>In 2013 MIT reported that 60% of the world's cartoons came from Japan
How the fuck does the entire world basically lose out to one island chain? What's stopping Germany, Russia, or America from making good enough content regularly? I like anime myself, but only because it's incidentally cool sometimes, 90% of it is crap (as is 90% of anything really). There's clearly a market for certain storylines and concepts that Japan does but would seem ludicrous coming from elsewhere.
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>conservatives think comics are gay and promote racial equality
>liberals dont like anything to the left of them
After World War II an agreement was set that the Japanese were not allowed to have a military. They were put within the defense security guidelines of other countries. Inadvertently it shows that when you don't spend billions and trillions of dollars on Military Expenses you have billions and trillions of dollars to reinvest in your own country.
It appears that the increased internal spending somehow flooded in the animation industry.
>After World War II an agreement was set that the Japanese were not allowed to have a military. They were put within the defense security guidelines of other countries. Inadvertently it shows that when you don't spend billions and trillions of dollars on Military Expenses you have billions and trillions of dollars to reinvest in your own country.
Lots of European countries had heavy military subsidies, and many have extensive infrastructure systems (eg Germany and Spain)
Sauce on that image? Looks vaguely familiar.
And on top of that the vast majority of anime doesn't come from japan its aninated inKorea because it's cheaper get produce there. Storylines are based in Japan for an American audience.
Its to expensive to pay americans to animate. You'd have a better chance in mexico. Canada is thriving with a new Johnny Test series.
Whats your point eventually they could have a military. Not japan. They couldnt waste their money on that.
Its from shad lewdcomedy comic, involving little kid who gets into lewd shenanigans with his curvy milf mom, alt girl thot sister, and his older bro who he catches cross dressing as pic the op pic.
>Good cartoons based on merit
>everywhere else
>Corporate oligarchies and stagnant ideas and forced politics
>Good cartoons based on merit
>Assuming Japan isn't the most capitalist and stagnant society in the world
They're still getting BTFO'd by a couple bank fuck-ups in the 80's. It's not a model of a creative society.
if by "everywhere else" you mean america, sure
The Japanese have market dominance in a lot of disparate area from animation to cars to video games to ballpoint pens. Historically, the Japanese government has taken a really proactive role in growing certain sectors of the economy and making sure they flourish on an international level. This was done through a ton of different methods like offering cheap loans or setting market rules to make sure companies competed on price and quality.
As a result, there are some products where the Japanese are super dominant while in other industries they are almost completely absent.
nah son it's korea.
so quantity does not mean quality
>eg Germany and Spain
yeah, but iirc there is not a lot of jews in japan unlike those countries so, thatd explain a lot too
South Korea does almost every country's animation, why don't they make their own projects? I'd honestly like to see something original from there.
i like how shad gets fanart of his fanart
Animation thrives whenever you can outsource for cheaper labour.
Anime are not cartoons, that report you mention, if it actually mentions cartoons on it and not just "Animation" is full of shit.
I saw something from there about a house where the teapot was haunted or something.
Japan barely produces cartoons. Anime are not cartoons since they are extremely realistic, and made to be beautiful.
>extremely realistic, and made to be beautiful
japan has a higher suicide rate than those other countries, you can see their higher propensity for escapism
yep that is more realistic and beautiful than your average cartoon by several orders of magnitude.
that's an arbitrary way to differentiate animation.
>quantity does not mean quality
yup. The vast majority of anime are produced on a shoestring budget, solely for the purpose of advertising for manga and plastic butts. Hence why there is a lot of it
>What's stopping Germany, Russia, or America from making good enough content regularly?
Have sex.
>Have sex.
You might have a point on Germany and the US, Russia has plenty of sex though. Hottest women in the world help with that
Japan actually likes their cartoons and comics atleast they have a massive shameless community committed to them. While the west has their communities they're nowhere near as big so cartoons and comics are either for kids or a sad consolation for live action and even their own creators treat it as such.
I say this all of course directly from my ass.
>What's stopping Germany, Russia, or America from making good enough content regularly?
>u no make cartoon about our glorious president Pootin? ding dong dulag
>Conservatives are right that comics are massively left leaning to the point that it's becoming almost impossible to distinguish it from satire. With how hard they push pro-gay and minorities.
>Liberals having had control of the media narrative in entertainment and news for the past 30 years keep pushing the narrative they are oppressed.
You're paid to suck Merkel's dick and nothing else. You could show a pile of shit and still be paid more than you'd get from Netflix, just as long as you don't criticise Merkel.
>japan doesn't care about any of that
>just wants to draw big titties
Look into how South Korea's corporate economy and government is organized. In short, in South Korea everyone outside of the main families that run the key industries is brought up to be a peon. No one wants to design an innovative product or start their own company, they only know how to be a cog in a chaebol. This is why they're satisfied doing the animation for every other country instead of making their own projects, and why the few that have any entrepreneurship were all raised or educated outside of South Korea.
Comics suck in the United States because writers have placed way too much self importance on themselves, raising their rank from people who write exciting stories wth moral messages to real
intellectuals of 21st century trying to direct a new generation to politcal
utopia. This inevitably makes story quality suffer because more focus is placed on the objective of the story's message, and any actual substance is just supplemental. They are literally making propaganda and see nothing wrong with it because they feel like they're in the right side of history and delude themselves to believe comics have always been that way. They're stories are "good enough", but it's their message that really makes then believe these are the best comics being made ever. But, you don't get that in Japan. They're just focused on universal messages and morals, and actually put effort into making character development seem natural, even in the shittiest shonen money grabber. So, it sells better because it appeals to a wider audience, even outside Japan. American comics will sell better again as soon as creators get their heads out of their asses and actually make some enaging narratives, or enough independent cartoonists and comics creators become succesfuk enough to become the standard of mainstream quality.
Japan the chad of animation
how about France ?
you need to realize that Japan is one of very few cultures where imagination, creativity and playfulness are not disregarded after the age of 15-18. In Japan, a person was a child and still have a bit of it inside.
Everywhere else, you are a child THEN you are an adult, but there is NO CONNECTION between the two. Once an adult, you only like adult stuff and want to do adult stuff and relate to serious realistic adult stuff
Chadman indeed.