Shit on the movie all you want but admit...

Shit on the movie all you want but admit, you cried like little bitches at the end especially during this scene just like me

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Man, i'm too tired to cried like a bitch with Yea Forums media.
This isn't the exception

Yeah i what?

>Second movie ends with them being long distance friends who physically hang out maybe three or four times a year

How the fuck is a blatant product placement movie the most depressing shit Disney has ever made? And that big virus Ralph is the most nightmare fuel thing they've ever made, too.

What the fuck.

>the exception
They should have made Vanellope less mature. She's supposed to be a brat. When a kid says goodbye knowing they will meet again, they just go without too much thought. Vanellope exhibits too much foresight.

Does everybody have collective amnesia about The Fox and the Hound? That ending had much greater finality.

Why does everybody have to leave

The movie was absolutely terrible, but the long distance friend theme actually hit me. Jesus that was a low blow...

Nah, The complete destruction of the previous movie's logic makes this entire scene feel unearned.

But it was also set up to be a pretty bummer movie from the get-go. I mean, Todd's mom dies after running for her life while carrying her son in the first five minutes.

Wreck It Ralph 2 was a movie about making memes so they can get enough bitcoin to buy something on eBay. I expected it to end in a shitty dance party.

Nah, I thought it was hokey and overly sappy. I know that's what a lot of people seem to think of Disney, but this time it just seemed really forced. Disney and Pixar need to stop with this "every movie needs to make you cry" shit.

What if you tell em it’ll be a while before you see them again/never see them again?

Then that feels more like a Lee wank. Jennifer Lee likes to think she is so subvertive by drastically shifting the tone to maximize emotional reactions.

Seriously. Zootopia didn't need Judy crying for being a racist. At least the Incredibles II didn't try to pull that shit.

In this day & age with video chat? Still tends to go over kids' heads.

>Just having a character crying should be forbidden in a 90 minute movie because

It's not like Judy crying was portrayed as Mufasa's fucking death. It was pretty light-hearted.

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>Zootopia didn't need Judy crying for being a racist
This was one of the examples I was thinking of, too.
I remember chuckling at it in the theater because Judy's delivery made it seem like it was supposed to be like a pathetic/funny sort of crying scene, but I later found out that you were supposed to take the whole thing seriously. It just seemed out of place.

>crying while watching kids movies

Lmao what a pussy

I don't see how Disney would ever portray crying as lighthearted. In Zootopia, Judy wasn't in tragic circumstances, yet somehow we're supposed to sympathize with her for being "prejudiced"? I don't know of anyone who would cry about being wrong. That's not how people act.

Worst part is, the only involvement I have heard Jennifer Lee had with the story was that she reenacted the scene in the writer's room & took "inspiration" from a Meg Ryan movie. She's probably the one who insisted on the scene.

no, i didn't.

Lel, I cried more at the finale of the latest season of Larva than this shit. The Koreans are going to save animation, I tells ya.

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But the goodbye is unnecessary and forced. Depsite leaving her game, Vanellope can still go back to arcade regularly to visit Ralph, Felix and other racers without paying for the flight ticket and it doesn't cost her much time.

They should go with original story.

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Not to this movie. I got the impression Vanellope was more afraid of facing the repercussions of Ralph decimating Slaughter Race, than she seemed to be remorseful for leaving him.
I cried during The Good Dinosaur, though. Fuckin' father/child bonds, man...

It's okay when girl does it

Uhhh i'll take 'ruin both Ralph and Val's characterization and spit in the face of the original movie's theme' for 500, Alex.

Not really.

Heck, let’s be honest. Her character will be back for Wreck-It-Ralph 3 as the lead (again). They will make some lame excuse like “she got bored of the Internet and missed her friends” or whatever.

Because heaven forbid Ralph be the The Star of his own movie.

The first six minutes of the movie are good. I'm willing to say that. But the majority of the runtime is spent watching the characters being arseholes to each other with only Ralph being punished. It makes this long goodbye a little sour.

He's a filthy white straight MALE. They are meant to be suffering.

Do we know for sure?

Who ever heard of a strong/fat gay man? Everybody knows they're all little twinks, right?

Not really, the movie was kinda dumb overall, and the scenes where they're talking about how things changed just reinforced how everyone's life improved as soon as she was gone, including Ralph having more friends, and the Sugar Rush racers no longer being cunts. Scene unintentionally became about getting rid of a shitty, self-serving person from your life in order to have a better life.

Even the first movie had this issue for most of it. It's sad really.

God forbid modern Disney to have male protagonist.

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Seriously. When Gigantic was a thing, 75% of details I heard about it concerned the giantess instead of Jack. This gender divide is going to hurt the bottom line.

>being this ignorant about the real reason movie execs would rather a female protag than a male one

For the woke? Or for us sick fucks?

Is it because they won't have to pay actresses as much due to the wage gap?

In all honesty, having a franchise be decidedly one gender means that they are excluding a huge audience.

Girls will go see it for le empowerment and guys will see it for eye candy. It's the obvious way to go. Everybody wins.

Girls still saw male-led movies. Gender should be irrelevant.

What about movies with Chads as the protagonists? Girls love them, men want to be them. I'm sick of insecure fags like Nick, Ralph or Maui
I bet Kristoph will be no different.

Kristoff has the personality of a loaf of white bread.


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I’m sure that’ll be fixed in the sequel

Sniff... Absolutely beautiful. Fuck all the haters.

Didn't watch it because it looked like absolute dog shit. I'll just stick with the first one thanks

>That picture

I don't understand. What are they attempting to say?

>white bread.

user, your specification suggests different types of bread have different personalities.

I thought it was a decent cute movie but nowhere near as good as the original. It had a shit load of continuity problems and simplified the characters a lot which hurt the story significantly.

Didn't care for the internet gimmick but the movie was okay. Nowhere near as good as the first one but it did make me feel old as fuck when Ralph did the Rickroll and it made me realize Rickrolling was over 10 years ago.

And the song is from 40 years ago

First Movie: Going Turbo is bad!

Second Movie: Going Turbo is good!

I didn't cry. I was completely distracted by the fact that the climax was literally the exact opposite of the climax of the first film.

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user's statement is very generalized, but if you watch the second film and compare the message to the first film's journey, you will have a Zangeif-tier moment of clarity.

>That Zangief/Ralph art

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Can't they just keep a copy of her program data in the arcade? There are already hundreds of her, one for each arcade copy around the world. It's different for classic games where the tech is too old, but Vanellope was from a more modern game.

But yea the feelgood messages are completely different.

most males in disney animated movies suck.