What does Yea Forums think about the Powerpuff Girls movie?

What does Yea Forums think about the Powerpuff Girls movie?

While it was pretty solid origin film, I would have prefered a present time film with high stakes and Him as the main villain.

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The show was never the same after the movie

Kids got bored, PPG was great in short stories.
The film just wasn't funny.

It just wasn't funny. The old series was funny without feeling like it needed to explain the details. The movie is all the details without remembering to be funny.

It didn’t get good until Mojo and his monkeys attack, and that’s like the last third of the film.

>not liking the glimpse of pre-PPG Townsville
>not liking the all-out, balls-out Tag scene that would make Zack Snyder blush
>not liking Utonium delivering fatherly advice and trying to protect his children.
This movie is too fucking good for Yea Forums. If you were kids, you'd enjoy the movie for the action - if you were functional adults, you'd enjoy the movie cuz you would relate to the Professor and how it feels to have children of your own.

But, because this board is overrun by insecure manchildren, who insist they want "darker" cartoons but can't actually handle emotions more complex than "happy", it gets crapped on.

>darker cartoons
I don't get this meme. Before watching the movie, everywhere I read about it was going on about how "so dark and edgy" the movie was compared to the show (the show was already pretty shallow to begin with so I guess that's my fault tho). I watch it and it's just the most generic superhero origin story ever. Furthermore since you already know the outcome, there are no real stakes. PPG all around is probably Craig's weakest work.

I don't like it when the villain's first scheme is by far their most successful. It makes everything they do after seem non-threatening in comparison.

I remember some parts were animated really, really good.

I also remember it having the exact same feels as a regular episode. Maybe that's why it doesn't stand up in my mind? Was that the case?

Great movie. Dark and unfunny though.

I'm a filthy zoomer so I was too young to watch this film in theatres, were there really boys who were too embarrassed to watch what people thought was a "girls movie"?

The Dexter one about going to the future is way better. I hate that people only talk about the PPG one.

Yeah, boys weren't conditioned to be so feminine yet.

I saw it in theatres because I had the sister excuse and I loved it, it left a real impact on me.

Watching it years later and it holds up extremely well. People don't like that it doesn't feel like the show but what it accomplishes is just as good.

I think the movie was in my country for like a week only. I remember looking at the posters at the theaters and thinking "who the fuck will go see this movie?"

This. Imagine that movie with a bigger budget.

Gennedy was always the better director.

Outside of the animation in some places, it feels exactly like the show IMO.

You need to rewatch both.

Would've been better served being about something else. Between the theme song of the show and the episode revealing Mojo created the girls, we already knew the major beats of the film before it even came out.

>PPG all around is probably Craig's weakest work.
That's impossible, because Foster's exists.

>film with high stakes and Him as the main villain.
Probably work better as a sequel. Dive deeper into "Him" origin, while at the same time go more in depth of what Chemical X actually is. Show that Him believe that Chemical X will resurface in the girls personality and make them evil.

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Get over it Hewlett did pic related for his boomer shits and giggles

>the most generic superhero origin story ever.
The difference is, the PPG are little girls so you feel bad for them when they're hated and feared, or when they're afraid or hurt. "Generic" would be a movie where a grown-ass man whines about how it's HARD being a superhuman, but when it's little, emotionally-fragile, basically newborn kids, it's a little easier to swallow, for me anyway.

And, again, this goes back to what I said about how Yea Forums doesn't know what it's like to see a kid in peril or cry and feel empathy, they just go "Wow that FUCKING kid, I'd beat that brat shitless for showing emotional vulnerability lol"

>Well rounded cast of characters that bounce off eachother with enjoyable dynamics
>Cardboard cut-out personality superheroes, whose interactions can be algorithm generated
PPG is bland as hell mate.
>inb4 'b-but Bloo's so mean-spirited!'
'kay, and he more often than not get's comeuppance for it.

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>What does Yea Forums think about the Powerpuff Girls movie?

>It didn’t get good until Mojo and his monkeys attack, and that’s like the last third of the film.
That was the only great part in the movie.

Dexter movie was awesome, shame it's not well remembered due to being released on TV.

Autism. PPG is clearly Craig's strongest show.

Fuck off with this edgy, mid-00s-internet-fanfic, predictable anime bullshit, this is why your bitch-ass is posting on a Laotian canoe-sanding board and not making cartoons.

Nobody fuckin' cares where HIM came from, he's a fuckin' demon, he comes from Hell, they can't say that cuz it's a kid show, actually EXPLAINING his origin would require some contrived bullshit to make him seem LESS Satanic, not more, to avoid freaking out parents, and remove the cartoony mystique he has.

Like, you wouldn't fucking ask for a Cuphead prequel cuz "they never explained where Mr. Dice comes from", or "Why was the Devil in the 1935 short 'Good Little Monkeys', did he create the monkeys??? Were they made out of his evil essence????" no you fucking idiot, he's goddamn Satan, he goes around tempting do-gooders because. Literally, using The Devi as your villain EXCUSES you from having to explain why he's messing with the heroes.

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Damn man calm down.

And I'd happily welcome more cup head

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That's what I felt when I watched it as well. They're kids, the whole appeal that makes PPG stand out as it's own thing is that they're kindergarten girls with superpowers. I do think that besides the climax with the monkey invasion, the scenes I really enjoyed were with the Professor being a caring parent and getting used to the loops their powers threw him for.

I still think they should've used the original series of events for the girls sneaking out at night to build Mojo's observatory. They're lying to the Professor and thus he ends up inadvertently lying for them when the police hound him about it. It made his disappointment and "I thought you were good" line carry more weight.

>I still think they should've used the original series of events for the girls sneaking out at night to build Mojo's observatory. They're lying to the Professor and thus he ends up inadvertently lying for them when the police hound him about it. It made his disappointment and "I thought you were good" line carry more weight.
I didn't know that before, that actually would have lent more weight to that subplot. I wonder if they made them cut it for time, or cuz they were worried it'd make the girls look bad.

I love that

So what ever happened to the other monkeys

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I never forgot this scene. It's pretty bizarre seeing normally non-threatening bad guys made scary by a high movie budget.

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I love Ben garrison

Despite the mental illness I'm sure.