Can someone explain Chicken Boo to me? Why is that his name? Is it a reference? Boo isn't a name, and if you're an animal, your animal name usually comes second, like Donald Duck etc.
Chicken Boo
Maybe you're supposed to hate him hence his last name being Boo?
yeah that's another thing, he has to be really big so he can be a plausible human in disguise, so why ... didn't they pick a larger animal?
I feel like it was someone on the staff's "Sir Bearington," and like most in jokes, it really wasn't that funny to anyone outside the group.
I want to stick my finger in his ass.
Boo's Foo and Soo
I want to stick my finger in your ass.
Because he's a giant chicken.
You might be right. A lot of good gags from that era came from things like that. They used to joke that the weird bigheaded guy in the office and the kooky guy that kept saying nonsense words were trying to take over the world together, and that became pinky and the brain... and they made Yes, Always into an episode just for Maurice..
Anyone have a version without the shitty watermark?
Chicken is a title
Uh, you do know that Mr. Bearington is a reference to Chicken Boo?
Hey, Boo’s no chicken. Take that back
I'm telling you, he's just a big chicken!
Jealousy is a terrible thing
I'm not jealous! He really is a huge chicken!
>not jealous
of someone dating katie kaboom? are you a homo?
I want to fuck it.
This skit was the only time I've seen cartoon Angel Eyes and Tuco
Katie Kaboom obviously has a thing for enormous chickens.
son you could so easily have said enormous cocks
Some philosopher once said that humans are actually featherless chicken
Yeah, but that's not the joke.
No man who saves a puppy is a chicken...
>Some philosopher
motherfucking Diogenes is hardly SOME philosopher
and he didn't 'say' it, he mocked the fuck out of an oversimplifying contemporary knownothing knowitall (Diogenes specialized in taking those down) who claimed that a human was 'a featherless biped' so he plucked a chicken and said OKAY SO THIS IS A MAN THEN? and the schmuck added 'without a beak'
diogenes rocked harder than anyone in antiquity.
Well, in spanish he's name was "Kikiri Boo"
A play on the onomatopeya of the sound of the chicken "Kikiriki"
that makes much more sense "(Animal sound) Name" is a valid animal name. like Meow Tse-tung or Bark Guthmundsdottir
This is the point I was trying to make.
Chicken Boo is actually a study on this issue. His detractors in each episode represent the cyniscists who can't align with the zeitgeist.
Because he's a chicken boo
>Try to look this up to see what the internet thinks about this, whether someone knows anything, interviews, whatever
can someone just make a new google?
You know realize we're the ones who see the chicken.
Redpill lets you see it!!!
That sure is a big cock.
Oh hey its famious actor 'Boo', this guy has to be the most amazing actors during the 90tys. You put him in litterly ANY roll and he kills it, (Hes even known to do a shit ton of female rolls surprisingly)
And look I get it, without makeup and costume on he dose look alittle weird, weird combover hair, wiggling red jowls (How makeup covers that shit I will NEVER know) and kind of derpy look but what fucking actor dosent look like some hobo straight out of the local fast food? But seriously.... 'litteral giant chicken' come the fuck on I hate tabloids and I hate internet memes like this.
Maybe I was too young for this but I was always baffled by the celebrity cameos on the show because I didn't know who half of those people were.
I liked that, I was used to it. cartoons had been doing that for some 70 years anyway
As a kid I thought it was in reference to the shocking reveal that he was a chicken. Like the revelation would be like a "Boo!" or "Gotcha!" moment for the people around him, so his name (and the title of his segment) was like calling him Chicken Surprise or something.
As an adult I can see that makes no sense, but when I was little it somehow seemed perfectly logical.
I made similar brain connections as a kid.
Well that's not very nice. He might not be the gruffest sheriff, but he's hardly a coward!
Might have just been something that came about from the jingle during production. If you think back to how they talked about making the lyrics for the Animaniac's theme song in the Nostalgia Critic interview, they sometimes just called upon kids of the production staff for ideas and the like. Like said, it might have even been something like an in-joke of sort.
>In my country he's named Kikiri Boo
Those were for your parents and then for you again when you grew older.
I thought he was just a chicken named "Boo" and they just say both together, but I don't know if there's any Chicken Boo Lore contradicting that. Sounds better than "Boo Chicken"