This is the only danish animated movie that is good.
This is the only danish animated movie that is good
What are the others tho?
*blocks your path*
Samson and Sally
That's where you're wrong, kid.
>Valhalla (1986).
Is it actually good?? Tell me about the plot, please.
Hugofag fuck off. Denmark has made plenty of kino animated movies.
Reminder that Hugofag was exposed by Bobsheaux and his wife after he cried false witness against a friend of theirs, and this childish posting is him desperately trying to recover some dignity
>Bobsheaux has a wife
what the fuck? I thought he was a sperg
>blacks (fish) are trying to increase their intelligence (get education) to move forward in life, but whites (humans) are trying to stop them because they're geneticaly inferior and should know their place
Is this the most subtly racist cartoon ever made?
Yep. She appears in his videos, though only her voice behind her fat crow fursona
I liked this
i liked Hugo and Rita
kind of terrifying looking. is it really worth watching?
what do you mean? He's actually acknowledged some Yea Forums spammer? I don't mean to phrase that as he'd be above it, I really wouldn't expect him to even know about this place
Why are these obxnoius spergs spamming the thread with this bullshit? Who is this hugofag???
Hugofag told Bobsheaux that his buddy was leaking his Patreon exclusive videos, trying to start shit. Turned out the buddy had accidentally made a public playlist and fixed the error. Hugofag sperged out and Bobsheaux and his wife made fun of him, which drove him insane.
He's now a self-hating furry who views blames the Hugo movies for destroying his life and making a Furry Youtuber and his fat crow wife laugh at him
The guy who makes all the Jungledyret Hugo thread we see twice a day
shows up every now an again posting some obscure weird furry movie and claiming people love it and are pedophiles despite him being the only person who brings it up
I love Terbel i Knibe.
it has one good song and that's it
>He's now a self-hating furry who views blames the Hugo movies for destroying his life.
>Destroying my life.
Yeah whatever. Keep dreaming cock sucker. Besides, the faggot you mentioned thinks that your beloved furfag material is trash. Go back to /trash/ and keep sucking your own cock, shit eating furcuck.
>>I said his name three times and he appeared!
How does it feel to be a complete failure? An unremarkable clod whose only meaningful impact on existence will be "I tried to annoy a furry and got BTFO?" Does it ache, like loss? Or does it burn like chlamydia?
Wrong, user. There are more.
It’s absolutely hilarious when you try and pretend to be a different user. Do your homework.
>How does it feel to be a complete failure?
Said by the lowcow furry who probably masturbates over disgusting shit on /trash/. Do you seriously think that i'm not aware of the fact that you're the bootyblasted Jungledyret fanboy. I don't give a shit of your pathetic insults, edgy cunt.
What was the deal with that trend in animated films where the main character got turned into something and went off on a cartoony adventure? I feel like it happened a lot.
Cool conclusion in how they drowned the villain at the end I guess.
Questions are supposed to end with question marks user
Can I get a source on this?
Not really. Most films by the same company are also pretty damn good.
There's a lot of projection in your comments. For example, you keep calling me a furry. I've never claimed to be, yet you assume I am. There has to be some reason for this Freudian persecution complex....
...oh I get it! You think I'm the furfag who exposed you, don't you? And here I thought your tism couldn't shine brighter! Oh you're adorable. You remind me of a retard named Fluffygod. Ever heard lf him?
It's an easy setup for a fantastical adventure
You don't even really need to make up a new world when you can just take existing environments and show them from a radically different perspective
>...oh I get it! You think I'm the furfag who exposed you, don't you?
Wong again, retard.
How sweet! You fixed you're spelling just for me!
Oh no I’m just a cheeky grammar nazi trying to correct him because I think it’s funny. Also I love your posts. Seeing this samefag get BTFO is amazing.
>expecting conversation about the movie
>get Litterally Who drama
So the animation in this was surprisingly good.
this is easily one of my favorite animated movie intros of all time
You still here Hugofag?
Hugofag is probably back to doing his homework.
Finding new ways to spaz out over Hugo i see
How drunk was Alan Rickman when he signed up for this?
Is this how Danish anons are..?
At least not all of us. I have no idea if the Hugofag is even a Dane or not.
But I always find these threads sort of funny.
>expecting conversation about the movie
>get Litterally Who drama
From what i understood these faggots are laughing at one user because he hates a dull and generic danish furfag movie that is as retarded as an animated titanic movie. Too bad that the nordicucks ITT are too stupid to realize that the rest of the world doesn't gives an absolute shit about their pathetic try-hard Don bluth/Disney wannabe movies.
welcome back Hugofag.
Nigga, the fact that YOU give that much of a shit about that movie is what's hilarious.
Even as a Dane, I've never heard anyone talk this much about this stupid movie, besides you. You're the only one who cares about it, even if it's negative caring.
I like how you acknowledge that the movies are generic and nothing really worthy of discussion yet you continue to spam these threads. Also it’s funny that you call it a Don Bluth wannabee when it was done by Bluth’s animators.
>laughing at one user
We are laughing at you, and your attempt at pretending to be someone else is pathetic
there's a part where a character puts piece of meat in his ass