New Death's Head series coming in July, with art by Kei Zama

After all these years, it's finally happening.

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Who's Kei Zama?

Who's death head

Who's On Sale?

the who's on this book don't instill me with confidence but about 2 years ago Donny Cates was also a who

>Tini Howard
So it will be shit

Who's Tini Howard?

Mostly unknown who got a gig writing Hack Slash Resurrection from Tim Seeley because he liked an essay she wrote about Grayson.
She's done smaller publisher stuff, like Assassinista's with art by Gilbert Hernandaz for Black Crown (IDW).
She's writing a Thanos/Gamora miniseries and a Conan Belit miniseries for Marvel right now, and appears to now be exclusive with them

Aw sweet. Love that guy.

Who’s on first?

b&w cover

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Wiccan and Hulking are also apparently co-starring

>2 years ago everything was better

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>simon and the furminators

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2 years ago Axel Alonso was still calling the shots

She's a Japanese artist who worships Geoff Senior:

Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, yes?

So what do they do with Death's head? Wasn't he some kind of transformer bounty hunter?

He was. Then Unicron knocked him into a time portal. There he met Doctor Who, who proceeded to shrink him to human size. Then he got spit out in the Marvel multiverse.

bring back the rest of Marvel UK characters, cowards

The last time they did it it sold terribly

because it was shitty, give it to Spurrier, Ewing and fun Brits instead of old fags who have been doing it for 3 decades already



>women of marvel
ain´t even a female character let alone a series that anybody is going to care about.
kinda weird that marvel would make a big deal of a woman writing something that nobody is gonna care anyway

That's from a "women of marvel" panel, meaning the writers and artists that they have who are women, not Death's Head.
Tini Howard (the writer) is a woman


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First Conan, then Death's Head...good year for Marvel.

oh hell yeah i love Kei Zama's stuff.

Death's Head is a woman now?


IDW has him.

Euthanauts as well, and the recent Captain America Annual.
I've enjoyed everything I've read from her..

Until disney buys hasbro.

Fuck, I hate Wiccan so much. Hulkling's cool, but you can't have a story with him because he's attached to Billy's hip.

>Tini Howard
Is this writer good? Because they're also writing a short Adam Warlock comic and a Thanos/Gamora mini.

That said Kei Zama is pretty cool and underrated, too bad this comic won't make it that far.

Death's Head is a woman now, deal with it.

But why?!

There's a rumor that IDW has been trying to make this happen, They have been trying to strike a deal with Marvel that will let them reprint ROM comics (that is true and you can find the then ROM editor talking about it in his letter column in the old ROM comics) and they also want to make a ROM comic with Marvel. Apparently Hasbro is on board and Disney is OK with it (since they license Marvel comics to IDW so they don't give a shit) only the people at Marvel Entertainment seem to have a problem with it.

>something that nobody is gonna care anyway
Death's head probably has some new fans from the Darkhawk mini.

What I've read from her wasn't bad, but mostly wasn't my cup of tea. Liked her Captain America annual, so I'm optimistic about this. She seems to have some range.

...Did they give deaths head a sidecut? what?

Will it use anything from the IDW run?

Kei Zama is a Japanese artist, who admires the angular, aggressive style of Marvel UK legend Geoff Senior, the artist who pretty much defined Marvel's Transformers comics.

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Seems like it's doing a Death's head 3.0 with a millennial Death's Head. Notice the phone.

Thats some gay ass art on the right. Fuck zoomers

Death's Head is the single greatest thing to come out of Marvel UK.

He was Deadpool before Deadpool.

Ah, my fave TF artist.

Fun Fact: According to Empire Magazine, way back in 2008 Death's Head was on a long list of characters Kevin Feige was thinking of using in the MCU.

He'd be a pretty damn good fit for any of Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, or Eternals.

Is there a recommendation list for Death's Head? I think my LCS has most of not all of his solos and Death's Head 2.0, but I've never seen the old Marvel Transformers or Dr. Who there.

Was it that one story set in WWII with Cap and Bucky helping people escape some Nazis? That was pretty OK but yeah not enough for me to form an opinion.

I guess I'll check out her Adam story and Thanos and Gamora. But judging by her handling Adam and wanting to do a Death's Head story she might be an old school Marvel Comics fan so hopefully I'll get to read a story with someone being enthusiastic about these characters other than them being from the MCU.

Yeah I know about Kei Zama she's cool, I don't know anything about Tini Howard so at least I'm excited for the art.

Can Feige use Death's Head? Gunn said they can't use Gunn and some other characters because they debuted in Hasbro comics despite the fact that Marvel owns them.

And your point is? Cates doesn't inspire confidence now either, at all.
But I'll wait until I read her Thanos to see if she can do Cosmic. Chances are she might be taking cues from Cates, and that's pretty worrying. At the very least I hope she references Death's Head recent run-ins with Darkhawk and Richard Rider.

Death's Head, like Wiccan's mum Scarlet Witch, was intended to be the vessel of a demon, in this case, Lupex. But his wife fucked another guy, he got cucked, murdered the guy who Cucked him, then Pyra gave Death's Head free will as revenge.

I hope they don't soften DH. He's an amoral asshole who beat the ever-loving shit out of Rodimus Prime for denying him his bounty.

>Gunn said they can't use Gunn
Damn I meant Bug, Gunn said they can't use Bug.

Who are the rest of the marvel UK characters?

For being Mar-Vell's kids him and Phyla are pretty disappointing but at least Phyla did some shit without Heather.

there's dozens of over the top characters ripe to bring back in big ways

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Right. It's still retarded though.

I remember talk about a new Death's Head book around the start of the All New All Different era along side a Citizen Z book.

Good to see one of them is finally becoming a reality.

>Gunn said they can't use Bug
Which makes no sense to me

The never brought back the Sleeze Brothers or Black Axe, fuck you.

I guess some legal stuff that only Marvel and Hasbro know about.

So, which Death's Head's this one gonna be?

I fucking love this cover.


I'd be happy with a MI-13 revival with vampire Killpower, Motormouth,Spitfire, DHII, Dark Angel, Cap, Black Knight and Excalibur.

No, it's heavily implied the Doctor gave DH free will. One thing I can certainly that it wasn't Pyra

I don't so, Marvel's classic Rom still exists in universe

really sad that liberals have made so being a woman or being black is enough reason to be celebrated
it is just so pathetic and the main reason why everything is going to shit

No...I want my Freelance Peacekeeping Agent ffs.

why? you've been celebrating being a white guy for two thousand years and all that confidence led to you conquering the world
if we can get everyone else being that confident in themself we should be colonizing alpha centauri by brunch

IDW's Transformers collections include Death's Head's appearances. Also Body In Question is a must have. The Incomplete Death's Head features his solo comic and his numerous crossovers with She-Hulk, Iron Man, F4, etc.

>if we can get everyone else being that confident in themself we should be colonizing alpha centauri by brunch

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You forgot that celebrating other people makes the people not currently being celebrated feel bad about themselves :(

>So, which Death's Head's this one gonna be?
It’s quite clearly the original. The plot’s even about him dealing with becoming outdated.

>women of marvel
great just what we needed

>MI-13 revival
I want Tangerine goddamnit

Elsa Bloodstone can show up too I guess