Titles says it all.
I think he would be a pretty rad Marvel Space villain.
ITT: Non-Yea Forums characters that you think would be good in cape shit
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It's a motherfucking sleeping Hercules.
Can be a good Spiderman villain i think
FUCK Lilith.
I agree.
Yeah. Every nefarious thing Jack did was AFTER he went off the deep end by getting betrayed and subsequently disfigured by Roland, Lilith and Moxxy.
Lilith even tried to murder Athena in cold blood even though she left Kack's employ long BEFORE Jack killed Roland. If anything Roland's murder was a direct result of Lilith betraying Jack. So in reality Lilith had only herself to blame for it.
Basically Lilith is the REAL villain of Borderlands.
She's like 4th best siren
This actually makes me want Lilith to be the villain of Borderlands 3
Jack was pretty clearly a psychopath before anything in Pre-Sequel. He'd already imprisoned his daughter in a torturous prison by that point, and you don't just become a psychopath over the period of a few days.
Lillith disfiguring Jack during his Vault experience likely didn't help matters, but he was already a bastard before that point.
Susan Ashworth or as they call her The Cat Lady
Andrei Ulmeyda existing in the Marvel universe would be fucking dope!
Batman villain
I mean, he makes Joker look like a chump in the "is he really batshit crazy or just a sociopath toying with his victims" department.
Imagine if we're going by takes from the borderlands, his AI downloaded into the batcave, taking over Supermans robots in the FOS, or even taking over Cyborgs cybernetics... now that you mention it he would be a great capeshit villain.
Damn that whole video was great in general.
X-23/Laura could use a rival.
Ratel would be fun.
The villain from the movie stepford wives would be a great batman villain
As a Dr Fate villain ?
I keep on forgetting this movie exists
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks she'd fit into capeshit
>Handsome Jack
He literally did nothing wrong
People just kept stabbing him in the back
>tfw you will never see him have a go against the Flash
Feels bad man
I only played the Tales game but he gave me Hades vibes.
Like some cracked up space tony stark
Time for something a little more obscure.
The Evolved Intelligence from Infinity would be a pretty great cosmic villain for Marvel. In a way it shares some similarities with the Supreme Intelligence, except it has a more focused goal and a more pragmatic approach to intergalactic hegemony. It also has a balling look for its minions.
I want a megaman X cartoon so goddamn much.
He'd make a great rival/nemesis for Punisher.
Punisher and Jacket would initially be friendly acquaintances at first. They both like they way the other thinks and as time goes on and both decide to lower their defenses and paranoia around the other and realize the two have so much in common. Richard especially would be grateful of having someone like Frank around that can relate with his isolation and depression.
But then Punisher finds out about 50 Blessings and shit starts getting muddled. It's one thing going around killing and torturing scumbags but 50 Blessings is different. They're essentially a xenophobic hate group that specifically targets slavs and essentially are trying to ignite another world war. Franks agree's with their means but the actual drive and end goal is something even Frank thinks is too far.
Ultimately the two feel betrayed by the other and due to differing ideologies are forced to be enemies. But deep down, even if Frank will never admit it, they are still friends.
You're so aggravating you're like a one-man-fandom
Nobody likes Yakuza & i'm one of the few who talk with facts without speculation about the saga.
Adding on to that a bit, hope ya don't mind.
I also think Travis would be a pretty good foil to the Punisher.
A street level, maybe slightly above, anti-hero/anti-villain/accidental hero (like in No More Heroes 2) killer who butts heads and runs into Punisher every now and again. Frank is probably baffled to find that one of the best ranked assassins ever is this weird weeb loser. And is even more surprised to see he has the skill to back it up.
Maybe even have the UAA also be comprised of some lower level and street tier villains.
Also if we take Travis Strikes Again into consideration He could have some really weird off kilter friendship with Jacket.
How would Frank feel about and react to Travis anyway? Cause he only kills bad guys, but he does it in an a more official, almost sportsman like setting, and he does it for reasons I'm not sure Frank would be behind.
Good choice
>indirectly turned the sierra madre into hell on earth
>most of their technology is hilariously defective/lethal (trauma harnesses, hazmat suits)
>the technology that does work gets stolen or exploited by other people for their own plans
>lack of moral compass and common sense due to swimming in brain gel for 2 centuries led to shit like the Cloud, cazadors, the vault 22 spore carriers, etc.
>easily turns the mojave into their shitpit in an ending
Jacket would find Travis weird at first but I can see him taking a quiet liking to him. It's highly implied in Jacket's environment and subtle actions that Jacket himself is a bit of a manchild, he's just really good at hiding his powerlevel. Travis can't relate to him the sameway someone like Punisher can so he won't exactly open up to him but Travis's general bro attitude and attempts at friendliness is something he would appreciate and he'd keep Travis around the same way he kept Hooker around.
Jacket is essentially a scared feral dog. He's extremely dangerous and probably needs to be put down but deep down he just wants companionship.
I always wondered how Wonder Woman would interact with Kratos. He would most likely beat the shit out of her, but perhaps there is something more
Hell I'd read a comic of The Cat Lady in a heartbeat. Would be interesting to break the 2d plane
It honestly all depends on the timeline
>GoW 1
WW definitely is disgusted by Kratos's tactics but they would begrudgingly team up to take Ares.
>GoW 2-3
They would definitely try to kill each other with absolutely no restraints whatsoever
>GoW reboot
They wouldn't like each other but WW would sympathize with Kratos being forced to be part of the Norse God's bullshit and help him and his son.
Say isn't WW father Zeus? If so, that Would she and Kratos are half brother and sister
The entire cast of ARMS.
Unironically think he’d make a GOAT Captain America or Batman villain.
I could see the man in this video being a Batman villain.
I could see these people being background Arkham inmates
I remember betraying and brutally brainwashing an IA too, does that count? It counts for me.
I always thought Iron Man was prime for some Warhammer 40K crossovers.
You know what?
I mean it ain't Marvel, but...
You know you always wanted to see SHIELD vs. The Outer Heaven - you just didn't know it.
Les Enfant Eyepatches
Cooler Majima is best Majima
Nanomachines, son.
Davy Jones could make for a great Aquaman villain
Did monster ock ever make it into a comic or was he just in the game? Seems like a cool idea all across the board.
Anywhere from 95% to 100% of the time a "what if a non Yea Forums related thing was a Yea Forums related thing" thread is created, it's for the sole purpose of discussing things that are neither comics, nor cartoons.
Yea Forums is not a refugee board.
Go back to Everyone else, report the OP for breaking >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
I don't know if anyone saw Hardcore Henry besides me, but I think Jimmy and Henry would be PERFECT for cape shit, either DC or Marvel.
I could see them being a duo that's seen as street level super heroes or slightly above, but are MORE than capable of taking care of bigger threats and being called to help with more serious issues. They probably take down evil organizations single handily every other week. They're the duo that's really capable of some amazing stuff, but everyone under estimates them.
Jimmy would be like a smarter, friendlier, more stable in general better version of Deadpool, and that would just be one of many multiple personalities he could chose from.
And Henry is a walking one man army that could blow Red Hood and Winter Solider out of the water, with a pretty fun personality, despite the fact he never talks.
I could see them being weird, unlikely friends with Booster Gold and Blue Beetle.
This is spam, pal.
Fuck off Janny
> Yea Forums rule #1
>Pic related.
>Gearbox Software not Western.
Fuck off mate. At least read shit before you look like an idiot.
She kinda stole Black Canary's outfit
>He'd already imprisoned his daughter in a torturous prison by that point
He had to. She couldn't control her power and liquefied her mother.
While we're at it.
>doesn't damage easily (takes 0 fall damage, can get set on fire without much fuzz, takes about 6 snake bites)
>lower tier super strength and agility (regularly fist fights bears, decides entire battles on her own)
>survived until current day
If Ubisoft had played their cards right, they would have had their own Wonder Woman. Although Diana would probably dislike Kassandra's mercenary mentality. Even if you play her as a good guy, she only has loyalty to her mother and the people she wants to bone.
Ok fuckers, it's time to vintage Yea Forums.
How he can included?
I still can't believe Gearbox came up with one of the greatest villains in gaming history. No joke. You spend most of the game with him talking shit and being an evil ass. And it's always great to hear him.
And then you kill his daughter while he begs you to stop.
Is it bad I'm kinda salty one of the best villains to come out in recent years was wasted on this shitty meme filled series?
Handsome Jack as a character and villain honestly feels WAY too good for Borderlands.
I posted him in one of these threads. Everyone agreed that he would make for a good Doctor Strange/Fate villain
Not him, but he exists in a Sci-Fi Universe. Wouldn't he fit the F4 better?
>Handsome Jack
>Gearbox writing
>>Le ebin Butt Stallion!
All that repetitive gameplay must have melted your minds. Jack is passable only because everything else in that game is written like utter shit.
Every single Far Cry villain has about as much going on and doesn't have to suffer from what some middle aged magician/pedophile thinks is meme culture.
Go fuck yourself this is like the one samefag that isn't annoying
It's widely accepted that Handsome Jack is a great and popular villain despite the series. I know you want to fit in and look cool hating on Borderlands but you're just making yourself look bad. But hey you get those contrarian points.
Perhaps. But a clash between sci-fi and magic would be intresting
Killing Bites. It's about people getting spliced with animal DNA and fighting for the amusement of Megarich people.
It's trash. Entertaining trash though.
Eh, I never liked mashing up different genres. Especially when they're polar opposites. I can appreciate Sci-Fi Pirates or Knights, or some Lovecraftian-esque type of Cosmic Horror (Alien, Prometheus, certain aspects of 40K), but as soon as you mix lab coats and incantations, I'm out.
...Ah. I see.
You mean Jacket.
That might be better than the panties and t-shirt she usually wears when fighting. It'd still be fan service, just of a different sort.
>Entertaining trash though.
Indeed. With some intriguing characters. The second story arc is going in unexpected directions.
The Killer 7 would make a good villian team for the Doom Patrol. Especially since both teams are led by a cripple in a wheelchair. The difference being that the Killer 7 is actually just one person, and that the wheelchaired leader (Harman Smith) is called "The Master" while Garcian Smith is the actual "Chief" of the group. I wonder how an interaction between two chiefs (Niles and Garcian) would play out if the Killer 7 were ordered to kill the Doom Patrol?
could be kino
>Maxwell back to luring to his world to try and free himself
>Wilson and Constantine team up with magic science shit
>Constantine confronting the things that trapped Maxwell in the first place
I've said it before, but I don't think anyone is making the most out of their gambling themed villains. I mean what does the Royal Flush gang even do?
Yumeko Jabami loves putting everything and everyone on the line for the thrill of the game.
I can see her seeking the ultimate high by forcing people to gamble for their lives in some elaborate death traps. Kind of like Arcade, but a little more Vegas themed. She'd probably love to play against Batman sometime.
I want to gamble for her virginity.
Alternately, set her up in Marvel with a creepy obsession with Domino and her powers.
Constantine receives an old letter from a supposed ancestor.
And probably all of Rapture.
Maybe as an Aquaman character?
I'm not sure if Ryan would be out and out a villain for Aquaman, but definitely an antagonist and a lot of clashing over the authority of the seas.
Mostly not an outright villain because I don't see rapture as much of a threat to the rest of the ocean, nevermind Atlantis.
>AnCap with his own Underwater City mixed with crazy science
Do you really need to think about it, user?
Inviting him to an unforgettable luncheon.
Also, Adam Jensen might make a good Marvel character.
>Deals with honestly pointless racism
>Tries to be topical
>Never asked for this
>But the viewers/players have so much fun.
So, who will constantine recruit to fill the roles of the different heroes?
Don't know who that is but he looks like a shoo-in for Brotherhood of Dada v3.
fuck man I was gonna bring up Travis, I would've asked how would he get along with Deadpool?
I'm a brainlet casual who is slightly more marvel than DC so I wanted something for DC. But, yeah, that makes sense.
Also: Samus Aran as a recurring character in the Marvel Cosmic when?
To fight the abyss, one must know it.
It's highly implied Richard is his real name.
>wanting Samus in [current year+2] Marlel
Do you fancy her being turned into a lesbian negress, or a feminist blondie that gets railled by niggers?
Can't be any worse then what Other M did to her.
t. Metroid Prime kiddy who hasn't read the manga or played Fusion.
Well since we're doing this
Rin Okumura as a Marvel character. Somewhat the same origin, but with a number of alterations. Mainly he wouldn' be the son of Satan, but a different demon with ties to Mephisto or Dormammu
Rin would start as an Exorcist since the knights will have their own branch. Same as the anime. However, he will encounter Doctor Strange and sees him perform magic in a way he never seen before. There will be a fight that would leave Rin broken, and as he was almost killed Doctor Strange would save him. But will lose his sword
While nursing him back to health, Doctor Strange would offer him to become his apprentice as he accepts and teaches him. Eventually under his teachings, Rin would create his own sword and have his own form
He even forms a relationship with Illyana Rasputin, who is also another apprentice, and is a really good chef. He also formed a good friendship with Spider-Man
>In Fusion she mentioned how she had a deep respect for Adam
>This means she has to be a total lapdog that literally can;t do anything without daddy's permission
Fuck off.
Nintendo are hawkish as fuck when letting other studios use their characters, so I doubt that would happen.
would make a Spider-Manvillain
>So enamored with Adam that she names her computer after him and monologues about it the entire time.
Play the game, homo.
You're making up scenarios that upset you and confirm your biases.
>Nintendo are hawkish as fuck when letting other studios use their characters
They've lightened up but they still breath down your fucking neck to make sure you're not fucking it up.
Good point, but I'm owrking on a "Marvel just acquires Samus" premise, since that's the only way they could publish a Metroid comic.
>You're making up scenarios
Silly me, making up scenarios in a conversation about hypothetical scenarios...
>that upset you and confirm your biases.
Oh yeah, I bet they'd REALLY nail Samus! Exactly like they did well with Angela, by taking her and turning her into Thor's Half-Sister who's in a relationship with a Male-To-Female Nigger Tranny...
>The part in Other M where Samus gets ambushed and trapped
>Literally refuses to defend herself unless Adam tells her to not fucking die
Fuck off Dobson, If they wanted to make him a love interest that's perfectly fine but the whole thing came off as a fucked up one-sided infatuation propped up by daddy issues.
>>Literally refuses to defend herself unless Adam tells her to not fucking die
That was them trying to replace SAMUS LOSES ALL HER SHIT AND GOTTA FIND IT AGAIN. I agree with you on that part being stupid.
Resident Evil plus its characters existing in the Marvel Universe would be awsome, especially when you consider the X-Men being involved with stopping Umbrella's experiments on mutants.
You also forgot
>Samus getting PTSD seeing Ridley despite it's made clear in the timeline this was the third time her fighting him
>Samus having as much acting and emotional range as Brie Larson
>umbrella experiments on mutants
>Fucking G, Plagas, or even just T-virus used on mutants
>>Samus getting PTSD seeing Ridley despite it's made clear in the timeline this was the third time her fighting him
Ridley. The real Ridley was dead by the events of Other M. All the others were clones and robots. Go fact check it.
No fucking shit user, Ridley is always getting fucking cloned, enchantments, brought back to life and so on.
That literally doesn't change the fact she's already dealt with Ridley at this point.
Cadence of Hyrule is a thing.
The failure of the Wii U seemed to have really shook Nintendo to the core and they've changed a lot these past couple of years.
>The failure of the Wii U seemed to have really shook Nintendo to the core
>Good point, but I'm owrking on a "Marvel just acquires Samus" premise, since that's the only way they could publish a Metroid comic.
Marvel is too in bed with Sony on the video game side that I doubt they would be happy if they started doing books about nintendo characters.
A villain whenever he clashes with heroes due to being a thieving con-artist robbing people who are just too stupid to live and a hero in any solo stories where he makes most of his money dicking over assholes and helping the desperate.
Honestly, Mr X could be a very frightening villain for Spider-Man.
Spider-Man would wipe the floor with X.
His face looks like a Spirograph.
This guy would be great captain america villain
>Is born in same timeframe, yet lives to modern times
>Collaborated with nazis
>Master of mystic martial art, could easily hold toe-to-toe with him
>Later developes other superpowers
4th is reserved for any siren who may or may not exist, as they would clearly be better than Lilith
Why would he be a villain?
Karl Stromberg would be a good villain for Aquaman. Would make for a interesting premise of him wanting to expand the oceans
honestly, given the threat kars posed, he's not much different than MCU Redskull in some ways.
I mean not in terms of power but rather a massive threat to both allies and axis.
Though now I'm imagining this entwined universe where instead of super rays, Captain America got taught Hamon.
But the thought of a being just continuely chasing you makes for a scary premise And besides, X is pretty dang strong and durable
For someone without the mobility and strength of Spiderman maybe.
I can see the gang minus all the shitty characters they added in 2 being a pretty good recurring street level villains, with Bain there to always get them out for when a hero catches them.
Although they do get up to some serious shit later on, such as stealing a cold fusion engine, I'd think them breaking into a Stark/Wayne research think would be pretty cool.
He'd make for a good FF villain with the shit he could get up to with the Marvel universe's metaphysics.
I think it's going to depend on how much collateral damage Jacket and Travis has done before they reach the friend stage. Frank is very iffy on innocents getting in the crossfire as seen in Marvel Knights.
>It's widely accepted that Handsome Jack is a great and popular villain despite the series.
It being a popular opinion doesn't make it true.
>I know you want to fit in and look cool hating on Borderlands but you're just making yourself look bad. But hey you get those contrarian points.
>everyone who hates on something I like is a contrarian!!!
>, X is pretty dang strong and durable
Not as strong as Spiderman and he's hilariously slow compared to Spidey.
At best he'd be a glorified supermook for one of the super villains
You could tie him into the rarely used U-Men with his plasmids. The U-Men were all about becoming the mutant you knew you really were, kidnapping actual mutants to harvest parts. Ryan's plasmids and remote base of operations would present a window for them to continue their work without obviously hurting anybody -- until the source of the plasmids is revealed.
U-men even used to wear diving suit looking gear to keep them pure, so you could easily work Big Daddies in as their size enhanced enforcers.
Plenty of people like Yakuza, they talk about it on the videogames board. They don't come to Yea Forums and reference Yakuza in every single post they make. If you're going to act like a tripfag then put a trip on so people can filter you, you're making the franchise look bad by association with you.
A piece of this fucker is discovered in Latveria. a small piece that does not look like it's some kind of unholy abomination but Doom can tell it's something he can definitely exploit due to the energy output.
I swear I saw him in like a Marvel Adventures style kids comic around the time the game came out. It stuck in my head because I thought OH JESUS CHRIST HE'S HERE TOO NO ESCAPE. Carnage-Ock leaves that impression on you.
Ging Freecss as a powerful martial artist in the DC universe would be pretty cool. Hell, it would be even cooler if the Hunters Association existed as DC's equivalent to Disney's "The S.E.A." AKA The Society of Explorers and Adventurers.
I've always loved the idea of carrying over the concept for Lucius the Eternal (40k) or Roa (Tsukihime) into DC or Marvel because they make sense of no-kill rules. Both of them have a way to hijack another person's body upon death which makes putting them in prison the best possible thing. Lucius needs few changes to work, he's just a magical dude who you can't kill without turning into them. With Roa you need to give him a different magic problem to solve and a different person to fixate on.
It goes without saying that a lot of villains would need their power levels tweaked to work in capeshit but that doesn't mean that their character designs and the ideas behind them would still be interesting.
A good dark mirror of Reed driven by the same curiosity to explore. Maybe give him a wife to go with his children to make things more on the nose.
>Plenty of people like Yakuza, they talk about it on the videogames board
Ok, you wanna start a fight but you can't.
I make threads in Yea Forums everyday and went down to page 10 in less than 30 minutes.
You can't against facts this time, fucker.
You have the WEIRDEST chip on your shoulder, man.
Might actually be hotblooded enough to deal with it.
I would prefer someone else got it though. Let it be in Japan instead to deal in some Super Scientist from Japan and his team of delinquents/terrorists/fat idiot pilots.
Because this might involve dinosaurs. Getting punched in the head. So hard their heads burst. Or Karate Chopped so hard this happens.
Well dinosaur people anyways. But also maybe actual raptors.
You could involve assholes from Sauron's neck of the woods somehow. It would be fun.
The Dinosaur Empire would get it's ass kicked, assholes from the Savage Land would get their asses kicked.
You wouldn't even necessarily have to involve Getter Robo all of the time. Most of the pilots worthy of the name could handle themselves okay for not really having actual super powers other than being badass enough to pilot a Getter Machine in a lot of Marvel situations. Well some of them.
I won't pretend they could take anything like Magneto or anything. That's dumb.
David Xanatos and the Gargoyles at large.
Xanatos is essentially an evil Tony Stark/ Iron Man.
Would be a based villain.
Sad no one else posted this, as its objectively the best answer.
>not evil
Why are you drinking the Stark^TM Kool-Aid?
I have a head Canon that there comes to be a set crew for certain kinds of missions.
Any kind of missions that involves an exchange or any kind of social engagement like Framing Frame, Rats, Go Bank, etc
Big, show, and loud smash and grab stuff like Armored Transport, Aftershock, Diet World Bank, and the like
Vengeace. Missions where the point is to get back at somebody for fucking over he gave, like Hoxton's Revenge, Hotline Miami, and Under the Mountain
>They're essentially a xenophobic hate group that specifically targets slavs and essentially are trying to ignite another world war.
Wasn’t that because the US became a puppet to the Soviets or something?
Okay, I know they're already Yea Forums but they're outlier Yea Forums. I would love to watch Punisher or the Boys deal with the cast of Brat-Pack, all of them. Those few panels of of them panicking near the end isn't enough.
I am the Master and you will obey me, Superman.
A Doctor Fate villain or Constantine
>Xanatos is essentially an evil Tony Stark/ Iron Man.
So Civil War Stark?
The Heisenberg cartel would be interesting. Comic protagonists would find them to be a bit of a dillema given that they're all drenched in a kind of moral greyness. The cartel would be dealing with Antagonists far worse than them too, which would be just as much fun, too.
how would the Cylons fair against superman ?
like... the plants or the zombie hordes?
How would they fare against O.M.A.C.s?
The fun thing about Chaos is that it's a crisis and civil war event all in one.
Even the dead chicks the bandits drew shit all over with marker are better than her.
Why not both
I though Diana's father was Hades?
pic related would be a fucking incredible street level hero, particularly in the marvel universe.
Doesn't Emir Garcian Smith become some kind of conceptual being in the end?
>An ancient space tree wizard hiding in the body of a warlock
>seeks power of the void
Marvel Cosmic beckons.
USSR nuked Hawaii and San Francisco, so yes, US in a sense became a puppet government for the USSR and the government did nothing for the russian mafia, so 50 Blessings took the matters into their own hands.
>Young Harman Smith: "Then it occurred to me, you were no longer a mortal being. Within you, ever so quietly, evil had opened its eyes".
Possibly, but you have to remember; even though you are given a choice to either kill or not kill Kenjiro Matsuoka in "Lion", whatever Emir chose would not make any difference in the end.
They directly made the Sierra Madre the hell it is. What are you talking about?
A painful imprisonment is better than a mercy kill?
Mostly just for the villains.
And he'd have to use this thing to copy powers without killing people.
He's a king, a pirate, a mad scientist, and a boxer. I don't know what hero I'd like to see him antagonize, but he'd give it his all for sure.
K. Rool is unironically more interesting than DK, so it could only be an upgrade.
His job changing always reminded me of The Red Guy from Cow & Chicken
>Punisher and Jacket would initially be friendly acquaintances
Someone who has never read Punisher anything detected.
Well, DK is the least interesting Kong, other than Kiddy. He doesn't even really have any personality outside of the silly cartoon. He had more character in Miyamoto's hands, which is kind of sad.
A godlike batman villain
He's also the only character who could be revealed as gay and I would completely understand how.
Aquaman? The x-men?
This dude would be a Justice League tier-villain
Jacket is a sleeper agent and the same goes many other of the agents. The only characters who explicitly discover this are the biker w/knives in a section where you play as him and that fat pig guy who figured everything out himself and went to go do the job in agreement. If you manage to beat the level you play as him with out dying like you're supposed to the scientist kills the fat guy for knowing too much and being aware of what's happening and how he's being manipulated. Else most aren't even aware or can't piece it together properly.
In Hotline 2 Jacket is on trial for the things he did in Hotline 1. And in court it's pointed out that he says he can't remember.
>He had to. She couldn't control her power and liquefied her mother.
BL2 already addressed this when he was screaming about how he HAD to lock her up. Nobody disagrees with that.
The problem comes, as pointed out by Lillith I think during the Angel fight, is that he didn't have to commit all that mass murder that came after ensuring her security. Sure, the megacorps have zero rules and do whatever the fuck they want and people die working for them by the billions so we could argue that up to the point where Jack took over the company, we could say it was all for Angel. But in general, he had zero justification to start the events of BL1, to cover the planet in Eridium, to take over the planet for Eridium mining operations, to go on a mass-murdering rampage that culminated in him trying to unlock the Warrior to glass the planet for him. Even if striking rich with Eridium is what got him the company in the first place.
In Pre-Sequel, you see that he was already a lost psychopath. When he killed the Meriff, he didn't do it out of some undisciplined anger, he did it because he really wanted to and enjoyed it. And he got more and more brutal as you went on. He justified his acts as "everybody's going to die, ends justifies the means" but those were just empty words he used to justify being a dick. Gearbox probably meant for it to be some tragic descent of a hero a la Macbeth or some shit but he was long gone since the beginning as the other user said.
tl;dr - Nobody disagrees that Angel might have needed being locked up. It's that he used Angel like a tool to be used and abused. He had other options, he chose the one that made him rich at her expense.
Kiryu walking the streets of New York and accidently being correct in guessing superheroes alter egos would be fun.
>A blind superhero? I'd imagine he'd be an ideal lawyer since Justice is blind.
>A good dark mirror of Reed driven by the same curiosity to explore. Maybe give him a wife to go with his children to make things more on the nose.
There are two good ways I've thought of to go about that. One is have the wife be an artificial human he designed to be the perfect mother/ combat ready guard/ unnervingly chipper lab assistant. The other is have her be a meta human or scientist who is terrified of him but works for those crazy health benefits and has a hard time playing the mommy figure for the children.
Secret third option is they both genuinely love each other almost as much as they love unethical science.
Seconding what said. Why would he be a villain? He and the Speedwagon Foundation would practically be the equivalent of Stark Enterprises where funds all the science and humanitarian shit.
>Collaborated with nazis
BRO-heim was just a patriot, not a Nazi. Otherwise he wouldn't have bothered to support taking down the pillarmen after the Santana incident. Way to be misleading.
This guy would actually be great. Pic related would too. I could see him creating Avacyn in Marvel or DC to solve some problem and that becoming a the trigger for some storyline.
The magic in the series reminds me of Thor, I think they even have villains akin to dark elves.
Alisa is def like a shield agent.
Even a hint of doctor strange-like mystic arts exist.
Or just make Kang have another upsie and accidentally bring in Phyrexia.
If you want a dark mirror to Reed, go for the OG man of evil science.
I’m gonna say an ally to Superman
I you wanna be a lazy shit, you could just make him a Jonah Hex villain since he was basically a sci-fi version of the Wild West gentrification/railroad baron archetype.
This absolute madman
Could be that your a faggot, Fuck You!
Flex Mentallo: The Japan Version
Just about every boss through the Metal Gear series would work as a Captain America villain.
>When he killed the Meriff, he didn't do it out of some undisciplined anger, he did it because he really wanted to and enjoyed it.
Meriff shot first after Jack decided he wasn't worth the effort of revenge-killing.
I'm surprised that the mythos as far as the Snakes are concerned (Big Boss/Fake/Solid/Solidus/Liquid) only extends as far as the Cold War.
Yes, he brought it upon himself but from our perspective, Jack 100% did not even need to bother - especially when he and the four (or six or whatever) Vault Hunters were heavily armed with shields and the guy was a bad shot - because the guy was a worthless stooge and was more valuable alive anyway.
Interchangeable Captain America supporting character and antagonist. Mostly used as a goofy "villain" to tackle USA controversies without outright vilifying those that back them (robots taking away American jobs? Why not just turn blue collar workers into cyborgs?!).
not non-Yea Forums but i think he would get to some animal man-tier shenanigans if he was set loose in the big two