Forget Batman, forget the legal system, forget normal civilians, forget Arkham guards, forget cops.
Why the fuck won't any VILLAINS kill the Joker? These guys will swear revenge on heroes and kill people for the pettiest shit, yet Joker fucks them over, gases them, humiliates them, and almost kills them time and time again, yet they never actually try and get revenge on the Joker. Guys like Luthor could have him killed any number of ways, yet he never does, he keeps inviting him to team-ups even though it never ends well, swears revenge, then invites him to the next team-up.
Forget Batman, forget the legal system, forget normal civilians, forget Arkham guards, forget cops
In universe explanation is either most are too intimidated to deal with him or think he’s a good distraction for Batman to keep occupied while they do their own business. Joker’s been used tons of times to bait Batman, like Hush for example
How the fuck did the toxin affect Sinestro
because joker is like batman in terms of prep time ? luck ? batman ?
JokerForce or GamerForce
Furious Jokerwanking from the writer.
Writers have a weird tendency to just include Sinestro in random shit when he by all accounts should be far away in space fucking around with Hal and/or his corps.
There really weren’t any other villains around for a shot like that? There are seven there, eight if you include Nigma that must be sitting there too going by his cane, and four of them are Batman villains. There were really no other ones to use? You already included Sinestro, why not go with Black Manta or Zoom too
where the fuck is this from and why does joker looks so fucking old
They probably bailed once realizing Lex was dumb enough to work with the Joker yet again.
There's a reason why he's hanging around with Luthor in the story, but for all accounts there's no way Joker Venom should affect someone who doesn't need to breath and has a force field up at all times
Manta was a member but he fucked up during the drowned earth event and the others abandoned him
Manta and Thawn are too autistic to be affected by Joker meme gas.
Freeze is a part of the Legion????
Even Aliens are affected by Gangweed
He isn't, the Legion of Doom was holding a recruiting drive, one of the villains invited as a potential candidate was Freeze, and that's when the Joker gased everyone.
Still, Why would Victor ever associate with them? I'd imagine he disagrees a lot with ideals of the group
Why doesn't Ivy do it?
She believes that it'd be best if Harley kills him, as a sign of final liberation from him.
>Why the fuck won't any VILLAINS kill the Joker?
Pretend the person in the picture is the Joker.
is this synders jl?
Why doesn't anyone kill Luthor? He's much worse and doesn't hide in abandoned warehouses or anything, he goes out in public and flaunts his villainy..
Too valuable. Luthor is so corrupt you’d be retarded to get rid of that if you needed something, better to have him under your thumb, he has his uses.
He has 7.5 inch penis
>under anyone's thumb
Based retard.
How the hell did the toxin affect Freez
Aah who cares it's Snyder, I called it that he was going to wank Joker using the other villains as chumps like this back when this shit started
Same way it affects a fucking gorilla.
The one explanation as to why Joker keeps getting invited is that the only thing worse than dealing with a Joker who will predictably backstab you when he stops having fun, is dealing with a Joker who is pissed off because he wasn't invited. See: Alexander Luthor Jr or when he ruined the Legion of Doom's plans in "Justice"
>Why the fuck won't any VILLAINS kill the Joker?
You know as well as everyone else does that Joker is never going to actually die, and the characters in-universe know that it's better to not risk a botched murder.
It's a BS explanation and retarded is what it is, a product of prolonging a single universe for 100 years.
We need to stop, reboot or change the format.
Yeah, I'd figure his suit would be immune to such effects
You know what I meant you big meanie. Point still stands that Luthor is simply too resourceful to get rid of, if he wasn’t filthy rich he’d of been tarred and feathered by now
lol be my guest
>look up comments for that issue
>wooow joker is such a HECKING badass, supervillains tell Joker stories when they wanna scare each other, such great writing
I don't even have the energy to hate Snyder's writing or Joker anymore, I'm just too goddamn tired.
To be fair to Lex there’s no winning with Joker. If you let him in he’ll betray you because
>le wild card
But if you don’t let him in he’ll just try to kill you like what happened with Alex Jr. in Infinite Crisis.
Haha but isn't it funny how self-aware Scott Snyder is when he points out how predictable it is that every Joker story he's written (and that others writers have done about him) boils down to mass murder?
It's just like when Tom King makes jokes on Twitter about the wedding or complaints his writing receives
So freaking epic!
Why would the villains kill him? Lex always pays on time.
Why doesn't the joker kill more villains and heroes? Same reason.
You people are retarded.
>Why doesn't the joker kill more villains and heroes? Same reason.
So Mister Freeze and Sinestro don't kill him because it's funny. Good post.
You know you added almost less to the conversation than someone who didn’t rely to OP right? Retard
well, too be fair, this Luthor currently is too busy fapping to his waifu "perpetua" and being a major creep by keeping inside his legion of doom basement
Having The Joker on these all-star superhero teams is usually retarded to begin with. They have to come up with stupid reasons for why anybody would work with him, and why he can rub shoulders with guys like fucking Luthor and Reverse Flash or whatever.
At least when the JL cartoon did it, they did more stuff to justify it. Joker was never really on par with the other guys, and Luthor didn't want him involved from day one. His threat didn't come from having JokerWank powers and being able to control the entire Secret Society or anything, he just had charismatic influence, and was able to stay on everybody else's good side long enough to fuck everything up for everyone by engaging in his obsession with Batman.
Should have just used Ra's or Strange or Prometheus for this one.
Joker is like a scary man and stuff.
Just look at this page. He has the nigh-invulnerable avatar of a god, an eighty-foot tall woman and a man who could teleport him two miles up with a wink cowering in fear, all because he managed to kill noted nerd and wuss Psimon, and he needed a rock to do it!
Joker's more popular than everyone else. Hate the game, not the player.
Joker is their batman and you need his ass if you want to distract batman
Controversial opinion.
I would love a story where Lex and Joker are genuinely friends and bond over a mutual hatred for societal norms and superheroes that hold them back.
Imagine Lex putting together a legion of doom and everyone else being scared shitless because Lex invited his buddy to show them what a real "Man of quality" looks like.
Even Clayface is freaked out. Maybe it’s some cosmic rock
Jokerwank stories aside, I imagine that most villains simply don't give a shit about Joker. Dude rarely leaves Gotham and has the oneitis for Batman.
I see even villains are too weak to do what is needed.
>The Jokester? He's that guy the Flash fights, right?
because that would imply permanent, long standing changes in the DC canon, and DC hates that shit.
>Joker being on a team
>anyone ever being dumb or crazy enough to trust him
He's a goddamn psychopath, what is wrong with these people?
Essentially yes. It's like the Penguin giving a shit about Black Manta or Sinestro giving a fuck about Solomon Grundy.
What if Dr.Light rapes the Joker?
>what is wrong with mentally ill super villains
Joker really does seem like a dick
They've got a bad case of Shit writer syndrome. It might be terminal this time.
>most are too intimidated to deal with him
He's a fucking dude in clown makeup and some gas, against low level street villains sure, I'd buy the joker is scary, but against someone who actually has powers dude would be absolutely nothing.
Batman villains only work in Batman stories where almost everyone is just a normal human with some eccentricities and maybe some fancy tech, not in crossovers where dudes who can punch entire skyscrapers into space are a thing.
Jokers a minor chaos god, he's not human, he's a lovecraftian plot device deity that ruins everyone's day and gets away with anything.
Except that as the OP shows, Joker regularly fucks with villains outside of Gotham too. Like, remember Last Laugh?
Suspension of Disbelief. Joker would escape two, maybe three times and be in maybe one teamup before he either got killed by a rando cops bullet before making it to the station or else eating it from someone who isn't Batman.
OP's pic is an example of just how absurd teamup logic has to be by virtue of the fact that Sinestro has had interdimensional tech and rulership for a majority of the characters existance and has never really given a fuck about earth outside of it incidentally being where a few of his enemies come from.
The fact is that if the DC villains of the league all teamed up Luthor would be struggling to keep up on his very best day, let alone Joker. There's just too many interplanetary warlords or hidden dimension kings in that roster with way more wealth and resources.
I was waiting for this.
What exactly are you proposing, commissioner? Do you have a better plan to stop that blasted clown?