dc tried to push her as the new harley quinn, but she wasn't popular with the fans
how come ?
dc tried to push her as the new harley quinn, but she wasn't popular with the fans
how come ?
they failed to give her any good stories, same mistake they always do
Fucking look at her
There's subtle slutty and then there's this
Probably because she needs to have a red and black attire, or else it’s not Harley Quinn. It’s like wolverine without his claws.
Because she's a literal who.
Aye. She looks like she was created by Eric Logan.
good idea with a terrible execution, like most of the new 52
i hope she come back one day
Probably because we already have a better, entertaining version of that character
Is this considered bimboification?
>dc tried to push her as the new harley quinn
in what books?
Because we already have poison ivy.
She was pretty prominent in a new 52 book but I think it's less trying to make her into the new harley and more sex sells.
That's ableism, she's an albino.
She was one of the first new-ish additions to the New 52 in "Detective Comics", I think", and DC was already dealing with Joker's facelift and the whole Starfire thing at the time, so odds are that they let her ride out her first few issues and then bury her for as long as possible.
Pity, I thought she has potential.
Because the fans were still butthurt over the reboot.
Woke indian heiress who has a subconscious desire to be a lilly white cocktease?
She could, but it's all a matter of the writer, if they remember White Rabbit exists, and how THEY feel about her.
You could probably get some more mileage out of her if you gave her some pants or something. Save the ass shots for the Swimsuit Special, dammit.
Harley is a less crazy joker, so the clown motif still works. Slutty rabbit feels like one of the Mad Hatters schemes gone horribly sexy. I mean whats her motive? How the fuck does a woman who looks like that not just meet up with a single millionaire, blow some pheromones in his face (that was her schtick, right?), and retire in comfort?
Didn’t Marvel have a character EXACTLY like her?
She was popular with my dick, also push Roxy Rocket dammit.
i never heard of this chick, but character design goes a long way in a visual medium like a comic, and this sucks. even if it wasn't stupidly overrevealing, it's bland as hell, she looks like a frat girl going as a playboy bunny for halloween
>Mfw we will never have an adrenaline junkie gf
Mad Hatter already exists. Harley has the sexy clown thing covered. So there was nothing new being offered but mostly I think it was the farcical costume. As much as comic costumes are mocked for being stripperiffic, this is an actual stripper outfit.
What Starfire thing ?
Hell, even Poison Ivy looks less slutty then her, and that says something.
Most time's she's in a lowcut dress/one piece swimsuit.
That time in Widening Gyre was by far the sluttiest she's ever been.
I just want her endangering herself and others with insane stunts for thrills with Superman having to give her a talking too after each one, is that truly too much to ask?
How many genuinely newly created characters have actually managed to survive in the big two? The only ones I can think of are derivatives of popular characters like Ms.Marvel.
Harley Quinn herself is the "newest" character I can think of that managed to survive, and she's from way back in the 90s.
She's literally just fapbait.
See I like sexy characters, but this was verging on parody for me. Plus DC has an abundance of Wonderland characters
Yeah she needs a costume overhaul. Her costume is comes off as literally off the shelves lingerie.
And adding off the shelves pants and shirt doesn't really help. It still comes off as crap.
When "Red Hood and the Outlaws" first came out, Starfire was characterized in a way that was vastly different from how she was portrayed in "Teen Titans", turning off everybody who only watched that cartoon and never actually read any of the comics from before.
Nice edit, but you don't need to go that far. Harley's roller girl outfit is a good idea of how to be sexy without being pandering.
Plus, this is inaccurate in general. Girls' pants don't have pockets.
it's kind of hard to figure out what a character like that would wear. catsuits are a thing, rabbitsuits...hopefully are not.
i'm a fool, you're completely right
Eve by previous comics characterization standards she wasn't that kind of slut who has casual sex with people and doesn't remember them later at all. She just liked being sexy and showing off her body.
>turning off everybody who only watched that cartoon and never actually read any of the comics from before.
Pretty sure she was never like that in the previous comics also. It was a weird characterization that nobody liked, which is why it didn't last very long.
A bunnysuit modified for mobility might not be a bad idea. At the very least it would be more obvious a rabbit motif than panties.
Fair, but I still feel like most of the criticism at the time came from people whose only exposure to Starfire was the cartoon.
Because who the fuck is going to cosplay that? Harley got as big as she did because hot topic chicks could dress up as her and not feel too weird at cons
Yeah, that was, well yeah. You're right about that.
Harley Quinn isn't a good example, as she was c-list at best until 2009. Harley Quinn, along with The Riddler, owe their success and popularity to comic-related media rather than comics themselves.
i like her ass and the idea but that costume is too unsubtle even for an erosennin like myself.
Roxy will never thrive as long as she's stuck with Batman or Superman. In the first case she's simply one of dozens of minor villains, and in the second case she's first act fodder villain at best. They should switch her over to Green Arrow/Black Canary or the Hawks.
Not big enough breasts