How to ruin all your characters

How to ruin all your characters

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Huh? They're cartoon characters not toys

Villains become party members, just like my Japanese animes.

That really is the root of it. Anime has shit writing, but the art is usually good enough to compensate. Cartoons are the other way around; they look like shit but have good enough writing for you not to care. When you replace american style writing with japanese style writing, you end up with an ugly cartoon with shit writing

Reminder that Jasperdemptionseason6 has been prophesied since 2016 and will save the show

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Jasper should have been redeemed before the Diamonds, they fucked the whole show over so there's no point in watching anymore.

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Yet you'll still watch anyway. SU is like the cartoon equivalent of Yea Forums

I didn't watch CYM user, after I heard WD was redeemed by a burn

>Why are we still here?
>Just to suffer?

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>Peridot and Jasper

I choose to believe that the contents of season 6 will make up for my disappointment in the last ten episodes of season 5 and Rebecca has just been saving the best stuff for last

I still think there is nothing wrong with Peridot or Blue Diamond and watching Peridot fly around on a disc was cool as shit.

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1 hit kill the final and strongest boss in the show .

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>Villains become party members
I'd be absolutely fine with that if they retained what made them interesting once they join the party.

just used reflect on the bosses giga-death-beam.

Is a girls show desu, what did you expect?

yes how dare the characters not be the embodiment of evil and instead be capable of changing opinions and nuanced positions

You mean fucking nothing? Vegeta and Buu never had to answer for the countless they murdered, they were instantly forgiven and now Bulma and Mr Satan pay all their bills.

Getting big rory vibes from OP's image.

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dragon balls. yes buu killed people, but then "i wish everyone buu killed came back to life". so no harm no foul.

Kudos to the crew for actually correcting Yellow Diamond's flesh tones in neutral lighting.

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Blue Diamond was always a sap, though, literally from her first introduction we knew she wasn't an asshole.

>the writing on some random other show is dogshit so it's okay for the writing on this show that fans pride on handling mature topics and character development realistically to be complete dogshit

White Diamond ripping out Steven's gem genuinely made me scared and uncomfortable.

you have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums

the whole finale felt rushed to stuff fusions and other bs

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Am the only one who thinks Steven Universe's animation got less expressive? Everybody disses the inconsistent animation but it produced really fun expressions in the first couple of seasons.

Later seasons drawings are kind of just lazy.

It's my actual opinion though.

I miss tall Peridot

The exception is Change Your Mind, they actually put their all in that one.

>that fans pride on handling mature topics and character development realistically to be
I think that's a stretch of the truth.

The show gets props for not treating the viewer like a child. However it's rare to see the argument that it's take on mature topics is flawless. In fact it's surface-level at best.

And since I personally don't give a shit about 'mature' topics if they are 99% centered on relationships, surface-level is where I feel it needs to stay. Just me though.

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The music was fucking great, I love it. Based WD for just cutting straight to the real questions. I really dislike the implication that Rose's persona is unretrievable, since her memories are clearly seeping into Steven's consciousness.

That style de-evolution is so fascinating to witness. Like you see often enough people who don't improve over years but that person fucking obliberated anything interesting in their art in a few years.

Show had the balls to harm Steven for once.

Unfortunately it was so fucking late. Lost a lot of impact it could have had.

I would argue it had the most impact specifically because it happened at the height of the series's tension.

It was fixed in a couple of minutes and he never faced any permanent losses so it doesn't matter

who cares? those are meme side gems
pearl, the best gem, actually got better as the series went on

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Honestly I felt both of these. It was comparable to a flaccid ejaculation.

Steven could redeem gems who had previously tried killing him and three mega space Hitlers, but could he talk sense into Kevin?

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Neither she or any of the other crystal gems did anything substantial in Change your Mind

Now that Kevin has exposed his ex-gf (who is probably the Mystery Girl) as his emotional flaw, yes he can.

no one did but steven. your point?

That every character was done dirty in the finale

As it should be.
Otherwise you get Adventure Time finale.

Both finales are terrible

At least Steven Universe remembered who the protagonist was. That alone makes it miles better than AT.

It's safe to say SU's finale was far, far better than AT's.

>Steven convinces Kevin to stop being such a prick and that’s why she left him
>he changes his ways and gets Mystery Girl back
>Pearl cucked again
I like it.

__ ____ _ ____ _________?

I just got that.

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2 mighty powerful diamond cannot destroy 5 lowest level gem , the diamond should grind those gem to dust before steven do anything .

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thats part of the point. the diamond's class based society needs to be reformed because gems are capable of growth in ways they didn't think possible, both in terms of growing up and terms of gaining new skills and magic powers

The diamonds weren't taking the fight seriously.

>If you admit you were wrong and change your mind, you loose, you become invalid and your "character" is ruined

The mindset that is at the core of so many problems in today's society.


to be fair, it was a parry-counter and steven is definitely in on some meta bullshit build.