>yfw She has a secret crush on Timmy
Why didn't that dumbfuck realize? Like shit, go for the insane blond, nigga. Like nigga, just do it.
She was fuckin crazy
>Why didn't that dumbfuck realize?
kids can let LOTS of things go right above their heads.
I, for exemple, learned the chick I had a crush on in elementary and high school, also had a crush on me only after 6 years of sharing the same classroom and even then I didn't knew what to fucking do or say when I learned it.
He knew he just didn’t care because she was crazy.
Like nigga, hold on to dear life and ride the bronco. Like nigga, hold on.
Yeah, you're right about that.
To be fair, his main crush Trixie was hardly any better, she went psycho and tried to kill Timmy because she didn't have enough people giving her attention. Either way, Tootdawg was the only girl that deserved Timmy.
Rich Asian snatch > slobbering nerd drool
Where is this from?
Now I'm sad. I just want to hug her and say it's all going to be ok.
A porn comic
Camp Sherwood, not sure where the best place to read it is.
>be in HS
>be fat and awkward
>so focused on all the 9/10s that wouldn't give me the time of day that I didnt notice the numerous 5/10s who would have
>find out later in college that tons of my nerdy chick friends had crushes on me
>all of them have grown into 9/10s so now they wont give me the time of day
Don't make my mistake, lads. Fuck some ugly girls. You'll be glad you did later.
>Asian snatch
You mean Tad and Chad's private grand canyon.
I want to do that too.
before the lesbian-romance-ending trope, (Legend of Korra, Adventure Time, etc), we had the comic-relief-lesbian-obsessed-with-her-straight-friend trope. It was a simpler time.
but he didn't like her?
Wow this is something Boys and Girls need to learn!
oh if only we got closure on these things
>falling for the pharmaceutical jew
2^3chan mostly
Jab archives are pretty decent.
Oh fuck nibba reminds me of my own awful experience
>be me
>7th grade
>had a huge crush on this girl alyssa
>eventually my shiteater friends find out
>at recess they peer pressure me into asking her out
>autistically blabber out the question "w-will you go out with me!?"
>she just shakes her head and says no
>just roll with it and walk away, think that's the end of the story forever
>flash forward to last year
>my mother brings it up during some random conversation
>didn't know she knew about it, immediately experience massive embarrassment coming at me all at once from years ago
>apparently alyssa told her mom about it and it went around the mom net pretty quick
>mom informs me the ONLY reason she said no was because her parents wouldn't let her date yet
>my fucking face when
Carly > all others
Mental Illness is not funny.