Does Spidey even have a prominent female villain in his rogues gallery?
Does Spidey even have a prominent female villain in his rogues gallery?
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They won't allow a male hero beat up a female.
What is with Yea Forums and female villains? Is this horny nerds day?
This is Yea Forums, that's every day
Black cat
I’m too tired to find the Howard the Duck page, but yeh that.
White Rabbit, current Beetle, Scorpia, Shathra, Lady Ock
She barely count as a villian, she is like female prowler
This is the only one I can think of
New Electro II
Itsy Bitsy and the Big bad Queen
AKA: Adriana Soria
FemElectro is Francine Frye
she fried actual Electro
also Screwball.
I can think of
Fem Scorpion
White Rabbit
Paper Doll
Itsy Bitsy
Spider Queen
Menace / Lilly Hollister
The female members of Morlun’s family
And Michell Rodriguez
>He's got a problem with female villains
Look at this faggot.
Your mother
It would be kind of funny if he did since Peter often expresses reservations about hitting women, even evil ones.
The symbiote.
Beetle is not villain she is a cutttteeee!
She's lying, user.
Deal with it, fag.
Not sure if she's prominent, but I LOVE Stunner.
How about a female villain that just wants to fight him for the sport of it? Not even outright kill, she just wants to beat him in a fight and it distracts him from more urgent matters (like protecting civillians from the collateral damage their fights cause or stopping a robbery)
What did you think of her look when she appeared in Superior Spider-Man?
Who is she lying to, the reader?
I don't believe you. Janice would NEVER lie to me.
>What did you think of her look when she appeared in Superior Spider-Man?
The new suit covers too much. Say what you will about Bagley drawing the same male and female faces for 20 odd years, but he knows how to draw a leggy bombshell.
I'm torn because I like both looks - she's absolutely someone who can get away with wearing skimpy outfits due to the nature of her "powers" but at the same time it seems like she programmed/modeled herself a body that skipped leg and core day
As for Bagley's art, I managed to tell the various characters appearing in the first Thunderbolts run apart - something less possible in later runs when unmasked Cap, Hawkeye and unscarred Zemo talked - there, I was only able to tell them apart in close-ups by looking at their collars. I'd say there are differences, but he doesn't stress them enough, probably of fear of making something unappealing or it "not looking right". Bites many artists in the ass.
I don't know man, looks like the average bimbo with cartoonish waist to me, only with bodybuilder-like wide shoulders.
Too bad most of those are total nobodies.
At least she didn't steal 40.
You got to start at one before you can start stealing four, and then ten, and then four tens.
Stunner is a special case, the body you see is just a hardlight hologram, she's in reality a fat woman.
I know, her avatar was the topic. If I were a fat girl making a fake perfect body, it would have more curves, thicker thighs, tits wouldn't look like boltons and so on. As it is she's just a less planky muscular girl, which I get was popular in the 90s, but yeah.
Well her Superior Spider-Man appearance amended that.
I'd argue it made her worse and less attractive, but maybe she has a kink for manly looking women, I don't know.
How could you possibly forget?
I'd say the art/colouring make the avatar's face really flat and doesn't do her any favours in that department. Designwise for this kinda villain there's three routes I see
a) muscular bombshell like Shulkie, likely inspired by the same
b) actual female bodybuilder look, which is something some women do admire
c) amalgam of super stronk and dainty limbs, a mish-mash of traits she'd like to have, with the drawback that it tips of opponents that they're not facing a regular strong woman
Actual GOAT material.
Joystick was kind of like that.
She's not a good person, user.
I remember her from the Thunderbolts, she was a fun character, just doing it all because she's an adrenaline junkie. I think her and Screwball could make a good team.
this one had potential
she just needed a better costume
Did you really have any trouble coming up with one?
She's a shapeshifting bug monster from another dimension, that's not a costume.
Not a real villain.
Spideys to white knight(mainstream iconic) to slug it out with chicks.
She and her family should have been the antagonists to Spiderverse and Spidergeddon. If they do decide to adapt the comics for the next animated film, I hope they replace the steam punk vampires with these cosmic wasps
Naw man, he doesn’t like to do it, but pushed far enough and Spidey will fuck a Thot right up.
He already has to soften his blows for most of his rogues gallery who have superhuman augmentation, whereas most of the female villains mentioned are regular human with gadgets.
literal who, not prominent. Kudos though for the "eyes are down there" visual joke, the hair is also really cool.
still waiting for banner/hulk to find out hes got yet another kid to angst over
>literal who, not prominent.
Dunno if I'd say that. She had McFarlane's "Torment" story going for her, and is one of the few female rogues to make it into the cartoons (the 90s one and Spectacular).
>Posts La Fanfic comic of OOC Pete and Role Reversal DeadPool(being the moral Idealistic one)
Please KYS.
Had to look her up but I'm eating my words now. Has really been to long in any case for a lot of these Shame the current cartoon is just cashgrab again.
The fact that that dynamic was unsustainable was the entire point of that arc.
former kraven protege, hence the outfit. same shtick as the former just more sexappeal
Black Cat and Silver Sable are the only two with any real prominence
Same amount of sex appeal, just a different direction.
>I didn’t read the comic: The Post
This thread got me thinking, I know White Rabbit has her own Zoo Animals team, but are there female characters that could work well enough for a partnership or akin to the sinister six?
Hardmode: No female rebrandings of male characters
Everything deadpool is in ruins character establishments in crossovers. Spider-Man should not be the core example of irony for the sake of a deadpool story. It makes him look like pathetic, like Superman looks pathetic with Batman, because the story wants to highlight how cooler Batman is.
Imagine missing the point by this much
The comic is shit and out of character, even for Peter, Other anti heroes have restraint and clash with Spidey as the point to high light peters qualities over theirs. Deadpool is just more outspoken Peter being intentionally irresponsible for a joke, basically everything Peter hates next to Osborn being his science side as a joke.
Best girl.
i was surprised more people didnt react to her showing up in the current hunt event
>OOC Because Wade fucking is always self aware of his status quo being non heroic and loving it
>Peter being irritated by someone who is crazy like Osborn but doesn't endlessly mock and crack jokes at the dude to having the common sense that crazy people like wade never mean what the say or keep up with him when matching wits
>THE entire comic ITSELF
I read the entire series on read comic, it's pure fanfictiony headcannon with both the characters not at their best or most well written.
I know BND villains but what about Tramma or Screwball?
So you missed the whole part about Mephestio trying to make Peter corrupt his soul then? Did you just stop reading at issues 3 or something? Because you’re posts really make it seem like you didn’t read the comic.
I'm really sad that Paper Doll didn't catch on. I know it might be hard to work with her very specific motivation, but I think she'd be a great recurring villain.
Whats the point, Peter is getting upstaged at his own game(cracking jokes making pop culture references) by someone who loves killing people.
It's pretty shit, it fucking Joe Kelly wanking his Mary sue Spider-Man oc per usual over the real thing.
I still find it funny the one way Thunderbolt Ross found to really ruin Banner's life was to give him more children.
Tramma was fun when she got a starring issue, too bad she hasn't been used since it.
i could see her being used as a 2D-man villain
makes sense in a twisted way, banner has major family issues. to saddle him with all that extra baggage makes him more prone to acting recklessly rather than plan ahead
It's deadpool, hes not really a credible source of in character development for Peter, in fact that just proves that Deadpool of all people(a joke character) is just a terrible way to use in a plot with other serious heroes, to overshadow typically idealistic heroes in their own right.
>Lady Stilt-Man
>Lady Man
So it girly man then?
I feel like Tramma should be pushed more. Definitely one of the most underrated BND villains.
How many kids is he even up to now? The only ones I can recall off the top of my head are Sakaar, Hiro-Kala, and Lyra. All of them hating him/being dysfunctional.
she should be used more often, hell she could easily sell to both sides and position herself as the ultimate powerbroker. which could lead to a very cool event where the powerbroker and tramma go head to head with a lot of heroes and innocents caught in the crossfire
Just because deadpool is defending Peter and dick sucking him off, doesn't mean this is in character. Peter is the guy who fucks with enemies that try to tempt him and use his own doubts and fears against him. Wade is a fucking joke, Peter has to he written like a sidekick to dp to make deadpool stand out and look better.
The point is spelled out on that page pretty clearly user, Spider-Man is Deadpool’s inspiration to be a better hero and a better person, and throughout the run Mephestio continues to send stuff at him that cause him to throw his moral compass away and corrupt his soul. Rather than encourage him like an edgy teenager, Wade instead throws away the progress he made in the eyes of the world as a hero and an Avenger (don’t forget, he was bankrolling the Avengers at the time and was the most profitable super hero in Universe during that arc in ANAD Avengers, I don’t blame you for forgetting though) and made sure to stop Peter from committing an act he would be unable to take back. Peter being the angry violent one and Wade being the logical one in that arc wasn’t played up for a joke user and was consistent in following up on the character growth Deadpool went through during Duggan’s run.
> Paper Doll was able to become two-dimensional, resulting in her being as flat as a piece of paper. While in her compressed form, she must take careful breaths as her lung capacity is diminished. She can stretch her body, is immune to most forms of injury, becomes razor sharp along the edge of her form which can cut through Spider-Man's webs, and she can compress the bodies of others by wrapping herself around them
That's some grade-A bodyhorror right here, even down to her being two-dimensional in her singled-minded stalker of some actor. I wonder how she could be reworked into a more recurring format though... I guess once her obsession with the actor is shattered, she could be a very creepy people watcher? Just chilling in someone's home under their mattress, looking at their life, until she decides that that person "needs" her intervention in their life. Would be doubly tricky for Spidey since she'd only leave noticeable traces once she's maimed or killed people.
I like the kind of professional villain that considers their work to be a service to their community. All the tech-based supervillains obviously need a place to help maintain their gear.
Stilt-Man is a title, you pleb.
slott had set up the tinkerer and his "brother" to fill that void, but ultimately rather than keep a cool concept it was just a shitty plot point that blewup in a dumb way
I think the last time we saw her was when she gave the new suit to the guy who tried to become the new Rhino.
I think Peter tells himself that. Even if he's told a million times that it's sexless.
If your options are either shitting on Spider-man or Deadpool not getting "characterization" (more like caricaturization) you have an obligation to remove Deadpool from the premise.
Spider-Man is the grail. Deadpool shouldn't exist.
>Spider-Man is Deadpool’s inspiration to be a better hero and a better person
That's Captain America faggot, Wade was the one who hates Spider-Man due to being jealous of him, retcon aside, these two should not be written as friends since their basically the same thing but in a bizarro works way.
>and throughout the run Mephestio continues to send stuff at him that cause him to throw his moral compass away and corrupt his soul.
Yes it's based on a one more day fanfiction scenario were deadpool is the stand in for making a Peter fan rant. Deadpool is such a cheap way to make internet culture plots real in marvel comic book continuity.
>Wade instead throws away the progress he made in the eyes of the world as a hero and an Avenger
Wade being an avenger was the worst thing ever written in mainstream 616 since omd and house of m, just because he's written as the ultimate badass fan stand in hero,(and the movie) he gets to be a superhero despite he's a sociopathic killer and a terrible person no better than Frank Castle and early Logan?
>made sure to stop Peter from committing an act he would be unable to take back.
Peter shouldn't have been written as a emotional time bomb period, he's a Cap level paragon and a huge symbol for being too strong willed. Deadpool is basically steal Peters role as the good hearted funny hero, this is basically proving Deadpools authors bias from Dugann and Kelly.
>Cap level paragon
Actually as Spider-Gwen proved, Peter would've been a miserable angry homicidal maniac if he didn't get any powers. At his core he is very much an emotionally damaged and unstable, near murderous psycho. Tough luck, that's canon man.
Her appearance in that new cartoon was unexpected.
Spidey is the moral center of Marvel. He WAS an angry teenager but he's been through a decade of character growth in-universe.
At the end of the day, he and Deadpool don't work out together since he is a good person, and Wade isn't.
That's a cute outfit adaption. They also made Black Cat fairly cute with a curly bob and actual bad luck powers.
>downtrodden outcast who made a few horrible decisions
>miserable angry homicidal maniac
>actual bad luck powers.
She’s had that for a long time now.
Deadpool should have never be risen to a or b list(or made a movie since that made him clench his chances in being a iconic figurehead hero also), his character is a parody of everything marvel establishes, Deadpool is a mean spirited and cynical psycho that makes fun of the marvel universe for the sake of entertainment and loves to get away with it while killing good and bad people and basically being mindlessly self aware he's not a hero or someone you need to admire, if you make him idealistic and as relatable as the majority of the marvel heroes, your just selling out a shallow version of the character for money.
Belladonna was pretty cool, although a bit low-key. She actually put up a pretty good fight in her debut. Sadly, she's more of a villain to the Hobgoblin (I love it when villains have their own villains) than Spider-Man himself.
>hating Banner
That's hardly fair
Ah yes, the short arc that made every other writer forget that Lizard isn't supposed to be a slobbering monster.
Peter losing his cool happens pretty often. Without that there wouldn't be a crowd who loves "Peter goes silent and fucks shit up" moments.
>inb4 that's bad writing
At this point it's part of his character regardless.
I think his point is that it's never actually relevant/shown, she's usually just Catwoman.
screwball is my fave tho
>Deadpool of all people(a joke character)
Far from all the time. There are some very serious, emotional Deadpool stories.
The Queen
The only one besides Black Cat and the annoying shit that is Screwball I can think of is White Rabbit. Could you do anything with this character to make her more interesting? She's just a spoiled rich girl doing this for kicks
Beetle technically counts, albeit not the original
the better question is which of his rogues gallery is the most fuggable
>No funny bunny
Shame how you guys overlook the best female villain of the big 2
no, the symbiote is the closest you'll get
i like her design at least
Didn't she die in the lead up to Civil War?
That is a fantastic design.
>122 replies
>No mention of Liv
I'm proud of you guys.
have you never read the original ditko run? Spider-Man is a moralfag deal with it
[Ma Baker by Boney M starts playing]
It's like they just skimmed it, since the story itself makes it clear that he's only like that because Calypso is controlling and messing with his mind.
Yeah, but then she came back for no raisin.
Peter losing his shit does not equal losing his common sense and rationalized idealisim.
they really need to bring back a lot of these forgotten 90s characters. the spider-verse movie showed it could work with lady ock
Yes, but Wade is written far as being a moral center nowadays instead of a real troubled sad clown that does what he does to survive.
Really do not want him being friends with kids who don't know what he does regularly.
It absolutely does.
It's like you don't read Spidey comics before jms
The bitch known as Life
Every day is horny nerds day
>user calls character featured in the highest selling single issue of spidey comics "literally who"
Have YOU read the Ditko run? Pete was a moralfag back then yeah, but a fuckin ANGRY moralfag all the same.
In other words, he was Ditko's self insert and JJJ is his caricature of Stan Lee
That 90% of Yea Forums though
Which is sad because spidey is the only character that was consistently good for his first 3 decades
Nintendo won't let marvel use this character after the switch release
>They won't allow a male hero beat up a female.
(Technically it was Otto, but still)
>implying you have to be female to give birth
That's a phobia, pal
Yea Forums loves shitty villains.
Female villains are always shit.
Do the math.
Came here to post this.
Coldheart oddly appeared to be created as an enemy for Hobgoblin as much as for Spider-Man, as if to replace Demogoblin, who had recently been killed.