Tonight, let's go on adventure

Tonight, let's go on adventure

A little trip into madness, obsession, and MS Paint.

Let's read Targ the Target

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Other urls found in this thread:

Targ is about group or gang stalking. Which is when a person starts believing literally every one they meet is part of a conspiracy to randomly fuck with them

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Things get dark quick in Targ canon

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We've all had those days bud

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Also horrifying in a strange sort of way.

Stop bullying Targ.

I think this might qualify as outsider art

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Spam timer keeps harassing me

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Whoops skipped the Magnificent page 7

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I really hope the Author got help, but it seems that they almost never seek treatment for obvious reasons

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Gang stalkers are so wild because, in their obsession to record everything their melting brain records as "stalking" they end up stalking people.

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Uh oh.

It's time to meet out jerkcops

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See what I mean?

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Why the fuck are you recording his comings and goings Targ

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Worth noting that these were made during the Bush/aObama years

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Ready for Targ's John Galt speech?

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And the best for last

Attached: targ23.gif (750x610, 178K)

Thank you for sharing this, it's really bizarre.

I have a brother that suffers from this behavior, probably as a result from some type of prolonged drug withdrawal. He believes that when his phone acts weird, it's because "someone" is doing it to him specifically. When his software updates on a laptop, someone "literally entered the house" and changed something on it to mess with him. The gardeners that come by and trim the apartment's bushes are "spies", casing your presence. He always takes everything with him when he goes ANYwhere, and I mean clothes, flash drives, hard drives, notebooks, phonebooks, like he's backpacking across country; to do something mundane like buy milk across the street.
When the neighbor makes a noise, it's directly "in response" to a noise he made or "on schedule" to mess with him. Helicopters are scanning through the rooftops, which is easy because this apartment has no attic insulation; speaking of the attic, if there is a "creak", "snap", or "crack" it's NOT wood expanding or contracting from the weather, it's a microphone transmitting information back to the main recipient; he calls them "attic 'rats'".

For the paranoid, this is real. Frightening.

Targ in real life

I don't even get this one. What's flushing? Why is he standing up leaning forward all through the night? What do noisy neighbors have to do with scanners?

he's flushing the toilet and the neighbors can hear him and are making fun of him because they exist just to stalk him

>targets in hospitals are awakened frequently for no reason
That's literally every hospital patient, because hospitals are shit.

>child molester
>instead of shooting them or getting them arrested just make their lives inconvenient over a long period of time

it's obviously unintentional, but I Targ's wide-eyed expression, like he's not quite right in the head but he's still trying his best to get by. It accidentally makes me want to sympathize instead of ridicule him.

I think one fascinating consequence of the Internet and social media is the space it's given for the truly mentally ill to respire and communicate amongst themselves. Memes like "gangstalking" can now spread from one schizophrenic to another across the country instantaneously. I don't think there's ever been a comparable circumstance in history.

It's sort of a poison, isn't it? It's one thing to be stuck in your own head with your own suspicions, but now they can all "seek help" online and fill eachother's heads with everything everyone else is paranoid about.
>Shit, I haven't thought of that, I need to cap my bathroom faucets before any more truth-gas leaks into my home.
>I swear that dog craps on my yard RIGHT when I run out of bread, that's how the stores know when to raise the prices.
>Roaches don't speak verbally, but they know what they are saying to eachother; I bet this roach hears every word I'm thinking right now, and he's going to tell that FUCKER next door if I don't kill it.

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Your brother seems desperate to 'matter' to someone, even if the attention he thinks he's 'receiving' is negative.

Does Targ not know what traffic is

This is amazing. Is the PI it keeps mentioning real?

those guys seem like they're having fun, how do I get in on this group stalking thing

become a Stasi in pre-1989 east germany.

>In one case, a target whose cat had her throat slashed was told he "probably did it for attention!"
Targ that was you, remember?

It was bizarre being familiar with this while bitmojis became popular. Seeing normie co-workers sending me these would always remind me of this person's sad mental state.

Does the author have multiple personality disorder?

This gang stalking thing is almost as bad as bullying!

>nobody in the past hated women or black people, and it was even more frowned upon than it is today
Oh, I did not know that

Why did you ignore the otherkin part of it?

Because that seemed more credible.
Other than that there have always been freaks and they've always had their own weird little ways of finding each other.

I don't know about that, but the author suffering from dissociative episodes where she doesn't remember what she did would explain a lot. Assuming of course that she isn't doing this shit deliberately for attention. Like someone above mentioned, she might just be doing it because she's desperate to matter to someone.

Is this an even more paranoid and personally destructive version of "Truman Show Syndrome?"

Could also be something akin to paranoid schizophrenia, where random noise trips the "something important happened" alarm in your brain, which comes up with some narrative off the cuff to explain why that random thing is so important.

Traffic doesn't exist. The roads are always free and clear. Unless you're the victim of group stalking of course. Wait...are you?

Imagine living like this. Feeling like you're being attacked, hunted, persecuted for no reason. Everything is so clear to you, but when you try to get help everyone just brushes you off as crazy. It's impossible for you to get the help you *actually* need because it feels like people trying to brainwash you into doublethink.

It makes me want to cry knowing there are people out there who live their whole lives in this nightmare and die without ever waking up.

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If he has audio hallucinations that would explain a lot of shit

Multiple personality disorder is thought not to exist by a lot of psychologists these days. Before Hollywood started using it in film, there were basically no reported cases of it, but after Hollywood there were thousands of them, and a lot of high profile cases were hoaxes or excuses to go party.

"It's not me having this sex, it's my alternate personality, Dragon!"

At first it was only human personalities being reported, but then people started reporting they could also be animals or even fictional creatures.

There ARE cases of inpatients with schizophrenia being convinced they have alternate personalities, but the theory is that the doctors came in and told the patients they had this disorder in the fist place. People with degenerative diseases of the brain don't roleplay the parts well, so instead they establish a collection of names and basic personality archetypes, but then kind of use the second "personalities" to be disruptive in ways they know they're not supposed to rather than acting like totally new people.

But all that said, it's possible to be delusional, and if you thought people were sawing your chairs in half, you might believe it if a doctor told you there was a second, completely different person living inside you who cuts up furniture while you sleep or whatever. These people are not in an accurate state of mind so it's easy to confuse them.

>Dissociative episodes
It's more likely that they used the coffee creamer once without marking it, or were just really bad at eyeballing those marks. I mean you can see there's practically what the author defines as a "dump" point between the third and fourth mark.

The record keeping is totally haphazard and could easily be fucked up by forgetting a day, but miscounting, or whatever. With creamer you'd have to keep weight measurements before and after every use - eyeballing the level and marking it is asking for parallax errors even if you had a legit reason for it. Hell, you'd probably want dates recorded too, because if you missed a day you'd look at your records and see you didn't write anything the day prior.

But as soon as this person gets meticulous, the "group harassers" would stop stealing their creamer, because that's part of the harassment of course.

This person isn't dissociating. They're suffering from delusions and hallucinations and trying to connect any dots they can find.

I don't have to imagine, I live it. Everyone hates me for no reason and whenever I try to do anything nice for others they always deliberately twist the situation and accuse me of being hurtful or rude to them.

You have a persecution complex.