The fall of Krypton was pretty well done and fresh for a story that's been told countless of times.
Favourite DCEU film scenes?
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The fight against black manta in italy
The Warehouse fight scene in BvS
Yup, that was way more brutal than I would've anticipated, and accurately shows how Gothamites went and feared the Bat himself.
Who was the choreographer?
I really liked this scene. Especially the implied reference to Harvey or Jason at 1:31
DCEU sucks, I'm glad the Snyderverse is dead
Looking forward to the new universe, Aquaman trench scene was great
The trench scene was awesome, yeah.
It was actually pretty interesting how the writers incorporated this as a direct sequel to Man of Steel with the bold idea of including a fallen Batman.
That's pretty bold.
This will be a short thread.
They're all shit, except the Martha scene, I cried man
BvS was very bold. Doesn't substitute for being good or well executed, but they did have really good ideas. If they'd taken BvS and extracted all the plot lines and made 3 or 4 films out of them instead of trying to make just one, it would have been a great long form story arc.
I disagree.
It would've been the epitome of dragged out like how The Hobbit films are.
They went and did their Superman films and what it needed to be (MoS -BvS) to jumpstart the franchise.
Even if people did not know who Batman is, they can already form who he is in BvS by the scenes depicted, especially how different.
Fuck yeah. Honestly the first DCEU scene I've seen that I enjoyed out of any movie. I was so fucking bored with Aquaman before that, and then they suddenly start naming Roman emperors, and I'm like "fuck you movie for trying to get on my good side"
Then suddenly, BAM. Action! Comedy! Violence! And enemies that actually feels like somewhat of a threat. And the movie just cascades from there with zombie mermen, some kind of kraken and LotR underwater.
If the DCEU is good from now on, I will always consider that scene the turning point. Much like Starlord kicking that little alien at the start of GotG.
>They went and did their Superman films and what it needed to be (MoS -BvS) to jumpstart the franchise.
Evidently not, since these films caused them to completely change their plans. I think you're also overestimating the average filmgoer and what they expect from a narrative. You can figure out that this Batman is acting very differently from our normal idea of the character, but without explaining that or digging into the trauma that caused his change in characterization, you're left with a bunch of people confused that Batman is being such an asshole. Yes, the battle in Metropolis traumatized and infuriated him, and yes there are still the scars of previous traumas that dressing up like a bat and punching people never fully solved, but those are stories unto themselves. We don't need the whole origin story again, and I'm not saying we do, but we do need to understand who this guy was before we see him so fallen and itching to fight, we need to see the fall, and we need to see the aftermath before we can appreciate his actions in picking a fight with basically alien Jesus. Otherwise it's a lot to take in all at once, especially in a story that tries to incorporate so much else.
What the fuck happened to the Krypton Syfy show? It was interesting, but it never showed up with a second season, did it get cancelled?
Where have you been? They dropped a season 2 teaser just a few days ago
Clark meeting Jor-El, followed by Clark getting the suit and flying for the first time. Clark spent his whole life torn between his desire to use his power to help people and his need to keep himself a secret, and when he got that suit and got those words from his father, it felt like a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he could finally for real, be himself.
Detective Stabler's little rivalry with Faora. It was cute. The way the "a good death is its own reward" line came back. I kinda hope they're still alive in the Phantom Zone. My dream MoS sequel would've involved them coming back.
I disagreed with the choice to kill him two movies in, but Clark saying "This is my world. You are my world." to Lois at the end of BvS. Clark had spent two movies struggling with who he was and where he fit in as an alien on Earth, but in that moment, he realized who he was and what he had to do. I also liked how when he was punching Doomsday into space earlier and he saw the nuke coming, Clark just absolutely no hesitation, grabbed Doomsday and held him in place knowing "fuck it, I'm taking this thing, what happens, happens." There's no way he knew the sun would bring him back, he probably thought he was toast and I love that. I really like some of the elements of the Doomsday fight but much like the rest of BvS I wish they hadn't all been forced into the same movie.
Basically almost every interaction Bruce has with Alfred or Diana in BvS and his "men are still good" speech.
The trench scene in Wondy. I don't think I need to explain this one. It's probably the best scene in the entire franchise.
The first fight Aquaman has with his brother. Because I love the little info cards that show up and his brother's is naming off all these WWE-ass sounding championships and Arthur's is like "Bastard. Mutt. Drunk."
I really love this stupid franchise so it'd be nice if they could make good movies for a while and stop pissing off the actors.
1. The final fight between Zod and Superman was wonderful.
Animation wasn't the best it could be, but the brutality and power of superhero one on one were fully realized as they tore through the heavens in a titanic battle.
2. The fight in Smallville: Faora's systematic slaughter of the US troops was so fast that it took me a few more views to see her literally pop a soldier and watch is guts fly out of his body as she chops another one a few seconds later.
3. The chase of Steppenwolf and the Amazons was honestly the best part of the movie.
The constant and incessant motivation for the warriors to get the box away was keeping me on the edge of my seat. Film went downhill from there.
4. The Doomsday fight was pretty well shot and cut together with the music, the scale of the battle was pretty great, but was admittedly too short and isolated for the weight of Doomsday to bring forth into creation. They should have saved him for a Justice League 2 movie Ace in Luthor's sleeve that kills Superman after a League victory, and done Metallo and Bizarro vs Batman and Superman instead.
5. The montage of the Superman Question and his trial was pretty good. Whole Hitchcock bomb under the kitchen table thing was pretty good but would have been great if Luthor timed it to activate when Superman would speak, thus silencing him...(i mean how would Superman not smell a jarload of piss in an enclosed room?).
6. The trident behind Orm shot as he conversed with the Fisherman king looked like a shot from Paradise Lost with Lucifer in heaven's fate being teased. His entrance into the battle was pretty great, as well as the moving helmet. Would have been great if we saw him don the helmet and summon the wave that obliterated the town at the beginning of the film. Black Manta's theme stays in your head as well.
7. Wonder Womans best moments were the interaction between the expeditionary force, their laughter, nightmares, dances, fights, were all wonderful.
This is my own personal conflict with BvS. I really like some of the acting and some of the ideas and the tone was honestly just so gutsy for a superhero comic book movie. It was serious like a Nolan movie but it didn't tease out all the weird elements like those did, it embraced them and treated them as super serious. It made me wanna meet the movie on its own terms.
But there's some real dumb shit in it. And it makes me sad. There's a really ambitious superheroes-as-mythology movie in there and I wish it had gotten out instead of being buried under dumb shit.
It was entertaining and probably the best bat wank ever, but highly unlikely and implausible.
That many bad guys and that many guns means that Batfleck would have been that many dead.
>comic movie
Isn't that the point?
They laid out all the beats for Batman without him overtaking the story since evidently, it is a Superman film.
I get what you're saying what you're asking is a more in-depth explanation to the Batman character's downfall when it isn't all that necessary, respective to the film.
You're looking to resonate (or empathize) with Batman in his ENTIRE struggle rather than his plight in the film, which I think was never the intention and not even needed in the first place.
It's like making a film of how the Death Star plans got stolen for the Rebels or they ended up being such in dire straits fighting the Empire.
“Are you officially challenging me?”
I don’t feel this scene gets the credit it should. Patrick Wilson is supremely underrated
How did Patrick Wilson get tied to James Wan?
Might be out of loyalty, Wan was a big reason he got discovered in the first place doing stuff like insidious. The bigger question is why hasn’t the rest of Hollywood knocked down this man’s door for more roles?
>It's like making a film of how the Death Star plans got stolen for the Rebels
Yeah, what an unnecessary idea that is. Thank goodness nobody made it, that would pointlessly dilute the Star Wars brand and probably introduce a bunch of stupid plot holes to New Hope.
>no mention of First Flight
It practically was superhero kino at its finest.