Gunnerbad Lame

>Chapter Boring: Page Awful
>Durr it's me, Tom, I'm a big dumb stupid idiot

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Other urls found in this thread:

God, are they ugly


Man, Tom's commentary has really gone downhill!

At least he's being honest


What if the Annies fuck after battle BUT they keep this form while doing so?

Notes for this page

Chapter 70: Page 34
>Heating elements.

You don't wanna fuck the assray?

Haha yes well said fellow Gunnerbad reader

Shut the HELL up

Why would she punch a hole when she can make a laser hole instead? Why is Annie so stupid?

Here's my prediction
1 we're at Annie's last semester in the court
2 both of them will remain, they never merge or anything
3 the comic ends with them growing up
4 only one of them decides to have a child
5 probably court-annie

They'll just turn into one giant fire pit

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Ah ha ha! That's hot!

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What looks worse?
Will Smith's Genie or the Annies right now?

Will Smith, obviously.
The Annies don't look great on this page, but they're still severely fuckable, so they win by default.

the comic is called gunnerkrigg court

Alright, so this just raises a bunch of questions. Like, which Annie would you impregnate to death and which Annie would you marry and raise the rebooted Annie with?

My god has the art gone downhill.

i don't want to talk about things like that

Gunnershit Fail

Type about them instead.

do you only like things you can jack off to?

>hell yeah, motherfucker
>hell yeah, motherfucker

I have many less pressing interests in addition to that.

No it's not


>Then Parley bips in and Annie lasers right through her

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This would be a welcome development.

Imagine the drama.

Or maybe Tom's actually gonna do that but not to kill her and instead to show how powerful she is now with her wards n shit.
Maybe she just brushes it off as it tickles her massive abs.

So, the comic's name is really Tom.

Good to know.

Even Eglamore had to draw a ward on the spot when Annie was raging, so I don't think Parley can shrug it off.

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Forest Annie's blue hair thing disappeared.

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imaa you are lovely, please give kat a collaring ceremony/slave contract scene please

Gunnerpoop shart

Gunnerpoor Dire

Gunnercrack Cunt

That's very nice of you to say and that's definitely an appealing concept, but I can't guarantee anything at all at this point in time.
If anything, we can talk about Annie's part. Kat is still very far off.

ok imaa, then I think helping annie shave her pubes should be a thing

Does she have a literal firecrotch while in this form?
I don't actually read this comic outside of the threads posted here, but the two annies thing has had my passing interest for a little while now. Also I love Jones but she seems to not appear much despite being interesting.

Slut heels pls

Shoes aren't in the game.
I guess it wouldn't be difficult to put that in, but it's definitely not a priority.

>not even as CG's
Trash as always, Imaa.

It's not a visual novel, but yeah, maybe.


How is progress? No rush, I'm just curious.

Gunnerbeep Blorp

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>Gunnerbeep Blorp
Gunnerbeep Boop.

Not very far.
Getting stuck on the writing a lot.