Make someone want to read a comic by posting ONE page from it.
Make someone want to read a comic by posting ONE page from it
Other urls found in this thread:
idk what is going on here but the art is nice
The Marquis is kino
making "NOOOOOOOO" into "no." makes the scene so much more powerful
"Marquis," as in the Marquis de Sade? World-reknowned smut author and rapist who lends his name to the word "sadism?"
apology for poor English.
when were you when padem armadillo die ?
I was sat at home dranking blue milk when pjotr rings
padem is kill
Breddy gud
>not posting the name of the comic
I wish i know. I save it from Gurochan.
Nope, it's a fictional setting.
source now pal
The comic is called Syridiana.
>Daimio's jaguar spirit could have looked like this in the new movie
>Instead we gotta a shitty looking furry that's barely larger than Hellboy
Is this Jodorowsky? It reminds me of Jodorowsky.
Sure. There was a lot of options to choose from regarding this series, but I think this will do just nicely.
My interest entirely depends on if there is more content specifically like this page.
What ghost rider is this? I wanna read the issue
I think I would've gone with this personally (the pun/gimmick is just too good).
One person edited that scene where he made no sound, just his breathing machine, the sound of everything breaking and shattering with the music swelling. It gave you a feeling of exactly when Skywalker died and Vader was born. It was far better than the original cut.
I had it as a kid
>Genestealer Cults overwhelm Sisters of Battle
Yup. This is definitely Jodorowsky.
The Final Incal I believe.
post it, friend.
this is hilarious, please tell me jack o bin reappears somewhere
I was looking but gave up after while, this was like back in 2009ish when I found it. If I was better at audio editing i just remake it but I'm not so I shared it in blind hopes someone had the original
You failed.
>Mine wasn't tagged
Yay! I won!
Is there a website like those manga hosting sites I can just read collections of stuff? I want to read this but don't want to deal with finding it.
Gail Simone has definitely masturbated to Catman.
You'll soon realize that actually you have.
Go on....
This is
This is the Accidental Space Spy
what in the living fuck
Well, that went from sexy to unsexy in a minute.
i don't understand stuff like this. there's so much 'fake math' in comics that is recognizably gibberish to anyone who got a B- in high school algebra. does the average comics artist not friends with a single person who wasn't awful at even high school math? if so, why don't they just wikipedia something funky looking and copy it verbatim? it's public domain....
pic related is utter nonsense math that is probably not recognizably such for 98% of high-school graduates. it was the first image result for 'nonsense math'
Pipsqueak Papers
That reminded me of this
Didn't that get shut down (recently-ish)?
>it's an overly sexualized women get raped/brutalized/killed for shock value episode
lads I am so tired of shitty torture porn
I've seen this posted everywhere but I've never seen the actual source of it. Was it from an actual series?
>Kyle Baker's Special Forces
google isn't giving me anything, got a link?
House of Mystery (the vertigo volume) #1
Include the names of the goddamn comics you fucking morons...
Capullo really outdid himself here
I don't even want to know what this is about. This is the worst fucking thing in the thread.
what the fuck is this? where is it from?
This arc was great, but that part where Bruce and Clark got naked and started wrestling was kinda weird.
Scene would have been the most powerful if he just destroyed the room without moving or speaking.
Is this gay
This run was mostly mediocre, but this scene got me.
No dummy, just turn your adblock off when you go to the front page, then turn it back on afterwards.
Not really, they kiss I think. I can't remember. The blondes husband left her cause she masturbated with a giant dildo tho.
Read Echo by Terry Moore
Unfortunately, he's just an actor in Beast Boy's TV show in that issue. Hoping he shows up again before the end of the series though!
I read this a while ago and while entertaining, it wasn't anything special and felt like lost potential.
I couldn't find a download, so I went and uploaded it for you guys. Ignore the filenames, it's definitely just 4 issues.
Kyle Baker's Special Forces.rar
One of the best comics ever.
Kyle Baker is great
I thought it was a great representation of they're iconic friendship
This. I always just feel really bad after reading shit like this.
It's not like it doesn't take 5 seconds to generate gibberish in mathgen.
A shame
I don't like where this is going. At least tell me that women isn't related to him
Ultimate Avengers I think.
Double page spread counts as one page
Alright perverts and weirdos, I found it by Googling the word Gounas. It's Final Incal, issue 2.
I’m sorry m8 but I haven’t got a clue what you’re saying. On the bright side, I cannot stop laughing.
are you asking how old we were when padme died? i think i was 10 or 11 at the time.... i cant believe its been 14 years.
I've seen the omnibus for this kicking around, is it worth it? does it have everything for it? Is it just a closer retelling of the book?
In time you will learn.
I LITERALLY just finished up with Morrison's DP, except for the Doom Force special. What a fucking ride. It only took me around two and a half years to finish and damn is it one of the greatest long running series I've ever read. My only complaint is that the villains kind of blur together and all have grunts that speak gibberish. I was suprised at how much the characters grew though, that wasn't something I'd expected.
Am I a bad person if this makes my pee pee hard?
Eat shit.
At least it isn't stonetoss
post the sauce fucker
Mass replying is for r*dditors.
The omni has everything, it is a fairly faithful adaptation of the books that is charming and cute. It's not just The Wizard but all the books that Baum wrote.
teach me oh great swami.
Reverse image search is your friend [spoilers]Nothing happens though, but you get to see her boobs[/spoiler]
hey, you where in /gg/
The same reason every fake phone number starts with 555. Nerds have a notoriously poor grasp on reality so you make things obviously fake to keep them from doing stupid shit.
Come for the milf, stay for the Chel lookalike.
Damn, what is this?
The Question by Denny O'Neil.
pretty sure thats the opposite of what op was talking about
God this part of the story hit like a fucking truck. I wasn't expecting this level of feels from a webcomic of all things.
Also you should probably spoiler that shit.
No. It actually SHOULD.
Sell me with 1 page on the following comics
Beautiful Darkness
Alien Labyrinth
I know it's a cover, but this made me pick up and read Human Defense Corps.
You just want the rape scene from Invincible, don't you?
Aliens Labyrinth is only 120 pages, just read it.
Sure there are lots of cool pages that I could post but all of them are spoilers.
no thanks
Did that ever get more than 2 issues?
Jesus Christ. What's her superheroine name, The Cubism?
More like Crackhead.
The moose is loose, eh?
Unfortunately, undead moose piloted by a German ghost couldn't finish the job.
I thought the art in Invincible was supposed to be better then this
Ramos was a mistake
This is someone's fetish
v good page user
I loved this page
Those are either the biggest kids in the world or absolutely tiny M16's.
I fucking love accidental space spy's alien worldbuilding. If was a millionaire I'd hire pro artists to draw all his batshit ideas and compile them into a book.
You got me. Source?
this gave me a boner
This was a pretty interesting take Beowulf, I just wonder how they fucked earth to the Stone Age again
I read the first couple of issues of Luther Strode and it was pure shit.
The art isn't nearly as good as that page makes it out to be, either: everyone's a toothy, musclebound tranny, and it's horrifying.
Actually, what am I even saying? The art for that page isn't great, either.
get out
Jungle Fantasy: Survivors #5
man, where's waldo got fucking dark.
James Harren is so fucking good
you have no taste
This series is literally porn, btw.
What is wrong with this panel:
>Blacks are scared to death of open water so they can't surf or take part in any water sports.
>They don't run businesses, not even in their own "community" ask any Indian or Korean Shopkeeper.
>She forgot to state that she is a LGBTQIA
>Her hair is not consistent with her race, yes I am also accounting for weaves
>Her tumblr nose isn't red enough
makes me want to kill myself or never read another comic again
mfw the art in this series is better than alot of the trash produced by the top 2 mainstream publishers
DC's obsession with Watchmen has destroyed the company.
I'm a sucker for a good "I'm the fucking greatest" speech.
I miss when Ellis knew how to have fun.
I love that you actually can find waldo in that image.
I misread that as "Clive Barker's Special Forces" and I was like, what the fuck?
I want to kiss her on the lips.
Thanks, user.
glory by sophie campbell
OK you got me, give me a link
Alright I'm in. Do you have a link to buy/read it? Google search doesn't give much.
what is this A Certain Magical Index?
Where the hell do I start reading Ghost Rider?
actually go and fuck yourself for ruining this for me, i havnt finished it!
poor terror
everything after black is her sexual orientation, it's just a coincidence it forms a sentence
A fine choice of page.
I love the head desk.
>This proposal is so stupid I have to physically reboot my brain.
looks cool, but searching it gives this thread as the second result
has it not been translated into anything?
any more info?
>Jack O'Bin
fucking KEK
>I'm so sorryI have to say this mother, but I've decided to move out
solid heh
I think this is just me because it hits too close to home
Thanks. Is the comic supposed to be erotic or nah?
Just downloaded it. Lmao what even is this
what is it called?
im a big fan of KSBD but that was the wrong page. here, let me help you.
It's about a Marquis who is granted a pair of gatling handguns to hunt down escaped demons in a decadent society.
The devil is a good guy in this. It's surprisingly cool.
Marquis is a title, like baron or duke. and it's obviously not a comic adaptation of the Topor/xhonneux marquis
Ultimate Reed was a treat.
Serves Sue storm right for wanting "a boy in every port".
Lucifer always has been the good guy.
is this glory the same glory at the end of prophet?
A whole pillar of RE character and aeries on the other one. Anyone got any others?
Where should someone start with Moon Knight?
>only other time this page was posted on Yea Forums was back in 2014
Everything goes horribly wrong doesn't it?
Fuck the feels
no no no, it's so bad that you have to read it. It's like the Room of comics
An Image series called Vescell
I bought it not long ago and loved it. Maybe Mignola should write Batman more often. This is Batman: the doom that came to gotham, btw.
I think Odin fucking the meat effigy would make people want to read it more.
robots/ai randomly discovering sexual pleasure is always dumb
This was a McFarlane run, wasn't it?
Guess I'll just learn French then.
oh fuck, sauce?
The Duck who loved Chicks
Brill comic
Anyone have a link?
The Dragonballs are scattered about.
who's to say? without the understanding to create consciousness, you can't really be sure that something akin to sexual pleasure might not pop up as a glitch or byproduct of the creation process.
this is spanish
can somone tell me what the title is.
we will never know
edgy whats it called
Well fuck, you got me. And it bet it's gonna be the only page in the whole thing that has bondage in it too, isn't it?
whats it called
Dude actually delete this, it’s a massive spoiler and it’s only good in context.
Daniel Ways run
Haha could you imagine if he took off his pants and put his bare ass in that guy’s face wouldn’t that be funny lol
I think it's 'Rachel Rising'.
Thanks dude
There's an unfinished chapter 3 somewhere
Yeah I deleted my post after quickly looking it up.
Shame. I remember being pretty invested in that comic.
>second panel face
what happen?
wtf is this called?
Looks like Croc's work
I mean technically the West has been on a breeding decline so there isn’t much the senator has to do. The pandas need to take it up with China
where are the GOOD comics
it's called "crap"
sorry for bad english
Go for the neck!
What the hell?
A shitty event comic with superhero therapy. It might have once held potential.
It’s all the same to me. Not English.
All I can see on this page is the tracing of nic cage...
Yeah, but what's it implying she did? Drugs?
I bet he is a nice dude.
Joker shot her.
It's her bullet wound from when Joker shot her spine and left her in a wheelchair.
how terribly close minded, you don't need to be English to know what different languages are
>animals assmad about meat-eating
>tons of animals are carnivores
Is this supposed to be deliberately retarded, or is the writer actually this retarded? I can't tell.
what is this ?
Why would you put drugs in your hip and spine
Last issue of Warren Ellis' Moonknight run
I rarely see anyone talk about Low on Yea Forums.
I don't know, man.
The face of cultist is priceless.
Realistically the majority of the human race would form alliances with the carnivores and omnivores to keep the herbivores and vegans in line and as a food source.
For years I've wanted to make a Marqis costume for a con. Or at least make his sweet ass guns. He's like 18th century French The Shadow hunting demons.
Who doesn't want to shoot Walter Mondale?
Yea Forums is full of retards.
consciousness and an endocrine system are not the same thing
It is Rachel Rising
saaauce pls
It's in the filename
A woman deserves to have her entire world destroyed because she didn't want an exclusive relationship with some milquetoast sop of a man?
Wonder Twins
Yes. After she dumped him to literally go fuck strangers.
Not skipping vs skipping leg day
I'm just assmad about the retarded use of firearms here. Two improperly secured rifles fired by having animals yanking the trigger? There's no aiming and the hits would be so squirreling you wouldn't hit the barn at all. What is that, a 10 lb trigger pull weight? Can the squirrel even yank that trigger without jumping backwards and yanking the rifle some weird direction?
Ah, there's nothing quite like a dose of pure self congratulatory back patting in comic for to really make you question your own sanity.
Why doesn't Beast Boy just change into a mouse to escape the chains?
This sounds amazing.
What is the title?
Hey, for the faggots who didn't read the OP, it says "Make someone want to read a comic by posting ONE page from it", not "Post a page that appeals to your abnormal sexual deviances."
I don't wanna read a cheesecake comic about your degenerate muscle girl femdom fetish. I wanna read an ACTUAL comic.
Maybe you didn't knew, but women aren't into softcore porn like you guys are, so keep that shit at bay plzthnx.
This is page 2 of a shadman comic, isn't it?
I couldn't find a page that wasn't just shock value and also worked fine on its own, but I really liked this cover.
No! How could you possibly believe such a thing?!It's clearly labeled page 6.
Why is this so fucking funny to me. Also new reaction image for the folder.
>abloo bloo why isn't zatanna more powerful than a god
Magicfags still saltier than the ocean
I had to re-read the monitor to make sure it didn't say "Doubledicks".
It's the Pantha story from Vampirella #42 (Warren, 1969 series). Fun cheesecake mixed with gothic horror.
I know you've all seen this one before, but holy fuck this is a great page.
BPRD. Hellboy spinoff.
..are you blind?
and breaking up with for saving said world over her, whatever that meant
I did it reading Freaks Squeele
and living 3 years in France
it's not hard
Now I am intrigued.
Waynetech? DC?
Maybe Eve Ewing will be allowed to do an 'America' series.
Or Donny Cates. Whichever.
"I am so awesome"
Haven't found anything about English translations. If you read Spanish, you can find it in a book called "La Estirpe Maralha". The artist is Enrique Alcatena and the writer is Eduardo Mazzitelli. If you find anything else by those two, it'll probably be full of similar stuff.
Hard Boiled is so underrated.
This guy's porn is great.
This is Italian, and these
>106628693 are in Spanish.
There are more countries doing comics than the US, Japan and France.
The conceit of the Vertigo House of Mystery series was that drinks at the bar were free as long as you paid with a story.
In issue one, a woman tells the story of a girl who had to marry a fly. The story ends with her back exploding and a bunch of larva everywhere. Back at the bar, you can now see that her back is hollow.
It's issue one, and I don't know why that page from it was deleted. There is no nudity in it or anything.
pretty cringe considering everybody she is killing could solo her
Footfags are the fucking worst
What comic was that?
The art was cute.
And taken for what it was, it was a pretty nice little comic.
You don't eat gummi bears for the nutritional value.
Now this...
PTSD comics, basically. The concept is interesting - after all, superheroes rarely deal with the long-term psychological consequences of their lifestyle.
Unfortunately the execution is depressing.
Someone is projecting their fetish.
>Shitting on Rick Veitch
I knew Yea Forums was full of plebs but it always finds a way to surprise me.
I haven't read it but it's from Flinch so it obviously does.
A Fem-Ultron virus?
What a good idea (Yes, I know it's an edit).
Oh, I know that one.
>Geoff Johns at the pitching session
No we're not. Our fetish is the most innocent one there is.
>everybody she is killing could solo her
What kind of crack are you on, son?
>Shitting on Rick Veitch
Not shitting on him.
But 'Maximortal' is not that good.
That other comic of his on the other hand... let me see... 'The One'...
Thanks for proving my point.
Footfags are the worst because they are one of the only ones that try to pass of their literal fetish as "innocent" and not fucking weird. Most of the rest know they are fucking insane, but no, footfags, in their pure cringe natural state, try to act like they are normal.
So does she get raped?
I didn't say 'normal', shithole. I said 'innocent'. The worst that could happen is someone getting tickled.
Proving your point? The only point you have is the one your head ends in.
Does she get ape'd?
Someone should shoop Supe's dong in the goggle's reflection
¡Hey, es Alcatena!
Is this called SOS?
I tried looking it up but not finding it.
Nameless is short enough that you can go back and read it a bunch without ever really figuring it out. Probably one of my favorite comics in the last five years, the art is great, the story is imteresting and it gives legitimate scares.
How is Hercules able to hold the hammer?
Is it a knockoff?
should have been Y-YAMATE!!!!
>How is Hercules able to hold the hammer?
By being worthy?
He is the son of a god, like Thor, and has committed many acts of bravery.
What the actual fuck?
>child soldiers
>inappropriate bdu
You first, OP
Am I the only one who finds these confessionals to be incredibly pretentious?
It's his adamantine mace in disguise
I haven't seen it but I doubt Herc is worthy.
>A Fem-Ultron virus
Not only that. But that's actually Tony Stark
So why'd the baby die?
I assume those two are supposed to be death?
Like, what's the logical reason to take the baby? Or is spontaneous death actually a thing in that universe
It's Sword of Sorcery from DC. It's a retelling of Beowulf in an apocalyptic DC universe where Deathstroke is Beowulf
I see. Thanks
Literally everybody thinks they are.
>I doubt Herc is worthy.
Why though.
They're Death and her brother, Dream. She's taking him along on her rounds to cheer him up.
Also, this:
Maximortal was great. Weird, funny, edgy and shat all over big entertainment corporations.
nice. first time i've seen someone post about this one besides myself.
The L4D team are in there too.
>Why though
Herc was essentially introduced as "Pre-humbled" Thor and is typically used as an ignoble equivalent to his Norse counterpart also he's typically written with a lot of underlying regrets and resentment and has unhealthy coping methods.
>Shortstack cutie
That's dirty pool, user.
>that hair
You're why we can't have nice things.
It's called "give us the goddamned third issue already."
It's like a ridiculous Tails Gets Trolled/Sonichu type product that knows what to do with existing IPs. Color me impressed. It's pretty obvious the enemy is adult cartoons and that the 'Stan' mentioned by the council is Stan from South Park.
I shall not be ensorcelled on a Patagonian petroglyph visualplank.
Nice art. Hated the ending.
Flinch, it was a nice little horror anthology published by Vertigo and a few big names did some stories. The kids were putting firecrackers in cat assholes and they came across a dirty cop and mobster burying someone in a construction site so they did that to scare them off and teach them a lesson.
If that's dirty I never want to be clean
Holy hell
>3x3 grid with a shit ton of beat panels of the same character
>PTSD written by Tom "muh PTSD from only being a Company pencil pusher" King
Anyone with half a brain would think so.
Hitman is an absolute blast, beginning to end.
You just reminded me that JLA# 5 is probably my favorite single comic of all time.
mini marvels is a national treasure
Moon Knight 2006 is where I started.
By the kids?
Is this supposed to bea Liefeld parody or the artist just took anatomy lessons from him?
The Fix is the most I've laughed at a comic
Take your meds.
James Owsley (Christopher Priest)'s Unknown Soldier
Incorruptible. Mother Eve is a transexual btw
You a buckchallie
I think the Padme one is a joke too
The ending of this comic was a massive punch in the gut.
The Dark Tower comics. Start from the beginning. This one's from The Long Road Home.
She will never not make me diamonds.
Robotnik is now my favorite super-villain.
Really nigga?
All those cool ass GC pages and you went with a lame edit?
What's the best page from Stand Still Stay Silent to post?
I feel like the ceiling troll is a bit overused at this point
Poor guy.
>the orgasm ray gun
>the armored kangaroos
>the winged dominatrix from venus
>the ball gag on dr psycho
Fucking legit 10/10 and my favorite book of the year
I see this and think that you could, easily, do some venture brothers x TF2 crossover.
Since the devil made me think of Monstroso.
Where did you get such a good scan?
All of Thorsby's stuff has great worldbuilding and monster design. If I were good at statting, I'd love to make a Monster Manual of all the bizarre shit he comes up with.
It's rare to see Les Tuniques Bleues on Yea Forums
This is written by the tampon fetishist, right?
Wonder Woman: Earth One Volume Two
Grant Morrison
the execution is more along the lines of 'I have ptsd, so everyone has to have it'
I get it and feel sorry for the author, but not many people get severe ptsd, especially not in a volunteer army
>Now i can die happy
It's horrible
did it died?
And just consider that Dream (the brother) just came from a conflict that literally took him through hell.
I need to re-read this, Lucifer and Alan Moore Swampthing.
I had trouble picking a page from this one. The kid's little Clark.
It's about how upbringing shapes people, and also about an absolute madman shitting on Superman and Lex Luthor simultaneously with portal-making gloves.
That's probably the moment in the series that I laughed the hardest at.
Oh man, I remember those. The haiku one (where everyone is counting the syllables) and the one were everyone is looking at something in one direction, but Daredevil is looking at the other side.
on Yea Forums, sorry.
Bait, or just retarded Who can tell?
>not many people get severe ptsd, especially not in a volunteer army
You are incredibly dumb. Holy Jesus!
this the same comic where he explains the differecne between a "freeze gun" and a "cold gun"
if so im really fucking tempted to read this one
Crime of crimes.
I was gonna say emi a shit
but all girls are good
Feed the herbivores to the humans and the vegans to the carnivores.
Such a great book.
Totes Adorbs.
Gotta be Onni's firebird rescue.
I think one of my favorites is just the absolute fucking beauty of their train to Mora
Then the whole of Sveagen is toppest tier atmospheric
The SSSS info pages are godly
There is literally nothing more obnoxious than the guy who reads something universally disliked in a place where it is hated the most - who clearly knows the thing is disliked - but who then thinks he still special enough to ask, “AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS (THING)?”
Yeah, we all hate this comic. Doesn’t stop you from being a raging faggot, though.
Fuck the haters. John just looks so genuinely pleased to be confronted with magic he has to figure out.
I don't mean to be a fag, but there was one page for a comic I saw that I can't find again, where a bunch of crusaders are fighting Russians and there is a long vertical scene of crusaders falling through ice. It looked really cool and I wanted to share it, but Idk where it came from.
I'm a sucker for a good 'ol journey to the center of the earth.
Scourge and purge!
TF2 comics is easymode. It would be harder to find a page that makes you not want to read it.
No, it's French
She takes care of people when they die. Do the math.
D the goth.
cuckpilled, black is life on easy mode
I love Barracuda
Oh shit thanks
Kill your self, libcuck.
VERY rude.
Shut your hole, traitor.
as opposed to what... staying with him while she fucked strangers?
Like eating a bowlful of sugar lumps. After about two seconds you realize why it's not a good idea.
What is this, someone re-drew that one Kate Beaton comic?
Kate isn't doing 'Hark! A vagrant' anymore and it makes me sad.
>he has a paperclip app right there
it was already dead iirc
Lobo Vol 2 #4
I don't have to do that. Are you using uBlock Origin?
Source on this cutie?