This is such a great depiction of how masculinity SHOULD be.
This is such a great depiction of how masculinity SHOULD be
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh fuck you.
I prefer this:
I’d fuck trap Steven desu
>Steven helps his friends
he's a real man
>bug cross-dresses
>steven cross-dresses
Every cartoon boy does it.
but the contex
Pretty sure that's a hodgepodge of classical femininity, marketed femininity and sexualised femininity. It's not a good look for anybody.
>Steven helps his friend not embarrass herself at a concert by taking her part
bugs = based
steven = cringe
Is there any set year when the new season will come out?
>protective of others
>ready to admit a mistake and bear the consequences of rectifying it
I agree.
that look was made fun of a minute earlier
done comedically
done sincerely
Never. the only canon thing left is Steven Universe the Movie which is set Earlier than Season 4.
>done comedically
>"heehee look i'm a woman, do you want to kiss me?"
>kisses another guy
>"hahahahhahahah you just kissed a boy!!!"
simply fucking epic
And instead embarass himself and proved to be a bigger fag than he already was
and everyone clapped
fucking disgusting. not even passable. Now Princess Marco? That's a whole different level.
Once again showing the only metric Yea Forums judges quality is by how much they want to stick their dick in it.
Ok, but they said there would be more seasons.
Well one is seen as a joke while Steven crossdressing is a joke
Looney Tunes = Timeless classic and Bugs Bunny was one of the founding fathers of cartoons
Steven Universe = Piece of shit that couldn't even beat Loud House in the ratings/emmys and has already faded into obscurity
>how masculinity SHOULD be
>crop top
>heavy make-up
>feminine dance
>song marketed towards girls
Is your ideal world comprised of Women and Women w/ penises?
how much of a fag do you have to be to not want to fuck Steven
I’m sorry user, either you’re pretending to be retarded or you have autism
True masculinity is spending all your free time on a cartoon web forum. Who cares?
Must be tougher for you user. At least people like jokes!
>be 4Channel.Org
>be single hiveminded entity (you cannot deny it)
>see male character crossdressing
>fetishize the fuck out of it, make constant annoying threads about it, and continue to argue that traps are somehow not gay
>also complain about it ruining masculinity
>simultaneously complain about a lack of masculinity while you masturbate to male characters acting like sissy boys
maybe you should stop watching this cancer
Yea Forums wants to fuck bugs
>traps arent gay
they are gay. thats part of the fun.
>ruining masculinity
no one is ruining masculinity, and anyone unironically asserting such is, very obviously, un-masculine
>masturbate to male sissy boys
well, you got me there
And why shouldn't they?
No shit, Sherlock.
Trips of truth.
I respect your response. Not only because of the trips, but because of the content. Finally some logic.
On this rock we shall build our church
You are so part of the problem and you don't even know it, which is worse.
Steven seems a faggot while Bugs was so ridiculous and absurd, the joke was so exaggerated that it was simply funny instead of annoying. It's funny cause bugs isn't a faggot
It's amazing how wit the jokes were
Isn't Majima specifically depicted as being mentally ill?
Bugs crossdressing is done as a comedic absurdity to point out how dumb the other character is to not be able to tell the difference. It has a basis in the absurd and based on cultural norms. Even in modern interpretations it still relies on the absurd and even at times backfires on bugs.
Stevens crossdressing is based not on comedic value but a political message about what is and isn't acceptable. It's not played for laughs, but to push a political message. It's how the writers view empowerment. This isn't bad necessarily but may be a problem in this case since the show has strong progressive political undertones and portrayals, some of which are extremely controversial (a common thread being the portrayal of traditional masculinity as being a problem).
People can get triggered by the latter and not the former due to the political nature of it. Bugs is a gag based around cultural norms, where Steven became a political mouthpiece of the writers.
Yes & No.
For a long time he was a kind of wild card with the protagonists, but with Yakuza 0 they could finally put their origins, which are convincing IMO.
If for something like that we have this in Kiwami, yes; answering your question, yes.
and what do you think the political message of Steven wearing a dress is? he's not wearing it because he's more comfortable in women's clothing or something, he's not wearing it for any sense of "empowerment." the outfit was played as a joke. as a comparison earlier in the episode Steven even notes how he did one of his previous Beach-a-Palooza performances in his underwear or naked.
Steven's literal motive was he just wanted to spare his friend from doing something he forced her into doing, he has no shame so stepping into her role isn't a big deal to him. Sadie's Song was an OK episode. Yea Forumsmblr will find any reason to be offended though.
>it's an attack on our masculinity!
I know Yosodomy Sam does
>stroke victim look
based majima poster
Bad jokes exist
The only other time he dressed feminely was during Diamond Days, and that was more a joke on how dumb he was. It’s like thinking you have to dress like your old boss if you replace him
More manly that Steven or Bugs, sure
Majima is dressed like a classic 80s male pop group.
Steven is in a dress.
Big difference.
Hoischel! Ya gefilte fish is ready!
There are plenty of reasons to hate SU but this is not one of them. This whole scenario is brought unto Steven at the last second, and nowhere is he rewarded for breaking masculine norms or anything, he's just seen as a weirdo who does stupid shit for the sake of an audience. This couldn't be further away from leftist rhetoric
That's the joke, big head.
cause majima never wore a dress ever
Gravity Falls literally had an episode about dressing like the boss you replaced.
False. The audience sees a boy cross dressing and singing a love song and they cheer and approve of it, while the gang supports him.
There is tension that he might be seen as a weirdo just before but it's a positive scene all around.
Seeing Yea Forums try to be so desperately counterculture that it wraps back around to prude-y puritan nonsense has been really disheartening to see.
Can you fucking kill yourself already with that toxic personality?
god I miss pilot Steven
Aw, man. I didn't wanna see that.
Yes, and Mabel, arguably one of the stupidest main characters was doing it
He got gay married once.
The audience is also mostly his friends and family, so of course they'll support him.
LMAO that face
Why is Elmer the one in the dress.
Is the weirdest short. The hats changed their personalities (for some reason) and the bride's veil just happen to fall on Elmer's
So he's a fat sissy?
Whats the context of this?
I've never seen this show because the characters looked overweight and it has a pretty awful fanbase.
>not spending his entire worktime on Yea Forums via vpn
Gentleman exels in both work and culture. Get on my level.
He tried to make her friend perform in front of an audience, she finally told him she didn't want to do it so he took her place.
Because he looks more ludicrous like that
>man and woman fall in love, decide to have a kid together
>mom dies tragically, kid is ripped away from his father and placed in the care of three random women
>isn't even related to them
>meanwhile dad is fat, bald, with a career going nowhere and lives in a caravan
>turns out the women are non-binary (most of whom IRL have dicks)
>the kid is chubby, non-athletic and physically defenseless
>this is apparently a portrayal of a male character with zero toxic masculinity
>barely ever sees his dad
>no Government official ever comes over to check if the kid is doing ok
It's funny how most of the men who watch this shit are gay bottoms who desire traditionally masculine men. If you hate toxic masculinity so much, why do you call me Daddy in bed?
t. boyfriend watches this crap
Wait a moment...
Are you a woman or a gay dude?
>hats changed their personalities
actually great analogy with the deep agenda
user, you do realize that OP's saying this ironically, right?
Everything to you is an agenda.
And, no one watched Steven Universe because of Stevens intelligence. They watched it because of Garnet and Bird mom.
>Government official
>Pearl "We are not even documented!"
homeschooling is as child abuse as anti vaccine and should not be virtue signalled on the media.
bi dude
bara SU is very popular among gay tumblrs.
Based FPBP, never change Majimafag
Child Services trying to take away Steven should be a plot in season 6, have Zircon trying to defend the gems in court for the amount of child neglect they've put Steven in over the years.
Mostly because if he grows, he's a big guy
I had no idea you where so popular?
Take this & LET'S GET TO THE TOP
I like how adult Steven in fanart is literally Wreck-it-Ralph.
>was just listening to 24-Hour Cinderella
Protests too much.
Fragile ego, shitposter, bigoted or afraid to come out the closet.
Which is it?
Don't post that evil here.
r u tranny or wat
Sort of.
He acts crazy, but it's all a facade.
He just hates being dragged by the nose and acts like a crazy to put people on their toes when dealing with him
Bugs doesn't push political homosexuality but mocks it
Ahem, did you forget about user?
Political bullshit aside, this was retarded but not a big deal. It's one off gay joke.
are you kidding me? no. I just recognise the art.
>political homosexuality
what about muh sincere and natural (yet involuntary) celibacy?
Then you'll know that I deliberately cut the last two pannels because here is 4channel.
idc. Don't post any of it.
have you confronted your bf about it?
I'm straight I just watch the show because it stimulates me to create and draw again (like I used to back in school)... I also just happen to like gemology and the gems are fucking cute.
I shall educate you
Do these people really think that chubby little queer is going to lift anything heavier than a box of donuts?
Reminder that Sadie's Song premiered 4 years and 3 seasons ago
But she looks that way because her mom forced her to dress like that.
The idea being that you look better when you're comfortable with it.
This would be non - ironically 100% true if it weren't for the meaning behind what we mean when we say context. If it weren't for culture shifts men would dress this way in a totally hetero manner.
>4 years and 3 seasons
Wait, so long ago? I thought that was in season 4!
With how they handle these hiatusses?/hiatusi?/the fucking plural of hiatus, I think the show would become the network's longest running show.
Is drag not a common form of entertainment where you are coming from?
Not everyone's a spic you know.
stunning and brave.
German, actually.
He did it better.
Masculinity should be like femininity..
For fuck's sake Howard.
I know you're new to this, but learn how to use the goddamn enter key.
Also go outside more.
I want to gape peridot
Why does everyone involve the government, for all you know they’ve got an agreement with the Gems, The CG have been around for more thousands of years before there even was an America
>anyone unironically asserting such is, very obviously, un-masculine
this is the most real phrase anyone has ever typed on this site.
Even worse
He's got some good buns on him
Finally, some brains in this heap
This. Only QT twinks should be allowed to cross dress.
Ian Hawk couldn't get a same
Yes, he's a fat sissy. The whole show is about what happens when a boy is raised by women exclusively and shows just what kind of faggotry awaits.
>The whole show is about what happens when a boy is raised by women exclusively and shows just what kind of faggotry awaits.
Heh, with that shitty logic i would never born.
Why because he's not jacking off to every girl he see?
>how much of a fag do you have to be to not want to fuck Steven
I don't think that's how it works, user.
Nice bait, tho.
not fag enough to fuck children
because Steven is a gigantic crybaby faggot; Bugs on the other-hand, is not
You’ve obviously never been in a relationship, because comparing it to a economic system is the dumbest thing ever