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More time for Carol!

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Explain why that's a problem

Good. Infinity War could have benefited from an extra 15 minutes and Endgame won't be anywhere near as face-paced/crammed with characters, though I imagine they'll reserve a fair bit of time for the epilogue and to wrap this first big 11 year phase of the MCU up.

Good fucking god why? Infinity Cast was enough of a bloated, exhausting mess at 2:40.

They've halved the cast, Cap has half the dialogue he had in Infinity War in the second trailer alone, and they need time to have a resolution after the main conflict is resolved, and they'll probably be dropping a lot of nostalgia bombs. I think 3 hours sounds about right and doesn't imply a bloated mess either.

What is this fake news?

Movies tend to get slow, and tend to focus on things that don't need that much focus.

I guess I shouldn't bring any drinks with me.

>Need to cover aftermath of the snap
>Give character moments to OG and more
>Give Thanos is time to shine and further cement him as a memorable villain
>Have big action setpieces
>Have a bunch of nostalgia moments
>Undo the snap
>Beat Thanos
>Have a resolution that needs to be a satisfying close to the first big phase of the MCU and setup the future of the universe, the new Avengers generation, etc.
I'd say it needs about 3 hours to do all that stuff and more without feeling rushed or bloated.

I'd rather it be 4, with an intermission. Then I can take a fat shit in the middle.

Take a fat shit in your empty popcorn bucket and toss at either a fat person or child.

If I'm lucky, there will be a fat child nearby.

3 hours should be the absolute maximum for any movie. Any longer and it should be a mini-series or split into two movies.

That's the spirit. If he's a fat child, make sure to in your bucket too. You really should be aiming to ruin that fat shit's little day with your fat shit and hangover piss.

Man, I won't be able to hold my pee

Use the popcorn bucket.


>Imagine not having the attention span to focus for a mere 3 hours
Only in America.

Calling it now

10 minute Stan Lee tribute

Reminder that long-ass runtimes is what killed Transformers.
And thus will be what kills MCU.

Runtimes didn't kill transformers

Kill yourself, Carolshill

>Reminder that long-ass runtimes is what killed Transformers.
That's not what killed Transformers


The longest Transformers movie is also the highest-grossing one.

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watch Shoah without taking a bathroom break then you can whine

3 hours of CG, why not just make an animated feature?

Makes me wonder if they are still planning an intermission. Amerifats will be ravenous after an hour and a half with no snacks (everything will be gone before the trailers are over).
This seems like reasonably good business for the extortion racket known as the concession counter.

> Amerifats will be ravenous after an hour and a half with no snacks
we already have theaters with waiters and entrees, kek.

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Theaters should be selling official Avengers piss bottles.

It's also what killed musicals and westerns.

>after an hour and a half with no snacks
>he doesn't know about dine-in

Westerns were immensely popular from the 30's all the way to the beginning of the 1970's.
What else has had as good a run?

3 hours of Captain Marvel pwning Thanos.


Amusing. But we are both paying to see it.

>But we are both paying to see it.

Fuck yeah

Don't see a problem with this. Its the big finale after all. However I must say, I really can't see the my investment sticking around much longer after this. Unless they bring in some new blood like Moon Knight, I think I'm sticking with the Dr Strange sequels

Pfft I can just sneak in a large pizza for the movie

Short answer is their is nothing to the plot that should demand that runtime

The amount of characters that need arcs add some justification to it. Though making infinity war and endgame double features almost 6 hours of being in a theatre may be annoying




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You can’t kill something that was DOA

You can't be serious? If anything the culmination of 22 movies, 8 tv series, a bunch of comics and special over the past 11 years and you think 3 hours is to long...are you fucking nuts if anything I worry its not long enough.

How are euro fucks gonna coup without a cigarette and tea time?

uh what? ive never heard of such a thing. sounds as ridiculous as a movie theater selling alcohol

The only people complaining about a movie being too long are idiots that think you tube videos are too long. There was a time when movies were expected to be 2 or more hours longer and had a intermission half way through the movie. You cry babies can last 3 hours without feeling the need to post on fb or twitter or whatever. You'd be suprised that there are things more engrossing out there than finding validation on social media.

>selling alcohol

I wouldn't call 10-15 bucks for tap selling, more like its just an agreement that the theater is robbing you and your okay with it

I mean, LOTR's was a decade ago.

it was two actually

you imply there are theaters that actually sell alcohol. over here, my theaters in the USA only sell popcorn, candy, and soda. don't bring in your own food or else you'll get thrown out the moment you're seen with it (we have people who look out for it at my local one), and thats how it should be. none of these theaters that sell entire pizzas or pretzels or bottled water, if you want water just walk out and use the water fountain

Yes, in America there are many, AMC, the biggest theater chain, has tons of alcohol selling locations. Also sneeking in food and booze is like the Amrecan way, never been to a movie i haven't heard a pop top or screw lid open

Will we come full circle to when movies had intermissions?

in australia every cinema has a bar

Is this the next Godfather part II?

In Canada select screens sell alcohol, some have waiters too. I prefer to sneak in my booze though

I actually feel like Endgame didn't feel like that long of a movie. In fact, I kinda wish it was a tad longer, so they could've fleshed out some of the characters more, like Scarlet Witch and Vision with their romance or any of the Black Order.

I don't see why people are up in arms about this. It's literally the big finale of the entire MCU up until this point.

Would you?

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>I actually feel like Endgame
By that, I mean IW, shit.

It's something that I plan to do one day. I'm already catching up on MCU movies I missed before Endgame comes out. I just watched IM3 for the first time tonight and it wasn't that bad actually. Gonna watch Captain Marvel and maybe Thor 2 tomorrow.

>tfw you remember this really is what "killed" Megatron in the first movie

I'll give you a little secret: eat a few slices of bread before entering the theater. The bread absorbs the water of the soda and you can hold your pee for many hours, even after consuming a lot of popcorn. It's an endurance tool used by experts.

they need to bring back intermissions

yes, I would

No no no. Transformers died with the 2008 WGA strike.

>I just watched IM3 for the first time tonight and it wasn't that bad actually

I really liked it, no idea why it gets such bad word of mouth. I mean IM2 that was legit bad, but 3 was really good.

What they need to bring back is short cartoons before the movie and maybe grindhouse-style double features.

But those YouTube videos ARE too long, it's like they make them that way so they can cram advertising in between. There's no reason why a fucking review needs to be 30-45mins long, basically a third of a standard movie's length.

I think I might've liked it more than IM2. Neither were really the IM sequels that we deserved but IM3 wasn't bad in the least. It was alright, certainly not offensive. And Rebecca Hall is fucking hot.


>Thinking it's for Carol
Lel no

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No, too busy with work and shit and in my free time I don't want to be stuck in a room with smelly nerds, I get enough of that shit when I go to a con.

sure it is, gotta have this in the movie

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Lol what are you some kind of deep South nigga from the holler or something?
The movie theatres in LA have bars inside.

I wanted them to make the theatrical cut of BvS 3 hours, so yeah, I'm down.

>mfw Yea Forums thinks 3 hours long movies are something unusual and bad

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Nigga, do you even Return of the King?

lol no it wasn't, its pacing was fantastic

Fucking this
You know movies used to have intermissions.
I don't know why they stopped doing that and tripled the size of available sodas.
Something's gotta give.

Agreed. Even on rewatch, IW seems shorter than Man of Steel, a movie that really doesn't know when to end.

Fuck me. My bladder will explode.

>First it was "Waaah, Carol's gonna beat Thanos
>Now it's "lol Carol'll get no screentime carolcuck"
How convenient

This is the only valid answer.

Buy some depends, fuckface.

>tfw no spider-verse take on "Let's All Go To The Lobby" halfway into Endgame

>can't go 3 hours without pissing
some of you might have a serious problem

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Rewatching old movies, first one I stumbled upon with an intermission was Lawrence of Arabia. If MCU had an intermission, it would probably be either straightforward or a surprise guest appearance by Deadpool telling everyone to empty their bladders while he talks about random Marvel Comics facts for five minutes.

I'd say it depends on how much pop you bring in, those cups can get stupidly big.

>eating in the theater
Americans ruin everything.

I need to fucking pee goddamit

>for five minutes
Not nearly enough time.

Plenty of theaters sell booze in the U.S

They should just play some disney shorts during the intermission

>intentionally damaging your own prostate by holding a wee just so you don't miss the strong guy punching the bad man on the shiny screen

>inb4 this spawns a trend where movies even under 2 hours decides to have intermissions to play mid-movie advertisments

Eating is fine, it's drinking that's the concern. I've once had the displeasure of having to piss at the climax of Fury Road despite having barely drunk from my cold mango juice.

My thoughts immediately went to the Ant-Man entering Thanos's anus meme.
>Intentionally damaging your own prostate just so you don't miss on Thanos getting his prostate damaged

if you go 3 hours without an urge to pee, YOU'RE the one with the problem
you're dehydrated, fool

The only people ok with a movie over 3 hours long are people with literally no other responsibilities, chores, or work to do in a given day. Factoring in travel and previews, you’ll be out of the house for like 5 hours doing jack shit.
Every single theater in the world located in a non-shithole country does this. I don’t understand your point.


He's from a communist land where eating is considered a privilege.

movies over two hours long were a mistake

There's a difference though. Avengers is an ensemble part-two movie where lots of shit happened at the ending of the part-one. It's a given that Endgame needs to address this without making it seem too rushed. Unlike Transformers 4 where everything was padded out for Chinese ads, A4 actually does need the extra minutes since this is potentially the final movie for several of the OG Avengers.

I'm plenty hydrated. I just don't have a leaky vagina where my bladder is supposed to go. I can retain more water in half of my enormous, manly piss sack than you contain in your entire body. Fucking Euros, I swear.

Why not just. Piss before you go in?


Sometimes it's not enough, like you drink a whole lot of liquids 30 minutes prior to the movie, then you piss only 25, maybe 40% of what you drank before the movie starts. It's better to just drink minimal liquids, but this can't always be followed.

What did he mean by this?

>middle of the movie suddenly cuts to Deadpool sitting in a plastic chair and playing on his phone
>turns to the audience and tells them this is an intermission and the only deal Disney would cut him to get into the MCU
hire me

Ryan pls, Disney is firing all of you Fox cast.

I would just stay on the offchance Deadpool would say funny things though.

I hope someone snaps her neck. Literally Mar-Vell's Poochie.

Or Deadpool using Celine Dion's Ashes as the intermission while he unavoidably winks at the audience about how his main theme song fits A4 more than his movie.

>tv series
Oh, you think those are canon?
you're right

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I live in Texas, aka the South.
Literally every single theater in my area has alcohol. Some of them will bring it to you in the theater, quietly, without disturbing the movie. Some of them it's even a reasonable price of ~$5 per beer.

Sorry that you're ignorant.

they literally are unusual
I agree with you. Nothing wrong with long movies.

I'd appreciate a bathroom break, like older times.

>there are people in this world who don't think the Defenders will show up in Endgame
those people are correct


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Too old to sit longer than 2 hours in a single sitting. With my corroding health problems. It'll be a chore to watch. Bring back intermissions or I'm not seeing it.

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IW seemed to merit 3 hours more, given it had a much bigger cast.

> Infinity War was rushed and bloated, as proven by the awful Edinburgh and Wakanda scenes.

I think you're confusing that with The Last Jedi, a movie I literally thought was winding down to a close at least 20 minutes before it actually ended.

>tfw Tina Minoru from Runaways shows up to help Wong

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> Beat Thanos.
> Undo snap.

Is more likely.

>can't hold it in for three hours
Are you people literally toddlers or do you have some sort of medical condition?

Don't try and condone 4 hour slugfests you fat manbaby.

The epilogue will focus on the MCU characters (Tony, Cap, Spidey, Thor, Quill, Rocket) not the demoted Disney Plus characters who no one gives a fuck about wont be in any more movies, now that Fantastic 4 and X-Men are coming.

>Will be over three hours long
Good, that makes it even better. This movie is also gonna be a big sendoff to a few characters don't forget. Everyone needs to have a few moments to shine like the last movie.

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>mfw I get to read reports of folks pissing/ shittin themselves in the theater while other goers complain about disgusting smells

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I drink a healthy amount of water

You might want to try that as well

>There was a time when movies were >expected to be 2 or more hours longer and had a intermission half way through the movie.
I still remember when movies lasted 90 minutes, mostly.

Please give bathroom breaks

>t.pre LOTR zoomers need a refill on their ADHD meds to last 3 hours

I fell asleep during the Return of the King. Don't remember what part but it ran way too long. Has nothing to do with ADHD.

What is an intermission?

>What Is Normal Urinary Frequency?
>As with many things in life, everyone is different. This also applies to normal urinary frequency. For most people, the normal number of times to urinate per day is between 6 – 7 in a 24 hour period. Between 4 and 10 times a day can also be normal if that person is healthy and happy with the number of times they visit the toilet.

Two-five minute bathroom breaks usually an hour into a long movie.

There's a difference between something like The Hateful Eight and the sound and fury of Avengers. I'm getting headaches from something as ADHD as Infinity War being stretched out even longer.

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>Even the fan art can't fix her face.
Movie would have been Great if they picked a better actress.

Except Vision, of course. This is a Russo Bros movie, after all.

you just really love being a walking caricature, huh?

I'm expecting a big Return of the King style epilogue for all the characters that won't be returning after Endgame. Only this time people will actually want to watch it.

i-is this real lads?

Haha probably not, I made it up on the spot. I suggest you to go pee before the movie starts and to pick medium, not large-sized popcorn though. It's not the soda, but the popcorn salt that gets you.

Fucking salt, as if I couldn't escape that online, it torments me IRL.

Aside from the popcorn, the best trick is to pee before you go out, and to hold off on the drinking during the previews. Best of luck!

Nah what you really want to do is dress warm and be really emotional.
If you cry and sweat profusely, you won’t need to pee because all that liquid has gone elsewhere

This. Look into osmosis user, it's real science.

Medical condition

No, I don't watch movies

because some of us actually have goddamm lives outside of movies.

Stop drinking gallons of soda Americlap.

Based and Carolpilled

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Where I live they do that for literally every movie, even if it is 1 and a half hours. Also they last like 10 minutes.

I liked the epilogue of ROTK

Where do you live? I haven't seen a movie theater holding an intermission in my life.

That's what the popcorn containers are for.

We should’ve known this would happen every time there’s a two parter one part is ridiculously bloated and meandering. Any remember Deathly Hallows. The second half of the first part went at a snails pace to fill a 2 hr frame. A good chunk of the plot was already established in the first part of Infinity War that there’s really nothing to justify a three hour movie to wrap it up

>there’s really nothing to justify a three hour movie to wrap it up
Look at him
Look at him and laugh

Tonni Erdman was 3 hours and it was perfect length.

Isn't a problem if screenings have intermission, but being stationary for over 3 fucking hours sucks.

Cool, more piss breaks.

The thing about musicals is that on stage they benefit from an intermission. Movies these days don't have intermissions, so 2.5 hours feels a lot longer.

I think people would be okay with longer movies if they brought back intermissions.

The Hunger Games chick should have played Captain Marvel, since she's more attractive.

How many 3 hour movies can you name that have come out in the past few years? They are a pretty hard sell.
Not that they are inherently bad, but they are definitely uncommon, and I'd bet that most of them could probably be trimmed down and be stronger for it.

Four hours is the minimum for intermissions, you can survive three hours without eating or going to the bathroom.

>between 6 – 7 in a 24 hour period
Well considering you should be getting 6-8 hours of sleep, that's 6 times in 18 hours, aka once every 3 hours.

Americans at the cinema with their whole rostierre chicken, 2 large hot dogs, 3 large sodas, large popcorn, large chilli nachos, 3 buckets of pick and mix candy look like this.

forgot pic

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I can hold it. But at a point all Im thinking about is when I get to go and pee. Id rather just concentrate on the movie.

Wrongest opinion I've read today.

user no, she's plagued another Marvel movie series enough with her phone-ins.

I can only imagine how much they eat during a Netflix binge.

I was going to call you a faggot, then I looked up the actress and for some reason she either dates old guys or young guys that look old. Weird.

So I take it that people who complain about long runtimes have never seen LOTR correct?

That would literally kill the movies for me if that happens. Captain Marvel is such a shitty and underdeveloped character for her to just be the strongest is just shitting it out in people’s faces.

Can we petition for a toilet break halfway in?

I really hope she gets to wear the Gauntlet simply because she's strong enough for it, and that she rallies the Avengers around her. I also hope Steve passes the shield to her and says, "the time of the man is over", before passing away from his grave injuries.

I prefer long shit because I’m self employed and need something to listen to otherwise I’d go insane. It’s hard finding 70+ hours of shit a week.

I think most of the fanbase is too young to have seen those

Millennials grew up on LOTR, and reruns exist. Let's not pretend they're some kind of 80's classics.

No, they have not.

Imagine being at the mercy of these guys for essentially a MEAL.
Or you could eat just before the movie and use the savings to send a pair of Honduran children to school for a year.

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It'd be pretty cool if they played those planned what-if shorts in the intermissions
But they'd probably just put more movie trailers

The whole POINT is to show nothing, so people can get up, restore their circulation, take a piss, and get more snax.

Bet you're still going to watch it, because of course you are, you faggot shill. If I had a gun and I had the option of killing Marvel or its fans, I would its fan every single time. Marvel is the rapist, but its fans are the ones drugging its victims and allowing to flourish. Fuck you.

Just bring your own candy lol

Millennials are anyone between the age early 20s to late 30s. Gen Z are those who are younger than this age bracket. The biggest MCU fanbase are those younger than 20, most of them weren't even born when the first LotR was released.

You only have to look at the demographic results of various MCU fangroups. In fact I'll give you one right now from reddit:

>The biggest MCU fanbase are those younger than 20
This is based on your research of the contents of your own ass, right?
>no Reddit
You have to go back.

This is actually getting legitimately fucking annoying. You don't actually like her, you just like pissing people off. I don't normally take bait but it's EVERY. FUCKING. THREAD.

Right, I forgot to mention this earlier, but Tarantino's Hateful Eight had an intermission, which I believe can be found on some Blu-ray versions also. The movie if I'm not mistaken runs over 3.5h, so it doesn't have to be 4h to require it. If people could endure the last part of HP without interludes, they should have no issues with Endgame.
Right but you can't pretend most MCU fans are actually gen-z, specially since this has been going on for 11 years and when it began, millennials were at their peak. You'd argue gen-z's are catching up now.

Then ignore them, it's fucking easy. I'm an actual fan of the character but I know it annoys people here so I refrain from derailing threads with legit bait like that. You'd be smarter if you saw that and acknowledged it for what it is, a (You) magnet.

Not him, but I thought she was pretty good.
More entertaining than War Machine, Nebula, Ant-Man, Hawkguy and Banner.
But less so than the rest of the main poster cast.

Simply filter "Carol".

I'd also throw in post-redhead Black Widow.
She's such a downer of a character now.

Agreed on all points. Her blasting ships and show boating was a fun sight, and so was the power stance before they leave. I'm still not gonna push others to accept that, they have their own tastes and I respect them, but you cannot deny it looked great.

Broly is canon NOW though

Nebula is the best though.

The issue is its REALLY hard to pace that sort of thing without making it drag. Making a huge run time is really fucking easy when you don't have a limit on run time, so you don't have to cut shit that should probably be cut.

The other Avengers women are just too damn super-srs all the time.
Black Widow is the dour team mom, Wanda is always being brittle and anxious, Wasp so far has spent all her time being Ant-Man's dom.

DC's naughty bad-girl Harley and dimwitted hick Wonder Woman actually appeal more to women precisely because they aren't such stick-in-the-muds.

>getting annoyed at people being hyped about Yea Forums's favorite character

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They've already succeeded with the first "half" of this epic, so I'm not terribly worried.

You're doing God's work, user.

You seem to have forgotten IW and EG were filmed at the same time

My shitty theater actually has security and actually checks each individual before going to a big premiere. I’ve gotten caught twice. Those greedy basterds will do anything it takes to force people to buy expensive food.

That would defeat the whole point. If there's some content playing, I wouldn't get up and risk missing out on something interesting.
Over here, theaters have recently been playing some dumb mini games before the movie; people can join the games with their cellphones and win some cheap prices. Do they have those games elsewhere too? Mobile games or commercials would be okay enough IMO, if movies still had intermissions.

People can still watch them on TV, DVD, Netflix, or whatever.
Those options come with toilet breaks, though (commercials, pause button).

Some also pointed out on Twitter a whole ago that they noticed how little (if at all) the women interact in these movies. For all the talk about how they were supposedly before Carol and "how deserving" they are of solo movies before her, it looks like the producers never cared to raise them beyond being the "moms" of their respective teams. Remember Gamora was basically that before she died, and she was the most visible female team leader before Black Widow.
So no fucking wonder some want an A-Force movie, it would be a good chance for all these female heroes to finally interact and rise beyond being the "emotional support" of the male heroes.

>Is that a bag of sweets in your pocket or you are just excited to see Captain Marvel?

>yfw American theaters send people through a metal detector and THEN a body scanner to look for smuggled snacks

Yeah I forgot Gamora. She's literally the worst of the lot for that. She's a space-travelling super-assassin, but she's apparently spent the last two decades being stridently unhappy at all times. What a great character.

Anything up my ass is in my digestive system and my own business.
Circle of life, baby.

>tfw you have to smuggle your Doritos in condoms down your gullet and puke them out right before the movie starts

They just pat our pockets and check in purses. If we take a jacket they ask us to take it off and they check it as well. Probably only way to sneak in snacks is through your crotch or ass.

Just bring a delicious "support" animal.

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>"Alright, turn around, bend over and cough... Huh, I bet you didn't buy this can of Pringles in here, mister."
"Sir, I couldn't find a sitter for my chicken, I can assure you she'll stay quiet during the movie"

Just build a handicapped "little brother" out of paper-mache and clothing, stuffed with snax. (but nothing in his pockets).
Sure, you'll have to buy another child's ticket, but that's 1/20th the price of his weight in snax.

The trick here is to create a "mule".
The mule will have the largest sized drink and popcorn that you've all chipped in on, held precariously.
He will also be carrying everyone's contraband snax. The Screws will generally assume the mule is a "good boy" who's bought into the concession system, but if someone tries to frisk him, the mule should behave as though he's about to lose control of his obvious payload, creating a mess the Screw will likely have to clean up, and the theater will be on the hook for a refill.

I mean, this won't work if you are going to movies alone, but in that case you should be looking into the least painful way to kill yourself.

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Megamind actually reminds me of Mark Strong kek

Is this a tactic to hurt competition? Is Disney manspreading in theaters to reduce the number of screens available for other movies?

Isn't this a good thing because it means your favorite character (whoever that is) didn't have all their scenes cut?

To keep it standard length they'd have to cut everything except the scenes with the Big 6 + Carol + Scott.

If you need to come up with trickery to bypass their rules, wouldn't it be easier to just not bring snacks? My local theaters don't give a shit if you bring your own food, but I still have a habit of not taking food into the theater. I'll eat somewhere else right after the movie is finished.

>an extra 30 minutes
Does that cut into your fap session?

C-couldn't they cut Carol?

Future generations are going to be so fucking jealous that we got to experience this movie on release. It's more Star Wars than Star Wars.

Popcorn and drinks is one thing, but they sell the same bag of candy as the shop down the elevator for three times the cost.

Leave your snacks in the car. Go inside the movies, get your pat down. Then have someone leave to go retrieve you stuff and enter through a side enterance or the front.

Well for one, it is capeshit movie it doesn't need to be 3 hours long and it has to be well paced to work.

They're not going to cut the best part.

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There is nothing wrong with long movies but fucking capeshit isn't one of those things that need to be 3 hours.

On the other hand, they kinda gotta charge high for snacks as the studios take a massive chunk of their profits. Their main profits are the food

How much of Endgame will be wasted time while they fuck around on Earth?

Return of the King did just fine with its running time.

How fat is Yea Forums, exactly?

I’ve never see a crowd so emotional and invested with a film as infinity war

Gasps, clapping, roaring laughter, and tears from a significant amount of the audience when Spider-Man died. One girl was sobbing

Normies value these films hugely and will be overjoyed that it’s as long as possible

The Warren in Oklahoma City has a bar and two theaters with recliners and waitstaff.

Only if i gonna be paid for this shit

>thinking anything but the movies matter

Because they exist as the "emotional support" to the men, who, you may notice, get almost all the quips and "color dialogue".

Also, because male writers have little knowledge of female interaction, they avoid writing it. The women get little if any color dialogue.

>what is Titanic by James Cameron

Better than what happened in HP where Hermione got all of Ron's lines and moments.

they couldn't even show her in a fully revealed leotard when she was younger

>Give Thanos is time to shine and further cement him as a memorable villain
Oh boy more dumbed down Thanos where nobody addressed what a stupid plan he has and instead they beat him up (thereby proving they were right!).

> Audience gasps and sobs at Spidey dying.

> Audience very bored and totally indifferent when Wanda killed Vision.

The Russos nailed the former and completely failed at the latter.

Fucking pussies cant sit still for that long then dont go fucking see it wtf lol


Pee before the movie dumbass

Why exactly would they reason with him?

Like realistically, what would happen if they actually said "your plan is crazy and here's why". Would he just stop? Strange said he was insane for a reason

>Why exactly would they reason with him?
To get the shit back without turning it into a 20 minute punchfest?

Say what you will about Doctor Strange, that movie was lame. But it had the most interesting conclusion out of any Marvel movie because it involved some cleverness.

My ass gets really sweaty after just sitting in those cramped theater seats for an hour.

Hit the gym tubby

And lose my money maker? Hell no.

I can't imagine you make much money on male feeder porn

Your mom pays well.

Italy. I didn't know they forced people to hold peepee in America.

She's dead so that sounds unlikely.

They are not bad but capeshit movie should not be 3 fucking hours.

LOTR is art compared to marvel movies and those movies go fast when watching it. This movie will feel like shore to watch.

I hope this movie will kill normalfags interests in these movies.

>"I ran the numbers, Thanos"
>"Huh? It's you again, Tony Stark of Earth."
>"That's right. Listen to me *pulls holographic map of the galaxy* if you halved the living population by half, it would only take 23.5 Earth years to bring it back to the levels it had before your snap..."
>"Hnh. What's your point?"
>"It means that in other to keep the universe in balance as you claim, you'd need to halve the population in half regularly in order to maintain it. Do you think that's reasonable?"
>"Heh. That's what they told me, before I destroyed the Temple"
>"The Eternals. My people, my family. Do you think I haven't seen your fancy graphs before, Stark?" *He approaches and stares down at Tony* I've witnessed the twilight of the universe, before it approaches heat death, and it's the most beautiful sight a living being will ever see. You should be jealous of your friends who saw their lives crumble into dust the last time they meet me... They stared right at the universe's obsidian maw and saw its beauty. The same view I have every time I close my eyes."
>"... Okay but it you look at the chart just one second..."

I "marathoned" the MCU over the course of February, one movie per night with occasional interruptions

I think the actress for Gamora was the worst part. She just never made me believe she was the most deadly female assassin in the universe and the favourite child of the most feared and powerful warlord in the universe. Her design was shitty as well, especially with those ridiculous heels. They should have gotten someone with a much more intimidating, regal presence (maybe using a non-American accent) and given her a regal design like in big related. I'd take flowing silk robes with alien patterns over ANOTHER leather suit.

Attached: tumblr_navszbVlPR1qzg583o4_1280.jpg (698x960, 47K)

Oh look, it's another 'Thanos is a shitty villain cause his plan has logical holes!' Thanos being a great villain is not dependent on his plan being absolutely sound. He's fucking doolally. He's effective because he believes so adamantly in his plan, its righteousness, and is only so invested in that specific way of saving the universe because of what happened to his own home world.

>You know movies used to have intermissions.
Yeah the really long ones



Pretty much. He can't be reasoned with because he believes he's right. Hell, if he was actually allowed to enact his plan on Titan when its destruction was imminent, it may have actually worked to postpone the catastrophe that devastated that planet. It's clear how he hasn't gotten over what happened to his home and his inability to enact his plan. He's still fixated on that one moment in his life and is applying the same logic to the rest of the universe. He's insane like Gamora said. All the smug shit I see pointing out how his plan is flawed is missing the point.

How much fluff will this movie have?

What filler?

>I don't normally take bait but
>I'm an actual fan of the character
>I thought she was pretty good

Attached: retarded.jpg (396x64, 5K)

I would totally be up for the return of the intermission, but I don't think studios would like that.

Yeah, clearly you're just an idiot who can't stop himself.

Infinity War felt short too though

>They've halved the cast,


It could have used an extra 10-15 and the Wakanda battle being significantly, significantly reworked.
>Maybe have the city suffer damage
>Wakandans using aircraft and artillery from the very beginning
>No running charge
>Outriders defeated relatively early but still exhaustive. Heroes think they've won but then it's revealed after this little vanguard the REAL assault are the Chitauri
>Visually interesting. Wakanda looked really pretty during certain shots because of the sunlight and mist. Maybe have their be mist during the sunrise or the battle becoming gradually overcast and raining, especially after Thor arrives
I'm obviously not aware of all the practical things that influenced this stuff but the Wakanda battle was a weaker element. Luckily it's not the final battle of a 2 part story, so, after Endgame and in retrospect, it will probably be seen small setpiece and its underwhelming nature won't feel that bothersome anymore.


God, this is exactly what it's like trying to reason with anyone who uses emotion in lieu of logic. I've tried to explain to open borders leftists why some checks on immigration are needed, and they just give those same emotional speeches about us all being one humanity.

Nobody is going to give a fuck about the MCU in twenty years.

>letting profitable IPs crumble to dust for mainstream audiences
I don't think so, pal.

Honestly something like this would be an acceptable intermission that still keeps it interesting enough for the people sitting in their seats to not be on their phones for 10 minutes and waste their time, while still not being interesting enough that I'd feel the need to stick around and pee myself during the climax. Good idea user. Maybe deadpool could interview some other actors or characters or something. Maybe it could just be 15 minutes of ryan making funny faces at the camera or something dumb like that. You know I think it would be funny if they could do a mock up deadpool style game or something in that vein, something interactive like that. Probably the only way intermissions would ever make a comeback.

Because 3 hours capeshit movie doesn't fucking work. Longest it should be is like 2 hours but none more.

t. a stray from Yea Forums

Do you, unironically, think this movie is going to flop or under perform or something just because it's 3 hours? Like people are unironically going to not see the movie because "it's too long"?

That's the only reason I can think about you continuously bringing this up

>Return of The King is the most successful LotR movie
>it's 3h20m
implying audiences won't sit down and shut up to watch the continuation of the biggest cliffhanger in recent movie history.

People, especially guys from Yea Forums, underestimate how much goodwill Marvel has earned with the audiences and how successfully Marvel has captured the hearts and minds of ordinary people. If you express a positive opinion of the MCU on Yea Forums, chances are a reply will be a soiboi wojack, i.e. implying cringe-inducing soi scum and the like only really like Marvel. From my experiences (in the UK), normal guys and girls, dudebros, Chads, etc. in college adore Marvel films, especially the big event ones. People like the guy you're responding too underestimate how much the normies like this stuff and their willingness to see a 3+ hour movie.

>Brits are dumb
News at 11.

Attached: Sickening.jpg (640x480, 36K)

>normal guys and girls, dudebros, Chads, etc. in college adore fads

>I realise comic book films could be a temporary big thing like westerns once were! I'm such a smart, analytical mind!
These smug little nitpicks don't refute a single thing I posted. Normies love comic films a lot right now and are more than willing to sit through a 3+ hour movie that acts as a big finale.

>NEET still thinks normies love him because they like the same fads as him

Attached: NMSE.jpg (525x448, 111K)

I guess we'll see how it goes. I knew this was coming when the Russos talked about 2 hours no longer being enough time for these blockbusters. While Infinity War didn't feel its length, a lot of movies don't justify their egregious run times. Especially a lot of these comic book movies. I going to assume with all they have to cover, Endgame's run time will be justified. Honestly though, I think Marvel is done after Endgame. It'll mark the decline and eventually liquidation of the MCU. Kevin Feige seems to be abandoning his once strong instincts to adapt the material. I think he'll follow a path similar to Peter Jackson. His early justified successes will only embolden his worst instincts. The Lord of the Rings movies were super long, but they were super successful! Lets make a ridiculous 3 hour long King Kong movie!

Attached: ezgif-4-ff59bf3f65.gif (286x214, 997K)

>'Marvel will make bank with a 3+ movie because general audiences enjoy their films'
>Britz are dumb!
>It's a fad!
This is what I get for expecting a thread to not be stacked with mentally bankrupt, shitposting faggots.

>waah waah user doesn't adore my intelligent posts
Life is hard, NEET.