Realistically, if one of us was transported to the Avatar world, could he win Azula´s heart?
Realistically, if one of us was transported to the Avatar world, could he win Azula´s heart?
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Why would you want to?
No because I wouldn't want to win the heart of some crazy bitch, no matter how much you faggots meme about her
When do we isekai over?
If I were a kind of entity like the Avatar and made a deal to be the General of the Fire Nation, it could be.
you would have to be a chad that could dominate her.
sorry but it belongs to Zuko
>user goes to the avatar world
>knows everything that will happen
>becomes Azulas aid with the info and talks to her
>she opens up to him
>he fucks ty lee instead
No, she was only interested in that guy because he was considered the most desirable bachelor by every other person on the beach. I don't think anybody on Yea Forums is rich, handsome AND able to woo women.
Most of the people here are kids and adults with poor communication skills and nothing that would make us useful in a asian-fantasy setting, we wouldn't even be able to scrounge up enough cash to make it to the Fire Nation. We'd have nothing that'd make us useful, not even the information about the show and comic wouldn't be of any help since the kids here never watched the show and the adults don't read the comics.
So realistically, our chances of seducing a fictional teenage princess are the same as seducing a real-life teenage princess.
I think knowing she is very socially awkward and all about her mommy issues gives you some advantage to woo her.
I mean why would anyone waste time trying to go through Azulas awkwardness and mental issues when Ty Lee is down to fuck 24/7.
The Chad Ty Lee vs the virgin azula
I can't imagine how.
Yes nigga it would be easy and like clockwork. She has daddy and mommy issues so her pussy would never get any rest.
The only true way to have both:
Fight against Azula in a final boss battle-like for eliminate her egocentrism and severe illness with Ty Lee supports you.
You can’t fix a crazy person user
No matter how pretty she is
>daddy/mommy issues ---> ??? ----> free pussy
Explain your line of thinking, because that shit ain't adding up.
Girls with daddy issues are easy to fuck on real life, though I dont know the reasoning. That said I was talking about how you could be the only person to actually understand her, since her friends betray her, plus your knowledge of the original series can help the fire nation win the war.
Girls with fucked up or non-existent relationships with their parents are easy as fuck.
Nope. Azula's way to fucked up from her mom'd neglect and her dad's A+ Parenting. She would, at best, use him as a dildo for a while before killing him for a imagined slight or shits and giggles.
Lmao like she’ll listen to a non bending peasant
1. Don't stick your dick in crazy, no matter what the hot girls apologists with their charts say
2. You know as well as I do that nobody here would be worthy of even getting spat on as we are, non-bender gaijins.
3. She's 14, dude.
>3. She's 14, dude.
Oh, forgot the background song.
Dubstep, crazy mix, it's fucking perfect
As Aang so she wants you dead
My pa used to say that if a girl is good looking but doesn’t seem to have any friends or a boyfriend it’s because she’s a fucking psycho
>if a girl doesn’t seem to have any friends or a boyfriend it’s because she’s a fucking psycho
Based, but updated for current year.
He could
Not without a /lot/ of time and a lot of help. Though if he somehow manages to get some of his spit into her bloodstream that might do something about her mental trauma. Well either that or cracking her skull open so he can hack a loogie onto her brain.
In that case...
Kiryu can could at least fix her with a epic hand-to-hand combat
I forgot the damn spoiler, as always.
Woman that feel like they cant get love from their fathers tend to seek it in the wrong places, this easy to get in bed.
Its wrong, but accurate. Its why fathers gotta hug the stripper out of their daughters.
Daddy issues and mommy issues + lots of manipulation = free pussy and ass for life. Have you never heard of prostitutes or porn stars?
The reasoning is that girls that never receive any fatherly love in their lives seek it out from other men, even if it is 9 times out 10 sexual. Then you add in mommy issues that makes it even easier to fuck them so Azula is probably the biggest slut in the series which is pretty obvious already.
No. I dig Azula and all but I have no delusion that she would see someone who had affection for her as anything more then a loyal henchman if that and we don't even need to get into the physical drawbacks.
She wants someone that reminds her of daddy. I don't think that any loser here looks like this
All you gotta do is try to spend time with her, be very affectionate, and be competent at your job and the pussy is yours. There isn't one girl alive who wants to fuck her brother that isn't a cockgobbling lil slut and being a brave Chad just makes the process faster.
Pretty sure giving up a recipe for black powder and a basic arquebus would win enough brownie points to at least live comfortably.
>could he win Azula´s heart?
We're all guys here you LARPer
And sending a guy is dooming the mission to failure.
>Don't stick your dick in crazy
>You know as well as I do that nobody here would be worthy of even getting spat
>She's 14, dude
I can't decide which is hotter, 1 or 3?
We need melodrama.
Open this link & pause the video, when you see this greentext, play:
>The war was over, Ozai was defeated by Aang in his Avatar mode, but you ended up defeating Azula in a way that even you would hurt, thanks to the help of Zuko and Katara who were present in your final duel.
>You will have been an excellent general being very young (the same age as Azula) and handling Lighting to perfection, but you always had a heart for her, and although she was terminally ill; in you she saw the last hope to free himself from the clutches of torment that from his childhood kidnapped her.
>But in the long run there was only one option; your life or hers; but thanks to your ability, you finally demonstrated the true love you felt from the first day that recruited you.
>While the sky was clearing of the smoke that all this tragedy provoked; she was awake and on the floor, crying inconsolably. You approached and spoke to her, while you also threw some small tears that didn't end in death:
>"I was sure that we would never have a healthy relationship if your egocentricity and your estrangement from all your loved ones still killed you internally".
>"Do you think I did not know?" When I knew you were against me, all my hope was over and I felt that I had to kill you to achieve the same... but I was wrong, my father was always a bastard who ended up killing everything that I once loved..."
>"I assumed, I always had friends and people who wanted me to make my plan work..."
>"What plan?"
>"You are currently an enemy of your own nation... you can not leave this without me... while I love you... you will not be prosecuted for problems that even humanity can not understand... since you were not right either... there is no other option to leave all this and live in peace... like me."
>Azula gets up a little painful just to hug you and say to your ear:
>"Thanks for everything ... I love you"
My gift to you, azulafags.
>growing out my hair
>pretty /fit/
>Cant grow a beard
2/3 ain't bad
If she wanted to fuck this ugly, burnt bastard who's her failure of a brother then an okay dude like me should be able to smash in half a week. I guess I can work on my cardio and bending skills to have some more fun with her of course.
Lol. No.
Will you fucking stop it already with Kiryu?
All she needs is genuine love. I'm sure I can do it and once she loses the Agni Kai, I'll just take her away to raise a family somewhere quiet and far from the reach of Zuko.
I would be the father figure Ozai never was. I would let her keep her fiery attitude and skillset but use it in a more positive way.
Not me. I've failed to win over much more approachable girls than Azula
Wasn't there a nonbending swordmaster in the fire nation? After I'm done training my body, then I can move on to pounding that ass.
Let's say that when you transport yourself you get control of an element. Which one would you choose and how would you use it to conquer Azula and have sex with her (or any other Avatar character)?
I'd kill Mai and every other earthbender whore so Zuko will have to be with Azula
>Implying I would even give a shit about Thots
Depending on which element bending Ability I have I would change the very foundation of the avatar world as we know it, and those of you who know me well know that I am telling the truth
Water so I'd have the advantage over her and I can shape shift the water into various objects for her pleasure.
Earth and I wouldn't give a flying fuck about Azula. I could get a whole harem of cuties with the same effort.
If any of you had ever actually been with a psycho bitch you wouldn't waifu them.
I would cover Ty Lee's tits in cum!
What did he mean by this?
She's a psychopath. No way.
>He doesn't want a loving psychopath that'll kill others for you
Get the loyalty of a psychopath, and you're set for life.
Who's tighter? Azula or Ty Lee?
Ty Lee would have far better muscle control, but Azula is probably far kinker and anal crazy
I would love spanking Ty Lee as I fuck her pussy.
Nothing wrong with that. I would love to have Azula ride me with her scratching my chest and scowling at me.
And how would I convince Ty Lee to do rougher stuff during sex.
Hmmmm, I don't know to be honestly. Maybe start small and work your way up I suppose. She'll understand, and hopefully you'll both find a happy medium.
So start with some spanking and work my way from there?
You may want to ask first, since she is highly flexible and might be able to hit you even if you're behind her. Start light, work your way up. Like I said, you'll both find a happy medium after a while. Hell, she might start suggesting things for you guys to do.
I would ask her to wake me up with a blowjob everyday.
>bloodbend azula
>bloodbend my dick
I see nothing wrong with that.
Maybe make her walk around the house naked.
Nothing wrong with that either, so long as you live somewhere warm.
Maybe some mutual masturbation as well.
Insert Rod A into Slot B
My nigga.
Just bring her the avatar and she'll love you for like five minutes.
Probably. But I don't think anyone would want her heart, so much as to fuck her while she was chained up and safely out of killing distance. Even if she fell for you, she'd probably still kill you. She only seems to be attracted to the idea of power anyway. And her brother, for sort of similar reasons.
Unironically just treat her like a human being rather than a blue blooded monster. Her particular flavor of crazy is born of isolation that even fake friends cant fix. Just treat her like an actual person and work your way up for there. Just be mindful of the limitations so you don't get fried for overstepping way too soon.
I would have written more, but apart I had to translate that from a Spanish text and change some pronouns.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
Those type of scenes I have written in my novel
> This guy knows them girls.
You need to step in to a magical bonfire. Let the burns whisk you away to the world of avatar
>magical bonfire
It's time
I want Azula to make me her catamite.
Why do normalfaggots even come to Yea Forums?
They're more unsuccessful fuckers than us
Azula is cute.
Did Ty Lee have a bare midriff or is that an edit? It's something she'd wear given her personality, but I seem to remember it differently.
Who drew those user?
It's her fighting style.
Holy shit, you're blind? That name is showed in the same fanart
Ok, i need the source of those 3d models (if they exist) right now until i'm gonna crazy.
I don't have really good eyes user, it sort of blended in with the corner.
>Youll never have a crazy girl who doms you
Ow, sorry for being a bitch.
Its okay. Have some ATLA art.
t: Some fucking moron who never dealt with anyone with mental health issues
This makes no sense a psychopath can easily socialize with people.
Sorry, but I don't take relationship advice from Yea Forums.
Go for it then; let us know how it turns out.
I wish but I'm incapable of relationships
Wang Fire could, if he wasn't a happily married man.
He wasn't traveling with Goofy?
Fire of course. It is obvious since she looks down on everyone but firebenders. Even that wouldn't be enough I think, I should be a noble or something.
Air is broken in ATLA, so i'll take that.
So Dragon Style in Yakuza
With an honest personality, helpful and dependent on allies, basically I would be consuming pussy of almost all possible sexual partners, but I must balance this with tragedy to make natural every romance.
That includes gay sex.
I have an origin that uses the logic of ATLA so that it's not so headcannon if interests you.
This man could.
I would start to tease/flirt her in every encounter so she gets an obsession besides being perfect. Since I know the story I can skip the bullshit filler and go to the improtant teachers right away, thus becomming stronger in less time. This of course means I would have the upper hand sometimes against her, maybe save her from falling over or whatnot. This would only add to her obsession, but raises questions in her regarding the nature of that obsession, as I am in her eyes the only one better then her.
Should nothing evolve out of it until the whole invasion thing is over and the balance is restored, then she will hopefully just stick around and accapt the advances, because she can become the ancestrial matron of the entire future air nation and culture I will breed with her. That should get her pretty exited.
>You realize they both are 14
I'm gonna steal your gif
And? Even better, they’re the same age and Steven’s not an adult
This. We can fetishize her all we want, but in the end she's still a sociopath. The only people who would enjoy being in a relationship with cannon Azula from the show are also sociopaths.
Sauce, if you are interested
>The only people who would enjoy being in a relationship with cannon Azula from the show are also sociopaths.
That's why i wanna beat her ass first.
Have fun having to constantly look over your shoulder to foil her assassination attempts. She'll probably off you before you can break her.
this desu
4 elements trainer let me enjoy all the girls equally.
but i'd still go for ty lee if i even had a chance with anyone
We can still try savong her from snapping at the betrayal of her preceved friends with the power of dick though.
You mean your parents never droped you in the wood at night saying there's all kind of shit eating vermin that would like to eat you up or held you up in the air by an arm ready to break your ribs with a closed fist, never tryed to get new shit out of your brother's cancer by asking shit when make a wish fundation come to see him or that when one of your close relatives dies you actually feel anything even if they look at you dead in the face when they expire?
I need to train to back up that fight, piece of shit.
I wasn't born yesterday.
Excuse me, I'm a psychopath thank you very much. I would love to be her attack dog, and when I do good so would reward me. Win/Win
Well... in the Book 2 you're Zuko so...
You can't apply that in this case
Sadly I can't play the love route as a prisoner. Sadly I hate incest so I'm in a dilemma.
>Sadly I can't play the love route as a prisoner
It's your option, i like being Zuko as a General or some shit like that.
>I hate incest so I'm in a dilemma.
Believe me, i hate too but...
In this case must be
Fire bending and my fighting style would be gravel based. I’d simply raise my body’s tempature to burning and hug people to death. Do this at fire nation’s peak and have myself a good time burning up rebel scum.
Well, I'm an autistic at times loner who regularly suppresses urges to hurt other people and loves it whenever a fight starts.
Feel like if I ever met her, she'd see right through me, tease me for it, regularly push me into situations where I'm tempted to use violence, and flirt every time I'd fall through with it.
given how into her brother she is, she'd probably burn you to make you look just like him
easily, we saw in that party episode how thirsty she was for a relationship. Just say how much you love her and she probably wont slowly murder you. if you lucky and take it slow you can convince her to change sides before fire nation falls, worked for Zuko.
This. Treat her like a normal person(but still with respect) and she will eventually warm up to you.
I feel like a woman would have better luck, user
I feel like you didnt watched the show
>treat her like a normal person
>she casually fries you for your insolence and refusing to defer to your betters (her)
She's an aristocrat, one who places a lot of her actual self-worth on her inherent superiority to everyone else. Take that away and she folds like a Chinese motorcycle factory. Treating her as an equal might be what she NEEDS, but it certainly not something she'd voluntarily accept or allow.
>Treating her as an equal might be what she NEEDS, but it certainly not something she'd voluntarily accept or allow.
That's why we need get off her egocentrical personality first.
>take away 80% of Azula's personality
Good luck with that waifufag.
Thanks for not being constructive, piece of shit.
>if I clap my hands and wish really hard my psychotic waifu won't burn me to death
You want to rehabilitate someone you start small and work your way up, not with retarded pie in the sky bullshit. Get her a puppy or something, if she can take care of a living thing for a week without killing it because it makes her dick hard (like Scrapper), then she's made progress.
Obviously, this is a matter of work and effort.
Are you me?
Why you wanna get raped by fire when you can become the fire lord instead?
>Get her a puppy or something, if she can take care of a living thing for a week without killing it
retard, that's testing someone, not developing someone
if you're gonna tell someone to develop something at least get the right idea behind it
You got it right my man. When you're dealing with a yandere slut, you have to get on her good side and then get her to put her guard down by manipulating her with good fortune and lies.
Once she trusts and understands you through sheer bullshit, that's when you're in the clear to get some of that pussy since she's already the most sexually repressed cartoon girl there is.
please dont let puppies or small animals of any kind less closer than 4000 miles near princess Azula, for more information on why please refer to the great artic seal boiling incident of 112 AG. Thank you for you undertanding and cooperation.
Azula will burn the side pussy, then remove your arms and legs so you cant do it again, that if she doesnt straight up burn you too
I can't read shit
If I were fireproof, I could probably wearher down eventually, but my A Game would likely earn me at least one fireball to the face from someone as volatile as Azula.
>A Game
What?'ve never heard the phrase 'A Game'?
as in, 'Bring your A Game?
>could he win Azula´s heart?
Win her heart? Probably not. She's far too insecure to ever love someone.
Given user's knowledge of the show, it's possible he could wrangle himself into being her advisor/sexual partner. Assuming he's one of the few Anons around here that's actually in shape. Some level of martial arts knowledge would definitely help, too.
Now that's what I call edgy
>burned face
she's into that
I don't have English as my main language
it basically means using your best moves to ensure success.
Now i understand
If I got to the Avatar World, I'm probably gonna try to join Aang and the gang and maybe warn Aang about Korra.
Oh I know she had an episode where she tries to fuck a guy, but that was one episode.
Her relationship with Ty Lee is pretty blatant and openly supported by the cast.
>Her relationship with Ty Lee is pretty blatant
you sseing this through gay-colored lenses. are you one of those "everyone is gay" anons?
Not the same user but...
Azula VA's confirms that shit years ago
Would make her a dyke
and JK said Hermione was black
Google it. Grey DeLise has talked about it many times.
>batshit insane violent bitch
>not Ty Lee
>not thicc earth kingdom cuties
>not chocolate water tribe milfs
you people
I ship it
Cheating on her is a no no but I don't know if I can handle not fucking Ty Lee behind her back.
Where's her swimsuit
>growing out my hair
>Cant grow a beard
that's bad, michael jackson pedophilia accusation bad
You could Scrapper. I believe in you.
you are a step away Scrapper, make it real
Nah, Scrappy’s a dork like that. She’s more his daughter, which is pathetic on a different league
>She’s more his daughter
That's why i never understand why he self-inserts as Ozai (who is a simple villain).
>"I'm gonna destroy the Earth Kingdom because yes"
>Not vengeance's reasons
>Not tragedy's reaons
>Not foreshadowing a final boss in TLOK
Only a tripfag like him can reach that type of level.
He’s quite pathetic and easy to annoy
>have to resort to trying to instigate Scrapper into participating in his dead thread.
It's like watching a comedian fail to land a single punchline joke after joke.
Azula is a useless whore.
>It's like watching a comedian fail to land a single punchline joke after joke.
But the truth is here... and that hurts you.
You can't deny that
In February everbody own3d you, and i never forget.
Said Scrappy Doo as Azula was being plowed by Steven
>3. She's 14, dude.
Oh boy, you don't know where we are do you???