The genie's wish rules

Was killing or making people fall in love beyond his abilities, or did he just refuse to do it? He himself admits he doesn't bring people back from the dead because he doesn't like doing it

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The fact that Genie couldn't refuse Jafar's wishes show that he can't 'refuse' someone's wish. Thus, the rules he establishes are outside his power, like granting someone more wishes.

If you count the sequel canon, the reason Jafar after being freed did all that complex plan on Alladin was because he realised he was bound by the rules of the genie and he can't directly kill Alladin.

Rules probably came from whatever sorcerer bound the genie. Probably for moral or logical reasons.

1. No killing. Look at what Archduke Ferdinand's death has affected
2. No love spells. Rape is bad.
3. No necromancy. Monkey's paw scenario. They don't come back fresh. HE DONT LIKE DOING IT

its forbidden by Allah as an absolute law of the universe. a mere Djinn bound by King Solomon himself can't subvert the will of Allah

Then bring the person back to a state before death at peak condition

Gotta do Norm the Genie stuff. "I wish Aladdin was on Mars. I wish Aladdin was on Krakatoa during eruption. I wish Alladin was in so much pain he'd have no choice but to commit sudoku."

That's two wishes. "Bring X back to life AND de-necrotize their cells"

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Just read The Witcher "Last Wish." The translation of the spell Geralt used to banish the Djinn and why it used up two wishes had me in stitches.

get out of here and go fuck yourself

Genie didn't count rescuing Aladin from the cave despite it clearly being a wish trick.

But Genie counted rescuing an unconscious Aladin from drown despite him never making any wish to be saved. (and could just you know, helped Aladdin without a wish)

So the wish rules are kinda flimsy in this movie.

He is able to refuse Jafar when he wishes for Jasmine to fall in love with him.

Bringing the dead back to life likely resulted in zombies based up the joke. Makes sense that the genie might be able to reanimate the body but the soul is in the afterlife. (and based upon the Islamic mythology, under the direct control of Allah now.)

From what we see in Return of Jafar, Genie's have a LOT of leeway when it comes to how they grant the wish.

The Genie was mostly a benevolent wish-master and obeyed to the intent of the wish. T

However, the Jafar genie was the corrupted type wish-master who would basically monkey paw wishes.

The only real rule is the limit on the number of wishes one can ask for, the rest are lies. Nobody said he had to be truthful

There was a whole scene in the tv series about this. Wish I could find it.

Wish granded!
Here, for sure you can find it.
Bad way to go with your wish user.

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It's actually a homage to the original story, where the trapped Djinni's reward for freeing him declines over the millennia from "anything you want" to "you get to choose how I kill you".

If Aladdin has found him a little earlier I bet love and lifetaking would've been on the table.

>making people fall in love
Couldn't you loophole out of this by asking for the power to hypnotise people? Jafar asked to be the greatest sorcerer in the world, surely sorcerers can mind control people and shit.

I wish I had the ability to regrow fingers

Jafar already had mild hypnotism powers
So obviously hypnotism isn’t a sure thing

>rape is bad
It definitely wasn't considered bad back in the time of the Arabian Nights.

Googled for like, half an hour and couldn't find it. You're full of shit.

Well, you can find it but you never said how easy it needs to be.

Can you use your third wish to wish for a fresh genie to grant you three more wishes?

Why not just ask for mind control powers, and then command other people to make wishes that benefit you?

yes it was. inheritance and succession were one of the pillars of society and, without access to reliable paternity tests, it was legally imperative to be absolutely sure who your father was. if it turns out your uncle got your mother blackout drunk one night and forced himself upon her roughly nine months before you were born then your claims to your birthright comes into question

Women were property. Rape was considered theft punished by dismemberment or execution. Rape was still bad.

no, like created out of thin air, but you could wish to know the location of or have outright teleported to you every other vessel containing a genie

Try TV Tropes. Those autists document everything

Rape has been bad since before there was civilization, user. Mob rule and all that. Rape the wrong guy's daughter and let's see you make excuses about her lack of clothing while being clubbed to death in retribution.

Rape has been considered bad as long as the women is perceived as property of a powerful man, her daughter, wife, sister etc
It kinda sucks that woman have no real defense against rape except asking other men to defend them or going all out in a fight which rarely works...

That's probably why we have Stockholm Syndrome. It's probably a survival mechanism to make permanently living with your captors bearable.

Could I wish for Genie to be my boyfriend?

i remember the Original story going like: alladin made a wish that made the princess apear in his bed every night until she fell in love with him herself
doesn't say sex or rape but after several nights she does fall in love with him. you could call it Stockholm syndrome in a way

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Considering that Jafar was physically incapable of directly killing Aladdin as a genie, I'm assuming it's the former.

Jafar knew this, but he didn't want to just kill Aladdin, either. He wanted to make sure Aladdin was completely hated and despised by all first, hence his entire plot to frame him for murdering the Sultan.

The TV show implies a higher power in place that makes sure genies don't overstep their bounds. Iago learned this the hard way when he got Genie's powers on a bet and immediately declared he wasn't going to follow the rules.

Or girlfriend?

I've never heard that version of it
Where did you hear it?

i think i still have that book somewhere.
it's filled with several of the old stories, like red riding hood and such.
got it from my grandparents many years ago

>Rape is bad.

How is it rape? Their feelings are genuine, the means is irrelevant.

>When Jafar wished to be sultan, why did that include putting the palace on top of a mountain?
>When Jafar wished to be a genie, did that nullify his sorcereror powers or did he have those in addition to his genie powers?
>When Aladdin wished to be a prince, why that the only wish implied to be some kind of illusion/lie? 5 out 6 granted in the movie were unambigiously real. One even included making Jafar royalty.
>Why was the genie able to act without a wish being made when getting Aladdin out of the cave but needed to consider rescueing him from drowning a wish?
>When Jafar is defeated, why is his first wish and acts as sorceror undone?
>Can any "diamond in the rough" enter the cave or only Aladdin?
>Was the treasure in the cave an illusion or did it just get destroyed because Abu touched it?
>If it was an illusion, why wasn't the carpet an illusion?
>Why would Al wish to be a prince a second time if Jafar was less powerful than the genie who made him a prince in the first place?
>Are there loopholes around the limits? Like for example instead of wishing "I want my dog back to life" can you wish "I wish for a perfect copy of my dog when he was alive"?

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Jafar wished to be a genie. Aladdin wished his genie to be free. Ergo:
Find a random person.
Wish to make them a genie. Use your third wish (from them, the 2nd genie) to free them. And as the sequels and TV series showed, they get to keep a lot of magic. Everybody wins. Hell, have them make you a free genie while you're at it.

I'll take a stab
>>When Jafar wished to be sultan, why did that include putting the palace on top of a mountain?
The wish being granted must contain some magical way to intuit the persons desires beyond just the phrasing of their language. So to some degree extraneous magical manifestations were granted in addition to the strict literal interpretation.
>>When Jafar wished to be a genie, did that nullify his sorcerer powers or did he have those in addition to his genie powers?
Probably him already being a mortal sorcerer enhanced his new genie powers, which is why he was about to toy with the blue genie.
>>When Aladdin wished to be a prince, why that the only wish implied to be some kind of illusion/lie? 5 out 6 granted in the movie were unambiguously real. One even included making Jafar royalty.
Clearly the manifestations regarding "being a prince" were based on the latent mental expectations of Aladdin, or the genie's understanding, or even perhaps of society.
>>Why was the genie able to act without a wish being made when getting Aladdin out of the cave but needed to consider rescueing him from drowning a wish?
at that point in the movie Aladdin and the blue genie had had a falling out, so perhaps the genie is forbidden from messing with mortals outside of his relationships.

Would you free the genie Yea Forums, even knowing that there's no guarantee he'd come back and take you on magical adventures?

>>When Jafar is defeated, why is his first wish and acts as sorceror undone?
My take is that sorsery is "willworking", so when you are defeated and your "will" is broken, it undoes whatever sorcery you worked in the past.
>>Can any "diamond in the rough" enter the cave or only Aladdin?
That phrase must refer to a moral "worthyness", Aladdin seems like a nice guy despite his being poor.
>>Was the treasure in the cave an illusion or did it just get destroyed because Abu touched it?
It was real treasure, but melted due to the magical retribution curse.
>>If it was an illusion, why wasn't the carpet an illusion?
The carpet must have been able to escape whatever magic was melting all the gold, again maybe from a sentient moral standpoint the cave considered the carpet "worthy" for trying to help Aladdin.

If you use magic to alter someone's personality, it isn't genuine.
Is Foxxy Loxxy in a consensual relationship with Runtofthelitter, or is she just a brain damaged doll for a pig to abuse?

>>Why would Al wish to be a prince a second time if Jafar was less powerful than the genie who made him a prince in the first place?
I don't exactly remember but wasn't this a gambit to trick jafar? Sorry.
>>Are there loopholes around the limits? Like for example instead of wishing "I want my dog back to life" can you wish "I wish for a perfect copy of my dog when he was alive"?
The genie's powers seem to be able to conjure people, but perhaps they are insubstantial illusions. I'm sure the genie could conjure a simulacra of your dog but it wouldn't be the same on a fundamental satisfaction.

My hot takes from what I can recall.

Doesn't Genie hang out with them in the animated series and the sequels doing magic shit to help them out anyways?

That's adultery not rape. If your wife said no and you forced yourself on her no one would bat an eyelash. Suggesting that women were property implies that their consent was literally not required by society. By your own admission that makes rape the de facto form of sex according to you.
Are you retarded or something? If you had consensual sex with the wrong guy's daughter you'd get equally murdered. Rape; ie: having sex with a woman without her consent was not frowned upon at all and you are trying to confuse the issue by generating specific instances or types of rape that would be frowned upon.

i fear you for posting this

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I like to think the Prince wish shook out the way it did because Aladdin's dad is the King of Thieves, meaning he was technically already a Prince and only lacked the money and social status.

A better question is why didn't Jasmine turn into more stuff during the series?

Asking the real questions.

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Fallacy. If you stepped on the wrong guy's foot you'd get murdered. Rape has a higher ratio of getting your ass killed than loving sex, if only because your partner is less likely to tell on your ass.

Yeah, but because he was freed it was semi-phenomenal, nearly-cosmic powers.

>>Are there loopholes around the limits? Like for example instead of wishing "I want my dog back to life" can you wish "I wish for a perfect copy of my dog when he was alive"?
It won't be your dog, though.

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Depending on how he grants my wish. I might consider it.

Yeah if he's a cool guy why not? If he's a dick you're just unleashing raw evil into the world.

No, rape was unlawful sex, whether consensual or not. The woman either belonged to her father, husband, or brother, or she was a prostituter/old maid. You didn't have girlfriends, you fucked whores. You bought your wife from her father. Why do you think Mary the Virgin married a carpenter decades older than her? Love? She was sold to him for a few goats.

What 3rd world shithole are you from that you argue the sematics of rape?

A perfect copy of my dog IS my dog. Semantics be damned.

If you met a perfect copy of yourself, would it be you? Part of your composition is your memories and experiences - it would have all those, too? Make sure you work this stuff into your wish for your frankenpooch.

>If you met a perfect copy of yourself, would it be you?
Yes he is. Well, up until we do something different.


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and i thought this thread couldn't get more worse

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If my first two wishes aren't monkey's paw situations, sure.

>If you met a perfect copy of yourself

>not using your third wish to be a dick and put him in a different, uglier lamp

But Marco, you have loads of money, and you are as hot as you can be. Why wish for things you already have?

>Are there loopholes around the limits?
There was a comic where a young Genie once had an abusive master who wished for a staff that induced amnesia in whatever it hit. He used it on Genie to make him lose track of how many wishes he had already granted.

Thus proving that even among literal fucking omnipotent demons, humans are still the biggest bastards.

>Their feelings are genuine
if you wish those feelings into existence, they literally aren't genuine.

>Considering Aladdin and Jafar both make their own sets of three wishes on the Genie's lamp, why didn't Aladdin just hand Genie's lamp to Sora, Donald, and Goofy, let each of them make two or three wishes, and then free Genie immediately afterwards?

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shad is BASED

Because Donald would wish for world domination and Goofy would just wish for a sandwich.

Can I wish for the genie to assemble the seven dragon balls, then ask Shenron to bring me the three pieces of the triforce?

He considered Genie his friend and didn't want to abuse his rules like that. It's like if your bro has agreed to come over and help you chop some wood, and you, beforehand, bring your neighbor's wood as well for your friend to chop. He's probably not gonna decline, but that wasn't the premise for him helping you in the first place

What kind of sandwich?

Takes training to ensure there are no loopholes, ambiguities, or escape clauses.

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One day I'd like to see story where someone tries that shit with a genie, only to get zapped for being a smartass

The second wish is particularly bullshit.

"I wish the stated limitations on your power didn't exist."

If that were an option, don't you think the genie himself would done it a long time ago?

genies can't grant their own wishes.

Also, the seal of Solomon basically tells that smarmy lawyer to go eat ass. Enjoy being an Ifrit's personal onahole.

>Enjoy being an Ifrit's personal onahole.
That's pretty hot.

definitions change conviniently............

yeah, kinda.

Its technically not rape because he gave her the option to kill him with a sword to defend herself.

Still a shitty thing to do tho

Could Aladdin wish for a roc's egg?

Wishing to be a sorcerer pretty much covers it. you can grant your own wishes at that point.

Basically what it boils down to is that Genies have no power over all things love and death, the two things that drive nearly all human action.

Also never trust the crafty bastards

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I never understood why free genie could not just make Aladdin a prince again on his own, without needing a wish to do it.

>Rule number 1: I can't kill anyone
>Rule number 2: I can't kill anyone else
.Rule number 3: I can't make anyone fall in love with the dead
>Rule number 4: Incoherent big band noises.

The treasure was real, cursed in fact. It was essentially the biggest distraction and trap The Cave of Wonders had. Because the true treasure, the lamp, was a piece of junk hidden among it which ties back to the "diamond in the rough" thing.

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I've only seen the first one of these movies. Was there a reason that she couldn't have wished this asshole into the space where the other genies were?

Because they couldn't make the fetish bait TOO obvious.

>try to bullshit a genie with legalese
>he just uses you as a cocksleeve

Sounds like a doujin plot.
