Left or right?
Left or right?
right easy
the Kyle Katarn trilogy
Why would anyone choose left? Right is top tier 2d animation with amazing fight scenes and interesting plot.
You’re joking right?
Both were fine.
Left for plot, right for action.
The correct answer
Both. Superior to NuStar Wars in every way.
the best things to come out of right was og Grevious and Durge.
While Im a huge world-building bitch and left is clearly superior in that regard, I must say thats all it has over right. Amazing battle sequences and superb characterization makes me want for all of the clone wars material in Genndy-vision. But since thats just not possible, I'll gladly keep watching the pinnochio crusades and get ready for the new episodes that unless Im wrong, are due to this year.
Right and is not close
They both have their merits, though I found right to be a little too over the top with their action scenes and left takes a while to get good.
Left is good as a binge watch, right is good as a bridge if watching eps. 2 and 3.
Right. Dooku is a mustache twirling moron in left.
Right. With more time it would've only gotten better.
>gendywars had better fights!
When will this meme end?
>an alien with a shark head
The Quarren should have stuck with Dooku to the end. The separatists still use the providence dreadnaghts and the Quarren should still help build them off world because the calamari are cunts.
A big running plot point of the war is that the Separatists had legitimate issues with the way the Republic was being run, but their movement was co-opted by the Sith.
There is so much relevant sociopolitical commentary woven into the prequel era that makes it so much more than just pretty laser fights. That's why I'll always prefer left.
Right is good though if you just want to turn your brain off and watch some good animation.
right is pro republic in universe propaganda. Change my mind.
Left. Dragonball Wars and Genndy in particular can get the fuck out.
Both have their merits. Personally preferred right.
Based and Sith-pilled
Left for plot, range, and expanding the universe
Right for action, though left's was pretty good too
leaving this kino here just to make a point
yeah, 2D Grevious was an absolute beast. All versions of him that came after felt like a disappointment.
Right not just for the action either, I think the presentation is much better than left.
As much as fans of the left like to ignore it, the kiddy elements of the show bring it down hard
>wizard and sith-pilled
The kiddy elements are frontloaded into seasons 1 and 2, with 2 having far less. After that it got pretty mature
Left has shit plot and okay action, right has no plot and excellent action. Right is better.
Grievous and Obi-Wan were pretty even in their loss-win ratio when they fought each other.
>filoniwars had better fights
When will this meme end?
>Dragon Ball battles but with the jedi
>not kiddy
never seen them because star wars is shit, but 2d > 3d. always.
Trust me bud, you can't win this.
TCW has superior action, animation, and violence. The only ones who say CW is better in any of these categories has a short attention span or just a gendyfag that will blindly praise anything the man farts on.
Obi wan never got beaten by Jar Jar Binks.
Right is better at making it feel like a multi front war across hundreds of planets. Left feels like Anakin and co. carry the entire war on their backs. The amount of times they clash with grievous is a bit much.
>shows clip of several clones getting cut cleanly through the midsection but they don't get cut in half
That wasn't Jar Jar.
Also I think the droids are better in Right.
were they fighting something is that why they didnt notice he slowly swam through their tight group, stabbed 4 of them in the back, and then all 6 exploded?
It's always this episode you guys love to point to. I watched that arc and it was really nothing special.
Jar Jar and a few others
Yes. Did you not see the robots they were fighting?
>pretty mature
Man its still kiddy though. The fact that fans of the show tell you outright to skip half of it means its not a good show
>takes a whole army to bring him down and even kills a movie character
Not even mad, desu.
>interesting plot.
I mean, there was some, but let's not pretend like that part was actually better than in the cg series.
>6 seasons
>skipping season 1 is skipping half the show
honestly, I like them both pretty well
both shows have their highs and lows but overall I see them as equals instead of rivals
That was Captain Tarpals, and he died like a badass
Not sure if you're intentionally being obtuse or not, but TCW is objectively the most violent "kids" show the west has ever made.
Decapitations, impalements, disintegrations, massacres, and people exploding into meat chunks; this show pushed the envelope on what you could get away with on network television.
Can you name me any other kids show where a teenage girl is shot on screen and dies?
seriously, the things they do in right are so excessively over the top that you cant really take it seriously. its good fun, but saying it fits with the rest of the star wars universe is hard to take seriously.
damn, forgot how amazing that animation was
who cares its all ded to me
Not getting shot, but worse.
Animated for Jedi stories (short, they're overpowered as fuck as they should be)
If you want war stories go for Clone Wars
No there are guides posted( yes here in Yea Forums too) that say the best way to watch is to cut out large portions of the show even in the later seasons
i thought they were all on the same side, i couldnt tell even when i rewatched it 6 times. never saw the episode, so it literally looked like he slowly swam into a group of enemies who were circled so they couldnt ambushed, then he slowly stabbed them.
>"Not die: sacrifice!"
Based Jar Jar race
Getting hit by cars and other blunt objects is standard action show action, even if the blow would realistically kill them. Plus it was all a dream anyway.
Those guides are made for action fans, those who only watch Star Wars for the action scenes. Not judging, just saying there are all kinds of different people who like Star Wars for different reasons. An actionfag isn't going to want to watch episodes about politics or lore even if they are good.
That arc was beautiful. They even animated dust particles! The animators really went the extra mile on this show.
Ahsoka is a nudist
Ahsoka is practically naked
>people still use my image, after all this time
Those were better days. Before the dark times.
Nvr fgt that I called this.
>they're overpowered as fuck as they should be)
Not they shouldn't be EU cuck. Nowhere in any of the movies did anyone show any of the over the top stunts in CW.
fuck off lucascuck
>Nowhere in any of the movies did anyone show any of the over the top stunts in CW.
Technical limitations.
OG Trilogy had a non-jedi basically using 100% his lightsaber, PreTrilogy had SheevSpin, the mating ritual in mustafar and Phantom Menace final battle had them jumping all over the place. The only farfetched thing would be force fistfights and you already have the force push to support it.
This is the darkest moment for you? What about the woman who killed herself in the slave arc? I still don't understand how they get away with it.
why is this so low res bruh?
None of your cuck stories are canon, fuck boy. Imagine wasting all your time reading fanfics and thinking they mattered.
I dare say you should demand refunds from the authors for tricking you like that.
I never said it was the darkest but American shows don't typically kill kids on screen which is why it stands out.
Right, but I would prefer both (minus the movie).
How do Lucas' balls taste in your mouth?
The entire slave arc was messed up and me go "wtf?? How this was allowed?".
Right is so much fucking better.
The absolute Patrician choice
Both are equal
Zoomer vs Boomer
Soulless vs Soul