>Moments where otherwise chill and laid-back characters totally lost their shit
Bloodlusted spider-man is some scary shit
>Moments where otherwise chill and laid-back characters totally lost their shit
Bloodlusted spider-man is some scary shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember that time Peter went on a rampage and fucked over every single villain and never said a word the entire time? Just crawled all over the place, ripped through walls, broke a fucking dock in half to bring down a warehouse.
and this is why Spidey quips, otherwise he'd be fucking terrifying
Literally a horror comic.
What's the sauce,boss? Please.
Spider Man : The Gauntlet saga
Pure kino. One of the best examples that Spidey shouldn’t be fucked with too much
How scawwy.
I nearly shit my pants.
Scary? No, because deep down he will never do it. But lets go even farther, let say he does, he could never live with the guilt. His mind is too weak!
Anyone have anything from when Spidey had a sore throat or something so every villain assumed he was mad as hell?
>Anyone have
>What's the sauce,boss?
I guess this thread's fucked already.
Didn’t he rip somebody’s face off once because they killed Kain or something like that?
oh no, people want to read things
thats why he builds up to it slowly, acclimation can go a long way
And not contribute, yeah.
oh no, people want to read things
Pushing donna to the brink doesn´t look pretty.
for kaine
Thought so, thanks user.
You mean this?
>be abusive father
>beat up your kid and throw him in the basement
>hear something and go and see what's going on
>yell at him
Some people mistake Superman's kindness for weakness
This dialogue took me by surprise when I first read it
Hulk was pretty damn vicious here.
this was the first time an x-man who wasn't wolverine said "fuck it you're meat" and no one stopped them
it was something
Lucky for him this wasn't Injustice Superman.
>Eel O'Brian
This whole arc was interesting and kind of unexpected but the sequence between O'Brian and Wayne was a lot more violent than I anticipated while reading.
fucked up the first upload
thats pretty gay tho
Breaking in prison just to kill a guy isn´t exclusive to injustice superman, and really the only reason slade survived this was because gar was too pissed off to kill him in his sleep (and marv has a huge stiffie for deathstroke).
It would’ve been nice if someone did more with that universe you know before slott ruined it
i prefer to focus on the fact that its a multiverse so it was a different version that died. hell he fucked up his hit job on spider-girl so its not impossible for a return
Wasn't the reason he couldn't talk because he had strep throat or something, or am I thinking of something else?
what is this from?
What If? Spider-Man Vs. Wolverine 2008
... god I miss Jay.
Unless the father was supposed to be drunk off of his ass that is some fucking shitty writing. Yell at Superman when he's got his YOU'RE GONNA DIE, FAGGOT face on? Yeah nah. Also, lol at dat image name.
Holy shit, what went down here? I've gotta read me some Hitman dammit.
Honestly, Spider-Man goes berserk once a fucking year it's lost all its novelty.
I will never not enjoy cap curbstomping frank
Never makes since when cap does the "a good solider doesn't kill" thing. Bucky's approach forever ruined that stance for me in pic related.
Who is Jay? I dont recognize this guy.
New Avengers (2013)
For all the shit Max has pulled, he definitely deserves to fucking die or at least be lobotomized.
>posting a literally who
I expected more from you, user
Why's doctor strange about to magically bitch slap a nerd?
Peter looked like a total pussy unloading on a grown regular non meta human man though, Peter can have all the badass moments he wants when he wrecks actual characters that are as strong as him at full power like Superman against Doomsday, Lobo and Darkseid.
Jay Garrick, Golden Age Flash
Damn, all the reverse flashes go for the throat, don't they? All of them have managed to piss off one of the Flashes to the utmost.
It's 616 Earth vs. Knockoff Justice League Earth. One has to go.
How come Spidy has never gone all out on Carnage?
Gray Hulk is such an asshole... I love him.
Ah right the incursion bullshit. Almost forgot about that. Now to go get drunk so I /will/ forget about it.
That moment went Vision got tired of everyone’s bullshit was pretty goddamn sweet
man if he gets the venom symbiote in the next game i will love it his va is one of the best
Vision would technically be extremely OP, but he has the same issue as Martian Manhunter in that he's unbelievably vulnerable to some bullshit to write him out of doing anything substantial.
Kinda hard to go crazy scary freak on someone who's already a crazy scary freak by default, especially when they're a sentient mound of spaghetti and thus hard to deal with, and also they usually scare the shit out of you. Only time Spidey would be able to is if he inherited human torch powers.
Theres alot of times where they show that Spiderman could be one of the most unstoppable guys ever, but he always goes back to street level stuff. Guess he just enjoys it more.
He was basically made to kill the Avengers. He has a real good powerset for a hunter-killer role.
Ah, when an edgelord speaks.
Bulleteer/Spider-Man crossover!
When companies meet!
No, he lost his voice for one issue (IIRC) as a gag. For this occasion he was seriously pissed.
Holy fuck this is some stardust shit right there.
Flash is one of the goofiest heroes you can fight, but when you piss one of them off they don't fucking play.
>I'm not killing my foe because that would make me like him
>Instead I'll just trap him in his own immobilized body for eternity
meh, burger torture porn
>I'm not killing my foe because that would make me like him
It's not like that at all. He wanted Inertia to suffer.
One of my favourite tropes!
>Spiderman quips to avoid being fucking terrifying
I'd really love a comic where he out and out admits that. Having Spiderman openly confess that with his power set he should be a terrifying, dark anti-hero who turns up on your doorstep at 3 in the morning with a bag of unconscious thugs and an erection type but he puts effort into not being that would be grand.
>Jay Garrick
>literal who
imagine being this much of a retard
But I asked for Skyrim, you bellend.
Spider-man Origin of The Species
What's the context for this one?
It works back into his Ditko Horror routes and just WHY no one liked the Spider themed hero.
Why is Peter shirtless?
He had a really nice shirt on, and the oil would have ruined it.
Billy and his friend were attacked my men with guns. billy could transform and become immune to bullets, his friend could not and died from stray shots. This scene is him wanting to know who hired the killers.
I'm not sure he realizes it himself
He's stated that he used to quip because he was scared shitless and it was a sort of way to keep cool in a deadly situation, but over time it became more of a way to put off his opponents
Sivana was given Billy Batson's secret identity and sent a hit squad to his location. Billy transforms into his bulletproof alter ego in time but his friend is not so lucky and dies in the hospital. This is Billy immediately afterwards going to confront the lead shooter.
Fuck Donna. Marry Donna. Kill Donna.
Yeah but he hardly ever goes ballistic
>Gripping his skin so hard that it's like grabbing a shirt
Jesus, that looks unbelievably painful
This whole issue.
>Fuck Donna. Marry Donna. Kill Donna's kid.
To be fair. He's got alot of extra skin to spare.
No he doesn't, he's not fat.
honestly him doing the Quips doesn't make things much better, it's canon that was one of the biggest reasons he was never on any teams on a permanent basis(not counting being a reserve Avengers member) till the New Avengers era, pretty much no other hero outside of the Fantastic Four or Daredevil wanted anything to do with him cause his quipping made everyone think of him as nothing but an obnoxious creep*
*indeed the X-Men outside of Wolverine never got over that, they still hate his guts
Well they're all retards.
That's why the FF is based and DD is a bro.
Logan is a friendly dick
the kingpin has some fucked up anatomy
It's a list, not a diagram.
>no web shooter
J'onn isn't vulnerable to fire, he's vulnerable to the fear of it by design, because fire unlocks his true potential.
Giving some context to what was, in my opinion, one of the best Spider-Man moments of the recent years
and the closure
Someone's got to look out for the little guy.
Can you post the original panel?
Mike Wieringo Never drew breasts like that
shut up Grant you bald nerd
Origin of the Species
Grim Hunt
Welcome to Yea Forums - Superhero Movies & Cartoons
What did he do to deserve this?
He had organic webbing at the time right?
reminds me of the new fancy Mr X
>knock knock open up the door it's real!
Talking shit about Spidey, Oliva?
We've got Kaine for the edgelord anti-hero route.
Those two pages are great, I love the emotions.
He tricked the Rogues into building a machine that stole Bart Allen's powers, and they ended up killing him after he kept fighting even when powerless.
I'm grateful for the mini story-time but I need a source on this.
Not that user, but is that what led to the rogues killing his dumb ass in the Final Crisis tie-in?
And once he gets over the shock of seeing Wally, this happens.
I actually read back in black the other day. I thought it was fantastic, until i saw the words, "Next Time: One More Day"
Yeah, the Rogues feel bad about and want to "make good" with Flash.
That fills in some context. Thanks.
Is Inertia a teenager?
I love how you can see Spiderman's eyes in the first panel
Anyone know the source to this?
Kingpin is literally the strongest powerless person in the Marvel Universe
Superman: Grounded by JMS.
>What is context
This isn't a power level comparison contest, this isn't Dragon Ball. Fisk had Aunt May shot after Peter retardelly revealed his identity in Civil War and now he was making an exemple out of him so no other criminal would come after his family.
Based Straczynski showing how retarded Civil War was for Peter. Sadly the entire thing locked Peter into an unworkable status quo, arguably.
Oh god.
Thanks a lot.
Teenagers are stupid and deserve their punishments.
I just want to point out that Spidey is gripping kingpins flesh like it was a shirt here. That shit shouldn't be possible, and I'm going to chalk it up to bad art, or make a head canon that kingpin is actually clayface
The X-men hate him because he kicked their ass and Prof X wiped his mind and they’re all fucking party to it. It’s purely guilt.
>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Supreme
Teenagers are stupid because their brain is under reconstruction and their risk assessment center is literally not available. They gotta make their mistakes though, otherwise they'll lack the experiences to lead confident lifes.
This was during the time when Black Bolt killing someone on purpose was extremely rare. Right before the war of kings rampage.
Fat and muscle. Pete might actually grip it so hard the muscle tears.
the hair piercing through skrull-medusa's brain, eyeballs and mouths makes me gag a little
It reads like someone scared shitless of finding Superman in their basement is trying to talk their way out of a beating.
Inertia doesn't get that excuse.
>Whereas Bart grew in a hyper-accelerated world, Thaddeus' childhood was the exact opposite; his development was super-slow, which led the young speedster to become more calculating and methodical.
Poor Robin.
I thought Batman was supposed to be smart
You really should read Hitman. It was a fantastic and tragic story.
Booster could have promised to do more. I think he is definitely capable of more violence too considering the things his son has done to protect the timestream which are values taught to him by Michael. I like to think he holds back for the memory of Ted.
Kek cyclops losing his temper has led to some hilarious dialogue
The risk he took was calculated, but man is he bad at math.
>Camel jockeys
Whoa, did Raimi write this?
It was a different time
And he's dead.
kal-lel no
Imagine pissing the flash off so much he neutralizes your speed forever. Basically letting you starve to death in place
>a grown regular non meta human man
Kingpin is practically a meta anyway this guy has gone toe to toe with the likes of Daredevil, Captain America and Spiderman and has all given them trouble in a direct fight with no argumentation
Except it will probably take him a million years to starve to death.
Guess you didn't notice this already got posted here
He won't starve, his bodily functions have just been slowed to near nil.
Naturally, he eventually breaks out of it and kills some guards in an incredibly gruesome manner, because DC.
He's also the last goddamn person living up to Xavier's dream since the X-men have all pretty much abandoned it for petty infighting and racial nationalism and supremacy. He's the living testament to their shame and failure
If it takes 100 years to blink, and blinking takes about 300 milliseconds normally, considering it takes about 45 days to starve to death, someone smarter than me can probably calculate how long it would take for Inertia to die in that state.
Oh god Pete's gonna cripple those guys
>rogues killing his dumb ass in the Final Crisis tie-in?
Bet he was the one crying like a bitch that day
I almost wish this was actual doom so we could be spared from tommypostimg
Think carefully about Peter's powers, especially strength and his ability to cling to any surface when he wants , and how much tearing someones skin, fat and muscle in that manner hurts.
>Holy shit, what went down here? I've gotta read me some Hitman dammit.
The bride caused the wrong friend to die and everyones life was forfeit.
>I almost wish this was actual doom
I got you man, here's normaly chill Scott Lang absolutely shitting on Doom
Here is Doom unmasked so you know it's the real Doom's bitch ass
Let's throw in the normally chill Living Tribunal too
Last post is Doom being made a bitch in front of his subjects
A bit under 1.3 billion years if my math is right.
You just know that if Tommy ever saw these pages, he would say they just prove that "DOOM become omnipotent" is the only kind of story MarLEL publishes, regardless of whether he gets defeated or not.
To the day I die I'll never not laugh at that picture.
I kept trying to take that moment seriously, but then it made me think of that scene in Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, when Ace has two arrows sticking out of his legs.
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310
It would take roughly 10 Billion years for him starve in this state.
I'm having some trouble imagining how much time that is.
Only issue is him one shotting Strange. That was some serious bullshit.
Well the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old
Is this Fraction's FF?
Not the user that posted those pages, but indeed they are from Fraction and Allred's FF.
Cheers. I missed the boat on that when the old trades came out. That looked like a good scene
Flash is one cruel dude
I still can't believe he didn't get put on some watch list over this
Fuck you Iron Lad you piece of shit
>that time Santa Claus got the infinity gauntlet
I meant to post it in the "Make someone want to read a comic by posting ONE page" thread.
Spidey quips the same reason Iceman and Deadpool does, he's a cocky and insufferable jock who likes thrill seeking danger deep down.
Peter actually said he quips because it puts people off balance and makes them more likely to make mistakes.
You sound like you've never actually read a Spider-man comic.
Pissed off Peter is the best Peter.
Does Shocker ever not job?
Everyone(Mostly the Avengers) also finds the FF lame and only views Reed as the homework doing nerd.
Daredevil? Handicapped Batman that the avengers and Spidey rather let She Hulk represent them?
Logan? Please he's an old feral looking hobbit, but he's one of the few things that equals fury as a manly paragon, talking about the shit one.
Peter on the norm could ficj Wilson through a wall with on finger and knock him out.
Ever had a hair caught in your throat or stuck in your eye?
Yes, doesn't change the fact it's not a big deal with the context that fisk was impressive to deal with at Peters best since Peter could do that to him any time even at non bloodlust.
I doubt this means that Villains like Venom, Carnage and the Spider queen stop messing with him, that's what I want to establish when Peter goes full game mode, he can unleash he'll on anyone who normally beats him at his best as a equal but not at his most enraged.
Ahh, goddamnit.....
We miss you Dillon!
Given how absolute bullshit they both are, are the Flash and Spider-Man's Rogues' Galleries high-tier in their universes?
I'm not sure about Spider-Man's, but Flash's, definitely. Making Flash break a sweat is fucking HARD, and they do it pretty often one-on-one. Plus any time they team up against someone they want to wreck--be it an individual or a team--they succeed.
That said, their best trait is that they're smart enough to (almost) never punch above their weight class. They never try to take on the entire Justice League, or Darkseid, or other OP-even-by-DC-standards opponents.
Early usm was so fucking good
Actually yes.
Carnage always take a group of heroes to down
Electro has incredible potential but prefers to lay low and do grunt work (and so does the rest of spidey's enemies)
Sandman has proven to be smart and holdd the entire Fantastic Four on his own
Oldschool Doc Ock was top tier mad genius scientist with world domination plans.
Kingpin is nearly untouchable.
Kraven is king and currently immortal and a great warrior.
Osborn is a billionaire with great power and influence
Most of them are obsessed with Spider-Man andmonly face him, when they could easily succeed against other heroes.
Jameson pls go and stay go
Boy Scouts past their breaking point are my favorite superheroes.
He was worried about rando crooks with guns, that who he was trying to intimidate, by making the toughest of their kind his bitch right in front of them. Supervillains are an entirely different concern.
t. Never read a comic
It's not all that logical, but Fisk always gives Spider-Man trouble in fights.
What’s it like being this wrong?
There was one (punisher I think) comic where things just randomly went his way. I'm pretty sure he's also one of those "if they actually tried to be competent they would be a huge threat villains"
I wouldn't know because I'm always 100% right.
based vrap poster
I cannot imagine anything scarrier that this scene. This is basically Stardust tier horror right here.
>Given how absolute bullshit they both are, are the Flash and Spider-Man's Rogues' Galleries high-tier in their universes?
with the Flash's enemies they for the most part focus on just him, which leads to other villains underestimating them, with Spider-Man's enemies, well a lot of them are relatively unimaginative idiots who don't remotely tap into their full potential, and the ones who aren't tend to become maniacally obsessed with him
He had just sold himself on The Marketplace. The demons ask how much of his soul he wants to give up for power and he gives them the entire damn thing, he's an ultimate power in the universe in that scene, probably could've taken on both sides of that fight at once by himself.
>Spidey rather let She Hulk represent them?
I don’t know how to describe the difference between a prosecutor and a defense attorney to you. Quite frankly I just assumed that was information everyone alive in a western civilization knew.
>punched the English right out of him.
Is this nu-Yea Forums? I don't like it. I don't like it at all!
>joker is so much of a threat that even superman is pissed if he comes to metropolis
Just kill the fucking guy.
adventures of superman #40
Shouldn't you be publishing your editorial "Spider-Man: Hero or Menace?"
DC Universe Online: Legends
Where's Constantine when Tim needs him?
It's "Spider-Man: Threat or Menace?", Brock! Now get the fuck out of my office!
Someone here once asked who would win, Batman vs. Spider-Man, but made the mistake of saying "both characters are as mad as they've ever been."
And in that fight Spider-Man wins in three seconds.
At the beginning he was a pretty decent threat than the 90s came along and he got bumped down to dopey guy in a quilted yellow costume. You gotta go to the 70s and 80s to see him in his prime
never understood the "bail" thing
How horrifying.
there's a big disconnect with the guys pulling guns in the last two panels
It means they posted bail. They can leave police custody pending a court date as long as they follow certain conditions. In this case, they killed someone tho.
I think it was more along the lines of Spider Man is just too high end a hero for him to do much against but most other street level guys he'd be a threat too.
Max Landis?
lmfao imagine letting suspected (potentially violent) criminals go because they pay
This page is hilarious. It's moore-shitting-on-capeshit-tier of heroes must suffer.
Theoretically, the idea is that people judged to pose a higher risk of flight or reoffending have their bail set higher, often to impossible levels.
>Scott Lang
Literally who?
Never even heard of him.
I know pretty much everyone has read Lucifer, but still.
>"Oh shit, Spider-Man's not making jokes. He must be pissed."
>he just had laryngitis
Remember that part in Futures' End where Supes punched Brainiac so hard, he felt it across the Multiverse?
>Nearly kills her own teammate
Good job, Donna. Now kill yourself.
Well if his body is slowed down, then by all rights his brain is slowed down too. So it´s not like he is living those 10 billion years, he´s living 45 days while the world seems like a blur to him.
The ironic thing is that this would be exactly what happens according to einstein´s theory of relativity once you move nearly as quick as the speed of light. Showing comicbook writers understand everything backwards.
Shitman pls
>PS4 Symbiote Spidey literally voiced by Sasuke
Oh my god, I'm already in love.
There's a an issue where he's paid to take down Spiderman. Not rob a bank or an armoured truck or anything, just beat the shit out of him. And he does it, is about to finish him off, until his employer calls and offers more money to let Spiderman go. Shocker takes the deal.
There's another one where Spiderman makes fun of him and he gets mad and wins in a fight. But then has to flee because of some other guy turning up. Think that was Deadly Foes of Spiderman.
So he can occasionally be written as a threat. Rarely.
There was also the upgrade to his suit where he sat down and redesigned it to punk Spidey's entire fighting style at the cost of mobility. I wish he'd return to that and keep modifying.
everyone pisses themselves when spidey gets angry
Grow up.
I never did like this scene because it immediately ramps Joker back up to most wanked villain in DC, rather than cementing that the Joker is small time when put against a hero that doesn't play by his rules. I know DC will never allow that though, and it's how we wind up with shit like Last Laugh.
What's the name of this comic
>then by all rights his brain is slowed down too
Except that the comic page says "he thinks in normal time"
Wow, took me a while but finally spotted them. Damn cool shit.
People seem to sometime forget deadpool is a very dangerous person beyond his goofy persona.
oops forgot picture
>Silver surfer's face reflected in his arms
I've never noticed this detail in any of SS's other appearances, but I don't read capes regularly, and I am retarded, so it could just be me.
Who's the artist?
...he didn’t actually succeed in selling himself though, he got rejected
>The human skull is just 1 solid chunk of meat
I know it does. But how would that work exactly? Did he leave the brain running in real time, yet somehow keep it from withering with age or even dying from blood starvation? Is his counsciousness separate from his body, and if so how can he see anything if it takes years for senses like sight, sound or touch to register?
Meme about the speedforce being magic all you want, just because you say it it doesn´t mean it´s true.
Pic was about one possible reason for spider-man´s quipping.
Maybe its something along the lines of any technology significantly advanced enough being indistinguishable from magic?
The speedforce in this scenario being some kind of quantum macguffin in his nervous system that puts him in some altered state of being where he actually just operates on some instantaneous basis all the time instead of being based on electricity and chemicals like the rest of us.
Then he just subconsciously adjusts the rate at which time and the universe operate around him, like choosing whether you watch video at half speed or frame by frame, and he continues to operate at the same 'speed' as far as his immediate person is concerned because of his connection.
I went to a florida public school so I don't have any clue about the science behind any of it or what would make the food in his stomach not act like a constant anchor, hell maybe he does and he doesn't talk about it, or when hes in the phone booth changing he whips out a little airplane baggie and vomits so he can move better.
Well the science behind it doesn´t exist, because literally everything he does can only be explained by him changing the laws of reality at whim, but maintaining a real time counsciousness in a nearly stopped body is more than schrodinger´s cat level of absurd, at least the latter is only two different things at the same time until it´s observed.
One of the best parts of this is that the villains are all sitting up in the van. They didn't even fight him, they just panicked and gave up.
When he commutes.
Isn't there a panel where Captain Cold kills someone because he fucked with the flash or something?
Does anyone have the pages where Spider-Man's trying to rescue a kidnapped girl and one of the perps pulls out a gun so he cuts the crap and throws him out the window?
Part of The Other storyline where he also had retractible "stinger" claws from his wrists. This is from Back in Black where Pete is looking for who hired the hit man that shot his aunt after revealing his face on TV.
The sad thing is that the page isn´t exagerating anything at all.
>Holy shit, what went down here?
Last panel of previous page:
"Hey, you remember what Tommy did when those people killed Spoiler Name Here?"
turn the page
get that double page spread
>he's never do it.
isn't that literally what galactus said before they used that reality ending gun?
By this point and adding all the adaptations she has probably been evil just as long as she has been good, really.
Spidey absolutely would do it, recent writers forgot he would do it and made him a fag witha psuedo no kill rule, like batman.
Pretty sure Spidey could beat Biscuit.
I feel like Spidy going full rage on Carnage only proves Carnage is right and that to beat him he has to make him wrong about people too
Carol doesn't even need a gun here. She's got energy blasts
But spidey with a sniper is terrifying
look at this picture. Superman is yelling full force next to Robin. What a dick.
Because Carnage is stronger than him by a country mile, he literally does already. His only delimma was wether or not he should kill Carange because it conflicted with what he stood for at the moment, which was kinda retarded because Carnage is a dangerous asshole who'se stronger and more capable than most villains in the mcu.
Maximum Carnage ends on that dilema, but in the end everyone finishes the job for him and spidey's left holding the bag wondering what happened and how many people died because of his inaction.
The X-men hate everyone that has powers and isn't a mutant. They all have this victim complex about being mutans when the rest of the super heroes are off being amazing and being loved by their cities. Fuck the X-men.
He still quips and jokes at Carnage, he's never gone full silent attack
damn, wtf is this garbage
No, he goes all out screaming attack with Venom and loses. Carnage is stronger than Venom, who is stronger than Spidey.
Fuck, that paneling is real fucking nice.
Reminds me of this
Yeah, that whole... whatever it was, was fucking bizarre
Scott totally deserved that win, Doom killed his daughter.
The Avenger that is going to defeat Thanos in Endgame
>implying Ironman won't be the one to kill thanos
Ironman started the MCU, naturally he'll be the one to finish it.
>implying iron man can crawl up thanos's ass and grow
Worst voice actor ever.
Current Devil Hulk is pretty similar, just with more menacing goals. Made me ralize how I missed Grey Hulk/Fixit.
Close. Chat gets taken hostage after this scene and later it turns out it never actually happened.
What arc is this? Looks interesting.
Watch it in motion
"Divided We Fall", JLA #50-54 (2001), by Mark Waid.
>otherwise chill and laid back
I think you're in the wrong thread
Imagine his horror when he gets into Thanos's tighty whiteys and realizes that people from Titan don't have assholes. It's all solid down there, like a leathery purple Ken doll.
those tiny tiny hands
I’m not an avid comic reader, so I’ve never heard of some of these events but I’m curious.
What’s Incursion and what was bad about it?
Say what you will about him but Bryne did the Superman vs Joker fight the best. Superman treated joker like a joke and when the Joker kidnapped a bunch of people and put them in lead lined rooms as hostages, Superman just found them by looking for the only rooms he coulden't use X-ray vision on
Professor Hulk was pretty chill and laidback, yes.
Fuck You!
Yea, they are. But you don't change from sociopathic psycho murderer to a decent human being within 3 years. Puberty isn't magic.
Lad had to go.
Why would he phase through a MAGIC hammer?
He was definitely leaving a trail of urine the whole way.
Reminder that Strange no longer has soul and assassin noble heroes
Thank you.
>just because you say it it doesn´t mean it´s true.
It's not me saying, it's the comic book, and the comic book establishes what is true or not within it.
Electro once went up against Thor and Punisher, he lost both times. Earned Thor's respect for fighting him though.
>literally everything he does can only be explained by him changing the laws of reality at whim
yeah you fucking dolt. I bet you're some stem-cunt who learned about time dilation or whatever last week and now you're so enthralled by a small piece of knowledge that made you feel smarter that you feel the need to try to apply it to fucking Flash comics, the last place where you should be complaining about physics not existing.
> They all have this victim complex about being hunted by the government while the rest of the super heroes are off being amazing and being loved by their cities
>This is somehow the X-Men fault
IRL the son of a japanese diplomat murdered and ate parts of a dutch woman while studying abroad, and the fucker was shipped back to Japan were his trial was closed, likely due to his father making some pressure. You can still do interviews with him to this day about it.
Gotta love Norman getting his due and Peter/Harry friendship, it's so good.
How was Fisk able to overpower and break Spidey's arm that one time?
Why does everyone think he actually managed to sell his soul, because he failed rather badly at that, and thus needed to summon that demon
>not talking now NORMIE
Truly /ourguy/
Hell yes, thank you. Did you post as well? Could you tell me where it's from?
ASM #595
Thank you!
> the page just posted
I'm glad that as of now, Norman's a vegetable and Harry has his family back.
>Norman's a vegetable
He is?
>fuck it, you’re meat
Fuckin great, oh I’m laffin
He was bonded with a? the? Carnage symbiote when it burned alive and the synchronized pain fried his brain real good, he's an incoherent mess in a psych ward/hospital as of now. Basically Slott put him on ice like this for later writers to bring back if they choose.
This is good but all I can see is the Dillon Frank-Face.
You're acting like that isn't the bonus in all this.
Constantine can't ward himself to be posessed by the wrathful spirit of Frank, I understand.
>Not a Jock
>He straight up bullies c list villains like Vulture and the Socker
Explain all that pussy grabbing he's been pulling on over Half a decade.
A chad is not the same thing as a jock, user.
Deadpool nearly trolled them to complete humiliation, when you get shat and mocked on by Wade Wilson, you can't recover from that experience and expect to be a same level of acknowledgement as most avengers, ff, or x-men villains.
Only villain that kept his hype cred to other heroes that aren't Spideys problem is in and venom(who is a good guy now)
PETER always held back.
Shitty comic, Peter and wade would never get along.
I like how it took nearly 20 issues for Peter to start warming up to the idea of having Wade as a buddy.
Expect it to be retconed. Fanfiction like this trash shouldn't ever be published.
Deadpool's boring.
For a nice guy, Peter is remarkably comfortable ripping skin from faces. Whether it be concentrated on the tips to take out a thicker layer of tissue or across the whole palm to give a niece even pattern of skin missing.
>Also considering that Osborn has enhanced skin/durability, you can only imagine how hard Peter had to yank to actually get tissue.
>Unfairly hated by the populace
>Media turns the world against him
>Kill bots designed specifically to hunt and kill him
>Most of the superhero community hates his guts with few exceptions
Spider-man goes through the exact same shit the X-men do but without the the camaraderie and brotherhood being a mutant at least entails. Yet he still gets up every day and saves our sorry assess without complaint, judgement or ulterior motives because it's the right thing to do.
But aren't mutants literally forced to be hated by non-mutants? Wasn't there some entity that made it so?
You know the rules, fucker.
>Ice cold murders the guy.
Jesus Pete....
Every page where Norman gets owned makes my heart sing, and the "Thank you" bit makes me lose my shit.
Fuck Sublime that shit was the dumbest thing Morrison ever wrote and now is used as a convent excuse to cover up decades of stale X-men status quo and the recycling of garbage stories for all time. Stop bring in him up
That's from Marvel Age, were his girlfriend is a mutant girl named Chat that can talk to animals, a very kid-friendly installment. What I'm getting at, the guy will live, but probably without use from anything below his waste.
Sweet christ
Getting praised by Cap's gotta give someone a really good feeling inside, like being praised by Superman.
>Kid Friendly
>"You don't get to play this game anymore"
>Throws him from ground level through a 2nd floor window with enough force that he's going to clear the fucking fence around the building and is still gaining altitude.
Nigga when I was fucking 10 I'd still know this guy was a dead man.
He's fine.
Not wanting to acknowledge its existence doesn't make it not canon
I said that him has no soul, nothing more.
Also kill good people and after that began to kill others worlds only to later ally with Doc Doom and kill the rest of the multiverse
Peter and Wade have a VERY weird relationship. Pete tends to somehow waffle between simmering irritation and pity friendship, but Wade genuinely seems to really like him. Their interactions end up being more meaningful than you'd expect.
For example, Deadpool was the only person who IMMEDIATELY realized it wasn't Peter in the driver's seat when Ock took over his body. And I think there was something about Wade actually having a daughter, and Pete's one of the very few people he told?
Of coures, there's also stuff like the stripper dance they did together to entertain a bunch of norse goddesses. Dudes know how to party. Pic very related.
It doesn't actually happen. This is from a vision being implanted in a henchman by Emma Frost as part of an elaborate con to take down a crime boss.
Deadpool's like a colleague from another work place you see occasionally and you know his life is a wreck you don't want to get to caught up in but he fixiates hard on you for not being an asshole to him so you try to hold your distance but still have fun together.
Does anyone have the page with Spider-Man putting the pillow over vultures head in the hospital
Wtf Iron Man caused 9/11 so he could make huge arms deals?
motherfucker could have just gone for the silent takedown, but he hadn't gotten a chance to try that wallbreach aug
>Sometimes, now, he just knows things.
>"Rot in Hell, Max."
Are there more perfect last words?
>Look I know we don't kill speedsters as a rule
>but just this once
proffesor hulk was a chill character.
but at that moment he had asked jean grey to litterally shut down the banner part of him. to turn him into a mindless monster in order to fight onslaught (and not get tricked by onslaughts mind control)
wait O'Brian as in Plastic Man? Sign me the fuck up
didn't the demons at the market place tell him he didn't have enough credit (soul) left in order to sell it in return for ultimate power
Who's the artist here?
kill yourself
God damn Kitty, you moved up on the waifu chart.
Intagability's one of those powers that are pretty low-key right up until someone ruthless enough gets them and turns into a nightmare.
Picture what the aftermath of Logan going on a rampage looks like. Lots of blood, messy corpses, and severed limbs, right? Now imagine Kitty using that kind of brutality. It'd be a horror show. People with their internals just pushed out of them. Dead bodies half phased into the walls and ground. Technically still living bodies, gurgling and screaming, merged into things. Or each other.
And those are just the ones you can SEE. More than a few probably just... fell down into the earth.
It'd be even worse than seeing Wolverine charging at you. If you shoot him, he at least bleeds.
Everything Lives
Kitty was the last survivor and only weapon the good side had left in this what if story
basic gist is: wolvie brainwashed by the hand, but they also upgraded him with short range teleportation and enhanced strenght.
magneto jobs hard via stupidity
Kitty has her moments
this was shortly after gwen died.
cage was hired by jameson to capture spidey.
spidey was in a bad mood
Honestly, she's now moved into third spot when it comes to me.
Baki is hideous garbage, and you have shit taste if you like it.
Karl Kerschl. You probably recognize it from the Teen Titans Year One that was recently storytimed.
Because the suit represented all the great power and great responsibility stuff and how he doesn’t kill
This art and coloring is fucking horrible
Tell me this shit aint official
it was the late 90s early 2000's
I'm always kinda disappointed that real swearwords don't sound as awesome as I imagine those random characters would sound like.
>Holy shit, what went down here? I've gotta read me some Hitman dammit.
You should, it's a great read
How does this work? Can she just decide on which part she touches becomes tangible?
>according to kitty multiple pics from this thread intangibility means that you can phase in and then rip stuff out without hurting yourself
Why? I get it that you can pass through anything when intangible without harm, but if you materialize your inside something or somebody how does that not hurt you, even if you override whatever was there originally? How can you pull you hand out without it being even bloody from pulling it out of someone's guts?
she can phase her body at will. so yes she can grab your heart and pull it out without leaving a mark on your body
>So much butthurt
You're posting on the wrong board.
Gar's effectiveness is inversely proportional to how much shit he is willing to take that day.
>loses to teleporting wolverine
Yeah what a joke right
Same, but the censor that goes over the actual sound of "BLEEPing"
Real talk though, what if Inertia needed a piss during that last moment? Is he now trapped in a perpetual state where he needs to piss, but his body is moving that slow that it'll take hundreds of years just to squeeze out the first drop?
>he thinks this is the end of the MCU
He didn't do it, but it's all about the implication.
Spider-Man has never beaten Carnage one on one. Sam Nova is the only one who ever has, and even that was a severely weakened Carnage recovering from the Gene Bomb. It still took a semi-truck hitting Carnage by surprise to give Sam the distraction he needed to temporarily subdue Carnage. That is the biggest "loss" Carnage has taken.
There's a reason Carnage has not shown up in a Spidey book for the last 20 years. Hell, aside from Axis, he hasn't shown up in any book not titled "Carnage." Pete (and Venom for that matter) simply cant stop him. It's always needed a team up or some outside distraction. Spider-Man's greatest "win" against Carnage came in an annual where Carnage set out to kill his only childhood friend, he stomped Spider-Man who had no help what so ever. It was only because the friend convinced Carnage to kill him as Cletus, not Carnage that Spidey managed to knock him unconscious with a suckerpunch from from a giant piece of lumber.
Deadpool couldn't even get a big win during the height of his wanking phase a couple years back. Most he got was confusing Cletus into overthinking things and willingly locking himself up whilst he pondered the meaning of life (it was a Deadpool comic after all.)
People don't just get to beat Carnage in a fight. He's possessed the Avengers along with the entire population of a small town. He's turned the whole of New York into a slaughtering ground and it took a 10-person team up to stop him. He's possessed the Silver Surfer, summoned an Elder God, infected Iron Man's bleeding edge armor, survived atmospheric re-entry twice, survived a bomb explosion designed to kill all none-mutants in the world, survived having his head blown off, survived being JUST a head, walked away from a pair of fighter jet missiles lighting him up, survived being torn in half and left orbiting the planet.
Carnage is one of the few villains who's yet to be turned into fodder or jobbed out in a throw away comic or an event.
Not shown: harpoon running far and fast
why doesnt he just do this to everyone
Okay Then.
In the comics? Partly because he wants people to like him, so he doesn´t want to look particularly dangerous. The facade only starts to slip after a lot of effort.
What run is this from? Never read much Captain Marvel and would want to.
The object she grabs becomes intangible while she's touching it and a part of her field, meaning it only becomes solid again when she turns the power off. So it's a matter of reach in, grab and not let go until out of the body, strike a pose and one line as you drop beating heart.
Attacking friends when they are all mourning for their lost loved ones gets you on his nasty side very quickly though.
No, he just didn’t have the whole soul. If he went lower he could have probably gotten it. Not surprised given how he mucked around with dark magic in the past
First Thunder
Never attack people while they mourn in comics.
Even the most softest, pathetic baddies will go apeshit.
He also buried that man alive.
Fuck man you've actually got me hyped for Absolute Carnage, and that's coming from someone who isn't really keen on all this Knull mythos Cates brought up.
But you're totally right that Carnage is less a Joker!Venom and more an eldritch horror. Didn't even the Darkhold bind to his soul or something?
As much of a stupid meme Deadpool is, he's no joke when it comes to ability. There was an issue of Cable and Deadpool back when he was still well-written where he fought Taskmaster, unarmed and with his hands cuffed behind his back, just to prove he could. And he kicked Taskmaster's ass. Taskmaster responded by asking what the hell Deadpool was trying to prove- everyone already knows how capable he is, he just doesn't get respect because he's a piece of shit that nobody likes.
Thats cold blooded
So the same reason everyone hated spiderman at first.
>tfw he just keeps getting more powerful
the day he jobs is the day I stop reading marvel
Superman dealing with real world shit is best Supes. Shout out to when Supes comforted that suicidal chick.
She's a lot like Jean Grey in that turning evil is the only notable thing she's really done in her entire history, and instead of giving her something else to work with they just keep repeating it over and over.
Yeah looks like the artist just didnt want to do two backgrounds
>fought Taskmaster, unarmed and with his hands cuffed behind his back
>kicked Taskmaster's ass
>capes dealing with real world problems
I love that stuff, but I'm also glad that it isn't done so much In the cape shit I read that it's losses its impact
It was Kaine's calling card back when he was 90's edge incarnate. He even called it the fucking "Mark of Kaine." So it makes sense that Peter would do it when he's pissed off- it's shorthand for a wallcrawler that's got Linkin Park playing in his head.
>Yelling at Superman
What are you doing my nigga?
>chill and laid-back character
I love it when that happens
I really felt very sad when he was beign broken over and over after trying to be a good guy before the reboot
cant belive nobody posted this one yet
>the character who who'd mostly been portrayed as aloof and kind of an airhead is actually a balled up bundle of rage that is a hair's breadth away from exploding at any given moment
I love this trope
user delivers
Unless you threaten his family, yeah.
Oh and then we have this gem
that's fair, Sentry is top tier
That whole issue Carnage has a hard time taking out Luke Cage and Spider-Woman
How would his sticky webbing - which sticks - not stick to the back of his throat? Or is the webbing somehow selective and it magically only sticks when he wants it to?
This ethos exact post is made every time that image is posted. Bad bot.
Camelot 3000 did it better.
So it doesn't magically break his face
It's hard to believe now, considering what a pivotal, ICONIC moment that issue was for Carnage's history, but believe it or not, the whole thing was an artist's error: Bendis wrote the entire script with that being Morbius, but David Finch got the character's name confused and so drew it as Carnage, wrongly thinking they were the same character. If Bendis's script had been followed faithfully, that would have been Morbius being torn in half in orbit.
This beat down continues for a page or two more. I'm not going to say Prowl didn't have it coming, but still; Optimus is PISSED.
Has anyone ever lost their shit as badly as this?
Oh traveler you just stay in the 90's hole I don't know where you came fro or where you went but just stay there. Though the visual of carnage flipping himself back over by just reforming himself right side up is pretty cool
Not when he is written well.
You really don't like Deadpool? He is not as meme man as popular belief goes and has good runs like Kelly's.
how the hell do you confuse carnage and morbius
>How would his sticky webbing - which sticks - not stick to the back of his throat? Or is the webbing somehow selective and it magically only sticks when he wants it to?
I imagine there's some sort of mechanic for it. Real spiders do have two kinds of silk: non-stick thread to build the actual structure of things with, and sticky thread to trap things. After all, even Spiderman's [Sticky Fingers] aren't clinging to his webline, why isn't it sticking to his hands on their own?
when was this?
He's an edgy boy in that arc. It's pretty sad.
not so much edgy as "i was a genuinely evil person before I was a superhero, and now I'm that person again but with hindsight" which is kind of the least edgy thing
Surprised no one's mentioned plas yet.
because even when plas gets serious he's still making jokes
the real trick is plas is powerful enough that he doesn't need to "get serious" like spiderman does
Didn't they hate each other for both stealing jokes, Peter hated cuz he was a quip stealing nut job killer and wade was salty cuz Peter was a world class Chad while he was a byrt ugly outcast killer.
I hate Peter x Wade cuz it steals from the spider/human torch.
why are the rogues always so enjoyable?
This, he's never gonna be anything than a Spiderman rip off.
>Millinials/Incels don't know that Wade x Peter is a Role Reversal of Johnny Storm x Peter.
Wade Wilson ruins old established friendships because he's written as a authors mouthpiece Mary sue fan character that knows and has friendships with all the popular heroes.
Wolverine ain't shit compared to most of Spideys a listers, or at least when their not written like chumps to make wolverine look good.
>Y-You're not perfect Batman
>Even though things went according to plan
Supe is retarded.
>Deadpool smacking down supers is good writing suddenly
Yes I'm quite aware of his wolverine esqe wankery but do not believe that Spidey a r ouges should have to suffer the word effect to prop up deadpool to let his overly bombastic quirkyness the main excuse to why he deserves to win, otherwise Spidey would have little trouble with his villains. Plus the fact Spidey a villains are written so shitty and narrow minded their not allowed to be written outside their context of being personal with Peter and effective people beyond pure sadists or crooks.
>remember futures end?
I don't think anyone does.
Pretty sure Plas would stop joking and starting going ham instead of being deadly quiet with his rage, if someone killed his son.
See, I dunno about this matchup. Vulture, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, and possibly Doc are fucked right off the bat, but Sandman and Electro could last for a while. And none of these guys have been bad enough for Ghost Rider to be able to instantly send them into a coma.
If that's the goddamn Hulk in the back, though, they probably just gave up immediately.
Spidey, one of your friends can literally burn the soul out of there bodies. A bit over kill you think when you already got snik bub
What would Hulk or Wolverine do against a guy made out of sand, though? All I could think of is Hulk doing that sonic boom clap to disperse the sand, but that'd just let Sandman escape or reform behind him or wherever. Ghost Rider seems to be the only one that's an actual threat to Sandman and Electro, either because of the eye thing or because of some generic hellfire shit fucking them up. Unless Electro isn't the OP turns-into-electricity level Electro, then obviously Wolverine could survive the electric shock long enough to plant a claw in his head.
No! We need to keep Joker alive so he can continue to kill thousands of people so Batman can feel morally superior.
He RUINED so many issues of Hellblazer with this shit
Name three pages that were ruined by it.
Lord got what he deserved. It sucks they squandered him in nu52/rebirth
holy fuck did she sever her arm so it stays lodged in his brain, veggiefying him? hardcore
You have a point. When I think of Plastic Man I often think of him in Police Comics and I guess I need to think of the character in the context of what DC was doing with him.
does plastic man/ mister fantastic do anything at all? i mean how strong can you be against big bads when you just stretch
I'd have do the opposite. Plas continues to joke, but now the jokes are actively cruel. Like imagine Plas having to all out on Batman and making a "dead parents" joke, instead of a "woooo so scary" joke.
Mister Fantastic is a guy who stretches, and is smart enough to apply it well.
Plastic Man is a sapient glob of malleable matter that can literally any shape Plastic Man chooses, including sharp edges, though he has trouble changing color. He can take a ton of punishment. Plastic Man was disintegrated and scattered across the world. He reformed himself on the ocean floor, bit by bit, fully conscious and aware the entire time (about 3000 years. He is all but immune to psychic attacks. Batman's contingency plan for Plastic Man is just hoping it doesn't come to that because he could take out the entire League himself if he wanted to.
what the fuck how? how does he muster the force to beat down the likes of superman, the flash, etc with his plastic shit?
as for mr fantastic any notable mentions of using his plastic to beat strong people?
How would you beat down on someone who can completely cover you, seeping into your eyes, lungs and pores?
Gross imagery
couldn't they run away and use lightning/laser eyes/freeze breath/ get some kind of cage to trap him in then throw him into the sun
He shrugs off basically anything because he just reforms.
"Plastic" in this context means "able to change", a la "plasticity". He doesn't need a whole lot of force.
Scott's so uptight you could shove a lump of coal up his anus and remove a diamond. No way he qualifies as chill or laid-back.
It's how he took out the Flash in Injustice.
I read that. It's still unsettling.
Osborn once essentially ruled the USA for a year or so and pretty much had the heroes on the ropes.
>I know it does. But how would that work exactly?
Are you seriously askign that about a comic where the Speed Force is king?
Speed Force, motherfucka.
missing the point batfaggot retard
I bet Hulk could compress him enough to turn him into glass.
The tiny parts he catches in his fists? Maybe. But it's not like Sandman isn't used to dodging Spidey's fists. GR turning him to glass with hellfire seems more likely to me.