Why are cats usually portrayed as cunts in cartoons?

Why are cats usually portrayed as cunts in cartoons?

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cats are cunts

They don't behave like dogs and this triggers normalfaggots/dogfags

Because unless you're also a cat they just seem to be cunts for cunts sake.

Cunts are called pussies for a reason

And this

Cats are generally mischievous self-serving egotists. It's easy to extrapolate those traits up to full blown villainy, as villains are often characters that disregard the needs of others to satisfy their own.

There is a term "fat cats" but not "fat dogs" because dogs are less lazy and corrupt.

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Because they are irl.

they just do

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Fact is, cats have been associated with shut-ins/undesirables in the West for ages. people respect them for Mousing but that's about it.
whether it was the ugly witches of fairy tales, or the crazy spinsters of today, cat people are stereotyped as freaks.
and it's not entirely untrue.

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A combination of jealousy and the people that write cartoons being the sort of jackasses that can't figure out why cats hate them for being a cunt.

They're usually women, who are the most vile creatures on Planet Earth.

Cats are aloof and solitary

Humans are social

Do the math

Only if you're a cunt user. You show me a pet misbehaving and I'll show you a bad owner.

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Because they are cunts.

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Explain this then!

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>unless you're also a cat


gee i wonder why

This is the reality user, you may not like it but that's just how it is.

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>dogs have mauled more people to death than cats
>cats are portrayed as the villains

It’s almost like animals can be cunts and not cunts at the same time. It’s just that cats usually end up more cunty.
That being said, my parents’ new puppy is the biggest cunt in the planet. I thought those things were supposed to be lovable.

Either the puppy got spoiled too much, or mistreated. Maybe your folks shouldn't have a dog user.

Dogs can
>mitigate blind debuff
>crowd control
>block attacks
>grab targets to start team combos
fucking kek those examples

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Because they're arrogant cunts who think they're above showing affection for their owners. Cue a thread full of defensive toxoplasmosis-infected cat people who are being turned schizophrenic and gay by mind controlling cat piss.

because they also happen to be cunts in real life, user

And men are dogs, loyal to the point of insanity.

Trust me, they’re fine. They’ve trained and raised 3 lovely dogs prior to this one.
Some animals are just jerks.

Evil people killed by dogs: 1843784397
Evil people killed by cats: 000000083
It's all in the statistics user

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there are also phrases like blind as a bat
but bats aren't actually blind
they see okay, but they don't have night vision, hence the echolocation

Normies don't like cats because the cat is free from social pressure, that built-in instinct that lets you manipulate dogs just isn't there in felines, they can just not like you and there's nothing you can do about it.

On the other hand, if you can get along with one cat you can get along with damn near every cat.

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t. dog lover

Why do you fags have to lie instead of just enjoying your animals?

brave, epic and AMAZING
I clapped
everyone clapped

Dogs are substitute children
Cats are live-in friends

Cats are just bitter that they went from objects of worship to walking internet meme generators.

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

Every fucking time.

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Based .webm, cringe post.

This, but for both sides.
I like dogs and cats. Any thread of this nature will inevitably end in dog and cat owners, for some retarded reason, arguing about which pet is better. Even though they're completely different animals and aren't even that comparable.
Can both sides stop being faggots and just like the animals they like? I mean Jesus, it's like every time. Hardcore dog and cat people are the most annoying people on this planet and almost always reflect the worst aspects of these animals in their personalities.

Never in my time here have i seen cat owners starting shit, it's always dogposters going YOUR PET IS USELESS AND DOESNT LOVE YOU ENJOY YOUR TOXOPLASMOSIS FAGGIT. Pets aren't consoles or comic corporations for you to pick a team on. They just want to have "the best one", the most "useful" to them. It's preposterous that they say the other side doesn't love their animals when they measure living beings like that.

it's weird because dogs are much larger cunts irl.i fucking hate them

You okay, little buddy? I'm concerned that your cat piss may have infected you with a rage disorder.

>always want to play
>lick you
>love exercise
>play catch and fetch
>protect you from intruders
>alert you to threats
>don't infect you with toxoplasmosis

>kill babies

Typical dog shills on damage control when someone shows slight disdain towards their impressionable pets that have no personality outside of their owner. I guess such a weak, fragile-minded pet deserves a controlling, fragile-minded owner.
Pitbulls fucking suck btw and don't deserve to exist.

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It's a meme

based and redpilled

god i hate pit bulls

what's the difference

>always want to play
>lick you
Uh...These are positives?

I fucking love my cat, she's goofy and adorable, but this. 100% this.

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Based and Catpilled

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The slices of cheese hitting them in the face

Honestly though if toxo was as much as a problem as that one user is saying, we wouldn't be allowed to own these things. It's literally the same argument about pit bulls, except with lower statistics of problems.

Centuries old religious propaganda unfortunately.

Toxoplasmosis doesnt even affect only cats, dogs are a vector too. Anything that eats smaller animals who feed on insects can carry it, all you have to do is keep your animal indoors and watch what it eats. And keep them away from babies, of course.

Ye gods what have we wrought

Because they don't generally tear kids apart, and Amerimutts don't like that.

If you like them, yes.

>Pitbulls fucking suck btw and don't deserve to exist.
Why is this acceptable? It's like saying blacks shouldn't exist.

This. If smoking really killed anyone it would be illegal. Same with our toxic cats.