Marvel 2019 Comic slate

Hickman on X-shit

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Aaron on Valkyrie?

Aaron and Ewing

I welcome it. X-men need somebody with a vision.

With Ewing so gotta read it

(i'm the one guy on Yea Forums who likes Aaron Thor and Avengers tho)

Not sure if I like this or not. Why can't they give Ewing another solo project instead of relegating him as a side-man?

It's gonna be so fucking funny when Ewing makes Valkyries girlfriend Bunn created likable and a good character

He's getting an Infinity Warps event. and Hulk is his passion project

a vision to destroy is worse than no vision. Hickman raped the Avengers and destroyed their heroism. I wept for any future victims of his.

Why are you posting corpses?

Hickman is launching two x-men titles - House of X and Powers of X, with Pepe Larraz and R.B. Silva respectively.

House of X and Powers of X are gonna be 2 different tittles, if it wasn't obvious.

So what's the pitch!?!

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>Hickman: Again, we're keeping alot of this under wraps. Let me just say that we have radical, radical plans for all of you. I grew up primarily a DC Comics guy; the only book I read of Marvel growing up was the X-Men. All the books I've done at Marvel up to this point, those were fantastic jobs -- but they were jobs. This is was the first book I've loved before I started doing."

Is that the entire audience?


This is gonna fucking blow.

>ruining the avengers was just "a job" for him
What a fucking snake.

>yfw Hickman brings Rightclops back to the forefront

X-men have already been raped and destroyed.
if it brings true death, I welcome it.

>With this is a new X-Men logo, looks to be designed by Hickman himself. We'll have an image of it shortly.

of course

>Clarifcation, the titles are House of X as in the letter "X", then Powers of X as in the roman numeral 10.

So a school book and a Wolverine book?

I'm okay with that.

Now fire Rosenberg

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Well hot damn, this will be the first time X-Men have been on my pull list since Bendis and Hopeless ran the franchise into the ground. Hmm, maybe not though, have to see his roster first, if Logan Scott or Jean are the main players then fuck that

Hickman shitting all over his prior Marvel work, jesus.

Looks like Yggdrasil in the back?

Time to start analyzing and bitching that there's no Dani Moonstar

(but this means my dreams of Ewing New Mutants lives. It's strange that Hickman favs Sunspot and Cannonball aren't their. and it's a strange future Magik)

>Pepe Larraz

>>Long haired Blink Back

Pepe is good.

>Pepe Larraz
>R.B. Silva

When's Carol?

There are three Wolverines.

is havoc a child? wtf?

>tween Havok
I am intrigued

>Three wolverines
>Two Jeans
>Dani fused with Magik and Colossus (?)
>Baby Havok
>Rachel full Phoenix
>Two Storms

WTF??? I'm curious now

>It's gonna be so fucking funny when Ewing makes Valkyries girlfriend Bunn created likable and a good character
I'll believe it when I'll see it. Actually I probbaly still won't.

You forgot the two Nightcrawlers.

So at some point Illyana is stealing her bros powers?

Also Scott next to Emma so soon best relationship heals.

Don't worry she's overdue for another relaunch to prop up her dead book sales.

Too busy trying to get Trump to sign off on Future Crimes bs

Scott needs to cheat on her first with someone else for them to be even. That whore.

Shit, you are right

He is also bringing back SHIELD

It's a piece of characters from past, present, and future. Take that for what it's worth.

Is the girl on the bench Kitty or am I just assuming because she's nowhere else?

Pepe is good

Who's the generic white dude between Jean and Azreal?

I didn't realize how bad a shipper I was until I was excited seeing them next to each other

thenk u

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Now I know why Marvel Zombies sucked

She is Moira

>Hickman on X-Men
awww sheeeit, does that mean that we /cat/ again?

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>I grew up primarily a DC Comics guy

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So is he going to try to make DC style stories with the X-Men? Also I'm guessing all those rumors of DC offering him Legion might have been false or otherwise he would be there now.
Ditto and him saying that makes more sense.

I'm kinda mad about this because it actually looks good, but it's definitely not what I wanted him to write.
I realize it's a promo picture but some of the cosmic stuff in it seems very promising. Lilandra, Warlock, Phoenix Jean with the hound marks...



Emma and Scott together again? Count me in

Who is Iron Colossus Magik girl suppose to be?

Bendis is gone, who got super pissed about Cat beast, so there'd be nobody would stop Hickman now if he wanted

Oh Christ more nonstop events? Can’t you fucking Marvel Zombies stop buying this shit?

Finally, some fucking good X-Men shit.
Hickman, do your thing.

Oh no, did Magik and Colossus finally fuck?

two Jeans too

The fact that DC hasn’t gotten Hickman on board is the strongest indictment against Didio and Lee I’ve heard so far.

You mean for right? Hickman ruins everything he touches.

>DC hasn’t gotten Hickman on board
And this is bad because...

I just want more sassy Siniestro

They got Bendis, King, and KSD instead.

Willow and Fraction, too.

The mystery December event will have "connectivity and story payoff touch the entire Marvel Universe".

I hope the last one is about /our guy/

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Keep crying about your status quo

Sadly true Have a feeling they reached out to him, he wanted Legion but was told it was Johns'. Years later here we are.

>implying Hickman is any better

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>Cates anywhere close to Pymtron
Hard pass.

He really is. Compared to those? Definitely.

Hickmans boner is for big picture stuff. The books look to be precisely that, on xmen. This is EXACTLY what the Xmen needs right now, cry moar faggot if all you want is pointless drama and hamfisted minority drivel for the nth time.

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Shitman pls, the only good thing about your books was that parody comic you inspired.

Wait, Fraction went to DC?

... Yes? Absolutely?
What is it with people trying to pretend Hickman is bad, or anywhere near the level of Bendis? Jesus.

He's doing Jimmy Olsen which I'm stoked about (not that user)

Also- is Hickman X Men only 12 issues??

No length or synopsis revealed yet.


>he believes Bendis is better than Hickman
oh, so you’re just being contrarian for the sake of it huh? Good to know

Do you have any arguments or are you just gonna resort to post Illuminated comics because you think you're clever?

>"Hickman: I'm sorry for what's about to happen. [laughs] I feel you . Change is good. And I do like Cyclops

>Shitmanfag getting ready for another thousand shilling threads
Oh well, you have bills to pay.

>House of X and Powers of X will each be twice-monthly, alternating weeks, for at least 10 weeks.
Oh, yes, baby, non-stop cancer storytimes confirmed.

I'm conflicted. . . . .

>House of X and Powers of X will each be twice-monthly, alternating weeks, for at least 10 weeks.

>C.B. said that pages and issues are already done on this project.

>Hickman says New Mutants X-Men/Asgard stuff reallt "hit him hard". And the three issues Jim Lee and Chris Claremont with Rogue in Savage Land and the X-Men back in Shi'ar territory.

Right, no arguments. Thanks for confirming.

Ah, I already can see it. Dr. Doom will appear, kill Cyclops and become omnipotent by absorbing the energy of his blasts.

And since Marvelfags refuse to dislike stories about Doom becoming omnipotent, they will pretend that it's well-written and spam this board with "BASED HICKMAN SAVED THE X-MEN WITH DOOM".

Lol, he knows x-fans are basically groveling for anyone above Guggenheim level at this point

Thanks for your tears. The threads are going to be so much fun.

Took you long enough to show up, Doomfag.
I don't even like X-Men you dumbass. I wanted him in another book and I'm not about to spend money on this.

how does Hickman handle writing women? all I care about is X-waifus

Both are 6 issue minis, bi-weekly, for 12 weeks. Just confirmed.

Hickman did in like 4 pages what Bendis couldnt in his entire run

Who cares about all this X-Crap. What's /ourgirl/ Carol up to?

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>New Mutants X-Men/Asgard stuff reallt "hit him hard". And the three issues Jim Lee and Chris Claremont with Rogue in Savage Land and the X-Men back in Shi'ar territory.
Can anyone tell me these issue numbers or what they're collected as if anything pls?

I'm excited to see him piss off X-Fanboys like he did before

Don't force it. Just pray the book stays within the top 50 and let's leave it at that.

>already backpedaling

Rape the franchise to the ground?

Oh shit. Jimmy Olsen's an interesting pick. I'm waiting on the Kirby tpb to release so I might wait and see on Fraction's then

Steve Lieber is also on art

Asgardian Wars, and the savage land stuff is Uncanny 274-276

I miss when X-Men had charts, made the universe easier to understand. Hope Hickman brings them back

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>I'm just gonna draw half of Ultron and half of Pym, not gonna bother to do any degree of melding or effort to make them match, okay?


I don't know who out of the current Marvel writers I trust with Pym...Slott and Apencer seem to be the ones that care about him.

Going to be bold and call that person Rogue

Haven't read his Avengers, but from what I hear, the kind of long-term storytelling Hickman did there could be exactly what the franchise needs.
Everyone's just been writing literally nothing but editorial mandates and wastes of time ever since AvX. So if Hickman actually has a story to tell, I'd be interested. Hell, even if it's scrappy, it'd still be a step up.

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>He's getting an Infinity Warps event.
That's less an event and more just letting him write some one-shots for fun. Which, frankly, is what they should do with Ewing. Hell, they should just give him an anthology book where he can write C-listers and clean up continuity.

Did Illyana and Piotr do a fusion dance?

So is this about different eras of X-books colliding?

One of them is a New Universe/Squadron Supreme one-shot (Supreme Universal), which is precisely the one that made me interested in his whole project. But I'd rather if he had to finish what Ellis started in NewUniversal, or had a Squadron Supreme book for himself where he could explore these stories... As it is, it almost feels like they're giving him scraps (even if he chooses them himself).

So does this suggest that the talk of retconning Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver back into Magneto's children was just talk?

Welp, that pretty much confirms it'll be shit. Time and time again it has been proven that writers shouldn't write the properties they're fanboys of. It makes it too difficult for them to separate their fandom from their work. You need someone that's intimately familiar with the property so they stick to continuity while also not being so in love with the property that they're able to prioritize writing a good comic over writing their dream comic.

It was very, very, very clear from his work that he didn't give a shit about the Avengers.

The Fantastic Four, not so much, I think he learned to like them. But his Avengers had nothing to do with the Avengers, it was just a catch-all name for a very long crossover event.

Who ever suggested that?
Ahmed did that Quicksilver mini in which he re-established them as Romani children who were experimented on and later adopted by Magneto, I doubt they're going to walk that back and make them his children fully again.

Who the fuck cares at this point?
We've gone through any possible constellation and any possible state change between those constellations in detail over the years. It's all been done before.
Just leave that shit alone.

>Hickman has spent the past year making charts for this
Based Hickman is back. I'm unironically ready for his autistic charts and graphs.

>As it is, it almost feels like they're giving him scraps (even if he chooses them himself)
That's exactly what it is.

Probably. See, it's December 2019. And after this 2020 starts.

And Champions and Iron Man had Ultron related build-up. And Zub will co-write Iron Man. And Arno, already significant figure in current Iron Man is based on Iron Man 2020. And there is the pic related teaser. So that "?" is probably Ultron event that will lead up to Arno becoming Iron Man.

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His Ultimates was about Reed Richards. His Ultimate Hawkeye was about the X-men. His New Avengers was about the Illuminati. Two of the main characters in his Avengers were Sunspot and Cannonball. He actively went out of his way to not actually write the Avengers at every turn.

It’s Hickman, dude loves his charts.

Interesting theory. I'm guessing Slott will be the one writing that story, while Whitley and Zub deal with the crossover stuff.

I haven't read any MARVEL in years, anything worth reading? Just reading Deathstroke at DC.

Immortal Hulk
Avengers No Road Home
Champions by Zub
Doctor Strange by Waid

Immortal Hulk, Captain Marvel

>Implying Cannonball doesn't deserve the Avengers title.

Oh boy, am I excited for more fucking event comics!


Immortal Hulk, Zdarsky Spider-Man

Amazing Spider-Man, Venom, and Spider-Man and Deadpool are all really good too

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Immortal Hulk, the recent Black Order mini, Avengers: No Road Home, Doctor Strange, Runaways, and Fantastic Four.

Why do you hate Cannonball so much?

>Kitty gets rehymened so that Hickman's self-insert can take her virginity.

I doubt that even Ewing could manage that, maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll split them in the early on and she can fuck off to comics limbo.

>Fan Q: Asking about Young Avengers?
>C.B.: It's definitely going to be fans of Young Avengers, but I can't confirm or deny Allan Heinberg or Jim Cheung's involvement.

This is what "West Coast Avengers" should've been in first place, without the over-reliance on Kate Bishop though.

>Fan: Now that we've seen House of X and Powers of X, how does Uncanny X-Men fit in?
>C.B. says Uncanny X-Men works with Hickman's books, and has been a part of the larger plans. "There's amazing stuff planned that Hickman is going to be playing with."

>Fan Q: Will we ever get a new Longshot series?
>C.B.: You'll be seeing more of him. X-Men group editor Jordan D. White is a big fan of Longshot. No definite plans, but he and Hickman are both big fans.
Longshot is one of the few X-Men characters I like so this is good.

Not a single one of these fans have asked about the Eternals and it pisses me off.

is Hickman about to have the best FF, Avengers, and X-Men of this century? Is he the master of team books?

He's always getting picked for teams over me.

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This. I have wanted this for like six years now.

Morrison X-Men and Dark Archangel Saga are high bars

So we've got
>Gateway (currently dead)
>Iceman (Age of Apocalypse)
>Sikorsky of the Starjammers
>Archangel (90s)
>Master Mold?
>Rachel as Dark Phoenix
>Mister Sinister
>Cable (currently dead)
>Red Nightcralwer (Young Azazel?)
>Vulcan (lol)
>JEAAAAAAAN (Marvel Girl)
>Emma Frost (Black King)
>Wolverine (New X-Men)
>Storm (Mohawk)
>Lilandra (currently dead)
>Wolverine (80s)
>What appears to be Dani Moonstar with Colossus' powers and Magik's sword
>Storm (de-aged)
>Wolverine (Weapon X)
>JEAAAAAAAN (civilian)
>Professor-X (can use his legs)
>Nightcrawler (pirate)
>Classic Beast
>Havok (X-Babies)
>Bill the Lobster

Quite a deep dive into X-Men lore here.

>Morrison X-Men
fuck off Morrison

>not a single Academy X kid on this

At this point it's obvious you're just here shitposting.


He is infinitely better you turbo pleb

Morrison never understood the X-Men at all, and he ruined a lot of the good ideas he initially had. Most of the good ideas in his run weren't well done in his New X-Men and it took other writers to make them good.

>>Bill the Lobster

About time he had his comeback!

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Notice how aside from fucking Vulcan, every single character in that promo image is from the early 90s or earlier, which just so happens to be what Hickman read as a kid.

he gave Scott the best ship with Emma, so nope

You are in the minority not liking his run. A very vocal and extremely butthurt minority but also a very small one. Stop acting shocked that people disagree with you.

Reminder that Emma cheated on Scott twice with Namor.

That was Gillen, who was setting up Emma to betray and murder Scott after they moved to Asteroid M but he never got to finish his story because Bendis took over after AvX. That shouldn’t have any bearing on the good relationship that Morrison gave them and others picked up on until it was ruined.

like I said, he had a decent idea but the relationship he wrote quite poorly and it didn't really seem healthy for them. It was subsequent writers that made the relationship work, starting with Whedon.

She slept twice with Namor. Once for real and later inside their minds. She's a back-stabbing slut.

Okay so the Namorfag also logged in, and with the Doomfag we got them all gathered here today.

>Most of the good ideas in his run weren't well done in his New X-Men and it took other writers to make them good.

As much as I like Morrison's X-Men I must agree with this. The educational aspect of X-Men was better executed in New Mutants Vol. 2 / New X-Men Vol. 2. The whole mutants as a growing community with its own culture, etc. in District X.

But I think it's okay. New X-Men was the big book with the big plot, it's a part of shared universe for ideas from one book to be explored in others.

Thanks guys, i'll check out Immortal Hulk, Avengers No Road Home and Doc Strange

The first time she did it she wasn’t with Scott. There was a time she kissed Namor, but she was being mind-controlled. The second time she fucked Namor she was corrupted by the overwhelming power of the Phoenix. She’s no more responsible than Scott killing Professor X or Namor flooding Wakanda.

I get that I’m just saying that the guy who had her cheat on Scott was also intending on her later murdering Scott and going full blown evil. He was going to have her permanently ruined so it’s best to just ignore everything he did with her seeing as what it was supposed to lead to never ended up happening anyway.

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>>Another Ultron event
You know, this just reeks of Marvel having no new ideas anymore...

I mean, it's gonna be 2020, the timing's right. And he has been benched for a while, neither Spencer nor Duggan wanted to elaborate too much with him but clearly were setting him up for something (Secret Empire, Infinity Wars) and of course there's the Champions stuff with Nadia. I don't think it's a bad idea in itself, I'm more bothered about the fact that right now there's way too much stuff being released already, so maybe after Summer they'll cool it.

Didn't the another "Oh no mutants are dying, there is no future for mutantkind" clue you in? Or another Age of Apocalypse rehash? Or another throwback to Kraven's Last Hunt?

So what's the deal with 616 Arno? He clearly can't be the same Arno as Iron Man 2020.

Unit didn't mind-control Emma and Namor into almost eating each other out. He simple pored pheromones. Indicating that Emma and Namor were already attracted and into each other.

Later on during AvX Emma fucked Namor in their minds not because she was losing control, but to manipulate Namor into attacking Wakanda after the Avengers had kidnapped Hope. She did that both because she was angry at the situation as well angry at Cyclops for not taking any action. Then later she told it to Cyclops' face just to punish and push him around.

Emma deserved everything that happened to her. Fuck that whore. She needs to come back crawling in her fours if she wants another chance and then lick Cyke's cum from someone's snatch.

They did end up making up though and she was devastated when he died. Haven’t caught up on current Uncanny yet though I have the issues, so don't know how they are now that he’s back.

what Ultron events? There have been all of 2 Ultron events at marvel, Annihilation Conquest and Age of Ultron, which was unremarkable. I would be down for an actual Ultron event. But I'm depressed that it looks like Pym is trapped in the Soulstone and Ultron flew off..there was so much potential for Pymtron.

They are ignoring the original relations because you know, sliding timescale.

BASED Autist Hickman bringing out the Charts!
I hope he retcons Jean getting SHITTED, and has Cyke pulverize Bishop.

On the other hand, Pym has a real chance of redemption now that he's not infected by Ultron, and he could definitely help get rid of it when it gets activated on Earth (Viv's dog has it).

everyone is physically attracted to Namor, he's the perfect male body. She didn't act on it willingly, that's what mattered. It's been ages since I saw that stuff from AvX so I can't comment on that one.

What makes 2020 appropriate for an Ultron event?

I wasn't talking about the sliding timescale, Iron Man 2020 has a completely different personality to 616 Arno Stark. He was just a mercenary, not a super genius, other than the name they have nothing in common.

Blame Gillen

2020 is the only chance to do an Iron Man 2020 event, the Ultron thing is just speculation.

>everybody is gay or transexual now
>the mutan society agrees that white men need to be genoicded for the good of the world
>a mutan gets born whos power removes breats from women

>more censored sjw approved looks with massive breast reductions

So the last year and the current stuff was just Marvel cleaning the table (getting rid of the O5) and filler arcs like this AoX shit

>When's Carol?
How come Aaron, Hickman or Ewing don't want to write Carl?


X-Men runs on character drama. Hickman cannot write character drama. It'll be an even bigger failure than Bru.

I think it's more that Marvel wants to have a woman writing her.

>he isn’t into necrophilia
Good god, live a little man.

So WotR is a big Fear Itself-tier event, and House of X and Powers of X are self-contained minis.
How many tie-ins will Absolute Carnage have?

Sure, meanwhile Aaron is going to give Jane Foster the ultimate Mjolnir and call her Valkyrie and co-write a book with Al Ewing that sells triple or more than Captain Marvel because muh female writer.

Fear Itself was a shit even with nearly no build up and Fraction was the worst Thor writer. Aaron's at least built up WotRs.

be ready for every book marvel makes to have a Carnage variant, half won't even tie in

I prefer that over Ragnarok's Valkyrie

I used Fear Itself as a comparison due to the number of tie-ins and minis it had, but yeah, you're right.

At the very least I know Immortal Hulk won't, so that's one.

Big writers work on projects they like, and no one wants to write a plastic character like CM, she literally has nothing, no lore, no supporting cast, no villains.

>she literally has nothing, no lore, no supporting cast, no villains
She has all that though. Otherwise she'd be relegated to minis and have a fate worse than Moon Knight and Nova.

I would un-ironically be ok with this as long as real Thor gets Mjolnir back.

>no villains.
She has one villain who was even put in a movie, but for some reason they haven't used him in years.

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Well, it can't be any worse than X-Men Disassembled or Rosenberg's run so far. At the very, very least, the bar is set so low that it's almost guaranteed to wow me.

Thanks user, got em

>Fan Q: If you were going to reboot the Ultimate universe, how would you do it?

>C.B.: If we were going to do it.... I would love to go back. I think next year is 2020, and 2020 is 20th anniversary of ultimate universe. If we were going to plan something, we might discuss it at our upcoming summit in a couple weeks.

>A fan asks about Immortal Hulk, and C.B. explains how that's a good example of allowing writers, like Al Ewing, to do something different.

She isn't worth minis, we all know why the book is
still around.
All but you apparently.

>no villains
>The Brood

She's selling well now and the book is pretty good. Sorry this has you butt flustered, user.

Her biggest villain.

>long as real Thor gets Mjolnir back
Isn't that what is going to happen?
Thor is looking for Mjolnir in the sun, there's is something in there, plus the solicitation for WoR #6 has Thor sacrificing himself for something...
He's going into the sun to die and instead comes out with the hammer lol

I only see one.

Not to mention, the fact that Future King Thor has Mjolnir kind of makes it obvious that Thor has to get it back at some point.

He will probably have to beat down Magog as well

he already has it in Aaron's Avengers too. It just looks like something changed from it being in the sun

Nah, that's one of the cheap hammers with low uru purity.

So why do people here dislike Hickman? I liked his Avengers and FF decently but wonder where all the frothing is coming from

Is that Shi'ar Lilandra? Or someone else, it's hard to tell girl Shi'ar appart

It's Lilandra, only she wears that headgear.

oh good
but also oh god
What if he brings back Vulcan

...I have so many questions...

Some people find him boring, poor character work, and that he has a lot of set-up for little payoff.

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>x-fags are subhuman, primitive apes who worship black phallic fetishes

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I thought they said they were going to cut back on the events....

So, more Celestials?

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I rather have Hickman on Avengers again than be stuck with Aaron.

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Isn't Hickman a huge Cyclops fanboy?

But he did it from Pietro’s POV, which can always later be retconned as a unreliable narrator who just couldn’t accept that Daddy Mags is daddy. Besides, they were listed as his children on that canned Viv mini

>Besides, they were listed as his children on that canned Viv mini
Now you can see why it was canned.
We can only hope.

I wonder if we'll ever get a good High Evolutionary story from Hickman. I can see him really doing wonders with the character.

he is, indeed
>inb4 CRACK.jpg

Milligan > Morrison

I hope Cyke blasts Bishop’s nuts off, and then fucks Jean silly. I bet Hickman will retcon that stupid AoXM story where Jean got SHITTED. No self-respecting guy who grew up with 90s X-Men and likes Scott would put up with that shit.

You're still here?

people here have shit taste. His Avengers wasn't amazing but it was well above average for Avengers books, his creator owned books are generally better though

Spurrier > Milligan > Morrison

Is this true? Shield Vol 3 is coming?

X-fags on suicide watch

X-men already hit bottom. There’s no place to go but up. Also Hickman’s pretentious giant story arcs are a better fit for them.

Holy shit Yea Forumsmrades, Marvel is offcialy saved by the Hickman

Looks like Dani Moonstar

>it's another charts comic
Well, better than the absolute nothing that the X-Men have been lately.

>No Austen

Fish boy is sad

>destroyed their heroism
Thor and Hyperion went out like Gods amongst men.

The pay off for his build up of Avengers (which he dragged forever) was a giant wet fart that had nothing to do with what he was doing. Also the conclusion to the Namor and Panther rivalry was shit. His F4 was fine.

What she's up to? Getting her book relaunched again with a new creative team. If you want it to get sooner just drink some formaldehyde.

It's probably going to have more to do with Arno and some of the 2020 characters.

But yeah Marvel likes to repeat ideas, War of the Realms and Absolute Carnage is basically Fear Itself and Maximum Carnage redux also Civil War 2.0

Literally shit


Why does this dude have a fetish for havinf two books so much? Just do a biweekly.

Because it's such a large group that requires separate focus? These books don't cross streams, when he did F4 and FF it's how it was.

Three Wolverines
Two Nightcrawlers
Two Storms
Two Jeans
Baby Havok
At least 3 characters from different timelines/universes.
Gateway is alive again.
Vulcan is alive again.
Everyone got hit with the nostalgia costume stick...

There's no Rachel

>I welcome it. X-men need somebody with a vision.
Fucking this because let's face it the editors haven't.

The issue with Pymtron is that his very first appearance established that Ultron was the main dominant force there, basically wearing Pym's skin. Some people wanted to ignore it, but it was poisoned from the start due to that.

Look at the facial markings on Dark Phoenix, it's Rachel.

Is Havok an X-Baby?

Where are the two Jeans?

but Ultron's mind is cloned from Pym's. The only real difference between Ultron's thought patterns and Pym's during one of his manic phases is how they perceive themselves.

not to mention its disingenuous to say "thats not the real Pym, thats just his corpse re-animated and Ultron accessing his memories, at most he just thinks he's Pym" when a dozen other characters like Tony and Steve are at present just constructed replicas with access to the 'real' versions' memories and 'merely think' they are the real deal

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Bendis and Ike have done worse with the X-men. it can't go lower than that.

shit htey killed Optimus

I wonder if his X-Men is going to pick up threads of his larger Marvel saga which started with the Fantastic Four/Avengers/Ultimates/Infinity and Secret Wars and he used to rewrite the whole of Marvel's continuity and universe.

nah, it was played inconsistent enough that it could have been half and half, or one in control at sometimes and another at another time

There's only one Jean. Girl on the bench is Moira Mactaggart

Also Cable is from the cartoon same costume and weapon.

>There's only one Jean
The one between Mohawk Storm and Bishop, and the one next to Warpath and Emma make two. I know the other one floating around as Phoenix is Rachel.

>The one between Mohawk Storm and Bishop

That's Firestar

Apparently I’m really out of sync. When did Professor X come back

Whoops. Okay, there's only one Jean.

Astonishing X-Men 6ish, he's in control of Fantomex's body, calling himself X

Huh? Who's tits have been reduced in size?

Tini Howard exclusive to Marvel
New Death's Head series!

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Oh fuck yeah! And it's a series!
You're going to support this, yes?



Oh buddy, he's there

What's a mutan?

And what's a breats?


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