I want to see Aanya and Ezran in a political marriage.
A young Queen and a young King Toy ship
won't the wolf-loli get jealous?
The Queen has two moms. So probably 3 in the bed won't be a problem.
I bet heterossexual relationship on hers culture is a social taboo. She´s from the distant land of Tumblr- Nar
I know the queen won't have a problem with it, it's the other girl I'm worried about getting mad
I don't see them merging the kingdoms so they can't marry. Ezran could ask Calum to marry her though if he wants a political alliance.
>Callum giving up the elf harem he builds up in his travels through Xadia to be with a trap princess
I don't see the writers that came up with QueenQueen and their woke daughter touching political marriage with a ten foot stick, unless it's a five minute monologue about the rights of women while the characters all look directly at the screen.
>unless it's a five minute monologue about the rights of women while the characters all look directly at the screen.
because the first two seasons have so many of those?
The justice monologue before they went off to throw halberds at the magma monster felt a bit on the nose. Aside from that they've avoided being clumsy with any messages.
So we all agree Ezra is connected to the Earth arcanum, yes?
yeah, it's clear from him and captain Villads that some humans already do have Arcanum, they just don't know any actual spells and thus their abilities just get put down to being weird talents
Fuck no, she is an enemy and traitor to humanity.
Viren tells the story of how they braved the journey to Xadia to get the heart to save both kingdom's peoples, and how he heroically tried to save the queens, and how does this little bitch react?
Refuses to send aid despite assassin elves proved no royal is safe, and dragons already flying over human towns.
>refusing a royal decree
>thinking royals don't keep concubines
>Ezran forcing his brother to give up sweet elven pussy for human
that's how rebellions and throne usurping happens.
The dragons already flying over human towns was a criminal lie.He tried to have his son assassinate the new king and the kings brother.
What part of >royals don't keep concubines did you not get? All he needs to do is give the queen an heir. He can boink who he wants on the side.
I don't really get how theyre going to explain Viren's character.
Everything he's done makes you wonder why he is not a hero of his nation.
Except trying to kill the princes for which his motivation is yet to be explained.
Either they have a good plot twist planned, or there will be a major ass pull.
Or it is just bad writing.
I can't imagine Aanya would mind Callum keeping Rayla around as a concubine
Doing everything possible to escalate a war. Including trying to kill family using not-real propaganda. Killing the Dragon king. Kidnapping the Dragon baby and saying it dead. Dark magic. He is a Patriot to a evil degree.
Its really weird, like he keeps flip flopping between being a good guy out to help, like that story about how he heroically tried saving the queens is apparently legit and not him making himself look good, but then he's also ordering the murder of the princes and launching a false flag attack to get the other kingdoms on his side.
The idealistic youth vs Senegal adults maybe.
Viren has literally done nothing wrong.
everything Viren does can be explained pretty simply: he wants what is best for humanity, but he's also arrogant enough to believe that anything that gives him more power is better for humanity since obviously, he makes the best decisions.
>he wants what is best for humanity
Like the KKK what the best for white people.
Well yes, but as says it is just so inconsistent.
He is setup like but in the end most of what he did was great.
All the "bad" things he did fit together quite well,
but then some things are so out of character.
Additionally he should be beloved in the eye of the public.
He literally saved to kingdom's worth of people from starvation.
All the while his best firend the king's best plan was virtue signalling.
>Thinks he knows what’s best
He does. He should have been king instead of harrow
>He does. He should have been king instead of harrow.
A power hungry war monger who probably what a genocide and got the last king killed.
>Was a criminal lie
Except it literally wasn’t.
Dragons attacked fired.
With how Ezran was acting when the show started the kingdom would have been better off with him in the ground than on the throne. Especially since the other higher ups wanted to make him the actual king instead of a boy king with a regent.