That episode where this obnoxious kid kept asking Lil on a date and she finally agreed

>that episode where this obnoxious kid kept asking Lil on a date and she finally agreed
>she plans on being even more annoying to drive him away
>Phil owes her a favor so she asks him to pretend to be her on the date
>he fails and ends up finding himself enjoying being treated like a girl for a night
>keeps going on dates with that guy behind his sister's back
>he even goes out crossdressing alone just because he likes to be seen as a girl
>Lil starts losing her head and can't do anything to stop her brother
This show was weird how did Nick allow all this liberties with the writers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that episode shipping kimmy and tommy

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Chucky/ Kimmie is cannon.

I fapped to this

>That time Angelica forced the rest of the All Grown Up cast to be her sex slaves

Nice try but that didn't happen.

I confirmed this episode exists, I'm sure that at some point OP started exaggerating, it doesn't really matter. All Grown Up was like 2 decades ago at this point, somehow, and back then crossdressing and being mistaken for gay weren't such loaded conceits that they were avoided in children's cartoons.

Yes it did.

>that time Kimi spent the episode in a revealing bikini

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Kimi has a nice ass.

>that episode where lil gets her first bra

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That episode where three boys are kidnapped and sold in human trafficking and get saved by two kind Black gentleman.

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Chucky/Angelica is better.

It's just like a trap doujin.

I wish this sort of thing had actually happened when I was in school.

And then Phil discovers he likes it up the butt

My Nigga.

Lil is a cuck haha

>getting cucked by your brother in drag

Phil looks better than Lil

Tommy x Kimi is the only canon one.
Chuckie X Angelica should be canon.

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Thank god I wasn't the only one who thought that.

Remember, these characters are all supposed to be about 10-11 years old.

>that show where kids between 9 and 12 years old look and act like 15-16 year olds with the equivalent concerns and issues
This show was so fucking weird tonally.

What? I thought it was a mid teen character show like Xmen Evolution.

Nuh uh.
It was quite obvious poor Lil was outgirled by her own brother.

That explains this

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Is AGU canon?

>Chucky/ Kimmie is cannon.


Nope. AGU is supposed to be nine/ten years after Rugrats ends.

>ywns Chuckie being caught, by Kimmie, in his bedroom, balls-deep in Angelica, doggy-style, as she howls like a she-coyote in heat

I've always assumed they were designed to be older, but then someone went "it's the 10th anniversary, so make them 10 years older".

>Now say my name!

>Lil’s butt looks like she’s still wearing diapers

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What was the line of thinking when this show was being created?

>"We need to keep the kids who are fans of Rugrats watching, but they won't want to watch babies forever, so lets have them as preteens encountering problems our target audience won't encounter for another four years."

It seems like they really wanted the brand to stay alive, but weren't sure what to do. As a kid, I remember being excited to see the original All Grown Up special, but never could get into the series.


Is AGU even canon?

What? I thought they were 14 at least when I watched this show.

How come rugrats got like 3 or 4 movies, but all grown up got jack-shit?

Because even when it aired, nobody actually liked All Grown Up. People always saw it as that weird sequel show where nobody acted their age and all the character dynamics were tangled up. Even as a kid, I thought the show was on some entropy shit.

Boys cross dressing is nothing new in joke town
Just look at Gumball in fact they take it miles further.

You did't have crush's or wondered if your were going to be popular when you were 11-12?

Don't never got no brain or nothin.

that's hot

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>W..what is that pressing against me?

don't kinkshame.

iirc the creators wanted them to be in high school but nick said fuck off and to make them in fourth grade.

They said ok, but most episodes would have made a hell of a lot more sense in high school

Americans aren’t legally allowed to think adult thoughts until their 18th birthday.

I've wondered if the reason for that is actually because they wanted to do a similar thing to the original series, where the characters are way above their proper maturity levels as babies.

That or they just didn't know how to write for their correct age in AGU.

And it's the biggest pile of Bullshit there was word you think puberty is for?

I like how the people that made the comics ship them and make Angelica a little bit less of a cunt

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The intention was to make them 16 year olds, they just wanted it to sync up and never bothered to change the plots

Repressed thoughts and drug abuse.


You’re both degenerates, but maybe it’s not such a terrible concept after all. At least it makes her more like she was in Rugrats.

this but unironically

Was it that bad?

I mean, it did have the follow up episode where the guy catches on and gets a couple of his buddies to fagbash Phil. I thought it ending with Phil pulling a claw hammer out of his purse and beating three guys into the ground was the kind of message we needed to send to our LGBT youth.

I'm not going to lie, I popped chub when Phil straddled the guy and sadistically mocked him before knocking out his front teeth even if I did think the scene was kinda gratuitous.

Guys please, we don't need the all grown up crew in diapers again just for our sick entertainment
or do we?

Rugrats was probably the biggest pre-Spongebob nick cartoon.

AGU was a desperate attempt to cash on the franchise after they ran out of ideas, same with all those new characters they kept adding.

yes. yes it was.

>Rugrats was probably the biggest pre-Spongebob nick cartoon.

kind of weird that the franchise is basically dead now

well, angelica and susie were 13 at least

this doesn't really seem any less awkward in context

what the fuck

You do know that the people who watched the original show were older than 3 at the time?

They're not related. Nothing wrong with marrying your stepmother's daughter.

There are numerous issues

That WOULD be pretty hot

I wanna see this same scene played out in a proper movie with Willem Defoe

AGU didn't shy away from awkward

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>Even demons are disgusted by this shit

Well "originally" it was just a single episode special on Rugrats itself, called All Growed Up. It was basically Tommy imagining what it would be like to be 10 years older, and it was released for the 10th anniversary.

All Grown Up, the series, was released because the All Growed Up special was well received, but it didn't air until 2003.

Yah but I think the fight here was they act more like 7-9 graders than 4th graders?

>that episode where the twins had to admit to didi that they dropped dil on his head when he was a baby
>phil and lil are why dil is so fucked up

yeah that was really fucking weird, susie and angelica even had jobs at some diner after school. The babies should have been 13-14 and angelica and susie should have been 15-16

Wasn't there an episode where Angelica's 13th birthday happens but they treat it like a "sweet 16th" and she has a crisis about her childhood ending?

yeah, lucky 13, she turns 13 and freaks the fuck out

I liked how a couple episodes after that, Phil pulled back his sleeve and revealed he was wearing a bracelet of human teeth. Say what you will about the overall quality of the show, but it had a nice sense of continuity.

I dunno. Do we?

well childhood end when you hit 13 back then in today's would it's like 11/12 coz your pre-teen

Haven't seen an episode of this show, but I'm liking the flirty transvestite boy.

I need porn...

Rule34 it buh

>Phil walks in on her changing

Doesn't mean they ship them, stop being a fucking shipfag

Would AGU be as weird to watch if you didn't know about Rugrats beforehand?

why is this so funny

Hey man, ship happens.

There really should be more rule 34 of this

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>that episode where Chucky tries to skip gym class because he doesn't want to go to penis inspection day
>that same episode Angelica tried to fuck her teacher.

>That episode in the original where a bad mattress is breaking all the adults back left and right

The bullshit the original does with the adults were fucking outrageous and the best shit to watch

>Grandpa gets fucking auctioned because he fell asleep on the selling chair

Needs a BRAZZERS logo


It utilizes dynamics established in the babby version and while you’d pick it up, being at least cursorily familiar with the old series doesn’t have you going in blind on character traits and interactions

I still remember the fucking promo’s for this show trying to make it seem like the new personalities and physical appearance were outrageous

>Tommy with HAIR!?!?!?
>Chucky WEARING BRACES????!?!?
>Anglelica BEING N-I-C-E!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?’b

>It’s a “why are you being insensitive to your retard brother” episode

Fuck Dill, annoying shit head

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I wish Tommy did cover him in nanners and have him eaten by the monkeys

i like that they made him an annoying hipster

>Get criticism about Dill in the original series for being scrappy doo retard

>Make him an even bigger scrappy doo retard in all grown up

I wanna see her dick.

that "i'm going to claw this bitch's eyes out" look

I don't understand why they did not just go ahead and claim they were all 15-17 in the show. They definitely acted like it in each episode. But for some reason they just said they were 10 the whole time.

they were in middle school

This is Nick name 1 main cartoon character over the age of 13.

most of the as told by ginger people

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Oh fuck I forgot about this.

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Is that the same or a different episode from the one where she tells her mom to get rid of all of her childhood stuff and get her all new stuff, then three minutes into enjoying her new shit she suddenly remembers her doll Cynthia exists and freaks the fuck out that her mom donated it?

Well they were still sharing a room when Lil was clearly developing so I'm sure it happened more than once.

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Bitchis moving in on her man

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>that episode where angelica did a report on the second ammendment
>right after susie's about feminism

what happened to the based-ness of the 80s-90s-and early 00s?

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Eventually. ATBG starts when they're in middle school.

Because the original AGU special aired 10 years after the debut of the series and aged everyone accordingly.

They decided to stick with that after AGU got turned into a full series but couldn't do shit about the overarching main theme of "growing up" without writing them all as highschoolers.

I remember the last time someone made this thread, we got porn of Phil from it

I regretted coming into that thread, I hope I don't regret it this time

>Angelica is /k/


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Lil really wanted the Finster

All Grown Up feels like a bizarre feverdream and why the fuck am I attracted to the girls in this show.

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>Chaz is shorter than an asian woman

Actually I have to give this show credit, it's one of the few cartoons that acknowledges preteen girls can get boobs.

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Name of the short?
I swear I saw this in a dream I think.

Danny Phantom

He made more money than you and got a banging wife. Too bad he trusted that retard on Tommy's side of the family and lost his money.

The only episode I ever watched of this show was the imaginary friend one and it was like a fucking fever dream.

I got you, mein neger.

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>This show was weird how did Nick allow all this liberties with the writers?

2010s are more repressed (in some ways) than the 2000s. from the looks of it

There should be some Kimi x Tommy

Oh please, Phil has bigger tits.

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this is funnier now than it was then

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what episode is this

Tweenage Tycoons, the one where Dil makes up a lot of cool inventions.

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Uncut! Nice!

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I remember that. Those two were assholes

> That episode where Dil actually met his alien brothers and sisters

What's the name of this anime?

The erasure of Bugs Bunny’s trans identity is the most vile transphobia.

Kimi was such a bossy brat.

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Yeah...what was up with that?

Were they ugly? Very ugly?
Butt-ugly, even?

I don't think we've actually seen them.
Just their ship.

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