Hard mode:No mutants
ITT:people that you want in the MCU
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I don’t know why I spoilered that I’m sorry
Why would I want Mutie scum in the MCU ?
I like you, user. Theyve referenced him a few times now, with a disfigured Ellen Brandt in Iron Man 3, "I don't have time to explain what a "Man-Thing" is at the moment." in Agents of SHIELD, and Howard the Duck has appeared in both Guardians films.
There's a lot. Nuke would probably be easy to incorporate.
Osborn, Moon Knight, and Hitler to name a few others.
It'd have been cool if he was at The Collector's place on one of the movies.
Good old Richie.
user, I'm not sure how to break the news about Nuke to you.
Best Captain Marvel por favor
She already is in the MCU. Did you not see Captain Marvel?
We can't have another black protagonist, Black Panther just got his own movie!
You mean the black Kit Renner who for some reason had Monica's name? Doesn't count.
I want Power Pack to save the MCU defeat Thanos and each of them to give Captain Marvel a punch right in the pussy. That’s just me though.
Dark Reign Osborn
Came here to post Kamala. Her casting needs to be CUTE though.
No one.
I want it to be over. Am tried of movies advertising more movies
nobody forces you to watch them dood
ROM Spaceknight
OP said no mutants retard
Not that user but Mephisto isn't a mutant
yes he is, literally nightcrawler (a mutant)'s dad
does nobody on this board actually read x-men?
You're thinking of Azrael, you fucking pleb.
get trolled
Whoops. I meant Azazel. He's Kurt's dad. Mehisto's a demon type guy
>Blatant Fassbender
He was in Jessica Jones
And sucked
They better stop teasing and just use him. Since he was on the Grandmaster's champions mural, I like to think he wandered brough a portal on Sakaar, set a lot of people on fire then wandered back to the portal home
Nah nigga. The daughter. Shes obviously gonna get time skipped and recasted like ant man and talos' kids
They shouldn't have teased us with this.
He's been namedropped on Agents of SHIELD too.
Tell me this guy wouldn't rally the united states after the avengers failed to save us.
just to see what the heck happens next
Fucking this
I would love to see Dark Reign/Dark Avengers saga in movie form. Im sure they would so much better job than the comics
Infiltration/spy-off, him against. Black Widow, while a suspenseful remix of this plays
A faithful adaptation this time.
Based and MoonKnightpilled
Ghost Rider please.
- Quasar (Wendell), but an adaptation of his cosmic shenanigans, maybe Cosmos in Collision or even using the New Universe arc to introduce mutants or some shit
- Nova (Richard), clearly the Annihilation saga would be more fitting at this point
- The Abstracts and Celestials. In ALL their weird and absurd glory. The In-Betweener would be great specifically.
Hasn't he already appeared as the fungus under Captain Marvel's toes?
After endgame all I want is a space buddy cop movie starring Thor and Bill
Crossing my fingers for the sequel
Only if they make her a lesbian
He was good in season 1. But season 2 did him dirty.
Picture here fighting Spider-Man.
Since the shows are all getting wiped from extance and relevance.
I want Dick to be a household name, but I think it would have to be done in a way where the general audiences could appreciate his character growth. He'd need to be introduced as an awkward teenager who gets enlisted to the Novas and is not particularly powerful, and then survive a Nova massacre and rise up to his responsabilities as the last, uber powerful space cop in the universe. And I find it highly unlikely they'd go that route, Gunn will probably put him into a Guardians movie as a dickhead cop who is a foil to Star-Lord.
Might be an interesting spin tbqh.
Ticks enough boxes.
Ghost Rider but its Danny
A kino angry lawyer movie with lots of cameos.
Fuck off with your dykeshit
Awww nuts.
He's likely gonna be in Eternals.
Peter Parker from Spider-man Reign... maybe Scarlet Spider. Also Big Wheel. Gotta have Big Wheel.
Dr Doom getting two infinity gauntlets
Season 2 did ME dirty. I'll never get those 3 hours before I gave up back.
Namor. First as a villain for the FF, then a solo prequel, then a Supervillain Team-Up movie with Doom.
I want to see Tommy/Namorfag go into suicide watch.
I’d do anything for a Midnight Sons trilogy. They could make it like a second Avengers movie series, instead of the main heroes we get the darker side. Benedict Cumberbatches Avengers with him in the Nick Fury role
The time is as good as any.
If Disney is able to make it work then props to that.
>Gunn will probably put him into a Guardians movie as a dickhead cop who is a foil to Star-Lord.
Gunn is definitely not using him in any movie. If Nova gets a an MCU appearance, it would probably be his own movie. And, I don't think he needs to start similar to Spider-Man; his early 20's is a great starting point.
I'm hoping he gets introduced or at least hinted at in Endgame, when showing what happened to Xandar. We know they filmed it but they left it at the cutting room for pacing.
I don't see how that would fit into Endgame. Plus, they cut it because it would have felt redundant. Thanos already beat the Asgardians and beat the Avengers being backed by Wakanda. I don't think anyone cares to see how beat a bunch of mall cops.
At the very least it would've shown them experimenting with the Power Stone to create the Nova Force, or something. Hard to believe they had it for all these years (considering the fact that GOTG takes place earlier than the date it premiered too) and didn't try to do anything with it. That's basically it, even if the Nova Corps weren't capable of stopping them, the technology would've stayed behind.
Does Namor count? He's only half a mutant.
Anyone got the reading order for this? I swear it used to be on comrade recs but can't find it.
When was Punisher ever in Midnight Sons?
I don't see why they couldn't use the same character but just sorta soft reboot him, the earlier shit's technically canon but it's not necessary watching.
I assumed that was why they kept Zemo alive, and I remember seeing htere were initially plans to introduce Red Hulk in civil war but they thought it was bloated enough as it was.
would be fun, yes?
Morbius, Blade, Dr. DOOM, Kang, Super Skrull, Veranke, moonstone, f4, mole man, dick ryder, annhilus, gladiator,
>implying they don't pass her around.
>nobody said based BRB yet
Yea Forums why do you shame me like this. I can’t ever tell my friends about this board now, if I had any
the real mar-vell
Man I would really like to see him fighting thanos in the end.
nothing because mcu is trash. i'd rather watch the 2000s fantastic four
The characters from netflix shows cannot be used until 2 year from the cancellation. I don't think they'll plan anything about any of the defenders for the movies.
On the other hand, a soft reboot in disney+ is more possible
It gives me great pain there’s a 0% chance of that happening, believe me.
>Tom Hanks as Dark Reign Osborn
Fuck you for making me want this so much
>Monster Masterworks
>Essential Horror
Having him show up as a father figure in the over all universe with Peter and Cap as the only two who don't trust him.
>Cap:I just don't trust him, the kid doesn't and I trust his judgment more then I trust Osborn.
>Bucky:I've looked a lot of evil men in the eye Steve, none could show genuine hope in their eye's.
Even without the actual mutants, I just want the WORD “mutant” or “mutated” to be legal to use again.
Nothing bothered me more than in the Netflix shows where someone looked at someone like Jessica Jones and went “You’re one of T H E M, aren’t you? You’re S P E C I A L.”
Like, fuck off man, no one in real life talks like that.