Woah... so this is the power... of Captain Marvel

Woah... so this is the power... of Captain Marvel...

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Attached: dobsonMarvel.jpg (668x568, 318K)


Worst character ever.

Fuck you, Feige for ruining 10 years of MCU build up.

Did we really another thread about this? This is what, the 5th one now?

Yes, because it perfectly sums up the character.


Funnier than the original
I give it a 25 out of 10. (Numbers are higher due to inflation.)


Attached: capitana_marvel_by_missmonahell-dd2suzx.jpg (600x800, 381K)

have sex

neat comic
mad incel op


put your pp in some coochie

"Ha ha, it's funny because Dobson draws inflation art!" Seriously guys, aren't you blowing that out of proportion by bringing it up all the time? I get it, it's an embarrassing fetish, but just pumping it into every Dobson is a little much.

>Captain Marvel actually has made people enjoy Dobson Comics.
Yea Forums is lost

Nobody asks "how" Cap survived the snap, he just did. It was pure chance. Half the fucking universe survived it, it's fine if she just did as well.

Yeesh, it's just a joke. No need to have such an inflated ego.

you...I like you

I mean, he's basically right.
She's been introduced for that purpose.

>he just did.

The absolute state of Yea Forums

What the fuck are those lips and crow's feet?

Hey Dobson.

Attached: Dobson Deflector.jpg (550x733, 88K)

I'm not just blowing hot air! You use a punch line too often and it loses its "pop." Isn't there something else? A breath of fresh air out of that LOLcow?

Yea Forums was never good to begin with.

You're a real fucking idiot aren't you.

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What he needs is clearly a burst of inspiration.

Sorry, Dobsen :(

Retards who didnt get the joke.

Part of it is Dobson's fault though. Really, he needs to deflate that ego so a little prickly criticism doesn't cause him to explode like he does.

She must have imagined being at computers