Who wins, Yea Forumsmrades?

Who wins, Yea Forumsmrades?

Attached: bossvscap.jpg (1370x640, 177K)

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>One is (probably) a virgin who would betray his own country to save it from itself, he serves the people but not necessarily the government
>The other is 100% loyal to her country, one who would go to the ends of the earth and pull the shadiest shit just to serve America, no matter how many times they screw her over

Its a tie


They have sex.
Hate sex with a bit of romance.

Cap has superior strength and equipment. The Boss has a prototype sneaking suit only good at blending in in white environments.

Cap would beat her ass then convince her to go on living. Together they'd fake her death. Then Boss would join up with Cap to dish out JUSTICE for justice's sake. Boss pledged loyalty to the States, but alas she only had one 'life' to give.

>Only has a prototype sneaking suit

>invents CQC
>beats the shit out of Snake regularly
>literally called The Mother of Special Forces, Legendary Soldier, Mercury Lady, and Warlord in Russian
>gave birth during the invasion of Normandy on Juno beach
>takes down a 6'7 giant
>is regularly called a fucking badass by everyone

Cap probably learned shit she invented

>loyal to her country
Loyal to the government.

Regardless of how skilled a fighter The Boss is, she's still at a massive physical disadvantage. She's not even strong for a woman, while Cap is a peak human male. He likely outweighs her by 100 pounds minimum. There's a reason weight classes exist in professional fighting after all.

Then we need to consider that Cap is considered an elite hand to hand combatant, so in terms of skill he is at least on her level. But even if we want to assume The Boss is more skilled, it wouldn't be by much, nor could it ever hope to overcome Cap's physical advantages.

In terms of equipment, if they have access to them, then The Boss may have a pistol, but Cap has his shield, which is bullet proof and he can throw with perfect accuracy, and would catch The Boss off guard as it's not an attack she would be familiar with.

The only advantage she might have is stealth, but it's not as though Cap isn't used to contending with sneaky foes and his instincts and perception are also top notch, as is his reaction time. And again, getting the drop on someone is meaningless if you can't take them down right away. Then it's just back to a normal fight.

Bottom line: The Boss has no chance because she's smaller, weaker, lighter, and a woman (who are always weaker). Cap wrecks her 10 out of 10 times.

Boss has whatever crew she gathers tho, she's The Boss.

So then Cap has the Avengers because he's Cap. See how silly your comment is?

You haven't played MGS3 at all, have you?

Of course I have. The Boss can be the most skilled fighter in her universe. That doesn't matter because Cap is still a elite, top level fighter AND he is peak human in terms of strength, athletics, speed, agility, et. al. The Boss is nowhere near Cap's level when it comes to physical attributes. He has a massive advantage in that area. Any minimal skill advantage she might have (and even that I doubt) would be negated by Cap's far superior physical advantages.

Also, Snake kicked her ass and he wasn't even at his most skilled. The Boss is overrated as fuck. Her ideals are the impressive bit, not her feats when compared to the much more fantastic superheroics of comic book characters.

Cap would win, the super soldier serum is too much of an advantage, as much as she is THE SOLDIER. He would talk to her and show her that blindly following corrupt governments isn't true patriotism.

>Cap forms Outer Haven/SHIELD with help from The Boss
>Recruits both humans and mutants
>Becomes the first and only true peace-keeping super-power in the world

>superior equipment
I'm sorry, when does Cap ever use a magic submachine gun that never runs out of ammo?

He has a bulletproof shield that's perfectly balanced and that he can throw with perfect accuracy. A gun that never runs out of ammo is quite possibly the worst "magic" weapon to use against Cap.

The Boss judos Volgin, a huge man with magic lightning powers, several times. Volgin is seen near the end, injured, shot dozens of times and sitting in an exploding tank, tearing the components apart with his bare hands. The Boss won the loyalty of the Cobras who were all super powered freaks. I don't think you're giving her enough credit here

Volgin is pure trash compared to the supervillains (and superheroes) Cap has tangled with. I hope you're kidding here.

Let's be fair she has a Cap level of tactical thinking which is probably his greatest strength. She could probably hold her own in the marvel universe, at least on a street level (Blade, Punisher, TaskMaster etc)

I agree. That doesn't mean she could defeat Cap though.

>The Boss fought with Cap in WWII
>She thinks of Steve as a stand up guy
>He thinks of The Joy as tough as nails but a hell of a leader & comrade
>After the Cap is lost/frozen, she mourns in her own way and tells Naked Snake stories of Steve Rogers.
>Les Enfants Terribles is not only to clone Big Boss but to help create the next Cap.

Because you made me think about this

>Invaders and Cobra unit teamed up multiple times during the war
>After being unfrozen cap's disgusted by the way Big Boss has carried on her legacy
>Discovers the truth behind her betrayal and manages to clear the Boss's name
>Metal gear 2 becomes about Cap and Snake taking down Big Boss

Mgs2 involves the winter soldier as one of the Sons of Liberty

>winter soldier as one of the Sons of Liberty

>winter soldier as one of the Sons of Liberty
Holy shit.
That's a good idea

The Cobra unit are all basically super human, I think they'd put up a good fight against an Avengers B-team.

>She's not even strong for a woman
Not even big boss can shoot the Patriot with one arm

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>The Fear is the mgs universe spider avatar

Captain America would get distracted by the boss granny’s tits and she would take advantage of that

Show some respect, son

I know that reference

One's basically a supethuman, the other's an lld pregnany lady with space cancer.

>Not even strong for a woman
>Boss just having a pistol
>Boss being defenseless without a weapon
>The Boss. The Mother Fucking Boss, is somehow weaker because she's smaller, lighter, and a woman

You have not once played MGS3 in your life, have you, you incel?

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