the world's stock of post-apocalyptic music, film, literature, and animation. Hit me up with some Yea Forums recs if you've got any lads, all the stuff posted thus far has been tight.


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People who made this were the soviet equivalent of western bluehaired neolibtards
They were also armenians, lost cousins of jews
>stalin bad
>ebil soviet theow nuclear bomb when in reality americans threw nukes on civilians
>western degenerate music good
>dude weed! Drugs! Sex!

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Ideologically possessed and seething

>western degenerate music good
>dude weed! Drugs! Sex!
Most of the comments interpret that stuff as new scary and confusing things brought in by the winds of change.


We have a saying in eastern europe:
"It needs to be sad in fiction, so we in reality learn a lesson"

fucking hell, dude

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so anti escapism?

Anyone who does the "x topic bad" shit instantly reveals themselves as a myopic brainlet, as you've done here. It's such an obnoxious, dismissive attitude to take towards what is more often than not valid criticism. Like, what's your overall point here? That the soviet union was above criticism? Fuck off you tankie/falseflagger.

after all the weird shit he's seen? if the ID tells you the vagina is it's face, then you salute the amn vagina, desu

This is so nostalgic. Late eastern bloc cartoons were the shit back in the day. Not the degenerate crap produced by Yanks and other westerners. Only Tin Tin and Asterix & Obelix were on the same level with communist cartoons.

Even before puritanist communists took over (back then we had mainly peasant culture) there wasnt realy a strong place for entertainment in peoples lives, we believed all forms of art need to serve some practicle service to the people.
That is why stories books and later films all needed to teach the viewer some lesson. Western entertainment for the sake of entertainment was said to be degenerate to the human soul (nb4 nazis)
We dont have superheroes because we have legends from very bery old times. Today grandmothers tell them to little kids as fairy tails. Sorry i think i lost where i am going with this i am very drunk right now

I can deeply admire and respect this kind of logic

God knows America needs a lot more of this kind of thought process and direction in their animations nowadays


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There is no criticisss here, just vulgar images than need to degrade the viewer baxk into the state of an animal.
Soviet power took 80 years to educate peasants into a space fairing civilization
American kike cia took a year to deevolve them into bydlo gopnig niggers
I think historical results speak for themselves.
The fall of the soviet union brought more harm to russia than the nazi invasion
So what that a million retired old people didnt recieve pensions in the 90s and slowly quietly died in thier apartment
The importent thing was there were no more nuclear missiles. Uncle sam can sleep in peace democracy is saved while these armenian kikes grabed all valuables and escaped to israel

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I too remember back in the good ol' days when animation was actually good and had integrity. I was truly born in the wrong generation.

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Why do people on the internet redicule this sentence all the time? Things in the past realy were of higher quality because there was less of them.
Quality above quantity

It’s becuase there is confirmation bias mired in it. Great quality animation has been done yearly or better and it is ignored and they just stare at the worset and hand wave that as everything.
Nothing is worse than a broken man that cannot enjoy the beauty he has before him now.

This isn't a nostalgia/generation thing

Every generation's had it's flaws. I may enjoy the animations posted here but they also have their negative aspects

However, it's hard to ignore the HEAVY decline in both quality and quantity of work here in the states

Because often the people that assert such statements tend to only mean it in a superficial sense

They don't realize that that every time period has its flaws.

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It's funny to see a soviet adaptation of one of Ray Bradbury's stories, remember seeing this one a while back.

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>nyeu veter
What did he mean by this?

el ogro de las las estepas....

Why funny? They loved his work.