Emerald City Comicon Cosplay

I'm sitting here watching basketball with a sinus infection so I'm gonna post a bunch of pictures I took at Emerald City Comicon last weekend. Enjoy or don't.

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No idea what this is but it looks cool as hell

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I didn't have a chance to ask him, but everyone I've shown this has been impressed as well.

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Emrapd City is Seattle right? The more I learnabout Seattle, the more depressed I feel.

Yes, Seattle. Why depressed?
Sakuracon is coming up as well. That's a huge asian/anime convention. It's pretty fun even though I don't really care for anime, but there is fun stuff to do.

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When I read about the homeless and drug problems that go on there, and the supposed inaction of those who have the power to do something about it. The big city I live outside of has problems, but at the very least the touristy spots downtown don’t seemingly have a issue with people camping outside them.


Ugh, yeah, those are major downers. I don't know all of the ins and outs, but it seems like the government is essentially welcoming of all homeless to come here, like that old episode of South Park. It is noticeable at the conventions for sure.

That's pretty rad. Thanks

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What day did you go? you missed a great Cosmic Ghost Rider cosplay on Friday

Except for looking like he's very short, and the hair, it's not a bad Supes costume

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FINALLY, someone whose character I recognize!!!

Fucking disgusting

I went all four days. I remember seeing a couple Ghost Riders through the crowd. You know how it is, hard to just stop and get a picture of everyone.

Plastic Man is my guy. He was very pleased that I asked him for a picture. I think most people were scared of him.

Definitely. The one thing I can't recall seeing is a huge Superman in all my years of attending.

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I've visited Seattle twice in the past ten years, I was there in 2017 last and stayed in downtown (a hostel in fact, because it was way cheaper than even a Hotwire hotel, plus I got to meet people to go out drinking with and do tourist stuff with) and felt perfectly safe.

There's no major cities in the USA where you are going to go to where there isn't a homeless problem and you can find worse drug problems in some smaller towns and cities.

Seattle wasn't easy to explore without a car, I wish they had had better public transit like say Chicago or DC, but otherwise I would easily go there again.

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The Light Rail that has been installed makes it easier to go North or South throughout the city. All of the hills make it a little difficult to walk too much.

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Do you find going all 4 days worth it? I usually only go one day and spend all day at the con. sure I can't go to every panel but I can see all the artist in artist alley and pick up a commission if I ordered one.

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For me a big appeal of four days is the general energy of the con. Everyone is in a good mood, the typical "Seattle Freeze" goes away and I like to just wander and really scout and shop what I want. Going multiple days means I'm never really rushed. Plus, I have different friends or relatives that go on different days to meet. Of course each day has it's own unique panels. Plus, it's a good excuse for me to take a couple days off work.
Which day did you attend? What did you think of the new security bullshit?

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I went on Friday.

The security stuff was mostly for show. I didn't have to take off my belt and left my keys in my pocket when going through the metal detectors and they didn't care. The last few years at ECCC had no real entry security if I remember correctly. So I think a lot of people made it a bigger deal than it turned out to be.

On Saturday and Sunday it was problematic. There were some long lines at the main door. Plus the one main entrance was nonsense. I talked to a security guard and apparently there was a threat last year. I just hope they give us more access points next year. I don't metal detectors. I certainly encountered some hardcore security too.

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Speaking as a European dude who does maybe two US cons a year, I WANT them to be tight as fuck at security. Someone shooting up a con is only a matter of time, and with so many fucking people at these Reedpop shows all it takes is one person to slip through and I'm fucked

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Which cons do you attend Eurobro? Are you going to attempt Seattle sometime?

Does anyone else hate the pick the crosswalk or traffic light captchas? It seems like it takes five or six times to get through.

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The Northwest has a low chance for a mass shooting and I think that's why they scanners and cosplay checks at all. Also I have gone to smaller cons like RCCC that had more security

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Always NYCC, and usually something new every year (previously done C2E2 and a smaller show in Miami)

I was actually supposed to be ECCC this year but had to back out with work commitments, that and Heroes are high on my list

How is RCCC? I've been thinking of going. How many days would be good to attend? 1 or 2?

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Well, hopefully you can attend next year. I heard from another NYCC attendee that ECCC has a bigger artist alley if that is your thing, but less stuff overall.

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Nice pics bro.
Is anyone going to Wondercon in Anaheim next weekend?

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RCCC is great. Portland has a lot of local comic creators so they always have a great artist alley and panels.
The convention floor is smaller than ECCC but if you like going all four days for ECCC I would recommend going two days to RCCC.

How is NYCC? was thinking about going this year and then check out the rest of New York City afterward

Thanks bro.

Good to know. The problem I'm running into now is that I don't have enough wall space for the interesting art I've amassed over the years.

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I have the same art problem. one of the artist, I talked to to said to buy an Art profolio book and use it as a coffee table book.

Although I just started buying less stuff. I may just end up donating a few of my prints, even if I have them framed.

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Now that’s a hell of a couples costume. Did he impale her after the show?

I have one of those as well. It's slowly filling in. I think part of my issue is that some of my favorite pieces aren't 11x17 or any standard size, so they're going to hang forever.

You know it!

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Yeah I'm an artist myself, heard it's creator central and a great show for selling original artwork

NYCC is fucking intense, not as bad as SDCC from what I've heard but still. I'm usually in Artist Alley away from the madness, generally would avoid the main floors outside of Sunday when it's quietest. Still, helluva experience and has loads to offer all types of fans

>No orange tip
Had no idea ECC was so based and redpilled

Artist Alley at ECCC gets really busy. I noticed a lot more female artists than in previous years, so it is making it even more packed with more women showing up.

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This was one of the best cosplays that I saw at the convention center. She could barely walk 10 feet without being stopped for pictures

Aw that's awesome.
I love shit like this where it's cosplay on a budget, but they clearly put a lot of thought and creativity into putting the pieces together.

Security guards were to focused on his girl to notice the fake gun.

I didn't even notice that. They make people with weapons put some orange ribbon around their weapons someplace. They must have taken theirs off.

Yes, easily . I found her in a really busy spot and just had to find a way to get a picture.

This was one of my favorites as well.

This girl was maybe 16 and she sewed this entire costume. I was impressed with how clean it looks.

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Well lads, those are my best pictures from ECCC 2019. I hope you enjoyed them.

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>dress up as an anime character
fuck i hate when they do that shit

Fun(?) Fact: The original actress for Morticia (the TV show obviously) did that funny little shuffle because it was basically impossible to walk in her outfit. I wonder how well this woman managed and/or if there were considerations to the costume in order to allow for more mobility.


at least i can still see boobs in something related to SW before disney took over


I saw her shuffling about. She definitely was not taking full strides, but it wasn't like she had to the original shuffle.

I didn't realize this was doctors Wily and Light until I was looking through the pictures later. I must be losing touch.

deadpool+thing is so fucking 2015

jesus man
remember when deadpool wasn't known?
i want that back.

Eh, I like it. One year my friend went as a Deadpool Lumberjack and that was pretty fun.

Oh shit, that's the first Magicians cosplay I've seen in some time

>Ugh this is so yesterday, you member when nobody knew about my super secret comics? shit man fuck these normies

its the same thing

Oh, lay off. Most cons have some of everything, no matter what they're labeled as.

Fuck off lad, people have to start somewhere.

Lmao this is a fun mash up.

Yeah, I love the Yolandi like haircut.

Had a great day at C2E2 myself.

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Huh. In the book, The Beast shows up looking like Magritte's "Son of Man" complete with bowler hat and apple in front of his face.

That's an impressive Hornet costume!

That's a clever way to incorporate a wheelchair into a costume.

Nice. I haven't seen con and cosplay oc in ages. I should try it myself some time.

Holy shit. A Warframe costume. Tinity Prime maybe?

Great Ditko's ghost!

Holy shit. Are those pool floatie tubes? Brilliant way to make it safer to walk around.
I remember having to cover up plastic spikes on one costume to avoid stabbing people.

It wasn't really an apple, it was just an olive branch wasn't it?
He was super fucking rad in the show, but i kinda wanted that whole "we didn't come here after you nigga what the fuck you on about" thing they had in the book

I want to go to anytype of con. Sadly since my country is a shithole I will never have the chance to.

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Based. Uatu lives!

>no bulge

Oh my god its a female.