Post deep comic strips
Post deep comic strips
haha time to post le political comic
Based Stonetoss poster.
Redpoll: Women like the men in charge. That’s it. They’re obedient dogs who’ll fuck the Black Panther or the Fascist, depending on who’s in charge.
Moderation and fence-sitting aren't the same thing and the conflation of the two has ruined this country.
The Stonetoss audience isn't planning to do a lot of "dating" that doesn't involve a pimp in some manner.
>We're not nazis, we're just normal guys
>Also the holocaust is a lie
Based Stonetoss does it again!
stonetoss is a nazi
And I'm sure you've got loads of suitors lining up to get into your fake tranny vagina.
Is this a stealth BBC reference?
Big Baguette Cock?
British Broadcasting Channel, you doofus.
they ran a special on the optics of race porn, color contrast, and aesthetics of big black cocks
>normal guys
>picking asuka
get a load of this fag
That's disgusting!
>Unironically thinking gay pride isn't about homophobia
>Unironically not understanding what "proud of who I am" means
I try my hardest to understand stonetoss but I can't. He's just too retarded
Post edits
You're welcome
>Brave New World reference.
>Beast With a Billion Backs
The joke is "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!! Now give me clicks you outraged retards."
This is art.
An oof be on you, on your children, and on your children's children
>text text text text text text text
Damn, the left really can't meme.
haha nice
>t. butthurt incel
>antifa edits
>He's just too retarded
Not saying that these comics are particularly good but maybe its you who is retarded.
Because none of these are particularly hard to grasp.
Ok this one has gone too far
Make fun of Jews, blacks, gays, women, etc all you want but don't mess with curry.
The level of failure here is ridiculous. If you don't think curries are British then you fundamentally don't understand bong culture.
Imagine being so stupid you cant even understand a Stonetoss comic. Do you need Ben Garrison to label everything for you?
Congratulations on taking the brown pill, user.
I also need ben to make a lame pun as himself, too
>food that is specifically an import from south asia is actually british
Stop replying to your own posts, faggot
I thought the second panel was mashed potatoes and gravy and got confused.
How to make a stonetoss comic
>character acts silly
>other character does a smug face
Boom, not hard
>You don't dogmatically follow one of two racist ideologies?
>You fucking fence sitter how dare you not join my failed twentieth century political movement!
>If you're not with me you're against me!
Peace genuinely isn't realistic though
I don't get it
I am aware of white supremacy, but whats the second racist opinion?
The SJWs that want to vilify white people and replace them with hordes of imported invaders.
but white people are imported invaders
As a fag I hate how homophobic his comics can be. But it also reminds me that actual fags flaunted their degeneracy in public like the ps4 parade float without thinking of how it makes the rest of us look.
There is an unironically hilarious stonetoss about a competition of smug personalities that nobody likes, and it shows a vegan scared to face a cyclist.
nevermind I found the picture, dont read my description
Except that group of people is actually extremely small compared to any group of actual opinions, let alone white supremacists that hold political power.
>your entire identity is based around a fetish
>be proud of that fact.
The collapse cannot come soon enough.
as another fag I think that someone should be able to act like a retard degenerate if they want to
I think too much focus has been put on "its not a choice to be a massive homosexual," because people should be able to be faggots regardless of if it's a choice
here's your (You)
underated post
you did invest in water user ?
Fuck off you don't speak for me cockroach
The comic portrays it as only being nazis and not nazis but there is an ocean different political ideologies that are not nazis and not all of them agree, like if I don't believe in white supremacy that doesn't mean that I also want to get rid of guns or are in favor of unrestricted immigration.
SJW's for example favor a system where it is not enough to not judge people based on the circumstances of their birth rather they would prefer to judge people based on their race/sex/etc via what they call "the progressive stack" treating entire groups of people poorly based on perceived sins of the father, many of them are also communists and want society to function based on communistic principles with race and sex taking the place of wealth and social caste in determining the identity of the bourgeois/proletariat.
wow nice image user
haha yeah two different people that share a same core belief *can* make a hilarious juxtaposition if you make them the same person lmao
Go back to africa
I fucking hate this retarded ass depiction of centrists.
Bruh fucking nigga watches childrens cartoons and thinks he can judge hahahahahahaha
you are the biggest faggot imaginable
What core belief? Being gay is a belief now? What the fuck are you saying? I'm just visualizing your point that you think faggotry should be tolerated. I'm in the same party as . I don't mind gays but I don't think we should support any degenercy, gay or straight.
Is this supposed to mean something on Yea Forums you daddy-dick sucking cracker?
>I think that someone should be able to act like a retard degenerate if they want to
You're probably a huge fur fag too.
Fuck off, there's a time a place to be a kinky degenerate and it isn't out in the street in broad daylight.
>What core belief? Being gay is a belief now? What the fuck are you saying?
wow cool your jets buddy
the core belief is that gay is acceptable
>You're probably a huge fur fag too.
completely missed the mark, bud
I'm actually extremely vanilla, thank you.
Why do you care what someone else is doing? I don't like looking at fat people, because their disgusting lifestyle makes them bloated and repulsive, but I would never question their right to exist in public.
But user, socialism never starved anybody.
The nazis were actually incels though.
Existing in public and displaying sexual fetishes in public are not the same, dude.
Fatass detected.
Wew, look at the big brains on Brett.
But displaying sexual fetishes is a subset of existing in public :^)
also this
No one's questioning their rights to exist fag, just keep your fetish to yourself like everyone else.
You don't see me constantly bringing up my fetishes to strangers on the street and expecting them to accept them.
behold the best political comic
Britain is a magpie country. It's culture has developed from invasions from foreign powers (Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans, the Dutch), and the consequences of trade during the time of Empire. Even if it originated from the Indian subcontinent, curry (a term rarely used by Indians themselves) has become one of Britain's most loved dishes because it is an example of the magpie culture.
Really? You never casually perpetuate casual heteronormativity? Because liking pussy is a fetish, breeder.
I come here exclusively for homestuck content
>it's an inevitable subset therefore fuck public decency
So you're all for dudes eating their own shit out on main street? How about fucking out in public? Public intoxication?
wew nice slippery slop and false equivalencies
My hometown legalized drinking on main street actually, it's very nice.
>he thinks the slippery slope isn’t real
gay marriage has been legal for years, and I see no chance of pedo marriages or bestial marriages so far
It must have all just been an emotional reach by homophobes :thinking:
>I fall asleep if I have to read more than one sentence
Actually an extremely based and redpilled comic, I genuinely mean that.
Not him but that's even fucking worse.
Jesus christ.
>Britain is the only country ever to be invaded
Britain has been invaded the least out of any major European nation over the past 1000 years, kill yourself.
user pedo marriages are normal in non-western countries (like any with islam as their main religion) and there are some people marrying animals.
>I don't understand why brevity is the soul of wit
Do you support all of those or no? If yes to some, which? I think public indecency shouldn't be legal. So it's not hypocritical to say I think pride parades with dixks out shouldn't be allowed. You said fetishes in public should be fine, so what if a diaperfag wants to eat his own shit outside of a diner? You'd be for that, right? Or are you only for certain fetishes and you're a picky hypocrite?
Small town or big city? Where from? Genuinely curious. My town personall would be a horrid idea to implement it.
Why did I say it was the only country to be invaded? I simply stated it takes from many of the cultures that have either directly controlled it, or it has interacted with.
60,000 pop, southern Ohio. Really it's only feasible since there's always at least one patrol car on the road.
I find it funny that lefties are usually anti-semites without realizing so.
I envy a place nice enough for that to work.
>t.IQ 85 black man.
The trick is >90% white
France doesn't claim falafel is french, britfrend
It's not invading if you built the house, user.
>Unironically thinking gay pride isn't about homophobia
>Unironically not understanding that faggot shit like gay pride makes people hate faggots
I have no problem hating specific Jewish people.
>>Unironically not understanding that faggot shit like gay pride makes people hate faggots
It's literally just because they are seeing something they don't like. Which is exactly why pride parades are needed, because people shouldn't be limited by what other people like.
>It's literally just because they are seeing something they don't like
Yeah, I don't want to see a bunch of fags doing faggot shit. I was okay with them doing it in private, but you fuckers went out of your way to make it my business.
Then we should have furfag parades too? How about diaper fag parades? Pedo pride parades?
Where does it stop?
It's better than LE SUPERHEROS and children's programming
its funny because its not funny at all
Sorry bucko, you don't get to control what happens in public.
Say for example that I also had an irrational and intense hatred, let's use the color green, should I be allowed to stop people from wearing green in public?
Golly user, you sure do love talking about furries and scatophiles.
>Where does it stop?
When it becomes illegal.
>state facts
>get told to fuck off
>lady ends up a single mother because facts are true
Sure showed us incels.
>if you get uncomfortable at fetishes being displayed publicly that means you clearly hate the sexuality of the people displaying said fetish and only their sexuality. Not the fetish itself, no.
So shit eating parades must also be needed because shit eaters exist and if the public can't see someone eating shit without gagging then we clearly have work to do to fix that. Pride parades for shit eaters until this lifestyle is accepted!
Nor does Brits claim curry originated from Britain. But its original form in the original subcontinent is a far cry from you what you usually get in restaurants and supermarkets. Indian's will usually use the word 'curry' to refer just to the gravy of a dish. In a lot instances, gravy is either very dry or completely absent.
>When it becomes illegal.
So we should ban pride parades since most feature public indecency?
The first is about how our present society is like 1984, like every other hack poltical commenter. The third is about how Republicans are bad for considering racism bad.
>implying the nazis wouldn't go for submissive housewife rei
>Sorry bucko, you don't get to control what happens in public.
Oh yes I do. We all live in a society together, so when you faggots walk down the street covered in dildos I get to decide to be mad, and I get to decide what I do about it. And the more you pull shit like this the more people like me there will be.
>When it becomes illegal.
You mean like how gays bring children to pride parades and dress them up as skimpy?
wow nice slippery slope, you sure are good at this
yeah you're right, there really is no difference between two men doing things in public that are perfectly acceptable for a man and woman to do in public together, and literally eating shit
Is it actual indecency, or is it just something you don't like?
Because my guess is that if there isn't already laws against it, and hence already illegal, there's nothing wrong with it.
AIPAC is specific Jewish people, and look what a stink happened there last month.
>We all live in a society together
wow how profund
very deep
>bring children to pride parades and dress them up as skimpy?
Yes, because that's already child abuse.
See how easy that is?
So I'll ask again. Should eating feces in public be legal? What about nudity? Public sex? Pride parades have dicks out, people getting fisted, and people fucking in the street. You're making a false equivilancy with your color green bullshit. Pride parades should be held to the same standards as the rest of the fucking city any other day of the week. If I can't fist my buddy outside of an Ihop at noon without getting arrested, pride parades shouldn't be allowed to pull their shit. And I am against all of my examples. Are you for pride parades being degenerate publicly? So you must be for everything else. Otherwise, you're being hypocritical in only giving pride parades a pass.
>You're making a false equivilancy
Yes, and so are you with your ridiculous examples like eating shit and actual fucking, which if they happen at pride events at all, are almost always in private areas, and if not it is always a scandal.
Also learn to spell, please, I can't read your entire rant when you leave glaring errors, and you are being a bad example for other intolerant people.
I'm not saying gay men can't be gay in public, you fucking mong. I totally accept that. I'm saying specifically pride parades where people are fucking and having their dicks out should not be legally allowed. I said, from the start, being gay is fine but public displays of fetishes and degeneracy are wrong. You said you tolerate fetishes and we all should.
>I don't care about politics
you are literally shouting at the ether at an opponent that doesn't even care or want to share the same space as you
>slippery slope
Or your statement is retarded and doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
user chose something tame as fuck but how about this one. Should there be white pride parades or kill all white people or be head on believer parades?
The answer is yes just like there should be gay parades but everyone is allowed to call you retarded if you enjoy eating shit or taking it up the ass.
Stop LARPing kid, you wouldn't bust a grape
Alright goyim, time for the real redpill.
The line for when something should/shouldn't be allowed in public is when it is involving someone without their consent.
>it's never in public, wh-what are you talking about?!?
Literally type pride parade sex or nudity and you'll find PLENTY of examples as to why you're wrong. It happens. And it's disgusting and should be illegal. Not homosexuality, just public nudity and degeneracy. Why is this so hard for you to grasp? What benefits are there to this being allowed? You tell me.
Most public nudity laws are lead by women wanting the ability to be topless.
And yeah, personally, I agree that being naked in public ain't right, but as long as those laws are in place, they aren't doing anything wrong.
You keep thinking that, pal.
So I’m right white pride parades and everything else is just fine,thank you for agreeing with me.
>or kill all white people or be head on believer parades
But BLM says kill all white people and they do parades.
chill out dudebro, you already won history.
learn to be a graceful winner
So exposing yourself to children or women without their consent? So public nudity is a no. Exposing children to pornographic content without their consent? So public sex is a no. Hmm. So unless kids never go outside these things would be illegal in public, no?
>inb4 kids and consent
And that’s fine, free speech.
Not even white nigga just don’t care for dumb faggots.
Yes tell me about the tea that is native to England
this one is my favorite
most of them are meh but i like this one
Wormwood did it better.
>call a briton a posh faggot, bad teeth imbecile and he laughs
>but tell him his cuisine isn't and watch him pull back and cry "I've ben found out"
>as another fag I think that someone should be able to act like a retard degenerate if they want to
As a person with humility and decency I think you should keep that shit in the bedroom. I couldn't care if you suck dick, fuck pussy, or do both on alternating days -- no American should have the right to gum up traffic with floats, straight or otherwise.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Fucking this seriously, the common sense, moral Spectrum and sense of priority in our societies in the west have been so twisted it's a difform monstrosity that need to be put out of it's misery ASAP.
Those socks
those socks are cute
It is significantly worse.
t. Also read Hamsteak.
As someone who's been to both, most large pride parades have become just as bad as fur cons. For largely the same reasons. So many people are there for the sole reason of showing off their kinks and acting out fantasies.
Ok. This one actually got me.
Most comics can be described this way, tbph.
>I like chicken mcnuggets
>and anime
Bam, you got every Whomp! comic ever.
Is that Greg Heffley
A child made this.