How does Yea Forums feel about them?
The Terrifics
fun series. i like how plas is always drawn doing something.
Absorbing man is reformed?
Wasted potential
Where does The Terrifics rank on a scale of Damage to Sideways?
Second best behind Silencer. I think Yang will be able to really do a good job with them, assuming DC actually lets him write a couple arcs.
Silencer is pretty good too? Damn I really regret writing this line off at the start. I guess I'll check them both out after I finish up Sideways.
Shaner is a cool guy and I wish he did more interiors
Yang's Annual is probably the best issue so I'm real hype for his run
I dig it. Kudos to the guy who posted all the New Age comics recently. I think it would actually be neat if the characters from those comics made appearances in this one. Do something like when Spider-Man, Hulk, Ghost Rider and Wolverine filled in for the F4.
Bout to start reading this for Yang
This is a really enjoyable book that does't try to be more than pulpy fun.
Never heard of them but I'm always down for some Plas, maybe I'll check it out.
I wish doc Shaner did all the art,
the real question is do you like this more of less then FF?
I thought the story thus far was a tad disinteresting. I feel like only in the past issue or two have the team sort of actually felt like a team and it's a shame since the series is ending shortly. I think the pacing was a touch too slow at the start and the series suffered for that. It's not a bad comic. It just seems mediocre.
You know normally I get sick of pointless teams. I just want giant Justice League roster like you find in Wonder Twins or the JLU cartoon. However I do think the team dynamic isn't too bad.
You know Silencer, Sideways, and Terrifics are often praised here, yet I never hear anything regarding Brimstone. Damage is widely considered trash, I get it, but nothing about the Supernatural siblings trekking across America
Got real boring real quick
It was a cool premise, but something about it fell flat for me. A few too many issues started with the sister waving that shotgun around until he turned into Brimstone, at which point she would turn into Mother Teresa and beg him not to hurt anyone. The first and last issues were the ones that had me the most interested.
I'm going to start reading it when Yang takes over, Lemire sucks
hope they show up in a cartoon
Would rather it had gotten canceled instead of Sideways.
I’m enjoying the book,
I'm definitely going to have to pick up the trades for this one. It's also got me interested in checking out Tom Strong now.