Elsa is 21, why is she hanging out with a bunch of teenagers?

Elsa is 21, why is she hanging out with a bunch of teenagers?

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I don't know, why is a queen hanging out with a bunch of princesses?


Because her sister is there.

I just want to fuck all of them GOD FUCKING DAMN IT

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Because she's a homosexual, and therefore likely a predator.

She never had a childhood, so this is her chance.
Or she is there to chaperone.

Because the only other friend she has is a retarded snowman.

Because she's chill that way,

Someone has to buy them alcohol.

>tfw no Native American princess gf

Also lots of older people have younger friends.

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>She never had a childhood, so this is her chance.
Ah yes, the Michael Jackson defense

>wir2 thread

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someone has to be the MILF

>On a pale beige lux carpet
>everyone is wearing shoes anyway.

I'm 26 and dating someone who's 21. It be like that sometimes

5 year gaps are fine with you?

I'm 35 and my wife is 22.

And we have a four year old son.

When your son is legal you'll nearly be fifty and your wife will your age now. Have fun getting cucked.

>5 year gaps are fine with you?
I didn't intentionally set out to date someone younger, it just turned out like that. As long as the two of you are at a similar maturity level it can work.
My parents have a 7 year gap and my grandparents had a staggering 22 year gap so it could always be worse.

5 years is really too much for you?

A better question is why isn't Elsa naked?

What does the room smell like?

Tampons and farts.

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>They don't know those are all of Elsa's bitches

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Literally the only good part of the movie was Ariel's feet.

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user please!

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She's the one who scores the weed.

tis, Elsa is a complete introvert so she has to hang out with her little sister's friends.
Anna humors her to help her feel "cool" for being so much older than everyone, even though she's a virgin and most of these ladies have boyfriends or husbands.

Snows White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, and several others will all have children and therefor officially be MILFs while Elsa is still be busy figuring out if she's straight or gay

Shes buys them alcohol and they tell her how cool and mature she is causing her to not feel like a huge loser.

HMM, is Elsa a gymcel?

Lol a buck of kids on this site getting ageist and did you bitchs ever think that's all you could find, remember it takes to people down the wedding lane.

I’m not convinced, post more.

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She's not 50 plus what's the difference between her and them unless you want her to smoke pot?

You guys remember the part where she transformed into Queen Mera?

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I'm disappointed that Rapunzel wears shoes in her comfort outfit.

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They're experiencing this footwear for the first time so I reckon they want it on. Some of these princesses have even ever only been barefoot. Kinda wondering how the birds and mice managed to make sneakers though.

>31 yr old with a 17 yr old
Well. Good luck.
Is most likely to happen though. Girls settling down that early end up in some bad head spaces these days. If not cucking then depression. Treat them right dude.

Low self esteem, she buys them beer

In the context of a shared universe they don't really have ages the way we experience it. Anna and Elsa are designed to be 18 and 21 but they're not even 10 in terms of existence. They probably experience age differently.

21 is still basically a teenager.

Chaperone, probably.
All those teenage hormones.

Elsa should be completely naked

Imagine being their male escort for that slumber party.

Spring flowers and sex

Because the latest princesses are all younger than Disney tells us. A proper age for a princess is between 15-16.

Oh ja, Elsa is det so? Elsa is 21? Det means she is old enough to buy the alcohol at Systembolaget för her little friends!

Mj did nothing wrong

Elsa is her sister's tard wrangler.

either that or the footfags will whiten the theater

>shoes on couch

>tis, Elsa is a complete introvert so she has to hang out with her little sister's friends.
what the fuck this makes perfect sense

>Tiana with curly hair and casual clothes
fucking great

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Trading sexual favors for booze.

Worst they'll get up to is practice kissing with each other.

Not everyone drinks you know

20-somethings are not actually that different from teenagers, it is only in their mid-30s when most people have kids that they truly transition away from "dumb kid" towards "terrible adult".

In the first place if you're only a few years older than someone then acting haughty about it is stupid.

Half of them are princesses from the middle ages. They likely drank wine on the various balls they attended.
But now that they are in modern times under the legal drinking age, they need someone to get them the good stuff.
The rest will drink because of peer pressure.

Or because their soda/juice has been spiked as a prank.

Firecrotch musk, cigarettes and scotch.

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Who is that on the right? That's not a princess.

>shaved legs
>not casually scratching herself
That's not a medieval Scot

It's a Scot if she lived in California.

Or because non-alcoholic beverages were not safe to drink before pasteurization and refrigeration.

Wouldn't they build up a tolerance?

Divide by two and add seven for the minimum. Subtract seven and multiply by two for the maximum. This is just a guideline, of course, and individual maturity varies.

Keeping Mulan's grabby hands off of her sister.

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Likely 30 and 16 at conception.

if Elsa and Mulan decided they wanted to dominate the rest of the princesses could anyone actually stop them?

>Elsa dominating anyone
She's too much of an introvert to even consider it.

A sorceress and a professional soldier vs a bunch of damsels? No. Even Raps would get crushed.

knew a guy at work who was 39 and knocked up his 19 year-old gf.
he considered himself set for life.

shes the den mother

Sex with Bex

Yeah, but most people treated it as a dietary staple rather than a recreational drug. Because that's what it's been for most people from the neolithic revolution to the industrial revolution.

post aurora

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>professional soldier
As opposed to an unprofessional soldier?

She is the one changing diapers

Mierda has a shot. The girls are not bears, like her mom. The rest are literally fucked.

Sexual predator

This bitch been training with Chun-Li or what

Meanwhile, all the princes are playing poker, getting drunk, and fucking

Maybe even double fucked.

>and fucking
each other?

I mean, Ralph did show up, so...

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>someone has to be the MILF

That role is taken by Ariel.

>half of them are married to the men at least 5 years older than them when they are just a teenager

One of them isn't even human though.

She'd win through being too angry to die.

Ask her.

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where's Alice?
Isn't she basically the princess of wonderland?
>royalty of any kind
fucking laugh out loud

She's royalty in the same way Moana is royalty. If you squint hard enough and apply a European standard to their societies, they're practically princesses.

What about royal thighs?

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she likes them young.

r9k elsa confirmed canon

Which board(s) would each princess post on?

That doesn’t explain Mulan, but I guess being saving china’s the chinese equivalent to being a princess.
That and they needed Asian rep.

think about out it and post, I have other stuff to do and the action ricks of "what type of rock they would be"

>Snow White
Yea Forums

Mulan is married to one of the princesses so she is a princess too.

no /fit/ ?
Yea Forums . lit would shit on her because she reads harry potter

Because Rapuzel invited her.

Do you really want to upset the goddess of death?

And don't you forget it.

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Why is Vanellope's head so big?

Lost it at Rapunzel.

Same reason why she only has four fingers on each hand; she wasn't programmed/designed to be human.

I'd just fuck them all

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only three of them are easy enough to go for it though

As opposed to a conscript who will be out of the military when the tour of duty is over.

Good point

Still weird to me that out of all the Disney animated movies, this is the one that got the theatrical sequel.

Outside of Rescuers but that one is baffling to me too.

Why aren't they all nekkid, like in the picture where they're all tied up?

Which ones?

>you will never be GFD'd by Mulan, Elsa, and Mierda all at once
why live

It's like a scene that promoted spoiled and overly privileged shits.

She will go bear mode on you and you will like it.

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I think we can all agree that Pocahontas and Mulan have always been awkward fits as part of the Disney Princesses line, also Alice was briefly considered part of the line during the earliest parts of the franchise, as was Esmerelda too for some reason(though not Megara even though Hercules is technically a Prince)

think we can all agree it's bullshit that Kida and to a lesser extent Eilonwy aren't in the line despite being legitimate Princesses from movies in the Disney Animated Canon

>Why is Vanellope's head so big?
she's a Chibi design like the rest of Sugar Rush

Where's Eilonwy and Kida?

Pocahontas isn't a princess


>Where's Eilonwy and Kida?
unfortunately both were in movies that bombed so they don't get to be in the line(also Kida might have been left out because she technically ends her movie as a full blown queen)

So does Elsa.

>So does Elsa.
to be fair Elsa still isn't actually part of the Princess line(nor Anna or Moana), she just got associated with it for WiR2

Why is Anna not part of the line? She actually is a princess.

>Why is Anna not part of the line? She actually is a princess.
cause the Frozen brand by itself still prints money

She meets the same criteria Maui established in Moana for a princess.

I dated a woman that was 50 and i'm in my 30's.

Snow White looks like weeb chick I knew in high school, she was also nicknamed Snow White

This is my head canon now.
Its mine and I made this.

>gym lesbian incel
Didn't knew those existed.


Best Waifus.

She's a pedo-lesbian, and although none of them are little girls (except Vanellope), the idea of being with someone younger arouses her. Imagine what would happen if they let her stay with Vanellope.

Elsa is the type who would correct you that she's a hebephile and not into toddlercon

Literally Whos for Disney.

What would their ranger names be?

Merida is definitely more /k/ though. Mulan used weapons because she had to, Meri uses them because she wants to.

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Tiana, Pocahontas and Cinderella are all like 19. That's not that far off.

I thought these characters were older. What's with Disney's fetish of marrying off teenagers?

Ask medieval Europe.

Why couldn't they have made Merida this cute in Brave?

But user, both versions are cute.

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She's kind of a creep.

No, but Genie would handle them afterwards.

Snow is 14 though.

Why were disney princesses on the internet?

If Ralph came from a vidya, does that mean there are possibly tens of thousands of other Ralphs out there that just havent made it online?

Does it mean every copy of media like videogames/movies can produce another living copy of all the characters contained in it?

Original Merida doesn't even look human. She looks like the man in the moon. Her facial features are too small for her weirdly spherical head, which is wider than it is long. The lack of eyelashes only emphasize it.

Shang is a military officer not a prince.

But user, Robin William's is dead and Dan Castellanetta charges too much

Genie doesn't really hurt people though, how would he stop them?

Someday they will make a Disney-fied version of Princess Kaguya. I'm surprised they haven't done it already.

>5 year gaps are fine with you?

5 year gaps arent fine with you? People can easily date people 10 years older or younger than themselves if they click mentally.

>dad was borderline pedo that met my mom when she was 14 and he was 22, and she lied and said she was 18
>had me when she turned 19 for real

>know people in their mid thirties dating people in their mid 20's

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ok wir2 thread, you need to leave.

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>finally got around to watching WIR2 last night since I felt like I had to watch it since I've been complaining about it so much without actually seeing it
>it was somehow even worse than I had thought it was
Only good scenes were the goodbye scene at the end (cause of the emotional aspect) and the Princess scene (cause of the hype of hearing the original VAs)

I hate how they made Ralph such a dumbass and a whiny little bitch. Like, he was WAY dumber and dependent on others than he was in the first movie. Hell, in the first film he was mostly independent. This movie made him so clingy and whiny to drive their bullshit message in (one thing I hated about the movie was how on the nose every little thing was- they weren't subtle with messages or themes at all). Vanellope was also ruined because they made her seem like she didn't really care for Ralph at all. It felt like she just wanted to get the fuck out of the friendship so badly. I don't recall her ever hesitating to leave Ralph minus the goodbye scene. I also hated how the side plot they set up with Felix and Calhoun went NOWEHRE, they disappeared from the film. Shank was a annoying mary sue (we have to teach gamers life lessons!!!). Spamley and Yesss were funny, though.
Also, the whole moral of the film contradicts the original. Ralph wanted more in life but had to suck it up and go back to being the bad guy. Vanellope got what she wanted in the first movie, to be a racer, but now that's not good enough, and when SHE wants more in life (like Ralph did in the first film), she gets to have her cake and eat it too. Plus they didn't think of what would happen to Vanellope once people found her in her new game- either the devs delete her since they didn't code her in there, or the devs get sued for copyright infringement for using a character they don't own. Either way, she's gone.

God, it makes me so sad. I loved the original. WIR2 is a blight on the nearly perfect original movie.

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That's just, like, your opinion man. I love her round face and puffy, chipmunk cheeks. The RBTI version, while still good, is conforming to a particular design.
>The lack of eyelashes only emphasize it.
She has eyelashes, but they're really faint on account of her being ginger. You notice them in WiR2 because they made her hair redder.

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in the past they married young since they died young
do they teach you nothing in school ?

Disney changes everything else about the historical settings.

Makes one wonder where the fuck was Sora. Missed opportunity to promote KH3 and explain why Ralph is a summon.

>I thought these characters were older. What's with Disney's fetish of marrying off teenagers?

In ye olden days you got married and had kids basically as soon as you could start making babies. Its what the human body is designed for, but modern society finds that educating people makes a better future than just popping out babies and working to death in a field for a king.

Elsa should be a nudist

They needed her to buy the booze.

The real question is why teenagers are hanging out with an adult.

Ironically Jasmine has the worst outfit in WIR2

just lurking, surely

Why are you fucking trolling?

Most Christians still marry young, I got married 6 months after college graduation.

I share this sentiment. The sequel is an immense injustice to the original film; this is from someone who generally doesn't carry heavy opinions about movies, of all things, but WiR2 made me MAD.

She's a homosexual

Mind your manners, young man.

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